assistance1010 ago

Expect more info drops in the next two years for the 2020 elections.

kazza64 ago

macron teresa may and adam sandler at parties together no wonder these bastards all smirk at each other in public

NotHereForPizza ago

Ha we must have both seen anon asking someone to post it at the same time.

Mammy ago

Lol, great minds think alike; except...well, this is old. ; )

think- ago

The info wasn't dropped today, but already three days ago, and we discussed it while the 8chan discussion was still ongoing; @The1stLantern did a post, which got stickied:

Please see the 190 comments on that thread.

@shewhomustbeobeyed provided several archives for that post.

Mammy ago

Corrected. Thank you.

think- ago


think- ago

Thanks. I just wanted to mention it, in case OP wanted to go to the stickied post, and look for the archives. ;-)

EnsignPossible ago

So if he has this info, why wouldn't he go to the authorities and start an investigation?

Sounds like he's a spoiled brat who got kicked out of his family's inner circle somehow, and is trying to make trouble?? Who knows. Perhaps, he got kicked out because he didn't want to mess with kids? But then, would his family allow that loose end (him)? He seems to imply they "get irid of the evidence" doesn't that mean the kids themselves?

lopus ago

Think of Jimmy Savile. He was "questioned" a few times by police. But nothing ever happened to him. And in the Theroux-movie he also boasts about his good relationship to authorities. Do you really think that police is helping you, when they are themselves in it? Or just are good friends with the pedos? Belong to the same clubs? If you are lucky they just do... nothing! If you are unlucky, they arrest you or kill you and say, it was an accident/suicide. That's how it works....!

But you might be right, that there are some who are not into it. But how to find them? You need to find out, who you can trust. Difficult. And maybe they believe you, but how far can they go? Aren't they "stopped" by their bosses? And their career is ruined... etc...

That's why many "conspirationists" prefer going anonymously into the internet or hire private investigators. Because that is the only chance - finding co-fighters, people who help and believe you, who maybe are victims themselves. Then spread the news, get it out to the public. So that more and more people are waking up. I think that "Bellinzona-guy" appeared on the "Chans", is already a result of the "Greatawakening". People realize they are not alone, that they can join a "digital army". That makes us strong.

And that's a reason, why Q appeared. To create this "digital army".

NoBS ago

why wouldn't he go to the authorities and start an investigation?

Because they have not killed him yet would be a good guess.

truthdemon ago

Idjut in da house

EnsignPossible ago

Good is the issue. Tolerating black people crap is not tolerated. You have your own zoo, it's without us. You hate us anyway, your time has run out. This is the end.

Onetime1 ago

If you take the 10 minutes to read the Dutroux "investigation" (sic), you will see how an open and shut case of the most abominable nature can be successfully sidetracked.

The people in authority are the perpetrators.

EnsignPossible ago

ALL of the people in authority? NO hope at all? I think that's a WILD speculation on your part. What do YOU know? Can't YOU go to the authorities with your information? Would you not rather die than live in a world that is absolutely ruled by evil?

Astrotheologist ago

the war hasn't started yet.

Onetime1 ago

You absolutely need to at least quickly scan the investigatory history of the Dutroux Affair. Set aside the various names, and simply see how a massive, open and shut case of an indescribably abominable situation of torture, rape, murder of innocents was not only perpetuated by elites - ESPECIALLY those in law enforcement - but the "investigation" (sic) has been effectively thwarted to this very day.

Red Pill dispenory is down the hall and to the left.

EnsignPossible ago

You think that one example is evidence of absolute control over the situation? ESPECIALLY those in law enforcement is disturbing. It makes me question the motives of everyone around me. I thought you had to be a tool to be a cop, but I didn't think it was on this kind of level. Are you saying that our own military would murder us all if ordered to by their superiors?

Vindicator ago

No, the military wouldn't murder us if ordered by superiors. Just like the rank and file cops in Florida put together a huge case against Epstein -- but then it got taken over by more powerful forces higher up the food chain with the power to squash things.

EnsignPossible ago

I'm a MONSTER. I am NOT like you.

Astrotheologist ago

the authorities are the pedos!

an investigation will most likely get him murdered. The cops protect these people. that is their main purpose.

