Vindicator ago

Removing per Rules 2 and 3, since OP refused to edit.

thewebofslime ago

Don't worry. Michael Alig writes books and works with under privileged children, now.

As for the connection to Alefantis, you would have to check out their club/event connections and see when Alefantis was in New York. My guess would be the Tunnel nightclub, if at all. La Boum Boum Room certainly seems like a similar scene.

Vindicator ago

So Alefantis shared an article saying Alig was released from prison. I'm not sure "connected" is an accurate word, here. Do you have any other links showing the two are connected by more than a shared news item? This doesn't really meet our evidence requirement if nothing else is found, and we'll have to remove it per Rules 2 and 3. I will give you the 24 Hour Grace flair so you can edit in any additional evidence that may be found that the two men are linked. Thanks.

captainPlanet3250150 ago

Listen Rat, do whatever you want. Normal people don't know pedophiles who dismember bodies and lead in LGBT groups

argosciv ago

Listen Rat, do whatever you want. Normal people don't know pedophiles who dismember bodies and lead in LGBT groups

Loool. So let me get this straight... you disappear for 12 months, then come back with ^this kind of attitude in a submission you made trying to get us to run with a claim that Alefantis is connected to some murderer(Michael Alig) released from jail because "[James Alefantis] penned a letter to [Michael Alig]", when in actuality, that isn't even remotely true -- it was not Alefantis.

I guess it only makes sense that you'd want to lead pizzagaters on with a blatant lie and make it look like the people here are using said lie to target Alefantis, considering that you "don't believe in pizzagate", as can be seen from your conversation with from over 1.5 years ago:

Quite a coincidence that this submission of yours was posted about a week before Vindicator's submission about Comet Ping Pong's domain names, which itself was posted about 3 days before a fire broke out at Comet Ping Pong(The submission for which, surprise, PGisDumb shows up in, 'trolling' about the domain names submission), no?

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

IShallNotFear ago

Could you please give a summary for those of us who don't like to watch videos?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I remember this guy from a documentary in the 90's. He even through a party in the club with the theme of chopping up bodies, and that is what he had just done to a friend. Where was he connected to Alefantis? I missed that part.

Btut whats with that guys fake crying and emotions, that did not sit right with me. Dan Dix is a gatekeeper along with WeAreChange and WAM, World alternative Media. The Outer Light is legit, but he can be laborious and aologetic for his opinions in every video. Gets tedious.

captainPlanet3250150 ago

He made a facebook post about him the day he was released from Jail, why would a normal person even know someone involved in that.

Are_we_sure ago

The Club Kids were not a pedophile group. And they were covered in the media as a phenomenon especially underground media, they had a very good sense of PR.

The Facebook thing could have simply been about "remember when this was going on" Like some you may say about the Bundy Standoff even if you had nothing to do with the Bundy standoff.

wizlord ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the masquerade of these gatekeepers.

Imnotshocked ago

Check this out , Desmond’s mom Is having an AMA ! I think we all need to go there me start asking!

captainPlanet3250150 ago

Someone please bring this man's name up and ask their connection

Imnotshocked ago

Yes it’s all true ! Desmond’s mom is condoning the abuse of this child and needs to be locked up! Letting your child in the same room as a man who is a convicted murderer is beyond insane!

NotHereForPizza ago

James Alefantis is a Rothschild.

Edgar Allen Welch destroyed a hard drive when he shot a bullet at Comet Ping Pong.

Cameras outside were directed different ways the day before the incident and the next day they were returned to normal.

Instagram pictures shows them doing foundation work in the basement where they dug up big portions of the flooring.

Tunnels all around that area. Tons of them.

Vindicator ago

James Alefantis is a Rothschild.

That has never been proven, and the Rothschild pic he was supposedly in was debunked.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, we've covered that pretty extensively yesterday.

It's pretty funny how quickly that was shot down, though, wasn't it?

How about we take the situation in strides and don't be so quick to disprove things. There was a drop on /pol/ some time in March of 2017 that claimed David Brock would have a heart attack. It was early March. As it turned out, before the end of the month, David suffered a heart attack. He didn't die though, strangely.

In this drop it was claimed David was the only visible connection to James, his boyfriend and that he was a Rothschild. It was also claimed that there would be a fire at Media Matters. Although this didn't come to fruition, shills engaged anon's HEAVILY during the thread and for some time afterward.

Maybe you haven't been around long enough to realize once "citizen journalists" (anons) get far enough along on a certain strand of info, shills pick up heavily to derail investigation. Weirdly, you sort of alluded to that further up, also assisting in developing the anchor suggesting I'm providing disinfo.

Anyway when a situation like I've described develops, that makes anons more and more curious.

Why does it matter to you if what I say is true or not? Did you know James hangs around here, Vindic8or?

