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letsdothis3 ago

So, the front page of the Daily Mail continues to instruct us on the schizoid collective consciousness of the UK's Deep State with the false flags and cooked up stories from operatives and simple minded useful idiots. I'll give a simple example, I've already pointed out the coincidental links to New Zealand of Prince Harry's and Meghan Markle's communications staff. Then, here comes TV presenter Kate Garraway to add to the chaos of the New Zealand bombing story: Kate Garraway reveals she is desperately trying to contact her family in New Zealand after multiple mosque attacks

Shocking: Kate Garraway has revealed she is desperately trying to get in touch with relatives in New Zealand, following multiple mosque attacks in Christchurch

Uhm, who is Ms. Garraway married to? Derek Draper, former political advisor to the Blair government turned Tavistock psychologist.

Voat related post:

Caroline "Lady LIDDLE" Thomson - Former BBC exec. during Jimmy Savile scandal, now chair of OXFAM

Re: Trump's LIDDLE tweet:

Thomson's husband Baron Roger Liddle:Well known for his involvement with Lobbygate. In this political scandal of 1998 in which lobbyists Derek Draper and Jonathan Mendelsohn were secretly recorded boasting that they could sell access to government ministers and create tax breaks for their clients, British political figures including Liddle and Tony Blair were exposed as little more than puppets of the lobbying industry and a cabal of 17 elites. Their organization was informally known as "The Circle".

Just to point out what an incestuous place London is and how these people are all connected, here's the Matthew Freud link:

Article from 1999:

You thought Islington was the new Labour heartland? Wrong. Giles Corenexplains the lure of Notting Hill...

“About six o’clock,” he recalled to me last week, “I got a phone call at work from Mandelson, who was standing on a train platform with Derek Draper and Robert Harris, saying that he was appalled by the story. He asked me if I thought it was neighbourly behaviour. He clearly felt that his Notting Hill address entitled him to special treatment from the press.”...

Matthew Freud, the young head of Freud Communications and central to the Dome project, recently bought a £2.5 million house round the corner in Ladbroke Road, before moving out when his relationship with his neighbour Elisabeth Murdoch became public. She it may have been who pointed Mandelson towards Lambton Place Health Club, where he is often seen on the treadmill chatting to Lady Antonia Fraser. She and her husband, Harold Pinter, new Labour's greatest literary grandee, live two minutes up the road in Campden Hill Square. Blair's favourite huntsman, John Mortimer, is but a "view-halloo" away. Also in Notting Hill, you will find Lord Hollick, Blairite proprietor of the Express, and David Sainsbury, generous new Labour donor.

...There are red herrings, too: it is said that Peter Mandelson offered to babysit for his neighbour Princess Charlotte of Luxembourg, a power alliance that is probably not too threatening. Norman Lamont can be found in Kensington Park Road, but then he surely bears as much responsibility as any Millbank spin-doctor for getting new Labour into power. It’s more difficult to fit in Tony Benn, who has lived in the area for years. It is not impossible to imagine the Prime Minister strolling down Westbourne Grove on a Sunday morning on his way to chat to Lord Jenkins about the Third Way, waving merrily to the gawping Okay Yardies, only to spot Benn coming back from the newsagent, and having to dart into Cafi 206 to hide behind Mariella Frostrup.