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Podge512 ago

It's also interesting to note that when professional liar/probable intelligence asset Clarence Mitchell, the man most singularly responsible for pushing the bogus abduction narrative and the likely source for so many of the absurd stories in the British gutter press (Is This Maddie In Morocco/Did A Millionaire Australian Posh Spice Lookalike Abduct Maddie, etc.) was finished acting as the McCanns' mouthpiece, he went to work for Matthew Freud.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Interesting? Thats huge, I wonder whose idea it was to do the Maddie book that mentions Freud, that was weird. Maybe he was acting as an intermediary or fixer. Maybe he deserves another look into.

Someone else ( @Wazhappenin1 ) thought it was interesting that Barbara Walters was in Epstein's book, and Whaddya know the telegraph has a story linking them it turns out poor maddies disappearance is big business to some. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if maybe it was a scam all along but then again the never let an opportunity go to waste.

lamplight ago

Those bastards!!!! Destroying anything that is good, pure, and innocent they use to gain our sympathy. That is what evil does.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago slightly off topic but you mentioned entertainment, that link is about the Brie Larson Captain Marvel bollocks but the quartering clip explains how youtube has changed its algorithm to make MSNBC and NBC "authoratative sources" (These companies just happen to belong to the Roths through one of the Big Four companies that own everything- Black rock, State street, Vangaurd, Fidelity) Anyway they dont just use us as entertainment, they are telling us what entertainment to like now.