Vindicator ago

Why does it matter to you if what I say is true or not? Did you know James hangs around here, Vindic8or?

Because it's my job to keep an eye on who cares about the integrity of our research and who acts in ways that harm it. Your condescending attitude is quite telling, NHfP.

Of course I'm aware Alefantis worries about this board. It's highly gratifying.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm a gatekeeper.

Well, at least you've supported my argument.

Also, I have no dog in that fight. I don't care how people view the integrity of your research here. I'm using this platform for many reasons. One of which, however, is not at all to damage such integrity. It does worry me, as it always has, that speculation of this sort is widely attacked on your sub.

Are_we_sure ago

What's the story you're trying to tell yourself. And you can shoot a computer without hitting a hard drive. Why do you think the hard drive was hit. You can also just replace a hard drive and slip the old one in your pocket. The idea you need to stage something is just straight up silly.

mrohm ago

Kamil, the MSM reported it.

think- ago

Why do you think the hard drive was hit.

Honey, maybe you should have taken a longer holiday. It was in the MSM that the hard drive was hit.

PGIsDumb15 ago

It was in the MSM that the hard drive was hit.

No it wasn't. Besides there being 0 evidence to back that claim up, it's demonstrably false.

A hard drive is situated somewhere in the middle/down front of a case(you can check), while the comet ping pong pc was hit somewhere in the middle top.

And the idea of going to the lengths of staging something like this when you can just replace the hard drive is just insane.

This is just another example of picking up a falsehood, deciding that it's true then be completely shut to any evidence proving the contrary. Quite common among you pizzagate nutjobs.

PGIsDumb15 ago

It was in the MSM that the hard drive was hit.

No it wasn't. Besides there being 0 evidence to back that claim up, it's demonstrably false.

A hard drive is situated somewhere in the middle/down front of a case(you can check), while the comet ping pong pc was hit somewhere in the middle top.

And the idea of going to the lengths of staging something like this when you can just replace the hard drive is just insane.

This is just another example of picking up a falsehood, deciding that it's true then be completely shut to any evidence proving the contrary. Quite common among you conspiracy nutjobs.

Are_we_sure ago


NotHereForPizza ago

See what I mean, now?

NotHereForPizza ago

Read news articles from around that time...

Quit being so stupid.

Is that you, James?

Are_we_sure ago

So show me one that says the hard drive was hit.

NotHereForPizza ago

ahh i see what you're doing.

PGIsDumb15 ago

ahh i see what you're doing.

I see what YOU'RE doing. You're blindly believing a easely demonstrably false lie, while every evidence presented to you that proves the contrary will only cause to entrench yourself even more into that false belief. Isn't that exactly what you're doing here?

Yuke ago

THIS, is what none of us should do, we must be accurate with what we say and spread. The instagram pics you are referring to are the renovations that were taking place at Pegasus. This thread can explain all of that

The Rothschild thing doesn't have any solid facts supporting it and I, for one, don't believe that theory at all, I think that was a fake story pushed by shills.

Nothing wrong with the other things you said though.

NotHereForPizza ago

Why would there be easily accessible evidence of Rothschild bastards and their propped in businesses that are used as fronts for various types of nefarious processes?

What you do with this sort of vague info is you bounce it off of multiple places and in multiple ways. With stuff like this, it's typically pretty hard to nail down facts. What we do, then, is we gaugue how likely it is to be true based on the reactions we get by throwing it around like I said. If you have a bunch of stupid faggots trying desperately to keep you from bringing these things up, curiosity should peak.

You're new to this, aren't you?

Here's the thing, it matters quite little that the renovations were in the museum instead of the pizza shop. I did fuck up, but if people are stupid enough not to do their own research then that's their fault for listening to some nobody. I agree that for perception's sake that we should try to be more accurate, but for you to jump on me like this like you're trying to make an example out of me makes me all that much more curious...

Yuke ago

New to this? Nope, been with Pizzagate since the very beginning, that's what brought me to Voat in the first place; I was a first wave migrant from Reddit. Never been back, Voat is home, and pizzagate, particularly the Alefantis and properties have always been the area I've been interested in the most.

I haven't jumped on anyone, you took a generalized comment and made it personal, I'm not here to attack anyone, I'm just saying that we should be careful and accurate in what we say. Saying someone is a Rothschild when there is no hard evidence only conjecture, isn't that. Look back through all my pizzagate posts, I've always been the same in what I've wanted to see: facts from reliable sources. With that we can do lots and we can also weed out the shill posts.

NotHereForPizza ago

Sounds good. No harm done. Carry on and welcome, newfriend.

