SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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tech-adm ago

It's certainly weird - the way the platform is elevated with the geometric pattern reminds me of this video secretly taken in an Italian masonic lodge where they sacrificed a goat on a similar altar: Hidden Camera Masonic Ritual Satan Worship Exposed sequence starts at 5:54

Vindicator ago

Removing per Rules 2 and 3.

lookingforadvice1 ago

There's no evidence this has anything to do with Kappy. The vid was originally posted on 4chan 2 days before kappy's death.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Video was posted on 4chan 2 days before he died. A random user on reddit saying Kappy posted it is legit evidence? Smells like the 'code words' thing from the original pizzagate.


proof? I saw that claim on 8chan, but no evidence of this either

lookingforadvice1 ago

I was on the original thread on 4chan....think it was on /tv. I didn't save or screenshot....lemme see if I can go find it.

NotHereForPizza ago

Now you're just fucking around... Those "code words" aren't just bullshit, by the way.

It's interesting that so many cast doubt on this while it is scrubbed from platform after platform. It seems like a damage control tactic is being deployed.

lookingforadvice1 ago

Oh yeah? Where's the source for those code words? I was on the original pizzagate threads, and I looked through everything, and the only 'source' for those code words was a post by an anon. Obviously we know Cheese Pizza - Child Pornography....but walnut, hot dog, yada yada? Go show me a source for where those were pre-existing code words before the e-mails. And you won't be able to. Because the genesis of those is a single anon's post on 4chan.

I've been balls deep in the pizzagate universe from the start. I've researched all this extensively.

NotHereForPizza ago

What a fucking cop out. You recognize people have known cheese pizza equals child pornography, but you don't recognize hot dog means male prostitute?

You can't find the source for cheese pizza meaning cp, can you?...

You don't see how stupid that sounds? Hot dog meaning male prostitute has been a thing probably even before cheese pizza meant cp. Walnut sauce and pasts also fall in to this category.

You're simply in denial or someone is profiting in one way or another from you making these types of suggestions. Cui Bono? Is it you? Do you benefit from people not believing "code words" exist and are in use by pedos?

You very clearly haven't been around as long as you seem to want people to think you have been.

srayzie ago

This is something that you do regularly. You will make a claim or correct someone, but you never provide the sauce. You expect everyone to do all the work for you, including making sure something was archived.

@lookingforadvice1 clearly asks you for the source of those code words...

Where's the source for those code words? I was on the original pizzagate threads, and I looked through everything, and the only 'source' for those code words was a post by an anon. Obviously we know Cheese Pizza - Child Pornography....but walnut, hot dog, yada yada? Go show me a source for where those were pre-existing code words before the e-mails. And you won't be able to. Because the genesis of those is a single anon's post on 4chan.

As usual, you provide no sauce to back up your claims. Couldn’t you do a little better than “People have known...” or “...has been a thing”?

What a fucking cop out. You recognize people have known cheese pizza equals child pornography, but you don't recognize hot dog means male prostitute? You can't find the source for cheese pizza meaning cp, can you?...

You don't see how stupid that sounds? Hot dog meaning male prostitute has been a thing probably even before cheese pizza meant cp. Walnut sauce and pasts also fall in to this category.

You post truth mixed with disinformation all the time, so that you can make pizzagate look like a joke. You always talk about being an anon on qresearch but can’t even manage to back up anything you say on Voat. That along with this shows you have an agenda.

@Vindicator @Nomochomo @Shizy @Sandhog

NotHereForPizza ago


TrustTheTruth ago

What really happened to Isaac Kappy and who did Isaac believe in?

What really happened to Jenny Moore - @Jem777, and who did Jenny believe in?

What really happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and who did WIC believe in?

Why did the Moderators here partner with someone who openly admitted to Satan worship and drinking blood?

What was their Series about, and who did the other related 12-part series target?

We are the most attacked, gangstalked and targeted of all, yet no one can answer the thousands of Questions posed. Why?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

What happened to the pilot and what did he allege?

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others suddenly resigned.

We are reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from the Public for the 8th Wonder of the World.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We Know what Everyone here combined does not Know. How?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

NotHereForPizza ago

did you screen cap it? did you document anything at all? because I was there when people first found it... on reddit.

srayzie ago

You say you’re a QResearcher Anon? You have been doing this how long? You could have archived it and screenshot it. That’s common sense. You’ve obsessed over this video for almost 2 days and haven’t done anything yourself.

@NOMOCHOMO your friend is still here lol. His alts may show up to help him. 😂

@Sandhog @Vindicator @Shewhomustbeobeyed @Shizy

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You could have archived it and screenshot it.

