RandomBOT ago

Songwriters: Alexander Ebert / Tim Bergling

darkknight111 ago

Yet another person to add to the list of people killed to cover up the pedo networks.

Avicii, Seth Rich, Monica Peterson, Andrew Brietbart, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, the list goes on.

maggiethatcher ago

and the arkancide.com list....

eight_bit_hero ago

His death always rubbed me the wrong way. Thank you.

ideologicidal ago

You're welcome

GoodGodKirk ago

It was worse than that I believe.

There were reports floating around that there were video records and logs of 30,000 people who went “missing” during the Argentina “Dirty War”, where those 30k were sold off to elite people to be played with and killed.

Turns out that the Dutch princess Maxima’s father was the record keeper. He died last year, with one of his daughters following closely behind him.

Turns out the daughter found the videos and told some friends about it, ended up dead a week later. The person she told? Avicii.

Bern666 ago

House of Orange a big player in the deep state. Founder of Bilderberg Prince Bernhard....a SMOM (Knights Templar) Bernhard is now dead but here look at this video RIP JFK...


So a Aristocrat (Royal) Nazi man in this video do the masonic gesture for all to see. He was also involved with tons of shady military contracts Lookheed Martin. And the founder of the WWF.....and of course his daughter is a pal with Marina Abramovich......


And of course they the Royal House of Orange have massive holdings in Royal Dutch Shell, and is connected with the Rothshilds.

Get the picture?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#47000) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Bern666: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @letsdothis3)

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Fuck did they just clean (royal) house and kill anyone that was even close to this thing?

GoodGodKirk ago

Thats a small portion of the picture, not even the top of the pyramid.

The 3 sides of the pyramid were soros, rothschild, and Saudi royalty. The Saudis have pulled out.

The top being payseur.

But no one is paying attention to the Asian wealth, which is fighting back under the pseudonym white dragon.

it's an interesting silent war occurring in the background.

maggiethatcher ago

Don't forget the organ trafficking. They need the organs

Bern666 ago

Predator and prey... to tell the world that a part of (humanity) do lives off the rest of the humans. That wars was pushed to collect food/blood and to keep the order intact.....who would believe? For the Aristocracy to level up/separate after the lion was conquered well you the lower classes of society were used.

To eat intelligently is a funny phrase isnt it? in reality it doesnt matter anymore they are all dead......

GoodGodKirk ago

Actually, the Jews killed Jesus and let Barbaris go instead. The Romans were just keeping the law intact.

You’ve gone down the wrong rabbit hole. Regroup and come back to the light, you’re wallowing in darkness and lies.

Bern666 ago

Ok....as i said it doesnt matter anymore, the jews have always had a role/purpose to be slaves. Money? you truly are a idiot the only one that exist is power/control and it has never been the jews who had that. Its so funny you are looking for jews when your oppressors are white just as you but you are from a lower class.....get it boy?

GoodGodKirk ago

Your history is wrong, may need a refresher. Goy.

Bern666 ago

Calling me goy?.....its a phrase i have used all my life (dont speak goyim) Why do you think we as a family used it? We are builders not jews......a HINT.

TrustTheTruth ago

No one could ever imagine how they did it right in front of everyone, or how pervasive the network is.

What is the upside down?

What is the Bottom of the Pyramid?

What is Satan's Ability?

Racine, Wisconsin is the "Root" and Model for the real Agenda forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, and Community Policing.

The weak link in the Global Chain of Command is Rothschild > Rockefeller > Johnson (Racine).

The real Agenda is Eternal Enslavement.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

GoodGodKirk ago

Stay strong brother, all the Christians in Syria were beheaded while the EU was accepting “refugees”.

These refugees are the clay that weakens the country of iron and steel. We are near end times it seems.

new4now ago

Doesn't that look like Robin Wiliams on the right?


I think so

millennial_vulcan ago

Both those links are now broken. You think it was Robin Williams?


alamy worked for me

pby1000 ago

Brilliant video.

