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Kahlypso79 ago

Alan M Dershowitz... you are a rapist of children. "The motion requests to add two more alleged victims to the case, including the woman, identified as “Jane Doe No. 3,” who said she had sexual relations with Prince Andrew and Mr. Dershowitz when she was underage."

What does Andrew have to say???

Speaking at an event for entrepreneurs at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, he said:

"Firstly I think I must for the record refer to the events that have taken place over the last few weeks. "I wish to reiterate and reaffirm the statements already made on my behalf by Buckingham Palace. My focus is on my work." (which is selling weapons to dictators.. and enjoying underaged girl prostitutes.. like pretty much every single Royal since Queen Victoria's brood of perverts came of age..) (interesting points.....) The Duke arrived at his Pitch@Palace event, where budding businessmen are introduced to established entrepreneurs, five minutes early, looking relaxed and at ease as he joined around 200 guests.

They included Cherie Blair, Lord Mandelson, Bob Diamond, the ex Barclays boss; the Icap chief executive Michael Spencer and BBC News chief James Harding.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, arrived late and missed the Duke's speech, while Tony Blair stayed for five minutes to hear the start of the speech and left.

(Cherie Blair : “Hilary [sic] can you give me a telephone number the Qatar Crown Prince can ring you on and he will get in touch. Alternatively I can get his personal phone number for you. What is best for you?”) Tony Blair : quote : "Court documents show banker Jeffrey Epstein kept multiple phone numbers, email and home addresses for a host of VIPs, ranging from Bill Clinton, 68, to Sir Mick Jagger, 71. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, 61, is recorded once, while his former cabinet minister Lord Peter Mandelson, also 61, has 10 phone numbers entered." Lord Mandelson : Bob Diamond.. Barclays boss Bob Diamond resigns amid Libor scandal - Micheal Spencer - ICAP - Libor: ICAP fined $87m and three traders charged with fraud - Quote : "In a statement, Michael Spencer, ICAP's chief executive, said: "We deeply regret and strongly condemn the inexcusable actions of the brokers who sought to assist certain bank traders in their efforts to manipulate YEN Libor." (Who believes him?? who believes for a second that he wasnt in it up to his neck.....)

think- ago

while his former cabinet minister Lord Peter Mandelson, also 61, has 10 phone numbers entered

Interesting. I knew that he is listed in the book, but I didn't recall that Epstein had so many of his numbers.


Kahlypso79 ago

Mandelson is a problem... 1980's... 1978-1983: Architects of PIE infiltrate Islington gay youth group to lobby MPs directly with Heath & Mandelson’s help

Quote : "In 1978 Peter Righton and PIE Manifesto author Micky Burbidge team up to exert control over grassroots gay youth groups, establishing the umbrella Joint Council for Gay Teenagers (‘JCGT’) Righton & Burbidge take control of the London Gay Teenage Group (‘LGTG’) liaising with the Greater London Council and ILEA for official recognition and relocating the LGTG to Islington, Manor Gardens Community Centre In 1980 Chair Edward Heath and his Youth Affairs Lobby (‘YAL’) meet with Burbidge and the LGTG With the assistance of YAL Liaison member the British Youth Council (‘BYC’) and its Chair Peter Mandelson, Burbidge gets to take a group of gay teenagers to lobby a group of cross-party MPs directly with Clement Freud MP (Lib), Charles Irving MP (Con) attending with 4 Labour MPs" April-July 1980: JCGT’s success Burbidge goes to Parliament with the help of Mandelson and Heath " Burbidge’s triumphant if little-reported arrival in the House of Commons with an entourage of teenagers was facilitated by the Youth Affairs lobby, an early version of the Youth Parliament, chaired by Edward Heath MP, with the help of a YAL Liaison Group Committee member – the British Youth Council, chaired by Peter Mandelson."

2008 - Peter Mandelson profile: The Prince of Darkness returns

Quote : "He (Peter Mandelon) quit as Trade Secretary in December 1998 after it emerged that he had failed to declare an interest-free loan from Geoffrey Robinson, a millionaire Labour MP whose business dealings were being investigated by his department. And in January 2001 he was sacked by Mr Blair after it was suggested he had put pressure on a Home Office minister to give British citizenship to Srichand Hinduja, an Indian businessman who had sponsored the Millennium Dome. The allegations were later disproved. His time in Government also saw some less serious - yet embarrassing blunders. While Trade Secretary he was also the minister in charge of the much-criticised Millennium Dome project, which he promised would "blow your socks off". " Yet Mr Mandelson was born in 1953 into a Labour family - his grandfather was Herbert Morrison, a Labour Cabinet minister. He decided to join the Young Communist League after Labour supported the US war in Vietnam. "After moving through Oxford university, the TUC, a London council and London Weekend Television, Mr Mandelson became the Labour party's director of communications and was elected MP for Hartlepool in 1992" "However he returned to prominence in 2004, quitting as an MP to become Trade Commissioner at the creation of the post at the behest of Mr Blair. "

2008 - Q&A: Peter Mandelson, Oleg Deripaska and George Osborne Quote : "The row initially began shortly after Gordon Brown shocked the political world by reappointing Peter Mandelson, then the EU's trade commissioner and a sworn enemy of the prime minister, to the cabinet. Soon afterwards it was claimed that Mandelson had "dripped pure poison" about him during a meeting with George Osborne two months earlier at Taverna Agni on the Greek island of Corfu." "The encounter on the 238ft (73m) Queen K in Corfu this summer was said to be the latest in a series of social meetings between Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska - known as the "king of aluminium" - during Mandelson's term as trade commissioner." "One week later, the Sunday Times claimed Mandelson gave trade concessions worth up to £50m a year to Russia's richest man after being entertained by him on his "superyacht"."

Peter Mandelson is a great friend of Nat Rothschild, the son of JACOB ROTHSCHILD.

2008 - Use my Ferrari, Mandy told by Rothschild on Klosters holiday quote : "Lord Mandelson was in Klosters with his former spin doctor Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, now an aide to another Moscow tycoon, and Wegg-Prosser's Russian wife Yulia." "It is believed Mr Rothschild joined them at his family's retreat in Klosters."

2008 - Quote : The former Business Secretary is pictured in the passenger seat of a black open-top Ferrari Daytona Spider, worth at least £250,000. At the wheel is his friend, 38-year-old banking heir Nat Rothschild, who was offering hospitality to the Labour peer at one of his chalets in Klosters, in the Swiss Alps. The picture is proof, if it were needed, that Lord Mandelson has a taste for the kind of high life that would otherwise be beyond his purse."

2008 - Tell truth about oligarch links, Mandelson told Quote : "A Brussels pressure group has also accused Lord Mandelson of being too close to the Europe-wide lobby group BusinessEurope. The Corporate Europe Observatory has written to the Commission's president, Jose Manuel Barroso, claiming Lord Mandelson gave the group "privileged access" during his term as EU trade commissioner.

