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GoodGodKirk ago

It was worse than that I believe.

There were reports floating around that there were video records and logs of 30,000 people who went “missing” during the Argentina “Dirty War”, where those 30k were sold off to elite people to be played with and killed.

Turns out that the Dutch princess Maxima’s father was the record keeper. He died last year, with one of his daughters following closely behind him.

Turns out the daughter found the videos and told some friends about it, ended up dead a week later. The person she told? Avicii.

Bern666 ago

House of Orange a big player in the deep state. Founder of Bilderberg Prince Bernhard....a SMOM (Knights Templar) Bernhard is now dead but here look at this video RIP JFK...

So a Aristocrat (Royal) Nazi man in this video do the masonic gesture for all to see. He was also involved with tons of shady military contracts Lookheed Martin. And the founder of the WWF.....and of course his daughter is a pal with Marina Abramovich......

And of course they the Royal House of Orange have massive holdings in Royal Dutch Shell, and is connected with the Rothshilds.

Get the picture?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Fuck did they just clean (royal) house and kill anyone that was even close to this thing?

GoodGodKirk ago

Thats a small portion of the picture, not even the top of the pyramid.

The 3 sides of the pyramid were soros, rothschild, and Saudi royalty. The Saudis have pulled out.

The top being payseur.

But no one is paying attention to the Asian wealth, which is fighting back under the pseudonym white dragon.

it's an interesting silent war occurring in the background.

maggiethatcher ago

Don't forget the organ trafficking. They need the organs

Bern666 ago

Predator and prey... to tell the world that a part of (humanity) do lives off the rest of the humans. That wars was pushed to collect food/blood and to keep the order intact.....who would believe? For the Aristocracy to level up/separate after the lion was conquered well you the lower classes of society were used.

To eat intelligently is a funny phrase isnt it? in reality it doesnt matter anymore they are all dead......

GoodGodKirk ago

Actually, the Jews killed Jesus and let Barbaris go instead. The Romans were just keeping the law intact.

You’ve gone down the wrong rabbit hole. Regroup and come back to the light, you’re wallowing in darkness and lies.

Bern666 ago i said it doesnt matter anymore, the jews have always had a role/purpose to be slaves. Money? you truly are a idiot the only one that exist is power/control and it has never been the jews who had that. Its so funny you are looking for jews when your oppressors are white just as you but you are from a lower class.....get it boy?

GoodGodKirk ago

Your history is wrong, may need a refresher. Goy.

Bern666 ago

Calling me goy?.....its a phrase i have used all my life (dont speak goyim) Why do you think we as a family used it? We are builders not jews......a HINT.

TrustTheTruth ago

No one could ever imagine how they did it right in front of everyone, or how pervasive the network is.

What is the upside down?

What is the Bottom of the Pyramid?

What is Satan's Ability?

Racine, Wisconsin is the "Root" and Model for the real Agenda forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, and Community Policing.

The weak link in the Global Chain of Command is Rothschild > Rockefeller > Johnson (Racine).

The real Agenda is Eternal Enslavement.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

GoodGodKirk ago

Stay strong brother, all the Christians in Syria were beheaded while the EU was accepting “refugees”.

These refugees are the clay that weakens the country of iron and steel. We are near end times it seems.

new4now ago

Doesn't that look like Robin Wiliams on the right?


I think so

millennial_vulcan ago

Both those links are now broken. You think it was Robin Williams?


alamy worked for me