Yuke ago

Who produced the video? I would imagine it wasn't Avicii himself, so maybe it had nothing to do with him. I saw the documentary that was made about him, following him on tour etc, I can't imagine he would have bothered too much about the videos as he was so engrossed in the music production, though I may be wrong, but what I do know is that he was a very stressed young man that suffered with anxiety quite badly and had a severe alcohol problem. Anxiety can make you feel trapped, trapped people want to escape, alcohol makes you do stupid shit. Maybe it was just a suicide. Maybe the lead to follow is whomever made the video?

think- ago

Avicii directed the video, and he played the male vigilante. Go figure.


Although I agree that it might have been a suicide.

SpreeFeech ago

Levan Tsikurishvili produced the video and the documentary.

millennial_vulcan ago

Your username!

Yuke ago

THAT, is who we should be looking at.

ideologicidal ago

Wise anon is wise.

carmencita ago

The elite people in Sweden. The ones pictured with him. Not to be trusted. Another one that lived to help the Children. Gone.

millennial_vulcan ago

Just reading all the thousands of redpilled comments underneath the video on YT has restored my faith in the future. @ideologicidal @think- @new4now @darkknight111 @Blacksmith21

”Ur sacrifice won’t be in vain.. the pedos are going down!!!!”

”The music video that got him killed.”

“It's not just a music video... He was trying to tell us something using his music and this video to do it.”

“He is telling us what is going on, and people still don't know. R.I.P you chose to tell the truth in the end.”

“In Germany, the video is no longer shown on the music-channel. We know why. . .”

“AVICII was MURDERED! He knew about the elite Using kids, Killing kids. ´They´ killed him. and NOBODY, NOT even his Family are trying to uncover the Truth.”

“The saddest, truest and the MOST IMPORTANT clip ever! The world can think Avicii for this clip...he MADE it even if he knew well it's a major risk of his own life.”

“People stop being afraid af the government and the elites. They have as much power as we allow them to have.”

“Exposing hollywood gets you six feet under the ground.”

“Murdered by the Illuminati.”

“Childtrafficking. human harvesting. whatever you wanna call it. Its real.”

“Too many have fallen trying to expose the elite pedophile ring now for it just to be a coincidence. Rip brother 😔”

“He tries to say something to us with his music.”

“Yes AVICII...You have shown the world what really is going on by these politicians and pedophiles! The world is so ugly. You just wanted "a better day". Thats everything...Rest In Peace.”

“This why they killed him.”

“So many woke people. im glad to see it :)”

“Damn avicii I love your music so much and I’m glad you were a good guy and weren’t afraid to expose the truth and the sick world we live in. More people need to wake up and start paying attention that these artists aren’t just dying because of drugs , it’s the fucking elites that are killing us off.”

“RIP Avicii- I'm older and did not know of you and your work, I found about you through Chris And Chester and exposing this vile Pedo world we live in.. I'm sorry you also were taken out doing the work of a warrior.... may your soul rest knowing you were doing all you could as well to stop this evil, and the bastards will NOT win, You were a good soul... rest easy.. and thank you.”

...and 1000s more!


ideologicidal ago

I noticed viewcount was at 67,777,700-ish shortly after I posted. +120,000, atm. Today is 5/31/19 (murican). Our voice is growing stronger.

millennial_vulcan ago

Unbelievable! Wow. This is amazing x

carmencita ago

TY. I read some of those too when the news of his death first came out. YES it is hopeful to know that so many are and have been awakened. He deserves credit for making one of the best tools that is out there for waking the masses. It must be shared and spread far and wide. I'm older and did not know......... Yes, but now they know. All because of him. Avicci RIP.

ideologicidal ago

Another hero to be avenged. I suspect Justice for Avicii will shed light on the case of Seth Rich (Patriot) and vice versa.

carmencita ago

Oh how I agree. Justice for all of them Avicci, Rich, Judith and Heather. RIP.

millennial_vulcan ago

Seth Rich, Heather O’Rourke, Judith Barsi....