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

Thanks for the info! There is a reason why Mandelson is called 'Prince of Darkness', but somehow he always seems to fly under our radar (more or less).

And Islington was (is?) a hot spot for pedos - they had infiltrated all care homes there. It only came to light thanks to an amazing group of whistleblowers. IIRC, the PIE had their headquarter in Islington.

Kahlypso79 ago

You're welcome, Yes, Relies on public's 'Goldfish' Memory, Yes, Yes. Yes, I'll do another Post.. PIE is too big to properly do in less than 200k words...I'll start compling, but may not get done today. PIE to NAMBLA.

think- ago

Thank you.

Kahlypso79 ago

Micky Burbidge

Geoffrey Prime

Peter Mandelson : 1980's... 1978-1983: Architects of PIE infiltrate Islington gay youth group to lobby MPs directly with Heath & Mandelson’s help

Quote : "In 1978 Peter Righton and PIE Manifesto author Micky Burbidge team up to exert control over grassroots gay youth groups, establishing the umbrella Joint Council for Gay Teenagers (‘JCGT’) Righton & Burbidge take control of the London Gay Teenage Group (‘LGTG’) liaising with the Greater London Council and ILEA for official recognition and relocating the LGTG to Islington, Manor Gardens Community Centre In 1980 Chair Edward Heath and his Youth Affairs Lobby (‘YAL’) meet with Burbidge and the LGTG With the assistance of YAL Liaison member the British Youth Council (‘BYC’) and its Chair Peter Mandelson, Burbidge gets to take a group of gay teenagers to lobby a group of cross-party MPs directly with Clement Freud MP (Lib), Charles Irving MP (Con) attending with 4 Labour MPs" April-July 1980: JCGT’s success Burbidge goes to Parliament with the help of Mandelson and Heath " Burbidge’s triumphant if little-reported arrival in the House of Commons with an entourage of teenagers was facilitated by the Youth Affairs lobby, an early version of the Youth Parliament, chaired by Edward Heath MP, with the help of a YAL Liaison Group Committee member – the British Youth Council, chaired by Peter Mandelson."

2015 : " Mandy lobbied Blair to give Janner a peerage AFTER sex abuse claims ..." Quote : (The author of the article) "was the first to hear last summer that he had been dining with the Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, over the delicious marinated anchovies in the Taverna Agni, my local taverna. This was the very moment he reportedly 'dripped poison' in Osborne's ear about Gordon Brown's shortcomings as Prime Minister; it was the holiday during which he stayed on billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska's yacht, sailing into a storm of controversy."

ELM GUEST HOUSE - > Foster House Grafton Close -->> Operation Fernbridge

think- ago

Thank you very much.

@swordfish69: Please see comment above re Clement Freud. Thanks.

Kahlypso79 ago

During the period of PIE’s official existence, 1974-1984, the Home Secretaries were :

Roy Jenkins (1974-1976), Doesnt seem to be anything other than extra marital affairs.. but with adult parteners, so who cares.

Merlyn Rees (1976-1979) : Merlyn Rees was originally from south Wales and the Labour MP for a Leeds constituency, 1963-92. Throughout his political career, Rees – later Lord Merlyn-Rees – concealed the Westminster Paedophile Ring, as an MP for Jimmy Savile HQ, as Home Secretary and as the N Ireland Secretary. ((In 1988 Janner co-founded the Holocaust Educational Trust with Merlyn Rees, a body which successfully persuaded the British government to add teaching about the Holocaust to the National Curriculum in 1988. Janner stood down from the role in 2012. The Lord Janner Scholarship provides funding for ten schools to take part in the Trust’s educational programmes each year. Lord Janner.. Janner ‘sought to foster good relations between different faiths and religions’ and wrote about this issue in his book One Hand Alone Cannot Clap. He co-founded (along with Prince Hassan of Jordan) the Coexistence Trust, a charidee to combat Islamophobia and antisemitism. Janner became Baron Janner of Braunstone in 1997. Janner was President and an Officer of the All-Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism, was associated with the Labour Friends of Israel and in 2002 backed Stephen Byers to be Chairman.)

William Whitelaw (1979-1983) (see above)

Leon Brittan (1983-1985) : Leon Brittan at the time was actively concealing the Westminster Paedophile Ring. Leon Brittan is Jewish. So is Edwina Currie, who did not raise the alarm when Trumpers, Thatcher’s junior Health Minister, appointed Jimmy Savile to the management task force of Broadmoor.

Ministers for Home Affairs were Lord Harris (1974-1979), Alex Lyon (1974-1976), Brynmor John (1976-1979), Lord Boston (Jan-May 1979), Leon Brittan (1979-1981), Timothy Raison (1979-1983), Patrick Mayhew (1981-1983), and David Waddington (1983-1987);

Junior Ministers and Parliamentary Private Secretaries were Shirley Summerskill (1974-1979), Lord Belstead (1979-1982), Lord Elston (1982-1984), David Mellor (1983-1986) and Lord Glenarthur (1984-1986).

It is not yet known whether any of these were aware or consulted about PIE’s funding.

Peter Righton AKA Paul Pelham : "Tom Watson, Labour MP, told the House of Commons there was "clear intelligence" suggesting a notorious group was connected to a former Number 10 aide, during prime minister's questions on Wednesday. He said the police file relating to Peter Righton, who was convicted in 1992 of importing child pornography from Holland, needed to be re-examined. "The evidence file used to convict Peter Righton, if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring," Watson added." Peter Righton, is connected to Islington via the Islington-Suffolk Project, which sent children in care on holidays to Lord Henniker’s estate in Eye, Suffolk. Righton and his partner were invited to live on Lord Henniker’s estate after Righton’s 1992 conviction for importing images of child abuse. Righton also sat on a steering committee which advised on training for staff working with disturbed children, alongside John Rea Price, Islington’s Director of Social Services. Peter Righton was a social worker and academic who in 1992 was fined £900 for possession of abusive images of children. He was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange ( member number 51). He died in 2007 age 81 years. The Secret Life of a Paedophile documentary in 1994 described the life of Peter Righton and associates. He was a prolific author and in 1981 wrote a chapter in Perspectives on Paedophilia (Batsford press) alongside Morris Fraser and Charles Napier (PIE member number 116). This book promoted paedophilia. "Mrs Cairns found the vice-chairman of the school governors, Peter Righton, former Director of Education at the National Institute for Social Work, had for years openly advocated sex with boys in care. "Righton and I had sat together on the body which regulated social work training. I researched everything he had published and I felt sick. I was devastated by the betrayal of trust, and social work's naivety. "He got away with this, and influenced social workers to this day, because they feared seeming "homophobic" by challenging him." It prompted Mrs Cairns to begin confiding secretly with Scotland Yard. The impasse ended in 1991, when police discovered Rabet's Sussex children's centre was partly financed by convicted child pornographers and that he was part of a ring of wealthy, well-connected paedophiles.

