ShaneE11183386 ago

Is gregaros connected with the LA chopper raid ?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Somehow, this is a psyop. Not sure in what way. Smolett case is a psyop, Smolette is an actor working with the mockingbird media to push a racial psyop. It was exposed and the news acted like it was his idead alone, and they were duped. Not likely. Same with Kaepernick, CIA and FBI are in NFL security, so NFL sotrylines of racial division are yet another psyop. This attorney represented both, so you have to suspect the trial is a show. They trafficking ring got exposed, the media covered it but kept out the part about child traficking and abuse, and now this is likely a show trial. No doubt a Masonic judge is in place. Seems to be the way they have always shut things down, and why Epstein got a slap on the wrist.

letsdothis3 ago

Somehow, this is a psyop.

I've been thinking the same thing.

YogSoggoth ago

Governor Jay Robert Pritzker looks a lot like Huber. Just saying.

YogSoggoth ago

Random comment somewhere else. What a FAKE OUTRAGE - Rahms Brother is William Morris Endeavor a Hollywood Talent Agency- he probably has been in contact with Jussie - just to get his contract. This reminds me of the HoloHoax bomb threats that got us the Hate Crime Legislation passed in 2016. Then the Lynchberg, VA mobs, and many other attempts at shifting public opinion against the right wing. All in the name of creating fake news. It much cheaper to manufacture news than to actually go out and investigate. Thank God for 60 minutes now that they've cleaned house. So Rahm is Hollywood? Ari Emanuel (co-CEO) Patrick Whitesell (co-CEO)

Lansing-Michigan ago

Rahm Emanuel was obomba's first chief of staff. Vanity Fair did an article on him saying he had a little device on his desk that could trace Obomba's every step. .Rahm had duel citizenship in Israel ...his father blew up buses. So he was the son of a terrorist. Kinda' ironic during our so called war on terror. Ari Emanuel is michael moore's agent. Michael was a big hillary supporter and thought oprah would be a great president....very Irish Catholic.

YogSoggoth ago

And Micheal Moore worked for Mother Jones. Seems like a close enough knit circle to me.

think- ago

Jeff Kwatinetz has a Steve Bannon connection? (see video from about 16:00). Interesting.

think- ago

Both Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell were found hanging from a doorknob? Damn. Before researching Pizzagate, I didn't even know (getting) suicide(d) by hanging from a doorknob was a thing.

YogSoggoth ago

Pulling teeth, yes, hanging takes some thought, and really hard to do by yourself.

letsdothis3 ago

@9:03 Kwatinetz was involved in the sale of Warner Music to a new investor - Len Blavatnik. Long relationship between Blavatnik and Edgar Bronfman Jr. and his father.

Voat related post: Motherlode Addendum II: Weinstein/Clinton Scandal Connections to UK Sex Abuse and Rothschild Worldwide Cabal; Lohan, Ronson by @ASolo

Who is Len Blavatnik?

The billionaire has gazumped Roman Abramovich, endows the Tate Modern and Oxford University and his Cannes parties are so exclusive that even Mick Jagger can’t get in..

..Should you seek monuments to the “back-up aerodrome” maxim, there is the $30m of scientific scholarships in New York, millions donated over the years to British institutions including the Tate Modern, National Gallery and the Royal Academy. Most munificent of all is the bold headquarters of the Blavatnik School of Government, inching upwards into the Oxford skyline, thanks to a whopping $128 million endowment.

Though he is an American citizen and has a sensational Manhattan apartment, he finds London a congenial base this side of the Atlantic. So in 2004 he bought the ultimate billionaire’s retreat, 15 Kensington Palace Gardens. He outbid his oligarch rival Roman Abramovich by spending what was then considered a preposterous $70 million on the 13- bedroom Italianate mansion. He has since sunk millions more into the house, creating underground parking with a car lift, cinema, and what was believed to be London’s only hybrid indoor/outdoor swimming pool at the time.

Blavatnik’s social life is varied. His close circle in London includes Sir Ronald Cohen and Jacob Rothschild. He also likes to throw his London and New York homes open to a wider circle of glamorous young people — actors and musicians, as well as writers such as Simon Sebag Montefiore and Andrew Roberts.

Pictured with: Joss Stone And Naomie Harris At A Lunch Hosted By Blavatnik And Harvey Weinstein Looks like they're on a yacht.. anyhoo..

Re Joss Stone : Maggie Nixon and NXIVM, the John Podesta "14 and fish" photo, and a Clinton email on the Pew Trust, ... >>

'Ambassador' Paolo Zampolli has a webpage . Just ONE page which says


Running a check on it: who is

The UNOPS supported

UN Sustainability

We Are The Oceans (WATO) is educating through music, gaming and technology, accessing millennials on their terms, to tackle ocean sustainability issues.