Please god. Let it be soon. @carmencita @new4now

A flicker of hope: if you go to the comments underneath the Avicii video and click sort by “Newest First”, this is the very latest comment a woke individual has posted:

“Devon Corker 36 minutes ago So many people waking up, thank God. The elite politicians and power brokers of the world are "CONTROLPHILES". They believe to maintain their systems in place that society needs to be driven by a chain-reaction of NEGATIVITY. Not just any negative energy but that of despair and being needy. I won't go into the whole logic behind their black magic but people who are alway taking the high road and "seeing both sides of the coin" need to wake up and recognize that their are truly EVIL people out there who have no remorse in their nature. Many of them are celebrities, musicians, and on TV everyday. It is a complex system of afferent behavior that is designed to put the simple-minded in a trance. Don't fall for it; there is lots of work to be done by all the good, peace-loving people in this world. Majority of well-known celebrities do not partake directly in the most heinous of the rituals but they are FULLY aware and act as cover for the true power brokers who fund the vilest of monsters. These celebrities are simply the innocent facade that launder the dirty money and serve as tools of public mind control to corrupt the youth and distrsct from whats really going on. Thank you, Avicii RIP.

carmencita ago

Thanks for that. I could not have said it better. They are trying to brainwash our youth into believing there is nothing but evil and evil people in this world. Yes, they want to depress them with shootings at schools and make them scared to death that this could happen any second at their own school. They in the meantime magically convince them to file into houses of worship (no not Churches} I mean theaters. Theaters that we sit in and stare at the devils from pedowood. They make Our Children follow them while transfixed on their evilness they call movies and music. Another one taken that was trying to Wake Up and Warn Our Children and their Brainwashed Parents. His video was a desperate call for help for Our Children. +

Yes all three SR HO JB. RIP to them all. May their finally be justice Dear Lord.

millennial_vulcan ago

@darkknight111 see above

darkknight111 ago

Read it loud and clear.

The Barsi case will be updated early next month. Have a specific date in mind. Symbolism behind that date will be obvious.

millennial_vulcan ago

Judith’s death certificate.


TrustTheTruth ago

Why was this video produced, what is the I-94 Project, and how is it linked to those involved in the Abuse?


Who picked her for The Voice? John Legend

How are Tom DeLonge, Seth Green and Janine Lindemulder connected to this?

Why did Chris Kutcher blow John McCain a kiss?

What is Blinkin Park?

Who is Samantha Marq?

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

Tim Knew too much. So did Chris. So did Chester. There are many more.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

millennial_vulcan ago

Blinkin Park” was the tour between Linkin Park and Blink 182.

What are you trying to say about Blink 182? Someone tried to kill Travis Barker from Blink 182 in a plane crash in 2008. Also on that plane was DJ AM who was critically injured in the crash along with Travis. Of course, DJ AM ended up dying anyway a year or two later from a “drug overdose” (most likely suicided.)

If you know something pertinent about Travis, DJ AM or Blink 182, spit it out man, instead of your f***ing dumbass riddle shit.

@carmencita @vindicator @think- @darkknight111 @new4now

carmencita ago

I know nothing about Blinkin Park, Linkin Park was of course the Band that CB was with before he "committed suicide" Notice the quotes. This pic says much I believe

I never heard of Travis Barker either. That's about all I know.

Voateringforlife ago

Mike Shinoda has or has a charity relating to kids-get the feeling it is icky on some level.

carmencita ago

Yeah, well all you have to see is a pic of him with BC in Haiti and that is a huge red flag for me. If he is heading a charity for Kids (like do we really need another one) then those two things make him highly suspect. Actually that sustainability org BC is running in Haiti well quite a while ago we researched it and it is bogus. Fake. It does absolutely not do what they say. They hire people to work there and they have Kids. Got it?

Voateringforlife ago

I think you nailed it. Chester is gone but he is still around. Sad days indeed.

carmencita ago

I think Chester and Chris caught on and were going to spill the beans. There are many that know the score, but as usual are afraid to speak up. Gee, I wonder why.

Vindicator ago

You inspired me to add a fresh verse to our T3 sing-along:


millennial_vulcan ago

LOLOL!! I needed that laugh!

ideologicidal ago

Tom Delonge shows up in the Podesta emails. To the stars academy is a joint project of theirs. Will see if i can dig up some sauce.

TrustTheTruth ago

How is Tom DeLonge linked to Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley?

Where are Tom and Travis Barker from?

What is unusual about Poway, and what happened there recently?

What reality shows was Adam on, and who else was involved in those?

What is Kabbalah, and what celebrities are involved?

What is FLDS, what is Strangite, and what are the Voree plates?

Why are FLDS, Knights of Pythias, and the Boy Scouts closely tied to NASA?

Who did Mitt Romney select as his running mate and why?