Police also discovered that Righton was a founder member of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange, which campaigned for the age of consent to be reduced to four." "Terry Shutt, a former detective constable with West Mercia Police, said five suitcases stuffed with letters found at the property in Evesham, Worcestershire suggested Righton was in touch with an extensive network of individuals who wanted to abuse children."

Dr Morris Fraser aka Roderick Fraser was a member of the Paedophile information Exchange (PIE), and was involved in child abuse networks across the UK and overseas. He was a founder of the Azimuth Trust charity which sent young boys on sailing holidays as a front for a paedophile ring. He was also one of eight men charged in New York as part of an organised abuse network.

"EBHARD: That was rather easy. We got in prisons, a lot of them....we'd go after them.... Then there was also a paedophile organization in this country....they cooperated....some....not incarcerated, they came and gave us information....You had one in Britain...a British Paedophile Organization.[

Fraser worked as a child psychiatrist in Belfast at a time when a paedophile ring was abusing children in care at Kincora Boys’ Home and other Northern Ireland children’s homes. Although he was never officially implicated in abuse at Kincora, there seems to have been organised child sexual abuse ocurring wherever he lived or worked. The General Medical Council knew of Fraser abusing children in the early 1970s following ‘an incident’ with a young boy, but allowed him to carry on practicing as long as he switched to working with old people. "In April 1990 a writer called Robert Harbinson (also known as Robin Bryans) stated in the Dublin-based magazine Now that Lord Mountbatten, Anthony Blunt and others were all involved in an old-boy network which held gay orgies in country houses on both sides of the Irish border, as well as at the Kincora Boys' Home. " "It was alleged that extreme Ulster loyalists who were members of a paedophile ring committing offences at the Home were being blackmailed by MI5 and other branches of the security forces during the Troubles." "From Kincora to PIE: Why the abuse inquiry needs access to intelligence documents "

think- ago

Thank you!

Kahlypso79 ago

Steven Adrian AKA Steven Freeman : According to the North American Man Boy Lovers Association (NAMBLA), a U.S. pedophile lobbying group, NAMBLA's British affiliate was run by Adrian from his office in the British Home Ministry, until he was fired. 07 Jul 2014 : Former chair of Paedophile Information Exchange claims he hid material in 'locked cabinets' at the Home Office Quote : "Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is today preparing to defend her handling of an investigation into the allegations of a paedophile ring at the heart of Westminster The Home Office has been accused of sitting on evidence of child abuse involving political figures for up to 35 years. 114 files relating to child abuse claims between 1979 and 1999 have been destroyed or lost by the department. Steven Adrian Smith, also known as Steven Freeman, became the leader of PIE in 1979, around the same time he began employment with an electrical firm contracted to work at the Home Office. In the book he wrote: "I had a furnished office completely to myself seven days a week on a rotating shift basis. "Much of PIE's less sensitive file material was stored in locked cabinets there, where no police raid would ever have found them." The BBC reported that Smith said his security clearance was renewed each year by police without his connection to the group being discovered." A growing number of our members were captives in US prisons. Coping with the special needs of these people prompted us to set up a prisoner support scheme which, under Peter Bremner and later Tony Zalewski, found correspondents for these prisoners and sought sponsors to cover the expenses of their membership, mailing them recommended books and items from the press service. ...NAMBLA was far better placed than we were to defend the interests of these people, and is now doing so"

7 July 2014 - Paedophile group leader 'stored material at Home Office' Quote : "But in his own account of events, Smith wrote of his surprise at the fact that the story was not noticed by most of the newspapers, saying he thought it could have brought down the then Home Secretary, Willie Whitelaw. "Obviously, the 'ruling class' had to be protected," he wrote."

Tom O’Carroll

Clifford Hindley :

One colleague of Hindley’s at VSU found that PIE had made a re-application to the department for funding in 1979 or 1980, and raised concerns with Hindley on the grounds that the organisation campaigned to legalise sexual relations with children. However, Hindley apparently just took away the paperwork and told his colleague to drop his objections. This individual recently approached Labour MP and leading anti-abuse campaigner Tom Watson, who took up the issue with current Home Secretary Theresa May, who ordered the permanent secretary at the Home Office, Mark Sedwill, to investigate; the individual has also been speaking to Operation Fernbridge, who are looking into grave allegations of children being procured for VIP guests at Elm Guest House in Barnes

"Two year cover-up on dirty pictures (25.11.83)" "A whistleblower from the department has identified Clifford Hindley as the senior official in Whitehall who, as head of the Home Office’s voluntary services unit (VSU), brushed aside concerns about government funding for PIE, the paedophile group that promoted sex with children." "Watson raised the claims with Theresa May, home secretary, who ordered the department’s permanent secretary, Mark Sedwill, to investigate. The whistleblower suspects that Jim Callaghan’s Labour government, and Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative administration, which took over in 1979, may have provided funding for PIE." "PIE’s re-application for funding was during the period when it was affiliated to the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL). Harriet Harman, deputy leader of the Labour party, was then the NCCL’s legal officer. She is embroiled in a row with the Daily Mail over her refusal to apologise for the NCCL’s links to PIE."

Huge sums of TAXPAYER'S cash 'handed to vile child-sex pervert group' by Home Office officials Quote: "The whistleblower said civil servant Clifford Hindley was the man who rubber-stamped the PIE grants around 1980. Hindley, who unusually for the time was openly gay, was well known in Whitehall as a pal of Jeremy Thorpe, the ex-Liberal leader who was acquitted in a sensational murder trial. The two often dined together at London’s Reform Club and Hindley took Thorpe out for lunch on the day the politician learnt he was going to be tried."

think- ago


Kahlypso79 ago

William Whitelaw : William Stephen Ian Whitelaw, 1st Viscount Whitelaw, often known as Willie Whitelaw, was a British Conservative Party politician who served in a wide number of Cabinet positions, most notably as Home Secretary and de facto Deputy Prime Minister. He was Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1991. 6 December 2014 : 'Willie Whitelaw ordered police to scrap inquiry into VIP child sex abuse ring': Police launch probe into sensational new cover-up claims Quote: "Detectives are investigating claims that former Conservative Home Secretary William Whitelaw ordered police to drop an investigation into a VIP paedophile ring" "Jeff Edwards, the journalist who wrote the story, claims that just days after it was published he was summoned by police to an interview and threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act." "The Mail on Sunday can reveal Mr Edwards has spoken to senior detectives working on the Met’s Operation Midland about the incident, but the Met would not confirm this. Midland was set up last month to investigate sensational claims that boys were murdered and abused by Conservative politicians at parties held in Dolphin Square, an upmarket block of flats close to Westminster popular with MPs, in the 1980s."