UNOPS Love Nature Ocean Unite The Voice Joss Stone Rovio Vans Warped Tour Oceanic Global Sustainable Oceans Alliance

Joss Stone

Sustainable Ocean Alliance

Sir Ronald Cohen

He is the chairman of The Portland Trust and Bridges Ventures.

The Portland Trust

The Portland Trust was founded in London in 2003 by Sir Ronald Cohen, co-founder and former chairman of the private equity firm Apax Partners, together with Sir Harry Solomon, co-founder and former chairman and CEO of Hillsdown Holdings.

The other trustees are Lord Freud, current Minister for Welfare Reform in the British government and former vice chairman of UBS Investment Banking, and Mick Davis, founding partner of x2 Resources.

Lord Freud,_Baron_Freud

Freud is the son of Walter Freud and a great-grandson of the physician and pioneering psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

In 2006, Freud was asked by Tony Blair to review the UK's welfare-to-work system. The Daily Telegraph said that Blair had been "impressed by his role in raising finance for Eurotunnel and EuroDisney" while at UBS.

After the Conservatives won the general election in May 2015, Freud was promoted to Minister of State at the DWP, where he was given an enhanced role in overseeing the expansion of the Universal Credit scheme.

auralsects ago

The Portland Trust was founded in London in 2003 by Sir Ronald Cohen, co-founder and former chairman of the private equity firm Apax Partners

Thats Alan Patricofs old firm, hes a Clinton lackey. I've posted about him before. Also his wife's brother is Craig Hatkoff of the Child Mind Institute.

Theyre all Jews obviously, or as you apparently prefer to call them, "swamp creatures," which is offensive.

letsdothis3 ago

I only used the word Swamp because that's the term used in the video and I was in a rush this morning. Didn't know that's an offensive term...

On to the rest of your comment.. Thanks for pointing out the Patricof connection. Wow.. After doing a voat search my head hurts:

COFFEEGATE IS REAL! (sourced post longer than my [Deleted post but clearly yours]

Cafe Nero: Founder Gerry Ford (along with Svenson) is formerly of Apax Partners, one of the world's biggest private equity funds founded by a AT-CHELSEA’S-WEDDING-LEVEL CLINTONITE JEW named Alan Patricof.

His wife Susan Patricof is both CFR AND an “overseer” of -- the aforementioned IRC.

Her brother is Craig Hatkoff, one of a dozen JEWISH directors of the Child Mind Institute, among them the sister of Trump's Treasury Secretary, Valerie Mnuchin.

Craig Hatkoff was a trustee of the Sesame Street Workshop while the Jew Gary Knell was president.

Gary Knell was mentioned by @redditsuckz here due to an invitation his wife Kim Larson sent to John Podesta -- to an event for Alefantis and Waters’ org Slow Food.

Valerie Mnuchin - sister of Steve Mnuchin ... rumours about him and Meghan Markle...

And there's this one: Intergenerational pedophilic families behind Child Mind Institute

letsdothis3 ago

Re Blavatnik School of Government : Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

Eric Schmidt connections

Bill Clinton is also on the board.

40 dover street - the arts club

connections between Geffen, Blavatnik, Mark Ronson and Lindsay Lohan, the Freud's, Uri Gellar, Malcolm Rifkind and Leon Lord Brittan and the entirety of the UK's sexual abuse and extortion issue

Anders Sandberg is involved with Jeffrey Epstein's Lifeboat Foundation

Connections with Tate and FAPE too... Prince Harry...Prince Charles.. See post for more

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They have blast wace exceleratos and will attack the coastlines with them. Agenda 21 is live, and we will have more record floods and fires across the country every year. Rothschild is behind all of this. They will take everybody off the coastlines and out of the nice rural areas. In to the mega regions and stack and pack housing for the lot of you.Buy a bike, this is a done deal. We are not talking 30 years from now. The next 10 years will be one disaster after another. USA is target #!1, they want the population down by as much as 80%. Europe, USA and Canada are the wrong place to be living for the next decade. Trump is fast forward with agenda 21, he is a puppet like the rest of them. 5G is a top priority of his masters so it is one of his top priorities.

carmencita ago

Good God. May they rot. They are an evil bunch and those that believe in them as well.

letsdothis3 ago

Another good find @carmencita . The number 14 is significant too.. Podesta's hand.. also in occult terms 2 * 7

I see from their twitter account that Steven Pinker is associated.. I've written about his connection to Epstein.

