letsdothis3 ago

Upvoat for you. See: Forget the pedo swirl. This anti-trafficking NGO has A NAKED FEMALE FLYING ON A BROOM logo! - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3034053

septimasexta ago

Yes. This was an excellent lead. It shows the importance of SYMBOLISM.

Are_we_sure ago


septimasexta ago

Thanks for showing up. Let's us know that we are over the target.

carmencita ago

There is a picture of one of their people with Prince Charles on their Facebook. Just Sayin

YogSoggoth ago

Jung described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman. Also a group on the NGO platform.The King Baudouin Foundation was set up in 1976, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of King Baudouin's reign and has been under the honorary Presidency of Queen Mathilde since 2015. Princess Elisabeth, the couple's eldest child, is the first in line to the throne and ahead of her younger brothers and sister, who are second, third, and fourth in line to succeed, owing to a change in Belgian succession laws in 1991, allowing for the eldest child to succeed, regardless of gender. Nothing much has changed from the royals and serfs, except for getting weirder. Anyone still think they still are not in power?

think- ago

Jung described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman.

Yes. That's why I thought this was a weird name for an organization created by women - they use a witch as their logo, which might hint to a feminist organization, but feminists wouldn't call an organization 'Animus Association'.

So why the witch? I think that many feminists and even non-feminist women might use it in an innocent way, but here it seems clearly to be an occult symbol.


YogSoggoth ago

Isis, Columbus, Tanit, Ishtar,Astoreth,Astarte, ect. is all the same Deity. The only real difference is the language spoken at the time, and the migration pattern, in relation to history events. Molech represented the male principle of life and reproduction while Ashtoreth represented the female principle of fertility. Use of masks to look like something else was prominent. Here we are today facing the same sick freaks that want to torture and kill the children. Let's hope it goes my way this century.

think- ago

Not sure whether this is really a pedo swirl.... Also, it is an organization fighting labor trafficking specifically, not sex trafficking.

But everything is possible, of course.

YogSoggoth ago

International Platform "Early identification, protection and safe return of potential victims of human trafficking among newly arrived refugees, migrants and asylum seekers". Translation; could be turned into walnut sauce, with cheese on the side on a different boat.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

lastradainternational - https://archive.is/ayIx0

image - https://archive.is/Tnjgz