--> July 17, 2014 Thatcher’s Cabinet Minister Paedophile Cover-Up Quote: "Those involved in the abuse included Keith Joseph, Rhodes Boyson, Michael Havers and one MP still serving today(circa 2014). "In 1986, a politician in question was alleged to have been seeking rent boys in the toilets at Victoria railway station in central London. The toilets were the target of an undercover sting by Scotland Yard detectives. Officers approached the minister and warned him about his behaviour. It is believed a report was filed by a CID officer. The information was passed on by Alec Marnoch, a highly respected police officer and Operations Commander of Westminster and the West End who died in 1999. Police working in Piccadilly Circus had received a report of the same politician targeting one of London’s most notorious rent-boy haunts called the “chicken rack” in the 1980s. Boys as young as 13 waited there to be picked up by men – often politicians, television stars or corrupted policemen – for paid sexual encounters."

Chicken Racks - > Chicken Hawks - > Chicken Lovers. Archive : La NAMBLA et les "ChickenHawks",

Peter Morrison – the child abuser protected by MI5, the Cabinet Secretary, and Margaret Thatcher – updated July 2015 2015 : --> Thatcher confidant raped boy and police covered crime up QUOTE : Police are investigating claims that Sir Peter Morrison lured the 14-year-old to London and sexually abused him in a guesthouse reportedly used by a Westminster paedophile ring.

Cyril Smith :

1990 - In Rochdale, up to 20 children are taken from their homes and parents after social services believe them to be involved in satanic or occult ritual abuse. Rochdale is the home of child abuser Sir Cyril Smith.

Timebomb at Elm Guest House: Pop stars, a bishop and a top politician appear on a list seized by police investigating child abuse at the London hotel in the 1980s "During a police raid on a property in central London last month, detectives seized a list of names of high-profile alleged visitors to the Elm Guest House in Barnes, South-West London — a gay-friendly establishment, and one where under-age rent boys and children from the Grafton Close home were reportedly brought to have sex with adult men. The list includes a number of senior MPs, a high-ranking policeman, a leading tycoon, figures from the National Front and Sinn Fein, an official of the Royal Household, an MI5 officer, two pop stars and the traitorous Soviet spy Anthony Blunt. Cyril Smith, the late Liberal MP for Rochdale, has already been named as a regular at the guest house, where he allegedly met teenage rent boys when the homosexual age of consent was 21. "After his conviction, it emerged that Righton was a founder member of the Paedophile Information Exchange — a contact group for men interested in sex with children. " "Righton’s links to figures in the Thatcher government are still being assessed by detectives. "

Elm Guest House. 1990 Elm Guest House boy brothel owner Carol Kasir gives a list of top people to whistleblower. Apparently the idea to turn the guest house into a gay brothel came from a guest living there called Barry Haddon, with another man called Terry Dwyer. Haddon was a pimp and pornographer for young boys.

Soon after, Carole Kasir is found dead, age 47, in her flat. ** " Carole Kasir was held without charge for three days, and you don’t do that on a run-of-the-mill vice raid"

Chilling claims that Cyril Smith child abuse scandal was concealed to avoid crisis at Westminster (23.11.12) "(Cyril) began taking a keen interest in youth matters in Rochdale — sitting on committees in charge of the Rochdale Youth Theatre, the Rochdale Youth Orchestra, the Youth Employment Committee, as well as the governorship of 29 local schools. As well as these duties, Smith also directed his energies into setting up a hostel for boys from deprived families in Rochdale, approaching poor parents and explaining that their child would be better off in care. Funded with council cash, as well as donations from prominent businessmen and the local Rotary club, Cambridge House opened in 1962. Crucially, Smith kept his own set of keys for the hostel, meaning that he could come and go as he pleased.

Cyril Smith abuse claims: 'Police alerted in 1965' "The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has admitted that Sir Cyril should have been prosecuted for abusing boys in the 1960s."

Kahlypso79 ago

John Henniker-Major, 8th Baron Henniker :,_8th_Baron_Henniker Henniker was the eldest son of John Ernest de Grey Henniker-Major, 7th Baron Henniker, and Molly Burnet. He was educated at Stowe and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he gained a First in Modern Language. John Henniker-Major married Osla Benning (who was Prince Philip's first girlfriend, who was also Louis Montbatten's goddaughter).. Henniker owned a country estate in Suffolk where in the 1980s children in the care of Islington County Council – which had a paedophile gang operating within it’s children’s homes – were taken on holidays. Peter Righton, a convicted paedophile who was a founding member of PIE and Director of Education at the National Institute for Social Work, lived in a cottage on Henniker’s estate and there were complaints that Righton had abused children there. For two years Henniker was Assistant Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin in Clement Atlee’s post-WWII Labour Gov’t and Henniker then worked in the Personnel Dept of the Foreign Office. The Foreign Office was still reeling from the defections of Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean and was then clobbered by the Suez Crisis in 1956. Relationships between people in the Foreign Office were fraught and there were internal battles taking place. In the 60s Henniker was appointed Ambassador to Jordan and then to Denmark. After this it was suggested that he might become Private Secretary to HM the Queen, but instead in 1968 the Chair of the British Council Lord Bridges appointed Henniker Director of the British Council via ‘an informal mechanism’. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth because the staff at the British Council viewed Henniker as having been imposed upon them by the Foreign Office. After his retirement Henniker was: Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk; Chair of Suffolk Rural Housing Association; honorary lay Canon, Edmondsbury Cathedral; a member of the Mental Health Tribunal; a member of the Parole Board; a member of, and between 1982-86, Deputy Chair of Toynbee Hall. Lady Julia Henniker sits as a Magistrate in Ipswich and is a churchwarden in Thornham Magna. John Profumo dedicated much of his time to Toynbee Hall after he stepped down from political life. In 1965 the Child Poverty Action Group was founded at a meeting in Toynbee Hall.

Anthony Blunt :

Blunt, a crashing snob and rampant homosexual, was the 'fourth man' in the infamous Cambridge spy ring which included Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and Kim Philby. Friends of Blunt have played down the significance of the 30,000-word document written after the patrician art historian, who advised the Queen on her collection for two decades, was publicly exposed as a traitor by Margaret Thatcher in 1979. He died four years later from a heart attack. I'm sure the Queen Mother was kept out of the loop when MI5 finally got Blunt to privately admit his guilt in 1964,' says a frequent royal houseguest. 'Few apart from the Queen were allowed to know. In 1966, two years after that clipped admission, Lord Annan, provost of King's College, Cambridge, held a small dinner party at his home. Round the table were Labour's Home Secretary Roy (later Lord) Jenkins, father-figure of the permissive society, Ann Fleming, widow of James Bond author Ian, and Victor (Lord) Rothschild and his wife Tess. Blunt stopped writing some months before his death in 1983 leaving his estate - including the memoir - to Gaskin. He kept it for a year and then, in a state of near nervous-breakdown, called John Golding to take it away. Golding decided to lodge it at the British Museum for 25 years, which ends this July. Four years later, having returned to his native Dundee in Scotland, Gaskin was killed by a train on an open-level crossing. Friends assumed he had killed himself.