Connections with the CIA too :

Healthy oceans are on the minds of Marc and Lynne Benioff, and they showed it today with a $1.5 million donation to the Sustainable Ocean Alliance... It’s clear that the Salesforce founder is as concerned about environmental issues as he is about social ones, and as ready to write a check when there’s a compelling reason to do so.

Last year the organization also got a sudden cash infusion from a motivated donor: the mysterious Pine, who distributed some $86 million to charity (and nonprofits like SOA) after making a tremendous amount of money on Bitcoin.

One of their startups is Sustainability Cloud (which will obviously work in conjunction with Salesforce) . CEO is Phillip White

Phillip White is the founder, of BlockCycle, a company born out of Red Garage Ventures and backed by the power of Coca-cola we are changing the way supply chains are trusted and certified by adding transparency and driving sustainability.

White is with Coca Cola Sydney . In other words Coca-Cola Amatil (HSBC has an 11% stake)

Chairman is David Gonski

David Michael Gonski AC (born 7 October 1953) is an Australian public figure and businessman. He is a leading philanthropist, Patron of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, and Patron of Raise Foundation.

Gonski's business background is extensive and it is estimated that he sits on more than 40 boards.

Uh oh...

In 1999, Gonski was appointed as a Director to the UNSW Foundation. He became Chancellor of the University of New South Wales and a member of the Council of the University in 2005 and in 2007 became Chair of the UNSW Foundation.[14] Gonski is the first alumnus of the University of New South Wales to hold the position of Chancellor at that University.

From Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

I tried one of the broken links (Theosophy) in the wayback machine and got this: ...

So, I took a closer look at the url: takes you to

ADFA is a unique partnership between the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the University of New South Wales(UNSW) which provides training and education for the future leaders of the Navy, Army and Air Force.

Isn't that special?

carmencita ago

Everything and aEberyone is always connected. It amazes me where all of this always leads. Somehow the Evil zones are involved. None of their actions and charities ever achieve good for any the poor.

YogSoggoth ago

A Democracy cares little about the Republic's it claims to serve. You might be surprised at how little this all has to do with 'Evil for Evil's sake,'than making money for a select few. Think stockholders, property developers, or casino gamblers. Not that that does not fall under the category by some kind of definition. The difference is, who is in control of things? Until recently, the truly Evil have been unopposed to run the whole market, and no one dared call them on it, who lived.

carmencita ago

You just made me realize that the evil are finally being challenged now. What a revelation and how refreshing. No matter what the truth is at least all sides are playing out in public. We can decide, that is if the truth is being told. The frustration is, what IS the real truth. Ugh.

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent

letsdothis3 ago

@think- another Zampolli reference - see parent

think- ago


Vindicator ago

Giving this the Swamp Takedown fair, LDT :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Sorry shill, this is coverup as usual. The powers that be are represented by everybody mentioned above. Stop selling Trump, nobody is buying it. The shills won't stop with Trump the savior. He i pushing agenda 21, invasion of Venezuela, 5G and Palantir programs. He is backing his Jeuit buddies in the destuction of California and the USA through floods and fires, all the while ICE is smuggling 1000's of illegal immigrants in the country every month. Trump is here to bring the country down, and divide it during this run so they do not ever unite. You never stop with your disinfo and censorship here.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

auralsects ago

It's not your place to adopt memes from rival theories on behalf of the sub, even if OP was careless enough to use it. Have some decorum ffs.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Given the Smollett case development, should we wait until convictions occur to apply takedown tag?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Read that Smollet WANTED the FBI to handle his case.

Vindicator ago

I'm of a mind to apply it twice: once when indicted, once when convicted.

Oh_Well_ian ago

GITMO tags??

that would be neat

Factfinder2 ago

Smollett walks, has all charges against him dropped:

Comment from article reader Liberty Rising:

I can't help but think its connected to the whole Avenatti thing... his co-conspirator is Smollett's lawyer

Avenatti arrested yesterday and Smollett charges dropped the next day?

Maybe we are about to see a MUCH bigger story unfold. Bought his freedom selling out the 2 lawyers?

Its all dirty none the less and sad to see a bad guy get off

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The rule is when you do a pysop for them, and the law is broken, they aren't going to let you get punished or nobody would do these things for them. This is more divide and conquer from CIA controlled media. He had about as much chance at going to jail as Hillary does of ever being punished for the crimes she did for the controllers.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Jeff Kwatinetz formerly had a company called The Firm Talent Management

How many me too actresses came from that firm? That would also be an indicator for if they are involved in sex trafficking.

1Deology ago

It's Wayne Static, not Bob

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the correction. I've fixed it now.

auralsects ago

This guy was a personal lawyer to the Clintons and I definitely think hes involved

derram ago :

It's Happening! Avenatti Arrested! Which Swamp Creature is NEXT? - YouTube

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