EnsignPossible ago

He could go to the feds then. I'm CERTAIN they would be interested.

Z11Mama ago

Again. You need to do your research. The feds are part of it. You are commenting on a subject you know zero about. These kids deserve more from you. You tube. Start there.

Astrotheologist ago

he would be killed by the feds.

EnsignPossible ago

You mean there isn't ONE good fed who would champion this issue? Couldn't he contact a News outlet to accompany him on his approach to the feds?

Astrotheologist ago

i actually think there is a secret war between white hats and black hats within these organizations. It may be made public eventually.

Astrotheologist ago

they killed him.

the rest are too afraid or have blackmail on them or are most likely part of the club.

Onetime1 ago

Sure, he could get Mark Thompson, CEO of the NY Times to accompany him.

Thompson ... you know, the guy who covered Jimmy Savile's crimes for decades at the BBC?

EnsignPossible ago

How about someone from Fox News instead?

Vindicator ago

Fox News had all of the evidence we found at the beginning of the pizzagate investigation, and did nothing with it. I think most of the powerful and successful people in this country have blackmail against them to keep them from exposing this stuff. Look what happened with Jeffery Epstein.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Or, more likely, Fox News is just controlled opposition.

EnsignPossible ago

I AM am a monster A REALone in this regard.Move or PAY.

GlassSmith ago

I have a much better explanation, it's fake and is just a distraction from something else; anyone who has spent time on the chans knows that whenever there is something big happening that the chans could turn in to an uprour there is a sudden and dramatic influx of shill posters who do everything to derail discussion.

I looked through the thread and didn't see anything approaching solid evidence. Don't get me wrong, the idea that their are high-ranking politicians involved in pedo gangs all over the US and Europe is undoubtedly true but that doesn't mean that this particular post isn't BS.

think- ago

Well, just as a 'coincidence' the TERIS company website has a pedo swirl, and a creepy photo.

EnsignPossible ago

I think that's more likely. There is this class of person, who, for unknown reasons, want to spread false drama as some sort of entertainment or joke. See how many suckers there are?

That's what I'm saying, it just doesn't make sense that one could keep the lid on something like this ESPECIALLY when a FAMILY is involved. Sure there are coverups of criminal behavior, no doubt, I just don't think it could be so pervasive and sophisticated encompassing ALL levels and numerous people...just too many moving parts IMO. Surely not even most in leadership power positions would be complicit.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Authorities are usually Freemasons you dumb illiterate cuck.

EnsignPossible ago

My relatives are Scottish Rite Freemasons and they do NOT molest children!

truthdemon ago

Most christians dont molest children...but the higher ups in the church have a mafia.... Same with freemason.. All religions , countries are roman trusts.. We r living inside a human cattle farm...of our own choosing ...thhere ls the remedy..we have a choice ot get out ...but none here dont get the debt game .. U r feeding the debt system when u loan ur labour ot the banking system.. U have to reduce debt at the US treasury...then u turn the US into ur debtor.... Thats the solution ...reduce debt and get a higher status outside the debt jurisdictiin.. Man...u have a lot to learn... U r living inside a pedoempire...and we r the ones funding it...

EnsignPossible ago

NO Christians molest children. EVIL is EVERYWHERE. I see your suspicions. You are correct, "we" are nobody up to a POINT. The remedy. Choice. It's coming. CHOOSE.

Me? I'm responsible? I should have JUMPED earlier? SERIOUS? I was a CHILD too. ALL blame wonder the elites HATE you?

NinaSparrow ago

Yea, isnt Scottish Rite one of the most extreme?

EnsignPossible ago

Yeah I was kidding the whole time. We rape the kids, make them fight, then eat them. We export the bones to our alien overlords who live in Uranus.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They don't have to partake themselves. All it requires is that one turns a blind eye. Even I understand that not every single elite is a child torturing cannibal.