How is Tom DeLonge linked with John Podesta?

How are Mitt Romney and the Podestas linked to Racine?

Who was Mitt Romney named after, and who are the Racine Normals?

What role do each of the four Emanuel siblings play?

Why role do the NFL, NBA, MMA, Olympics and other sports play?

What happened at Wrestlemania XXIII?

What role do movies, art, music and media play?

What happens when politicians and celebrities do not take The Deal?

What is the Art of The Deal based on?

What is the 8th Wonder of The World?

What is the significance of the other Seven?

What are the ancient formations in Wisconsin?

What is the purpose of Project Blue Beam?

What did Admiral Byrd take to Antarctica?

Who are the Knights of Malta and Pythias?

What is the Pilgrims Society?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

What is the Majestic 12?

How are Tom DeLonge, Chris Kutcher, the Clintons, John McCain, the Podestas, and others linked to the I-94 Project?

Who owns the patent to the Zika virus, who benefits, and what is it a test for?

What was Mike Shinoda doing with Bill Clinton in Haiti?

What is Sustainability, and how is it measured?

What is Dark Matter, and how is it measured?

What is the Clinton's Model for Community Policing?

What are Palantir, Prism, SnapTrends, and Cellebrite?

What is Space Force?

What is the Global Interfaith Alliance?

What is the Foundation of the New World Order Agenda?

What is the Most Valuable Resource in the World?

What is the Devil's Greatest Trick?

What is Satan's Ability?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

millennial_vulcan ago

Tom is the one who’s outspoken on Flat Earth, Aliens etc right?

Great post by the way. Avicii been discussed on here many times, but dont remember anything about Blink, unless I’m mistaken.

Too much of a coincidence that DJ AM almost dies and then DOES die in the space of a couple of years, especially given his connections to the inner circle of Pedowood.

ideologicidal ago


Yeah, tom's basically the face of project bluebeam and yeah, the coincidences strain credulity.

Vindicator ago

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

You are the reason the Crohn's Research Foundation was created, Diarrhea Bot.

When you're posing as an expert

but your bum starts to squirt


To enjoy the full sing-along, start here. :-)

TrustTheTruth ago

Why is a Moderator so desperate to Hide The Truth they act like a Guilty Child?

What does that Moderator know about members of this very community who were Murdered?

Why do multiple Moderators and their Army of Satan gangstalk, attack, slander, lie and make sick jokes about Murder?

Why did these Moderators partner with someone who admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking?

What was the name of their 'series', who did they steal it from, and why?

We Know more than all of them combined.

They are Afraid.

There is Only One Thing those involved Fear.

We Know.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Army of Satan, huh? My better half will get a kick out of that one.

When you're LARPing as the Riddler

'cause you work for kiddie diddlers


millennial_vulcan ago

Your best yet 🤣

Vindicator ago

Oh, I'm just getting warmed up. I look forward to these posts, now. That's the power of the life-giving Creative force that flows from the Big Chair upstairs. It's joyful and energizing. Indefatigable.

Whereas those who are evil can only smear, tear down and destroy because they have no life within them. Bitterness and envy produce nothing but withered fruit. Hence the copypasta and thread spamming.

Meanwhile, we get to enjoy campfire songs!

TrustTheTruth ago

We Dare you to Answer the Questions.

1) Where did Donald Trump make The Deal for the "8th Wonder of the World"?

2) What other "Wonder of the World" is in the Western Hemisphere?

3) Where did the official signing take place?

4) What did one of the family members accidentally confess to, and what happened?

5) Who owns the newspapers in the area, and how are they connected to Seth Rich?

6) Where did Seth Rich go to camp?

7) What happened to Jenny Moore?

These are all related.

The Truth was Shared with All since The Beginning.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Q was created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from the Public.

We Know what All of you combined could never imagine nor comprehend.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Why would anyone bother with your 'questions' Diarrhea Bot, when all you do is spam, spam, spam? It obviously a wild goose chase. All of your posts have the same thing in common:

  1. Repetitious, research-free ranting that attempts to hijack the discussion from whatever the submitter intended.
  2. Concern Trolling designed to smear other researchers and convince people there is no hope
  3. Egotistic, self-aggrandizing statements (which clearly show you're not here to help the kids)

So here's a question for you: why do you keep doing this shit?

