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carmencita ago

UPVOAT & Thank You! Operation SMILE has been suspect to me for quite some time. Hope to help out on this one later tonight.

EDIT: Have some time so how about the fact that on their list of partners we have

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints AND the Annenberg Foundation and there are plenty more Just one of the cos. under their umbrella of Fam. Cos. Well, we know enough about this place to know if they back Operation Smile LOOK Out. Wow they really run a tight ship. All the Governance is run by Annenbergs!

From its founding in 1989 through 2002, the Annenberg Foundation was led by the late Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg. The Honorable Leonore Annenberg served as Chairman of the Board from 2002 until her passing in 2009. Today, the Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors comprised exclusively of Annenberg family members. The Board of Directors consists of Wallis Annenberg, Chairman, President & CEO, and three of her adult children: Lauren Bon, Gregory Annenberg Weingarten and Charles Annenberg Weingarten – all of whom serve as Co-Directors and Vice Presidents.

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