Sir Michael Havers : Robert Michael Oldfield Havers, Baron Havers, Kt, PC, QC (10 March 1923 – 1 April 1992) was a British barrister and Conservative politician. From his knighthood in 1972. Havers was the second son of High Court Judge Sir Cecil Havers and Enid Flo Havers (née Snelling) and was the brother of Baroness Butler-Sloss (see Dossier Brittain) Yorkshire Ripper trial : Havers drew controversy at the outset of the trial, when he said of Sutcliffe's victims in his introductory speech: "Some were prostitutes, but perhaps the saddest part of the case is that some were not. The last six attacks were on totally respectable women." Havers represented the Crown in two of the most notable miscarriages of justice in British judicial history, the trial and appeal of the Guildford Four and also of the Maguire family (known as the Maguire Seven), all of whom were wrongfully convicted. Collectively, they served a total of 113 years in prison and one of the Maguire Seven, Giuseppe Conlon, died in prison, convicted on the basis of discredited forensic evidence. In the case of the Guildford Four, the Director of Public Prosecutions was found to have suppressed alibi evidence that supported Gerry Conlon and Paul Hill’s claims of innocence. "Havers was solicitor general from 1972 to 1974, attorney general in Margaret Thatcher’s government from 1979 to 1987, and briefly Lord Chancellor in 1987. He died five years later. In 1981, Havers infamously warned Geoffrey Dickens, a Conservative backbench MP, against naming Sir Peter Hayman, the UK’s former high commissioner to Canada, as linked to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which lobbied to legalise sex with children. "

Police raised concerns about undue interest of Sir Michael Havers in ‘Playland’ 1975 trial

“In 1975, Scotland Yard carried out a high-profile child abuse investigation which centred on the Playland amusement arcade near Piccadilly Circus, and involved the sexual exploitation of homeless boys. The investigation led to five convictions in September 1975. Four of the men convicted were ‘nobodies’, but one – Charles Hornby – was a pillar of the Establishment. He was a wealthy socialite, a Lloyd’s underwriter, and an old Etonian, “who on occasion had Prince Charles among his dinner guests”. The four ‘nobodies’ later had their sentences reduced in mysterious circumstances. One of them, David Archer, alleged that Hornby was far from being the only VIP involved in the Playland scandal. Last night Archer said he would present the police with a dossier naming the ‘millionaires and titled and influential people’ involved in the Playland affair. He added: ‘I believe there was a tremendous cover-up to protect these people.’ A clue as to the identity of one of these ‘titled and influential people’ appeared nearly a decade later with the publication of Philip Ziegler’s biography of Lord Mountbatten. In 1975, Mountbatten was told that gossip had linked him to a homosexual scandal. He recorded in his diary: “I might have been accused of many things but hardly the act of homosexuality.” Two retired police officers had come forward to say that they were banned from investigating Twiss in around 1978 or 1979. His father, the late Sir Frank Twiss, was Black Rod, the Queen’s envoy in the House of Lords, from 1970 to 1978, and a former admiral. Black Rod is responsible for security and ceremonies at the House of Lords. The police were acting after Sir Cyril Smith, the late Liberal MP, was seen taking an under-age “rent boy” to Twiss’s London home. When the officers found out whose home it was, they told their bosses that Twiss could be part of a wider racket that supplied under-age boys to VIPs. But their enquiries were stopped, leaving the officers frustrated. “We assumed it was to protect VIPs,” one said. ---> "They say Mr Twiss: Visited Dolphin Square, the private apartment block in Westminster where Establishment figures allegedly had wild parties." "The MoS was told of the allegations about Twiss by two former vice squad officers. They investigated him after monitoring the ‘Meat Rack,’ a notorious haunt for rent boys in Piccadilly. They saw Smith pick up a youngster and followed him to an address in Cricklewood, North-West London. When they found out that it was the home of Twiss, they investigated him and uncovered his links to the corridors of power. When they told their superiors, the investigation was abruptly scrapped." One of them recalled: ‘We went to the police station in Belgravia, and found a file that said Twiss had been banned by his father from entering the Palace of Westminster. He also went to Dolphin Square late at night. We thought he could be procuring boys for bigger figures from pimps at the Meat Rack. Well-to-do people would not want to be seen somewhere like that. We also followed him to the Meat Rack. Our superiors called it off. We assumed it was to protect VIPs.’

Kahlypso79 ago

Louis Montbatten : Prince Philip's uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten "was particularly attracted to boys in their early teens; it was this characteristic which made him especially vulnerable to the IRA , because he needed to slip away from his personal bodyguards to keep dates with such boys, some of whom came in contact with IRA men. His vice habit was similar to that of the former British Secret Service Chief , 'Sir' Maurice Oldfield , who was appointed ' Ulster (sic) Security Co-Ordinator ' by Margaret Thatcher in the wake of the Mountbatten assassination . In 1973, Maurice Oldfield became Director-General of MI6. He held the post under Edward Heath, Harold Wilson and James Callaghan before retiring in 1978. In 1979 the new prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, asked Oldfield to coordinate security and intelligence in Northern Ireland. He left this post in 1980 after his positive vetting clearance was withdrawn. Apparently this was because he admitted that "from time to time engaged in homosexual activities."

Edward Heath : UK Prime Minister Edward Heath , Prime Minister of England from 1970-74, was a frequent visitor to the Haute Garrene childrens care home in Jersey. He took boys from the care home away on his boat for weekends. The name 'Mr. Eddy' was well known on Hampstead Heath and at the boys home nearby in the seventies. At one point Sir Edward, who never married, was being investigated by five police forces over alleged child abuse - the Met, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent and Jersey.

Eddy's Government..(see if you recognise any names..)

Edward Heath – Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone – Lord Chancellor William Whitelaw – Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons Lord Jellicoe – Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Lords Iain Macleod – Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Alec Douglas-Home – Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Reginald Maudling – Secretary of State for the Home Department James Prior – Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lord Carrington – Secretary of State for Defence Margaret Thatcher – Secretary of State for Education & Science Robert Carr – Secretary of State for Employment Peter Walker – Minister of Housing and Local Government Keith Joseph – Secretary of State for Health and Social Security Anthony Barber – Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Gordon Campbell – Secretary of State for Scotland Geoffrey Rippon – Secretary of State for Technology Michael Noble – President of the Board of Trade Peter Thomas – Secretary of State for Wales and Chairman of the Conservative Party

Edward Heath was replaced by Harold Wilson due to mostly.. the backfire from the Profumo Scandal :

Stephan Ward and ¨Profumo"

Allegedly Stephen Ward was a member of 'The Thursday Club', later renamed the 'Monday Club' . Dr. Stephen Ward was reportedly the pimp for a ring of call-girls that operated out of Ward's cottage on the Clivedon estate of Lord Astor. Ward befriended Christeen Keeler. In 1963, Secretary of War John Profumo was compromised by his affair with Keeler. It seems that she had also been sleeping with a top Soviet KGB agent in London, Capt. Yevgeny Ivanov. "Steven ward was running a spy-ring investigating the whereabouts of 'the Hess files', thought to be kept in the home of one of the nobility (or even in the palace archives). Ward and prostitute Ronna Ricardo came upon a paedophile ring run by Anthony Blunt, and included ... a lot of top people incl polititians... Profumo survived because he had evidence and powerful friends, Ward was killed ... Peter Rachman was Mossad..." Ward attended private parties run by the likes of David, Marquis of Milford Haven and the cousin of Prince Phillip. These 'often developed into full-blown orgies lasting over an extended weekend, with participants as varied as the photographer Baron and American superstar, Bing Crosby.' Christine Keeler worked at Murray's cabaret club.There she befriended "Mandy" Rice-Davies. Both women 'become celebrated players in Ward's celebrity sexual circus centred on his Wimpole Mews flat, equipped with two-way mirrors, Lord Astor's country mansion of Cliveden or weekends at Spring Cottage, parties and other rather more dubious social events.' Dr Stephen Ward had an MI5 controller, Keith Wagstaffe (cover-name 'Woods').

