septimasexta ago

Actually, Daphne Guinness, who also attended the MoMa after party, should also be on the radar. She is Ray Chandler's husband's ( model Tom Guinness-Taylor) half sister. She is also a high fashion model who has a few "pyramid eye" poses on her instagram:


"Guinness would probably be the first to admit that she's not exactly your average human. After all it was her own boyfriend, French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, who said of her: "[she is] no longer a person, [she is] a concept.""

"Daphne (here, in 2002) was, at one point, a pretty normal socialite. Her family, however, never was. Her father, the heir to the Guinness brewery fortune, caused a scandal in the mid-eighties when it was revealed that he had sired three other children with a hippie masseuse Susan Taylor, better known simply as "Shoe" (no joke). Her grandmother Diana Mitford (of the infamous Mitford sisters), on the other hand, was married to a famous British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley and counted Hitler as one of her friends. Her great aunt was among Hitler's inner circle, and committed suicide when Britain declared war. Daphne on der Führer, in the New Yorker: "I can't imagine he was charming.""

Here is a sample of Jewish philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy's views on America and President Trump:

"Daphne is one of if not the most stylish women living, says fashion designer Tom Ford, who asked her to model in his show. The world has many beautiful, fashionable socialites and celebrities, but Daphne is in a class of her own. Life is a stage for Daphne, says the couturier Valentino. Funerals or balls, she always makes a performance. The fashion or style icon is a special type of fashion insider, someone who is far more than an early adopter or celebrity clothes horse. The fashion icon not only inspires fashion designers and validates their clothes, but actually creates a look that affects the way other people dress and/or think about dressing. Michelle Obama, Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady Gaga, Rachel Zoe, Alexa Chung, Carine Roitfeld, and Daphne Guinness are often described as fashion or style icons. When historical figures are included, Jacqueline Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Edie Sedgwick, and Gabrielle Coco Chanel are frequently mentioned."

Baichu ago

Yoko Ono? She's still being dragged out to make appearances. Wow. The contracts with their baphomet masters must last until death! Debby Harry? Another has been being dragged outta her dungeon. I know I could be commenting on Chandler (the name that seems to appear everywhere), but I can't help but see these rich slaves as so pathetic. So very pathetic.

new4now ago

Q Was Right And Elemi Fuentes Breaks It WIDE OPEN: Rachel Chandler, Clinton Cabal, Hollywood Mk's and Modelling Agencies | pizzagate

fogdryer ago

who do you think paid for Rachels studio...………………………….The elite Satanists maybe huh??? lol

YogSoggoth ago

Dave from X22 just put a lot out about Chandler on episode 1821b. Of course we are way ahead of this, but I don't care who copy's who, or gets any credit. Looking for endgame myself.

think- ago

Sorry, but who is 'Dave from x22'?

YogSoggoth ago

X 22 report is a financial and geopolitical video series, almost daily. Pretty well done most of the time. He is a Q'er which I would not say I am, but recently, I have to wonder if he is not a larp at all. Watch that particular episode, and it is pretty clear that Q is on the same targets as us. If Q is a larp and is copying from us and others, then it does not matter because it is reaching a wider audience. (150+). Politics and finance actually go hand in hand with everything uncovered. I came here from another financial blog, so there is that.

think- ago

Thank you .

YogSoggoth ago

No, Thank you! I love you all!

think- ago

;-) :-)

derram ago :

MoMA VW Gala After Party - Live Video Projection Design -- Paul Clay - YouTube

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