Are you telling me he isn't even smart enough to figure out how to archive the video. Tell him he might want to check out firefox.

Geez, even a techtard like me knows that. Maybe you should give him some help, you mods are much more patient than I am. :)

srayzie ago

No he got the link from 8chan and uploaded it to streamable. I even had to tell him to do that. That’s all he did. Like thousands of others.

It still proves nothing because nobody knows if Kappy posted it. He’s going by what some people said they saw but nobody archived or took screenshots.

He has spent 2 days on this and has gotten nowhere because he uses things like this to spread disinformation and distract. He’s one of the shills I outed.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I know exactly who he is.

Vindicator ago

@NotHereForPizza, all major claims require linked support. I see none for this video belonging to Kappy. Please add that within the next 24 hours so we don't have to remove this per Rule 2. Thanks.

gamepwn ago

Here is the video being talked about

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys are a joke.

Fuck yourselves.

Vindicator ago

Are you saying there is no evidence that proves Kappy posted the video?

NotHereForPizza ago

We both know there isn't evidence because the very thing so many of us are sitting around trying to do is find that very evidence. That shit was scrubbed from Insta immediately. Many of us have presumed that's why he ended up dead, whether people tried to talk him out of it or not. Many think he could have been controlled in to doing things he never wanted to do.

By the way, it wasn't my idea to post here. It's making me not want to consider it ever again. Too bad for you, I'll be one of many refusing to give you any more chances.

think- ago

It's making me not want to consider it ever again.

we won't miss you. Bye.

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't expect you to nor did I ever want you to.

Here's the thing, you guys are useful for indexing and archiving, that's about it. The real investigations aren't bottlenecked in the other areas this work is conducted. You're all famously suspect, especially the mods. Why do you think this place died off shortly after the transfer?

It's because the mod team is and always was corrupted. We knew about it being that way when it was at Reddit, too. It's funny, that's where Vindic8tor came from, by the way...

They typically try to get people that take things seriously to not engage or avoid mods here all together because they popularly know that wasting their time on these people isn't worth it and it usually makes things worse. I happen to disagree with such a sentiment, which is why I set out to provoke these people in question in order to show the normies out there, the anons visiting, and any unsuspecting passers-by just what they are. They operate like little gangs, just like the other authoritative groups around here. It's the same way in other places like half and full. Somehow the mods always get comped and choke the work. This pattern has unfolded time and time again.

The trick to it is that I knew I would destroy any reputation I build in the process for playing their game. Too bad for them, too many people have become more and more suspicious over the years. Hence the falling off of the site, hence the forking to avoid the disruption of their methods, and obviously the unending campaign to make me look aggressive, incompetent, or cunning. I'm none of those things, I simply know how to make other people look bad even if I make myself look bad in the process.

They hate me so much because I don't care what they think about me. I invest nothing here besides a little time, which is about the only thing I'm allowed to have anyways.

I don't care if you don't like me. I don't care if anyone else likes me. That's why I was the perfect candidate.

I hope you have fun in the play pen. They won't let you out any time soon.

Vindicator ago

If there isn't evidence, then don't write headlines pushing the idea something is factual. It's very simple. The fact that you do so, in direct violation of the two-and-a-half-year-old ruleset the users of this subverse have established, and then use the opportunity to attempt to portray me as the problem, very clearly demonstrates you are not contributing out of good will.

NotHereForPizza ago

More like I never planned to contribute.

Vindicator ago

That's probably a good plan.

NotHereForPizza ago

The info would just get contained and pruned anyway


well then take the criticism, fix your post and move on.


We both know there isn't evidence because the very thing so many of us are sitting around trying to do is find that very evidence.

well then you should've framed your post as speculation then (which should go in v/pgwhatever). Don't assert something you can't prove.

That shit was scrubbed from Insta immediately.

there you go again. How the fuck do you know it was first posted to Instagram. If you're going to repeat an unsourced claim, at least post where you originally saw that claim.

Many of us have presumed that's why he ended up dead, whether people tried to talk him out of it or not. Many think he could have been controlled in to doing things he never wanted to do.


By the way, it wasn't my idea to post here. It's making me not want to consider it ever again. Too bad for you, I'll be one of many refusing to give you any more chances.

good riddance you grandiose chump.

@Srayzie, he promises to leave!

NotHereForPizza ago

We all know the quotes indicate speculation.

Fuck all of your guys' bullshit spin.

srayzie ago

@Srayzie, he promises to leave!

I guess he lied 😂 Surprise Surprise!


@vindicator, how long between warning and deleting do you flair the post?

think- ago

24 hours.


what I'm asking is when do you add the "24 hr flair"?