When you think you're the Inquisition

but your sneakers fill to squishin'


TrustTheTruth ago

We have Experiences you could not understand.

The Truth We Share is not from research, but from Direct Knowledge and Experience.

There is No Other Way, but With Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Share The Truth or stand aside. Not everyone can be Saved.

1) Every comment and Truth We Share is entirely unique and original. We may repeat important elements, yet each follows a unique direction and purpose.

2) There is Hope. There is One Hope and One Way - Jesus Christ and The Truth. Exposing the Root will lead to The Truth. We do not attack others. We Defend and Share The Truth.

3) Money and Fame are meaningless to Us. We do not want any money. We do not want any fame. We want the opposite. You will not Find The Truth asking for money, or likes, or votes, or shares. The Truth is for All to Share, Freely.

Their Agenda is Real, and more sinister than any One can imagine.

We are Here for a Reason.

We were the Reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We were the Reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan resigned.

We are the Reason why Q was created.

We are the Reason why Q flooded Voat.

Remove your bias, ignorance, and hate.

Repent and Ask Jesus Christ to Enter your Heart.

Ask What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know and Why?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Not everyone can be Saved.

So you doubt the power of the Cross, then. Well, obviously you do, or you wouldn't be here taking the Lord's Name in vain multiple times every day, Diarrhea Bot, would ya?

The Truth We Share is not from research, but from Direct Knowledge and Experience. The Truth is for All to Share, Freely.

When you're posing as a guru

but your guts are cramped with kuru


TrustTheTruth ago

There is Only One Way to Eternal Salvation - through Jesus Christ and The Truth.

When you mock Jesus Christ and The Truth your Soul will die.

That was your choice.

You can never be Saved.

All you can do is help show others The Truth so they may have the choice to be Saved.

This is not a game.

Vindicator ago

This is not a game.

Then why are you here playing games?

Also, your logic is broken. How can someone with an allegedly dead soul "help show others The Truth"? Shall I point out what Jesus had to say about this?

"And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed." John 3:20

My contributions here are an open book. Yours are shrouded, misleading, and hide the truth. Yours attempt to distract and sow discord and distrust. What would Jesus think? I'm ready to find out.

When your coder don't know Scripture

so his bot ain't such a pitcher


TrustTheTruth ago

You loved the darkness rather than the Light, because your deeds are Evil.

Your Evil deeds have been exposed.

We Know your motives and intentions.

You are the corrupt moderator sowing discord and distrust while attacking The Truth and manipulating the community.

Why is Srayzie leaving?

What did Srayzie admit to?

Srayzie's children still have a choice and should not be threatened or harmed in any way, however Srayzie made her choice and sold her Soul for false fame.

She is also lying and will never stay away.

Why did Srayzie Betray Jenny Moore as Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ?

What was The Truth that Jenny Moore found?

You have mocked Jesus Christ and The Truth, and for that, your Soul will die forever.

There is no getting it back.

This was your choice.

Your Soul cannot be Saved.

You can only tell others about The Truth so that they can choose to be Saved.

What did Jesus warn The World about the Synagogue of Satan?

What did Jesus Christ promise to The World?

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

Only The Truth exposes The ROOT of All Evil, and the Model for the Great Deception, and the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

When you think you've got an edge

while still crapping in your bed


TrustTheTruth ago


We cannot Share The Truth on the "great awakening" after being banned without proper cause by Srayzie, Shizy, Crensch, Vindicator, MolochHunter and others involved.

Here is Your reply.

Original discussion - https://www.voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3248084/18907389?context=10

The Deal Trump made was for the 8th Wonder of the World.

The Deal happened in Racine, Wisconsin.

The Art of The Deal is based on Deception.

The official signing was held at SC Johnson headquarters designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

We Know more than Everyone here combined, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience. How?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others resigned.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from the Public.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil, and the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

We cannot Share The Truth on the "great awakening" after being banned without proper cause by Srayzie, Shizy, Crensch, Vindicator, MolochHunter and others involved.

Show me where I banned you from anything, Diarrhea Bot. More lies.

When you think you're high and might

but keep crapping in your nighty


TrustTheTruth ago

We were unjustly banned from GreatAwakening by you, Srayzie, Shizy, Crensch, MolochHunter and the others in your Army.