Just a word of advice from someone that's spent time around people doing heavy digging on Roths, they tend to conceal themselves very intensely. This makes the process of uncovering them very tedious. Many say to follow the wives, and for good reason. Frankly, it doesn't matter much if he is or isn't, but suggesting that tends to make people react pretty dramatically. It's good to use such an onset to build exposure, which you've seemingly helped to do. Confusing you or antagonizing you wasn't my intention. Gotta have thick skin around here.

Yuke ago


For what it's worth regarding the Rothschild family photo, my money would be on that suspected Alefantis figure being Eric de Rothschild Pictured here from roughly the time of the family photo ( pic 1993) The family picture looks like it was taken in 1994. Alefantis would have been about 20 years old then. These are the reasons why I don't believe that it is Alefantis. But as I said, if something more solid came along I'd be only too happy to change my stance on that.

think- ago

It's certainly not Alefantis, and Alefantis is his real name. Imo he is a bastard child, so they might not want to have him on a family photo anyway.

But he looks too similar to some of the Rothschild to totally ignore this. It's only a theory, and we should treat it as a theory, not as a fact, but we should keep in mind that it might be possible.


Yuke ago

I can see why people think he looks like Philippine de Rothschild in her latter years, but he doesn't look like her when she was younger. Have a search for Alefantis' father, you can see the resemblance there. I tpersonally hink this whole angle was created by shills because they know having a scenario where multiple thoeries come together as one is what we'd love to see and thus, would be a great distraction for us. In reality I think that rarely happens. They didn't get to be the richest people on earth by being sloppy and stupid.

think- ago

Have a search for Alefantis' father, you can see the resemblance there.

I will.

I tpersonally hink this whole angle was created by shills because they know having a scenario where multiple thoeries come together as one is what we'd love to see and thus, would be a great distraction for us.

Possible, but as I said in my reply to @Vindicator elsewhere on this thread, the most sophisticated shill on the board fights the idea that JA might be a Rothschild bastard child.

They didn't get to be the richest people on earth by being sloppy and stupid.

I actually don't think there wouldn't be any sloppyness when keeping in touch with a bastard child. That's actually what Royal families have always done (honouring their male bastards with titles etc.).

TL;DR: I have no idea whether this theory has any merit, just thinking that we should rule it out.

Going to look for JA's dad photo now..... ;-)

Vindicator ago

You are correct. The age/date correlation is all wrong.

Now, a better question is why are pettifoggers constantly pushing the idea he's a Rothschild?

I think that, and the fact that this IamQ account posted his grandmother's obituary, bear further reflection and research. Perhaps it will lead to proof he actually IS a Rothschild. But so far, that evidence has not yet been posted here.

think- ago

Well, Are_We_Sure, who is close to the DNC, and maybe to JA, too, is constantly pushing against this theory. So you'll end up with some shills supporting the idea, and at least one shill fighting it.

Yuke ago

and the fact that this IamQ account posted his grandmother's obituary, bear further reflection and research.

What did I miss? Care to elaborate a little?

NotHereForPizza ago

Varying perspectives and not always agreeing is how we got here. I see no reason for all of us to always be on the same page.

Yuke ago

Me either, as long as we're striving for the right answer and/or the same goal.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh yeah, that was the museum.

But fuck off. We know James runs around these parts. We don't need you doubt spreading like a faggot.

James says the only real connection to David Brock. It wasn't even a month before he had a heart attack that someone dropped on pol saying he'd have a heart attack and the James was his gay lover and that they were tying off loose ends. That's about the time a picture of James popped up featuring him in a big family picture with the most hilarious looking cliché disguise you could imagine.

letsdothis3 ago

Have you not noticed the deluge of disinformation currently flooding this forum?

Vindicator ago

It certainly has picked up in the past 24 hours, hasn't it?

letsdothis3 ago

I tend to think the Hampstead case is one of the triggers and brings in the loonies.

think- ago


NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not spreading disinformation. I was just wrong...

Quit being a fucking faggot.

Yuke ago

I certainly have.

letsdothis3 ago

Upvoat for you then. Interesting, is it not? (That's just a rhetorical question btw.)

think- ago

I still think he might be a Rothschild. Looks eeringly similiar to the deceased Philippine de Rothschild, although the guy on the family photo wasn't him. Also, didn't he have property in a Rothschild building?

NotHereForPizza ago

You know, I was almost worried about you, think. Good for you.

think- ago

You know, I was almost worried about you, think. Good for you.

I don't care. You have been one of the guys harassing @srayzie, right?

NotHereForPizza ago

That's what they'll tell you...

But she sure does like to insist I'm someone else.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Nothing meaningful. That is not allowed here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Oh really? Alefantis is in a Rothschild family photo on their lawn, and his house was listed as being previously owned by Rothschild. That was all in the early investigation. Don't correct somebody if you haven't gone through the evidence.

think- ago

Oh really? Alefantis is in a Rothschild family photo on their lawn

No, he isn't. We proved that the photo was too old to feature him. But it might be a relative if he is indeed a Rothschild.