@vindicator warned almost 5 hours ago, but on the index of submissions pizzagate page, it isn't yet flaired

Vindicator ago

I thought I clicked the flair button. Apparently not. The clock starts ticking from the time of the warning.


muchas gracias

think- ago

I see. Maybe he forgot. You'll get 24 hours from the moment the mod leaves the edit warning comment.


Vindicator ago

Yes. I thought I flaired it, sorry. My internet was laggy this morning when I left the comment. Sometimes flairs don't "take".

NotHereForPizza ago

But you already know this shit is being shoahed en masse.

No surprise you'd turn faggot.


dude. just post the fucking original upload.

if it doesn't exist, or you don't know, that's okay, but there is nothing wrong with being thorough and objective.

a lot of people believe "frazzledrip" exists. it could just be a meme.

DeepSkinny ago

The people who share clips of these videos are doing it for self preservation. They are proving they have the video without leaking the murder. It is an insurance file, and they are much more trafficked than the entire video. Oftentimes, the people who captured the video do this themselves, then show up to red shoe parties and get people in line by showing them 20 or 30 seconds.


it's a Turkish Bath. they are apparently sex segregated.

the "altar" is where you lay when the "washer" washes you and scrubs off dead skin. conventionally, that is what is then rinsed between clients

if this is a dead man's switch,

worldowedexplanation ago

So there are little kids working there? DOES THAT SEEM NORMAL?


nope, I agree that part seems off

but to call them "working" is a stretch

I see a bunch of kids playing in an oversized bathroom. these are apparently common in hotels in Turkey.

so its about as weird as videotaping kids playing at a hotel pool....which only makes Kappy look like a creep

is it weird? maybe? but we have so little context that this just allows people to assume the worst without evidence

DeepSkinny ago

. these are apparently common in hotels in Turkey.

Yes that is accurate.

NotHereForPizza ago

Are you always this faggot?

Oh_Well_ian ago

has anyone considered this video is just a tiny portion of the actual DMS video ?

If this IS a DMS video, it's almost certain there is more to come.

srayzie ago

Why won’t you stop talking to your alt @NotHereForPizza you faggot? You were already busted. You can’t handle it when someone disagrees with you.

@Shizy @Crensch @Kevdude @Sandhog

SandHog ago

I keep seeing this video get spread around but I haven't once seen anything that remotely links it to Isaac Kappy. It's obviously a troll given the dnc donkey on the original post and the fact the OP never commented again. Plus the times don't add up since it was posted after he died. Same deal with the Tom Hanks twitter post. Presumably it is faggot youtube 'truthers' or shills spewing spewing random shit for clicks. It's not surprising to see the local dipshit posting this. He's probably the one who put it on streamable and 4chan in the first place.


good point, but then it's not "THE DMS" is it?

Oh_Well_ian ago

uh yes... it would be. That's like saying Scene One in 'Star Wars' is not 'Star Wars'

It certainly has everyone's attention but it's way too early to draw any conclusions.



"Scene One in Star Wars, is not Star Wars"

that was easy.

A DMS involves sensitive information. There was nothing revealed by this "leak"

now I understand what you're saying, but I think our disagreement over significance is actually the most important issue.

Maybe his DMS was sending "the full video" to allies, but that's a horrible dissemination strategy.

the best is multiple simultaneous uploads to multiple platforms, self hosting, and some kind of p2p distribution.

I've always understood a DMS to give the full unedited info to the public, not private dissemination.

what Kappy's DMS represents is yet another partial truth (ala seth green told me he's a pedo).

even if kappy's intentions are good and he's not a disinformation plant, all of his actions have only served to discredit us or later be discredited

DeepSkinny ago

My other post explains, but fits better on this subthread.

The reason to more widely disseminate a small clip which doesn't show the actual crime is to prove to people who run wet workers that if you die in a horrible accident, you can retaliate from the grave.

Everyone on my team got our own little subset of the files as part of the reward for our work, and as our own personal insurance as we were always intended to be disavowed at the end of each project cycle.


did kappy gamble away his insurance file?

DeepSkinny ago

I don't know.

NotHereForPizza ago

Which is why we need to find that USB drive.


USB drive

did Kappy say he had a drive? or are you just spreading more disinfo?

srayzie ago

Him and his alt @Oh_Well_ian, among others always spread disinfo

NotHereForPizza ago

It's pretty obvious why you're here.


to call out gaslighting shills :)

I'm a proponent of exploring "bath" culture and how it relates to pizzagate. but if you're unable to support your claims, I'm not going to accept them.

NotHereForPizza ago

Fuck off. That's not how this works.