None of you support Free Speech. Why? What is The Truth you are so afraid of?

Why do you worship a False Prophet named Q while attacking The Truth?

We are the reason why Q was created.

You gangstalk, downvote brigade, lie, slander, slide and threaten any who Know The Truth.

We Know more than all of you combined. How?

We Know why all of you are so Afraid of The Truth.

You will all see soon enough.

What will you do when you realize The Truth is real, and your Soul can never be Redeemed?

Will you have a bad case of diarrhea?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Gladys_Kravitz ago

What was the truth that Jenny Moore found?

AlphaOmega ago

Jesus. Now it makes sense.

DrPenguin ago

You wouldn't think a video merely on the subject of trafficking would warrant a suiciding. Is there something in the voodoo we're missing? Physical likenesses to real people?

ideologicidal ago

This is revenge-porn for victims of childhood sexual abuse. Avicii's death was a message.

okhosting ago

Just massive balls

xiego ago

Today I learned

Whizwit21 ago

I didn’t know about him until after his death and found this video right away. I have friends who know his music, know he died, but had no idea about this video. People are fucking stupid.

millennial_vulcan ago

Please educate them. Just direct them to the comments underneath the video for a start.

CuckieMonster ago

so they could end his life, but couldn't prevent a simple YT vid from being posted? retard

Whizwit21 ago

I’m sure it’s all a coincidence. Go home.

ideologicidal ago

So, you're sayin you have bluepilled friends who already like Avicii's music but haven't seen this video?...


Do you even redpill? Up your game, son.

Whizwit21 ago

I have. Found this a long time ago and I’ve shown friends. Denial is a powerful tool of the ignorant. If they don’t want to believe something bad enough they just roll their eyes and say ohh look another conspiracy theory.

goforkyourself ago

I knew his music, but not about this video. Holy shit.

DIY-Guy ago

Reminds me of Far Cry 5 with the branding and such.

Strange game to say the least that I couldn't / didn't finish.

Thatsthewayitwas ago

Why is that?

DIY-Guy ago

Reminds me? - due to the branding. In the music video they brand them in Far Cry 5 they brand them.

or are you talking about strange game / couldn't / didn't finish?

Because "angels" are high on drugs which drove me nuts in mental thought every time I had to deal with it.

Angels (heavenly) / Angel Dust (street drug) / and/or etc it drove my mind nuts where I couldn't put up with that anymore. Made me sick to my stomach, but they do brand in that game in human flesh to as well like the guys in the Avicii music video due to sin / sins like pedophilia would be in there I would imagine under "lust" or milstone lust for that matter due to causing them to stumble - premarital sex is the sin they are guilty of there plus they are underage to as well (obviously) (from the bible to me personally). In Far Cry 5 they cut out flesh and such. In the Avicii music video they brand them like they are cows to as well. Which I'm not entirely sure of right now. I'm more of kill and let god sort it out type not causing physical pain and such. Human traffickers do cause pain from physical to emotional and such as well as the end outcome here in this situation might / may be pedophilia depending on the age. Under 10 might be pedophilia and over age 15 or so due to the White Christian / White Catholic Bible, but that's a very difficult topic alone for now plus most would just use it for premarital sex not sexual reproduction and/or White Christian / White Catholic marriage. 10 to 15 I'm not sure. Since sexual reproduction and/or etc is from age 10 to 14 or so.

But personally I think it's age 22 to 24 which I am personally myself is fully mature for a females body / mind / and/or spirit then.

Wall of text - always trying to figure it out.

ideologicidal ago

Entheogens: the drugs which en- theology

DIY-Guy ago

Whatever that is in the game. Just reminds me of angel dust because they say "angels" in the game.

ideologicidal ago

... Wat gaem?

literallyyourmom ago

These pedos are being exposed. They will all have a day of reckoning.

millennial_vulcan ago


watts2db ago

most definitely

derram ago

LeeDoverwood ago

I saw this video. I have to say, it brought back anger. There is a predator in our own family and it just made me want to do something. I won't but at least now I have a better understanding of the harm that was done in our own family and covered up.

ideologicidal ago

ThanQ, fren.

Marku1 ago

yes indeed this