Special Services and Perverts in control.

It is known that MI5 ran a brothel in Church Street in Kensington throughout much of the 1950's and early 1960's for the use of visiting dignitaries, diplomats and intelligence officers. While for those too important to visit such an establishment certain discreet gentlemen were called upon to provide young female or male company directly to the VIP hotel bedroom.

Peter Hayman :

VIP peadophile ring in Buckingham Palace. "At Buckingham Palace, the 16-year-old boy was approached by Sir Peter Hayman, the deputy director of MI6, who was a pedophile. Hayman asked the boy to work for him in Canada, where he became ambassador.

Hayman was a member of the top paedophile ring operating within the UK government." "The late Sir Peter Hayman, who rose to become a senior spy, and Lord Henniker, who died in 2004 and also had a background in intelligence, were two peas in a pod, although how far they shared interests remains unclear. What is known is that the Queen liked them both so much that she awarded each the CVO, an unusual honour in that it is granted by her personally Henniker provided a sanctuary on his country estate at Thornham Magna in Suffolk to Peter Righton, who supplied boys to paedophile VIPs at Dolphin Square and elsewhere.

Kahlypso79 ago

Starting with this..

Network building and Churches / Banks..

Lord Peter Carrington : Peter Alexander Rupert Carington. was a British Conservative politician and hereditary peer who served as Defence Secretary from 1970 to 1974, Foreign Secretary from 1979 to 1982, chairman of British General Electric Company from 1983 to 1984, and Secretary General of NATO from 1984 to 1988. Before his death in 2018, he was the last surviving member of the 1951–55 government of Winston Churchill, the Eden government, and the Macmillan government, as well as of the cabinets of Alec Douglas-Home and Edward Heath. -->> DOPE INC. ( - full version : **Ties in the Bronfmanns (history of Bronfmans : - Rise to power) The Bronfmans made "Space Research" in 1968 (its the name of the company) - Who sold nuclear warhead morter launchers to Iran..) In his Nov. 9 speech at Cambridge, the Chief Lord Lane cited the fact that 84 percent of all the heroin now seized en route to Great Britain originates with Afghani rebels operating from Pakistan and the Indian subcontinent. This stream of heroin from the "Golden Crescent" is believed by security experts to reveal the footprints of a drugs-for-guns trafficking operation set up by Lord Carrington. In 1981 when· he was British Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington had sought· to oust U.S. intelligence control over the Afghani rebel movement, to gain a bargaining chip with the Soviets. Such arrangements are not new to Lord Carrington. Before becoming Foreign Secretary he sat at the center of British involvement in Dope, Inc., the $500 billion international illegal narcotics cartel. Carrington joined the board of Barclay's Bank, exposed in the 1978 book Dope, Inc. -->> Linked via DOPE Inc to Henry Kissinger and Bronfman Family as the premier British bank involved in multi-billion dollar offshore laundering of dirty money from drug trafficking and other organized crime activities. Barclay's is part of a nexus that includes the Oppenheimer family interests which cartelized international gold and diamond markets, the main commodities used in illegal drug and gun deals. The Oppenheimer interests, including Anglo-American Gold Company and De Beers, have made similar cartel arrangements for Soviet production of these commodities. At the time he joined Barclay's, Lord Carrington was on the board of Hambros Bank, which was involved in joint ventures with the former Vatican banker Michele Sindona, now imprisoned in the United States. His position with Hambros brought Lord Carrington into the circles of the Propaganda-2 masonic lodge of Italy, pinpointed by Italian magistrates as responsible for every major coup attempt, assassination, and terrorist act since the late-1960s' NATO­linked "strategy of tension" in Italy.

Operation Gladio : In 1990, the Italian Prime Minister had confirmed that Italy’s “stay behind” army, termed “Gladio” (Sword), existed since 1958, with the approval of the Italian government. In the early 1970s, Italy’s communist support was growing, so the government turned to a “Strategy of Tension” using the Gladio network. At a top secret 1972 Gladio meeting, one official referred to making a “pre-emptive attack” on the Communists. As the Guardian reported, links between Gladio in Italy, all three Italian secret services and Italy’s P2 Masonic Lodge were well documented, as the head of each intelligence unit was a member of the P2 Lodge


NAZIS THE VATICAN THE CIA - Page 34 . "December 1969 an exclusive meeting was held in the Rome office of Count Umberto Ortolani, the Ambassador of the Order of Malta to Uruguay, who had been called "the brains' behind the fascist P-2 Masonic Lodge, which had been established in the mid-1960s. In addition to Ortalani, the meeting included only Licio Gelli, Roberto Calvi and Michele Sindona. "Gelli had fought for Franco... Calvi had fought on the Eastern front during the war and was decorated by the Nazis. "Sidona had set up business in 1943 with the help of Vito Genovese, whose Mafia contacts facilitated the American landing on Sicily"

Quote : "Since World War II, the CIA has:

subsidized a Catholic lay organization that served as the political slugging arm of the pope and the Vatican throughout the Cold War; penetrated the American section of one of the wealthiest and most powerful Vatican orders; passed money to a large number of priests and bishops — some of whom became witting agents in CIA covert operations; employed undercover operatives to lobby members of the Curia (the Vatican government) and spy on liberal churchmen on the pope’s staff who challenged the political assumptions of the United States; prepared intelligence briefings that accurately predicted the rise of liberation theology; and collaborated with right-wing Catholic groups to counter the actions of progressive clerics in Latin America." Links between Gladio, Italian secret service bosses and the notorious P2 masonic lodge are manifold. The chiefs of all three secret services - Generals Santovito (SISMI), Grassini (SISDE) and Cellosi (CESSIS) - were members of the lodge. In the year that Andreotti denied Gladio's existence, the P2 treasurer, General Siro Rosetti, gave a generous account of "a secret security structure made up of civilians, parallel to the armed forces"

