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cat_of_doom ago

I think the steel spikes/slats are great and modular, probably cheaper. Can always string concertina wire

3141592653 ago

After reading this, i worry he is using the problem of human trafficking as a way to sell the wall idea. I dont know how accurate his assertions are. I think the elite control the ports and use that as a main way to smuggle humans.

toutedesuite ago

You are right to think our ports are far too porous. Inspections of commercial transport vessels by US legal authorities is only covering a drop in the ocean, literally. But if we tighten/harden our land entry points that will free resources to be applied elsewhere.

Lansing-Michigan ago

CIA is the largest terrorist / illegal drug organization in the world. Women and children are now a big big way for them to make money. It is well documented....but their way of distribution , by way of motorcycle gangs is not. Recently watched a program on TV about a man in California broke away from a huge gang and started one in Arizona.......they are controlled. Arizona is big in human and drug trafficking...i.e McCain's outfit... We need to pay attn. to the middle men.

hewhoneverobeys ago

I had my doubts about Trump, but after considering all the Evidence so far: I Trust Trump, I think he is doing a Good Job, and I will continue to pay taxes to his Administration.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Darling, where have you been? I've missed you.

hewhoneverobeys ago

Stuck inside the internet with you, goof.

Bplus ago

super freaky unexplained agent in video at 1:05

septimasexta ago

I've been waiting since he was elected to hear him mention human trafficking as it relates to the border wall. And of course, much comes UNDER THE BORDER through tunnels. Glad that this topic is his Ace in the Hole to get the wall built. I just hope it does not become an Iron Curtain. Thank you President Trump!

septimasexta ago


Did you know that Israel is buildinG an UNDERGROUND WALL ALONG THEIR BORDER?

"Israel Speeds Up Underground Border Wall To Block Gaza Tunnels" January 24, 20189:08 AM ET

"The Israeli military is speeding up construction of its first underground border wall. The 40-mile-long wall will run the length of Israel's border with the Gaza Strip to counter tunnels that Palestinian militants have dug into Israeli territory. Dozens of tunnels, reportedly running dozens of miles long, have been constructed in attempts to infiltrate Israeli territory and carry out attacks, according to the Israeli military. "This is now a significant game changer," said Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. Work on the "obstacle," as the military dubs it, began last summer. About 2.5 miles are already complete. Now the military says it is accelerating construction, working 24 hours a day, six days a week — breaking only for the Sabbath — to complete the wall by mid-2019."

"On top of the underground barrier, Israel is also building an aboveground border fence. The government is installing sensor technology to detect when militants are tunneling close to the border, the military says."


I think Israel can spare $5 billion from their GENEROUS U.S. military aid package......Can't Israelis just ask Niki Rothschild for a donation?

"US Military Aid to Israel Set to Exceed $3.8B, or $23,000 Per Year for Every Jewish Family Living in Israel" August 5, 2018 by Edward Morgan

septimasexta ago

Cartel Tunnel to California Discovered in Mexico

"Breitbart Texas recently reported on assertions by Roberto Mendez Meza, the vice president of the Association of Engineers in Mexico, which dispute a claim made by the Mexican Attorney General that there were 30 narco-tunnels found along the U.S.—Mexico Border between January 2010 to June 2017. Mendez Meza said that the likely number was 80. Mexicali is a stronghold for the Sinaloa Cartel and registered more than 60 homicides in 2018, most believed to be related to internal conflicts involving the cartel and regional gangs aligned with competing factions.." https://www.breit

""We know that the main function of these clandestine excavations is to get drugs across," Kevin Kelly, a special agent with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Nogales, Arizona, told Efe.... "Once they set up a tunnel it's a virtually secure way to move the drugs," Kelly said. He added that the cartels invest a lot of money and employ many people in the construction of and operation of a tunnel, and so when authorities discover and dismantle one it's a heavy blow to the traffickers.... "We've had all sorts of discoveries, ... tunnels that begin in one house or business on the Mexican side and end inside a house or establishment in the United States," he said. Kelly said that these tunnels are particularly sophisticated, and some of them have electricity and ventilation. "These organizations are always going beyond the (old) limits, they're always thinking about new ways to build and set up new tunnels," he emphasized."

septimasexta ago

TRUMP IS ALSO APPEALING TO THE STEEL INDUSTRY: "And we have to build a wall, or we have to build a barrier.The barrier, or the wall, can be of steel instead of concrete, if that helps people. It may be better. But I'm willing to do that so our great steel companies - which are now back in business - they were very, very - they were doing very poorly when I took office, and now they're doing very well. A lot of steel workers working that never had a chance of getting a job in the steel industry again. Our steel industry was dying, and now it's very vibrant.I intend to call the head of United States Steel and a couple of other of our great steel companies to have them come up with a plate or a design of a beautiful steel product, which we now make here, and we'll use that as our barrier.So we're trying to do everything possible to get money to our incredible people.."

If you believe Q, our imported steel used for military purposes had been degraded and one of his first priorities has been to restart U.S. steel production. Perhaps the "slats" will go DEEP into the ground.

auralsects ago

do you trust the plan, faggot?

of course trump knows about human trafficking, his modeling agency was involved in it



Regardless of Trump's motivation, this is a positive development for the Pizzagate community.

The president speaking about Child Trafficking only adds legitimacy to our cause (and serves as a great way to introduce people to the concept of elite pedophilia rings)

Human trafficking is a big business. It's a big deal. DEALING IN CHILDREN IS A BIG DEAL. CHILDREN ARE probably THE MOST HARMED by not having the wall or its equivalent.

^There is nothing inaccurate about Trump's statement.

ridleychozo ago

Children are most harmed by his Department of Justice doing nothing about hard evidence of child porn on James Alefantis' Comet Pizza website being sent to them two years ago. Trump's administration, the DOJ, the FBI, and DC Metropolitan police have all failed to enforce the law on the most heinous criminals in existence. Furthermore, if you bothered to do any research on Trump himself, you'd realize he's complicit because of his numerous ties to the occult and sick individuals like his friend Jeffrey Epstein.

But you people would rather live a fantasy than actually find justice for helpless children. Keep eating up every little bone he throws at you when it's all just meaningless rhetoric. Believe Liz Crokin when she credits Trump for record pedophile arrests that were local and didn't involve Feds in hardly any of the cases. The left-right paradigm is deception. They all work together and pretend to oppose eachother. Wake up.


Trust me dude. I'm no Trump apologist. I am concerned about his connections (including others besides just Epstein)

But even if he is "pretending" to oppose the left, his statements are giving our investigation more confirming evidence which we can use to awaken others.

We can use this as ammo in our attempts to find justice for the children. Changing the public's opinion isn't just possible. It's happening (see the popularity of surviving R. Kelly)

ridleychozo ago

The downvotes on your post clearly indicate this sub is toast. Trump fantasies and shills have ruined actual investigation.

Shizy ago

Toast? Because you say so or because that was your goal? Have you seen this post yet?