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think- ago

Note that she didn't answer the question whether her children are allowed to have pizza with Podesta....

Saw another post about MI having control over DS accounts and after this tweet I believe it now.


Someone should ask her whether her dad sent her postcards from Little St. James island. /s

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @srayzie @darkknight111

Shizy ago

Check out OPs name. Now look at this post @srayzie made a few weeks ago.

Notice u/SmockingGun (but only one n) is listed as an alt of that loser who has been trying to infiltrate.


srayzie ago

What’s going on? I’m confused

Shizy ago

This is a new user with a screen name suspiciously similar to one of the alts/sockpuppets that out have listed in your infiltration post.

After I left this comment, he deleted this submission and reposted it and didn't respond to my comment about his concerning name.

IShallNotFear ago

Yea, the sensationalism of the title leads me to believe it is a shill also.

Shizy ago

Yes they're always over the top!

Vindicator ago

Something really has the shills' panties in a wad. Panic in DC!