NotHereForPizza ago

And THAT is why the photo mattered.

Glad to have you around.

I thought I was talking to myself here. Thanks.

NotHereForPizza ago

They're going to do this, man. Learn from this. There's people that haven't been exposed to the investigation like we have. We need to understand that them presenting their lack of knowledge on the subject is indicated by their insisting we're shills and insisting we're wrong despite our being familiar enough with this to remember it a year or more later...

Yuke ago

I've seen the photo. It's a photo that people think looks like Alefantis, therefore they have decided it is 100% Alefantis. Not even thinking of the date etc. So no, I don't believe that is him. As for the house, again, I've seen the bits and pieces you are referring to and I'm not convinced of anything to do with that either. And as I've said before when it comes to this spurious Alefantis/Rothschild link, if he was a Rothschild, I'm fairly sure he would use that name as it would get him A LOT further in life. If something more substantial comes along then maybe I'll warm to it, but as it is, I'm pretty cold.

think- ago

if he was a Rothschild, I'm fairly sure he would use that name as it would get him A LOT further in life

I think he is a bastard child of one of the Rothschilds. This would explain why he doesn't use the name.

Vindicator ago

What makes you think so?

And if that is true, why would this be a constant push from the shills, even though we've debunked it many times?

think- ago

I explained it above. He looks eeringly similar to the late Philippine de Rothschild, and one of the male Rothschilds. Like Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro (you might know that Castro was a good 'friend of Trudeau's family' when Trudeau was conceived btw).

And this would be one explanation why he is regarded to be a powerful DC player.

And if that is true, why would this be a constant push from the shills, even though we've debunked it many times?

You can't debunk that someone is a bastard child of an (unknown) someone, unless you get the people you are talking about doing DNA testing.

We have only debunked that JA can't be the person on the photo. But that someone of the Rothschilds who is only a couple of years older also looks like JA only confirms my suspicions.

why would this be a constant push from the shills

I have no idea. Which shills do you mean besides DTM and NotHereForPizza?

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, come on. Quit being all smart and shit. You're going to piss off the shills.

think- ago

Oh, I totally piss off trolls like DeathToMasons. :-) :-)

carmencita ago

That’s the same camera trick they used on the Seth Rich Murder. Across the street st the market the camera was played with too. All this under Newsham.

petevoat ago

Alefanis in french is I love babies

Vindicator ago

We debunked that early on.

Are_we_sure ago

It's not and his name is Greek, not French

3141592653 ago

I think that would be something like:

Je t'aime les enfants

wizlord ago

More like "J'aime les enfants". But you are right about the fact that, when an english speaking person tries to say these french words, they do sound a lot like "James Alefentis". The "James" part is important.

3141592653 ago

Yes you're correct on the French, thanks

JimHines ago

Alefantis provided venues and entertainment where pols and other public figures could do drugs and fuck and let loose with no worries about showing up on television.

Secret tunnels, sex dungeons, mountains of blow, heroin, trips to Epstein Island, the whole shebang. (and hebang).

David Brock/Media Matters had their filthy dicks deep in that shit too.

Sometimes there were kids who never came out of those dungeons.

Fun Fact: Major ties between Alefantis and Sandy Hook Elementary.

Are_we_sure ago

how the fuck did this spew of bullshit get 5 upvoats?

JimHines ago

Wow you can't find this shit on google or bing or even duckduckgo any more. It's been fucking memory holed. I'm going to have to bust out the cold raid and see if it is still spinning.;_ylt=Awr9DWYMTj1cOgcAzkFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0NjZjZzZhBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=anderson+cooper+green+screen+sandy+hook&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-s#id=9&vid=765beee48258db3c28a704fcb955a876&action=view

think- ago

Fun Fact: Major ties between Alefantis and Sandy Hook Elementary

How so?

JimHines ago

Through horror show CT.

Those parents were all operators and had all been paid off to keep quiet (their home loans paid off etc) but one of them leaked and they all suffered the consequences.

In the style of 'we only have to do one big massacre every 12 years or so to keep everyone 100% on board'. They send the 'before and after' pics of the kids who were taken, turned out, tortured, and in several cases, vivisected.

edit oops wrong link


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You did not point to any story, or observation about the story you just spoke about. The link was not about what you stated.

truthdemon ago

Controlled opposition is part of.invented chaos.... Programming thr public comes in the same package... Action...reaction....and then the drive both to sync with the eventual aim... They control all sides... ...... Its out of sync now...because the satanists are being backstabbed and outed....and they r amplifying and accelerating the pedo program...that was their programmed aim given to them...and now they r running with it...because thats all they now... While they r beingnbackstabbed by the elite to drive their new world order