In 1972, Michele Sindona, a banker with close ties to the Mafia, the pseudo-masonic lodge P2, and the Nixon administration, purchased controlling interest in Long Island's Franklin National Bank. As a result of his acquisition of a controlling stake in Franklin, Sindona finally had a money laundering operation to aid his ties to Vatican Bank and the Sicilian drug cartel. Franklin's assets were later purchased (after the suicide of Sindona in Prison) by European American Bank, itself later acquired by Citigroup. In 1974, the Holy See lost an estimated $30 million upon the collapse of the Franklin National Bank.. Roberto Calvi was the chairman of Italy's second largest private bank, Banco Ambrosiano, when it collapsed in 1982 In 1978, the Bank of Italy produced a report on Banco Ambrosiano which found that several billion lire had been exported illegally, leading to criminal investigation On 10 June 1982, Calvi went missing from his Rome apartment, having fled the country on a false passport in the name of Gian Roberto Calvini, fleeing initially to Venice. From there, he apparently hired a private plane to London via Zurich. At 7:30 am on Friday, 18 June 1982, a postal clerk was crossing Blackfriars Bridge and noticed Calvi's body hanging from the scaffolding beneath. Calvi's clothing was stuffed with bricks, and he was carrying around $15,000 worth of cash in three different currencies. Calvi was a member of Licio Gelli's illegal masonic lodge, Propaganda Due (P2), who referred to themselves as frati neri or "black friars". He was found hanging from the Blackfriars Bridge in London. Masons like their Theatre. And Sidona??

22 MARCH, 1986 "Michele Sindona, the jailed Sicilian financier who fell into an irreversible coma on Thursday, is the victim of cyanide poisoning, the Justice Minister said today." "Mr. Sindona, who was near the center of many of Italy's most important recent financial and political scandals, had been under constant guard at a specially constructed wing of the Voghera women's prison. The prison is considered one of the most secure in Italy. The Justice Minister told his incredulous colleagues that a guard at the Vorghera prison had heard Mr. Sindona say just before passing out, ''They have poisoned me.'' Suicide Attempt Not Ruled Out" "Radical Party members of Parliament attributed the death to the ''sottogoverno,'' a popular reference to the ''underground government'' that many Italians believe really runs their country."

(special mention ) : David Yallop: David Yallop's 1984 book In God's Name proposed the theory that the pope had been in "potential danger" because of corruption in the Vatican Bank (known officially as the Institute for Works of Religion or Istituto per le Opere di Religione), the Vatican's most powerful financial institution which owned many shares in Banco Ambrosiano Yallop specifically summarized his conspiracy theory in his book: Three archbishops—Marcinkus, Villot and Cody—conspired with three Mafia types—Calvi, Sindona and Gelli—in the murder of John Paul I. “It was clear that these six men—Marcinkus, Villot, Cody, Calvi, Sindona and Gelli—had a great deal to fear if the papacy of John Paul I should continue… all of them stood to gain in a variety of ways if John Paul I should suddenly die

think- ago

Thank you for digging this up. I feel the megathread MolochHunter about the British Royals did some time ago would maybe be a good place for dropping this info?

Kahlypso79 ago

Banks - > Vatican - Follow the money - it smells like pedophiles.... : 21 September 2010 - Vatican Bank 'investigated over money-laundering'

19 December 2010 - Vatican Bank hit by financial scandal... again

6 December 2013 : The scandal at the Vatican bank

26 Febuary 2014 : Following the money

12 February 2015 - Sex abuse inquiry finds George Pell put church finances before victim

29 June 2017 : Pope's chief financial adviser Cardinal George Pell vows to fight historical sex offence charges

Kahlypso79 ago

2009 - Peter Mandelson and Jacob Rothschild walk on the beach by the Rothschild estate in Corfu " Quote : "There is no doubt at all that the United Kingdom's First Secretary of State, acting Prime Minister and Lord High Everything Else will be very pleased with himself indeed. He has just spent a week in the way he likes best: in luxurious surroundings in a beautiful place and in the company of the super-rich. And best of all it was he who was guest of honour, the man at the centre of everything. "

Prince Andrew and Jeremey Epstein : (For context as to what's happening in 2011)

2011 - "Billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein paid off the Duchess of York’s debts within days of Prince Andrew flying out to visit him in New York. "The two men were pictured strolling through Central Park together during a four-day break at the start of December, after the Duke of York abandoned plans to stay at the exclusive Carlyle Hotel in favour of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion."

2011 - "The financier has stayed for a weekend party at Sandringham, the Queen’s Norfolk home, and was a guest at the Queen’s birthday party in 2000 in Windsor. In 2001 he holidayed with the prince in Thailand, when Andrew was photographed surrounded by topless women on a yacht. '"

2011 - Peter Mandelson. Peter Mandelson silent over contact with Prince Andrew friend Jeffrey "Quote : The two men have a close mutual friend, the Kazakh socialite and businesswoman Goga Ashkenazi, and both attended her 30th birthday party in February last year"

Reinaldo da Silva - For context.. He's mentionned in Epstein's book, but I havent seen him anywhere else yet.. I think he's just a live-in bumchum for Mandelson.. 23 July 2011 : Peter Mandelson's lover Reinaldo da Silva becomes his director

2012 - " Mr Rothschild said: “The whole point of the Siberia trip was that we went there, spent a nanosecond at the [aluminium] smelter, we then went to the most delightful banya. “We were beaten by a 25-year-old banya keeper man, who has spent his life perfecting the art of banya." "Nathaniel Rothschild says sauna with Lord Mandelson was purely pleasure, not business Lord Mandelson visited a sauna in Siberia with a Russian oligarch and Nathaniel Rothschild, one of Britain’s richest men, where they were thrashed with birch leaves and plunged into an ice bath together, the High Court heard yesterday." "Mr Justice Tugendhat, who is hearing the case without a jury, was told that Lord Mandelson flew to Russia on Mr Rothschild’s private jet after meeting him at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. According to the Daily Mail article, Mr Rothschild acted like a “puppet-master”, inviting Lord Mandelson along to a dinner in Moscow to “impress” Mr Deripaska, who was in the process of signing a £500 million deal with America’s biggest aluminium company, Alcoa. "

Then all of a sudden...... No more MandelChild? The Bromance is ended?? No more hanging out with Nat King Coal and his army of Nubile Naked Birch Wielding Sauna Slaves???? Hmmmmmmm... Looks like someone wanted some heat to die down and wait for the Goldfish like memory capacity of the Public to get distracted by boobie pictures and news articles on how fat and unhappy you are...

2012 - Mandelson and Sarah Duchess of York are left out in the cold : There is no room at Sandringham for Sarah Duchess of York - or, for that matter, for Lord Mandelson at Nat Rothschild's Swiss chalet Quote : "Lord Mandelson has always prized his invitations to spend Christmas with Nat Rothschild at his opulent Swiss chalet, but this year, alas, the old chums will be spending the festive season apart. Rothschild’s spokesman will give me (the article's author) no explanation, but there was a time when the former European Commissioner would pitch up at Klosters with all the regularity of Santa." "Rothschild loved, too, to spring unexpected surprises on Mandelson. Once, he even arranged for him to be thrashed with birch leaves, along with Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch, by a youthful man in a sauna."

