SeeHear ago

What’s happening, is right now they are still getting away with it. When we tweet them and say all this that they can call nonsense, it’s a different way of feeding them our fear. If we could seriously stop trying to STOP these people, and we start talking to each other - foster kids, people in healthcare, childcare- if we start talking and saving people we can end this. Yelling at the devil gives him strength. We need to take the power away by saving people, since we can’t kill these fuckers.

3141592653 ago

I know this might come across as too PC for some, but your title is triggering to some of us. Not only sexual abuse, but sexual torture. Its horrifying, but many of us here have been abused in awful ways. PTSD can cause some survivors to visualize and even physically feel specific pain when statements like those in your title are made. Please dont attack me for saying this.

SmockingGunn ago

I am sorry about the offensive title I will be more thoughtful next time, I deleted this to prevent any future harm to others and made a new post instead.

3141592653 ago

Bless you. Thank you, beyond words. Thank you for caring.

kazza64 ago

why do they say cheese pizza when the word pizza is what people would normally say all pizzas have cheese on them so the cheese is unnecessary maybe they're just so used to using it as a euphemism

Geo_synchronous ago

The spawn of the Empress level, Wicked Witch of Washington, Who's under suspicion of Child trafficking and Satanic ritual sacrificial murder, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is tweeting about pizza? Fricking Priceless.

CrossFireHurricane ago

Umm, huh?

Fancy451 ago

Good find. Definitely fishy.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

That is a very bizarre tweet from Chelsea.

Are_we_sure ago

Why's it bizarre? She's taking the high road with a nutcase by answering the questions earnestly and very gently making fun her use of "aloud."

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

"Cheese pizza is a family favorite"

Cheese pizza or CP was code for child porn for years and years before the Podesta emails. She should know that after pizzagate.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Why is he a nutcase?

Are_we_sure ago

I read the podesta emails. They contain no code. That was a made up hoax that people bought into.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol I'm not referencing the 'code'

think- ago

Note that she didn't answer the question whether her children are allowed to have pizza with Podesta....

Saw another post about MI having control over DS accounts and after this tweet I believe it now.


Someone should ask her whether her dad sent her postcards from Little St. James island. /s

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Shizy @srayzie @darkknight111

Shizy ago

Check out OPs name. Now look at this post @srayzie made a few weeks ago.

Notice u/SmockingGun (but only one n) is listed as an alt of that loser who has been trying to infiltrate.


srayzie ago

What’s going on? I’m confused

Shizy ago

This is a new user with a screen name suspiciously similar to one of the alts/sockpuppets that out have listed in your infiltration post.

After I left this comment, he deleted this submission and reposted it and didn't respond to my comment about his concerning name.

IShallNotFear ago

Yea, the sensationalism of the title leads me to believe it is a shill also.

Shizy ago

Yes they're always over the top!

Vindicator ago

Something really has the shills' panties in a wad. Panic in DC!

SmockingGunn ago

I found this link on 8chan and bounced around the usual suspects on twitter before finding this.

PGIsDumbdd8 ago

Hey pizzagaters, just a quick question: On a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a brain dead monkey you have to be to actually believe that real arrests were gonna happen based on that retarded pizzagate conspiracy theory?


"Tick Tock, Asswipe, you are going to look real stupid, real soon."

"Tick Tock Tick Tock Mr Brock."

"The entire thing is coming down Alefantis."

"OH YES! It is real!!! Ready to dance in the streets when Clinton and cronies are arrested! BEST DAY EVER!"

"Ha! Yes, let's start in Washington!!! Oh, I can see the podestas scurrying into those tunnels now!!!!!!!"


Is any of those brain dead monkeys still around? Did I tell you back then that reality goes on independent of your ridiculous beliefs?