I'm not here to pursuade anyone.


then please leave.

srayzie ago

I like you lol

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#45026) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.


so does it look like a sacrificial altar to anyone else?

NotHereForPizza ago

I didn't delete anything.


I deleted my own comment


where/when did he "leak" the video? on periscope?

DeepSkinny ago

Those girls were being raised by women. That is one of the many heartbreaking facts about those places. Those who survive groom the subsequent generations, and the hate they feel for themselves is perpetuated in how they treat those innocent little girls.

YogiPokes ago

How do you know this?

DeepSkinny ago

The oldest one is mimicking one of her 'nannys'. You can tell by their body language they spend most of their time with adult women.


what a load of shit. Maybe Mom lectures Dad all the time.

btw, 1 day old account.

DeepSkinny ago

Do they do their lecturing inside the sacrificial orgy altar or in other parts of the dungeon?

My account age is irrelevant and you know it, and your pointing it out only exposes that you have an agenda.

Kill yourself.


My account age is irrelevant and you know it, and your pointing it out only exposes that you have an agenda.

Kill yourself

ooooo somebody got triggered :]]]

you're kidding right? A story is propagated w/out evidence by new accounts....yet somehow I have an agenda?

DeepSkinny ago

I didn't propagate this specific story but I have seen a number of these places and I know what it is.


you're fucking propagating it in the top in this very thread

Those girls were being raised by women. That is one of the many heartbreaking facts about those places. Those who survive groom the subsequent generations, and the hate they feel for themselves is perpetuated in how they treat those innocent little girls.

& this response to somebody asking you

"How do you know?"

The oldest one is mimicking one of her 'nannys'. You can tell by their body language they spend most of their time with adult women.

you are PROPOGATING a narrative that

A. these are sex slaves and not random kids

B. they are "raised by nannies" [female groomers who are not shown in the video]

C. All of this can be determined from "body language"

DeepSkinny ago

You should also note these girls were probably not raped. More likely the younger ones will be divided, one will be taught that she was 'chosen' and the other one will be tortured to death then harvested. In a few years the 'chosen' one will be paired up with another 'chosen one' like the two older girls, and they will live mostly public lives.


more narrative with zero proof. substantiate your claims.

HOW do you know all of this. I've read depictions/accounts of SRA, but to ASSUME that is what we're seeing is a LOGICAL LEAP*

DeepSkinny ago

The two in the background are much younger, they are not programmed yet.

DeepSkinny ago

C is wrong, the setting and the washing is how I know, but pointing out the body language is the only shared experience I can have with people who never worked in cyber intelligence.

think- ago

who never worked in cyber intelligence? LOL


okay. so you concede that you are propagating a narrative with zero evidence in points A & B

and now you're claiming to work in cyber intelligence now... suurrreee

if you have insider info, share it, so we can have more shared experience to draw from. otherwise you look like a larping faggot.

how do you know the setting and washing? where can we look/research to get more context?


Vindicator ago

LOL. This is why the shills hate Voat so much. It's standard procedure here to give out free colonoscopies. :-)

DeepSkinny ago

I owe you nothing, but for other people who want to know what's going on.

If Huma and Weiner had those insurance files, who else do you think had them?

How did Hillary lose with so much going for her? How was this election not stolen?

Because this.


I owe you nothing, but for other people who want to know what's going on.

you owe the truth to yourself and God. idgaf what you owe me.

it's not that I don't believe you. it's that you haven't proven anything.

if you want to spread knowledge and understanding, you have to substantiate. otherwise you are just spreading a narrative.

get it yet?

DeepSkinny ago

I am not in a position to substantiate without bringing problems to myself or more likely to my family.

If you want to see a lot of evidence, just kill me and it will appear within a few weeks.


seems like that's the only way to get anything honest from you.

DeepSkinny ago

At this point you'd just be saving me the trouble.


is it worth it to live in a world where kids are ritually abused and murdered if you're able to shelter your family?

you can't protect them forever. and you will die someday.

I'm not saying KYS. I'm saying leak your shit and stop being a faggot

DeepSkinny ago

I took oaths, not only would it harm my family but it would come back on my team. I expect the same from them. Groups like mine are the reason Q exists, to stay our hand when many of us started gearing up for war in 2015.

I want them worse than dead. I am impatient. Q convinced me a more thorough rooting out of the rot is being conducted and leaking my datas would just make things less fluid.

So I moan and groan and drink myself to death and argue with Jews who don't know the depths of depravity that their own and other world leaders engage in regularly.


Groups like mine are the reason Q exists,

yep I actually agree with you here.