EnsignPossible ago

I'm pretty certain they wouldn't do that. They sure didn't hesitate to punish me for even having the wrong attitude towards them. They got rewards and honors for ACHIEVEMENT. How could a person live such a duality of life? I couldn't sleep if I was victimizing others with my life choices. We were not allowed to take the last doughnut, or drink the last of the orange juice. Consideration was the watchword.

truthdemon ago

Have u not acted in a drama on stage.. Satanists see the a stage..its a game show..they r playing a role...

EnsignPossible ago

YES! I starred in 2 plays. ONE in elementary school until our comedy caused the PRECIOUS gold velvet curtain to be soiled with WATER. It was a hit until the cops moved in. The other I was Scooter Baxter (LEAD) in some stupid play that I was forced to do ALL of the special effects for.

Makes ME a satanist?

truthdemon ago

I am saying the satanists see the world as a drama ..u see it as life...for them they r playing a they can be two different characters..a public persona ..and a private persona..

I ll prove that u have been lied to since berth.. Google : what is namium U r name represents a bond Utube : birth certificate stock market Utube : cesti que vie trust Utube : 2018 US is a crown corporation

EnsignPossible ago

I was the BEST at EVERYTHING. No wait...namium U r....You think I'm lying? I detect you are witty, but...a liar. Don't press it. You think Dolly Partan is bad right? I LIKE her, but I think she is Naive. GOOD though.

3141592653 ago

How is she naive?

Astrotheologist ago

maybe not your relatives but im sure the leaders do.

it's a pedo club

EnsignPossible ago

They are the leaders for our state. They are respectable men. Profressionals. Religious. and I was a kid around them, along with my sister.

Astrotheologist ago

they come off as respectable. They would be terrible con men if they didn't. Watch the damn documentary already. They are not good people.

NinaSparrow ago

Amen to that!

EnsignPossible ago

My relatives ARE good people. They've had tons of chances to do the wrong thing and did the right thing instead. their characters are built by their actions. I'm a witness of some of it.

Astrotheologist ago

im sure your relatives are great people. They need good people to cover for the terrible ones.

EnsignPossible ago

I'm certain they would never be complicit in such a situation. How about you give me some direct EVIDENCE that freemasons are involved with or administrators of this sort of thing.

Joe10jo ago

You’re obviously new to Pizzagate. The reason you don’t go to the authorities is bc they’re usually in on it.

EnsignPossible ago

SURELY that's not true. Not all of them! I mean the rewards for exposing such a thing would be enormous for them. How common is this sort of thing? I started thinking it just happened in the Middle east and Africa and parts (backwater) of Asia (eg Thailand). This implies a global thing.

Z11Mama ago

Not all are in on it. All are complicit. They look the other way and refuse to help. So yes. Surely they are all involved. Do a little research. It only takes a few hours to realize your life will never be the same again. Things are not as they appear. The courts, children's services, police, attorneys, judges, therapists, social workers...they all know.

Astrotheologist ago

have you not seen the family they are fuckin with right now? you try to expose these people and you get fucked.

The cops answer to satanic pedos. The cops and authority are protection for the pedos.

you knew here?

EnsignPossible ago

Too many moving parts. I don't think that sort of thing could be held together. That would take IMMENSE evil. How would they be able to take such a wide variety and number of people into their confidence like that? Some people will risk death to stop something like this I think. I think I would.

3141592653 ago

The immense evil is real

Astrotheologist ago

watch the documentary i just posted.

This has been happening for thousands of years. This world is satans playground.

The leaders are literally cannibals. It's a massive system of blackmail. The more you incriminate yourself the higher up you go.

This is why the media is slandering Trump and will never mention the Rothschilds, Carnegies, Duponts, etc...

these secret societies Newt is talking about here are cannibals and pedos. It's fucked but its true.

EnsignPossible ago

It's the thousands of years statement that chills me. and makes me wonder just how deep my naivety goes. I realize the robber barons were lead by a different monster. Not sure if it were necessary, or if their adversaries were honorable or evil when they lost out. Cannibals too? What if that's where their superior intellects come from.

Astrotheologist ago

look into saturn worship.

This goes all the way back to ancient Saturnalia.
Rome has been trying to conquer the world forever.

EnsignPossible ago

Well I'd turn them in, if only to GET shot in the head, just to get away from all of this evilness one way or another!

Mammy ago