Kahlypso79 ago

2013 - Mandelson helps out his friends the Rothschild's to rape and plunder Greece...

For the fifth year running, Europe is preoccupied with financial turmoil, weak public finances, anaemic growth and high unemployment. To discuss these developments, The Economist is holding its 17th Roundtable discussion with the Greek Government, titled Europe Unbound. Overcoming the Crisis: Re-igniting Greece’s Potential, on April 15-16, at the Athens Intercontinental Hotel. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Main Opposition Leader Alexis Tsipras, former German Chancellor Gerhard SCHROEDER, The Rt Hon Lord Mandelson, Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras as well as other distinguished speakers will join this year's Government Roundtable. full program :

For a 15 minute talk about how Britain should be in the EU... (LOOOOOOOOOOOL)


Should Britain be in or out of the EU?

Lord Peter Mandelson, Labour Party, UK, Fmr EU Commissioner 09:30 Discussion

2014 . Senior Labour politician accused of covering up Sir Peter Morrison child rape allegations Quote : "It is through my work (as a Child Protection professional) with this group that I have now received from 3 seperate sources an account of an alleged role that you (Peter Mandelson) personally played in the cover up over Peter Morrison’s rape of children and young people which he allegedly carried out in the full knowledge of senior politicians of all main parties."

Mandelson helping out his fellow. . . .'peers'. . . .

2015 : " Mandy lobbied Blair to give Janner a peerage AFTER sex abuse claims ..." Quote : (The author of the article) "was the first to hear last summer that he had been dining with the Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, over the delicious marinated anchovies in the Taverna Agni, my local taverna. This was the very moment he reportedly 'dripped poison' in Osborne's ear about Gordon Brown's shortcomings as Prime Minister; it was the holiday during which he stayed on billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska's yacht, sailing into a storm of controversy."

Related... Janner ends up being a pedophile. . . . 'shocked I tell you' 2015 : Lord Janner and the paedophile ring at his son's elite school: Labour peer's link to institution where teachers abused boys Quote: "The 86-year-old peer, a flamboyant amateur magician ennobled by Tony Blair, is at the centre of heated public debate over claims that for decades he was a prolific abuser of young boys. Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders announced in April that the police had sufficient evidence to charge him with 22 paedophile offences, including 16 indecent assaults and six acts of buggery."

2015 : Peter Morrison – the child abuser protected by MI5, the Cabinet Secretary, and Margaret Thatcher – updated July 2015

--> Thatcher confidant raped boy and police covered crime up QUOTE : Police are investigating claims that Sir Peter Morrison lured the 14-year-old to London and sexually abused him in a guesthouse reportedly used by a Westminster paedophile ring.

LINK THROUGH TO ELM HOUSE. (different post?)

Mandelson and BREXIT :

14/09/2018 - Clegg leads pro-remain grandees on diplomatic mission to stop Brexit

"Prominent remain supporters including Tony Blair and John Major have been working with Nick Clegg and Peter Mandelson on a diplomatic mission to try to persuade European leaders to stop Brexit." "One source said: “We are not trying to subvert the government negotiations but we are trying to make sure European leaders are plugged into British politics and are not just getting information from the UK government.”" (sounds like espionnage to me...) "Clegg is well connected to undertake this shuttle diplomacy, having known the chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, for nearly 25 years. Some key members of Barnier’s negotiating team worked alongside Clegg when he worked at the commission."

19/10/2018 Facebook hires Nick Clegg as head of global affairs

Jeffrey Epstein's little black book listed both Lord Mandelson and his boyfriend Reinaldo Avila da Silva who was previously the lover of Howell James, close advisor to John Major and Chief of Communications to Tony Blair.

2018 - Two Capitals, One Russian Oligarch: How Oleg Deripaska Is Trying to Escape U.S. Sanctions Quote : "Ensconced in society, Mr. Deripaska befriended Nathaniel Rothschild, a British-born financier whose father is a British peer, and through him met the Conservative Party politician George Osborne, a future chancellor of the Exchequer, as well as Lord Peter Mandelson, a leading figure in the Labour Party. Mr. Deripaska reveled among global movers and shakers, and he remains a regular figure at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He has always argued that these relationships were simply friendships, but soon questions would arise about whether he was really trying to buy influence. The British news media revealed that the oligarch had flown Mr. Rothschild and Lord Mandelson on his private jet in 2005 for a jaunt in Siberia. At the time, Lord Mandelson was the European Union’s trade commissioner, and in this role, he oversaw a cut in tariffs on aluminum imports from Russia requested by Poland and other members of the bloc. It was a boon to Rusal. (The European Commission has denied that Mr. Mandelson personally intervened in the matter.) Mr. Rothschild sued a British newspaper for libel for suggesting that the trip was anything more than an act of friendship, but the judge ruled against him. In the summer of 2008, Mr. Deripaska again played host, this time on his yacht, Queen K, off the Greek island of Corfu. Onboard were Mr. Osborne, Lord Mandelson and Andrew Feldman, a Conservative Party fund-raiser."

Kahlypso79 ago

Jeffrey Epstein's little black book listed both Lord Mandelson and his boyfriend Reinaldo Avila da Silva who was previously the lover of Howell James, close advisor to John Major and Chief of Communications to Tony Blair.

ASolo ago

Lord Peter Mandelson

Geffen's buddy

Factfinder2 ago

Dearth-o-wits says in his letter that Bill Clinton was never on the island.

Why bother going to the island when you can get what you came for on the plane?

MCFree62 ago

Well that is a lie. Clinton is on the flight manifests.

Factfinder2 ago

It could be a lie if manifests were falsified, but there's this from Fox News:

Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

MCFree62 ago

The manifests I saw were too Little St. James. That’s what I understood anyway.

Scroobius ago

Yet another Jew pedo.

think- ago

'There is one set of allegations that I know for certain was completely made up. She accused me of having sex with her on six occasions in different places, although I have never even met her.'

Didn't he admit he got a 'massage' once? Or was that by another girl?


Vindicator ago

He said it was an old Russian lady who gave the massage when he visited pedo island with his family.

LordoftheFraggles ago

She was probably 18, which is ancient to these pedos.

think- ago

Err....what? 'Old Russian lady'? Epstein had 'old' Russian ladies on his island? Haha. Of course. /s

Vindicator ago

Probably the madam.

think- ago

That would be a possibility. A kind of care-taker? I still don't believe that Dershowitz never had sex with any of the girls.

Vindicator ago


think- ago

Why? You think Edwards (their lawer) is a badguy? I've read his depositions. He does not come off as a liar.

No, not at all. Why? looks confused

I said:

I still don't believe that Dershowitz never had sex with any of the girls.


I believe that Dershowith had sex with girls.

Vindicator ago

Oh, sorry, lol. I misread. Makes sense now.

think- ago