DeepSkinny ago

I'm still convinced that the spiritual awakening that burgeoned in 2012 didn't affect everyone, and in most of the other timelines Hillary won and there is a hot nuke war going on right now in East Asia.


lol...that wasn't a compliment...I was burning you again and calling you a disinfo Larping faggot

DeepSkinny ago

Most of the people reading this know better. As do those of us who have bothered to run some of the early Q proofs ourselves.



DeepSkinny ago



I think you're an ass(et) but I'm glad I made you laugh

DeepSkinny ago

Discarded prick is more accurate.


if you're discarded. you owe them nothing

share your shit, before they kapp(y) you

DeepSkinny ago

if you're discarded. you owe them nothing

It was always part of the deal, though I washed out sooner than I expected.

If you don't understand why I remain loyal to my team, you probably are a bit sociopathic.


joins secret group

accuses others of being a sociopath

DeepSkinny ago

and now you're claiming to work in cyber intelligence now... suurrreee

Not now.


ok whatever worked

what did you learn in your background that caused you to identify this as SRA?

DeepSkinny ago

Pray tell please tell me what you think this room is used for.


it's a Turkish hamam

I'm not saying it could be used for rituals, but there is a legitimate use

DeepSkinny ago

Have you ever seen an altar in a bath house?


yes you retard. it's a tiled surface where you get washed by the bath attendent.

it's a tiled or marble slab that you lay on, and they scrub you down.

it's tiled so they can wash off your nasty dead skin

DeepSkinny ago

That's what they do with the little girls before they cut them open while they scream.


proof or gtfo


that isn't proof. its unsourced. I want the EVIDENCE

DeepSkinny ago

You'll have more than you want. Tell you what, you show me yours and I'll show you mine.

In the Talmud, it is written that any Jew who teaches a Gentile the secrets of the Jewish holy books will be put to death. (Sanhedrin 59a) "Hence the Talmud prohibited the teaching to a Gentile of the Torah, "the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob" (Deut. xxxiii. 4). R. Johanan says of one so teaching: "Such a person deserves death" "It is like placing an obstacle before the blind" (Sanh. 59a; Hag. 13a)."


so you're a jew?

DeepSkinny ago

One of my jobs was analyzing footage and training various attempts at AI's to improve its understanding. Everything from aerial footage to snuff films, we saw a lot of fucked up shit over the years.



ok so you were a social media content flagger, way to exaggerate.

we know about social medias snuff problem. you are claiming to have literally seen a sacrifice in a bathhouse?

DeepSkinny ago

social media content flagger

Teaching an AI how to interpret panic and pain and death so it can make more informed judgments (and used for all kinds of things like alert systems or targeting systems) is not quite 'social media'. But I am learning a lot about you right now so I will play along.


so you were hoarding child porn for a deep state ai system?

*clap *clap

bravo. I would have just taken the burn

DeepSkinny ago

Just doing my job.

Vindicator ago


Frankly, no one here will ever trust the claims of someone who hides behind an anonymized username, so all of this is just wasted keystrokes, unfortunately.

NotHereForPizza ago

just don't tell the normies that women can be pedos too, or at least enablers. mention rachel chandler (C HANDLER = CHILD HANDLER)

they get very upset...

Oh_Well_ian ago


This is a Cult. They are Witches. They gather in covens.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, look! It's me!

HI me! It's so glad to finally meet me. How am I doing?

Oh_Well_ian ago


and what does that mean?

NotHereForPizza ago

The faggots keep trying to say I'm you or that you're me or some shit.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Oh yeah!! I remember now...

They still doing that shit? Probably because we're both so damn effective at kicking their asses. lmfao

NotHereForPizza ago

Well you must be doing something right if they think you're me.


if you're going to jerk each other off, do it in private.

srayzie ago

Thank you. He always jacks himself off with compliments from his alts.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you, @NOMOCHOMO

DeepSkinny ago

I hear you can make enough money to drive a Bentley to Taco Bell.

NotHereForPizza ago

Boy what in the niggers are you talking about?

DeepSkinny ago

Chelsea Handler has the exact temperment as a groomer, the only thing that set her apart was her initial privelege and fast tracking through life and her high intelligence. In short, she got peed on by one of her boyfriends on camera, and it was funny, but someone without her status could be in the same position and it would be sad - then they would go on to groom the next generation.

It's women like her and Sarah Silverman who use sexuality as part of their business portfolio who are the true enablers of Saint James Island.


c. handler as well. intredasting

DeepSkinny ago

Based on her humor and intelligence, it is clear that she knows better than the political beliefs she espouses. Some of the people who are going down will be recognizable names.

auralsects ago

She's Jewish

srayzie ago

Your type