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Piscina ago

Who the hell names a boys' home after Lucifer, the morning star? Oh that's right: Satanists.

Here is Morning Star's newsletter, aptly named The Harvester

EricKaliberhall ago

@twistedmac11 is an alt used by ESOTERICshade that is a proven disinformation whore. @Piscina likewise. THIS SUBMISSION WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEDIA MATTERS!

twistedmac11 ago

No I'm not, and everything in the submission is verifiable.

The_Raven ago

The mods here are sus. Seriously. Why bother REEing about somebody being an alt when the info they're presenting is important with links? Somebody suggested posting everything PG related into v/QRV because there are more people there and the info will get more exposure since there are usually around 1500 people there compared to only 100 here. I agree and think it's time to abandon the v/Pizzagate ship cause it's sinking fast. Even if you don't believe in Q the PG topic will reach more people there.

Vindicator ago

it's time to abandon the v/Pizzagate ship cause it's sinking fast

Alefantis said so. Podesta said so. The NYT said so. The Washington Post said so. Snopes said so. Gizmodo said so. The Atlantic said so. Hillary said so. Hundreds of shills and a couple of confirmed child molestors who have trolled this board said so. You're in great company, @The_Raven.

Somebody suggested posting everything PG related into v/QRV because there are more people there and the info will get more exposure

What a convenient way to bury important research exposing the pedo elite and make sure it stays out of the archives of the board that is known as the world's largest collection of such documentation.

Those who want QRV eyeballs and don't want their work lost from the v/pizzagate archives should post their material here in v/pizzagate, and then make a Link submission in v/QRV directing others here. Important comments should be made on the submission here, where they can be found again by future researchers.

The_Raven ago

Everybody has said that v/Pizzagate would tank and the mods here have helped make their predictions a reality.

No, posting in v/QRV will get more exposure because there are hundreds more members there than at v/Pizzagate and v/QRV is a safer place because it's anon, so members can't be silenced by downvoats like I'm now experiencing because corrupt mods are downvoating to silence me because I speak the truth about them being corrupt.

MolochHunter ago

well if you're shtposting about the mods being corrupt, you really need to back your shit up with some 100% irrefutable evidence, or you're gonna be downvoated to the shithouse

and you were expecting some other outcome? ......

The_Raven ago

I already replied to Vindicator about certain mods behaving childishly by accusing members of being an alt. It's gotten beyond ridiculous. I'm surprised I'm not being called the alt of Amalek, EsotericShade, and anyone else that comes to mind.

The mods who aren't accusing members of being alts are complacent to even allow this behavior from mods. But its always overlooked and the brigading commences.

MolochHunter ago

sock puppetry is the single largest threat to the credibility of this sub

unify with the Mods against this or get steamrollered

srayzie ago

I’ll just drop this right here and then you choose what you want to do with it. You can go with facts, or you can go with rumors. There’s a lot more info information if you’re interested.

You sound like your mind is already made up tho.

@Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

Vindicator ago

Everybody has said that v/Pizzagate would tank and the mods here have helped make their predictions a reality.

By "everybody" you mean Esotericshade.

I'm now experiencing because corrupt mods are downvoating to silence me because I speak the truth about them being corrupt.

  1. Shill meme.
  2. Zero evidence of mod corruption presented, now or ever.
  3. I downvoted you because you are trying to deceive users and make it hard to find research in the future. I also clearly showed the appropriate solution to the problem you raised.

The_Raven ago

I said everybody because I was including those you mentioned in your post such as the NY Times, etc.

I don't need to post evidence when it's crystal clear. Why are you acting as though I'm the first and only person to say the mods here are behaving like they aren't on the side of investigators ?

If you and the other PG mods truly want Alefantis and others who are harming and murdering children arrested, I would think you would be supportive of branching out rather than keeping all of the info in one sub.

Vindicator ago

Why are you acting as though I'm the first and only person to say the mods here are behaving like they aren't on the side of investigators ?

Because there's no evidence of either claim.

If you and the other PG mods truly want Alefantis and others who are harming and murdering children arrested, I would think you would be supportive of branching out rather than keeping all of the info in one sub.

Nice deception tactic there, Raven. Where did I say the info should not be spread? Nowhere. In fact, I gave detailed instructions on how to maximize both the present and future accessibility of pizzagate research:

Those who want QRV eyeballs and don't want their work lost from the v/pizzagate archives should post their material here in v/pizzagate, and then make a Link submission in v/QRV directing others here. Important comments should be made on the submission here, where they can be found again by future researchers.

Why are you trying to smear mods?

The_Raven ago

Please link to the thread where you made that comment.

I'm not trying to smear mods. I'm sick of certain ones obsessing about alts and trying to ruin members who contribute good content thus making their content appear less than stellar. This isn't v/ProtectVoat which is a shitshow by itself without dragging v/Pizzagate into the padded room.

Vindicator ago

Please link to the thread where you made that comment.

Sure. It's at the end of my reply to you, a few rungs up the comment tree earlier today:

I'm not trying to smear mods. I'm sick of certain ones obsessing about alts and trying to ruin members who contribute good content thus making their content appear less than stellar. This isn't v/ProtectVoat which is a shitshow by itself without dragging v/Pizzagate into the padded room.

There are no mods trying to ruin members contributing good content. There are several keeping a close eye on specific users who have demonstrated themselves to be damaging to this subverse, it's users and their research by cooperating in an astroturfing vote manipulation campaign using sock puppet accounts, in strict violation of the Voat User Agreement.

If it's Crensch you have a problem with, you should know that I and a number of trusted subverse users supplied him with the evidence used in his stickied thread on this topic and asked him to get involved as the Owner of this subverse.

Unfortunately, "contributing good content" is one of the methods the shill network used to gain the credibility required to crack consensus and silence a segment of our userbase. It is not a sufficient yardstick by which to measure friends and foes on this board.

The_Raven ago

OK, I can agree with that but I think that it's time that PG evidence went mainstream and wasn't confined to a vault. Say for example that a video is released of Alefantis murdering a child, but it's only posted on v/Pizzagate. Sure it will be archived here, but unless someone is looking for it they won't see it until God knows when, but at least the 100 or so people that frequent this sub will know about it. On the other hand, if the video is posted to v/QRV, more people see it and it gets verified as true or false more quickly because more people (1200+) are there that may have those particular skills.

There really is no need for a PG archive being on one sub. As soon as someone plugs in certain terms in any search engine results will show regardless no matter if it's here or YouTube or Hooktube or Steemit or anywhere else. Why have it confined to just one place ? The internet is vast and we should all be for spreading PG info far and wide by posting it where it will gain the most traction in the shortest amount of time. It's sad that v/Pizzagate isn't that place anymore.

This will be my last comment here. I can see that anything I post will just be downvoat brigaded. Any pertinent and important PG info I feel needs eyes on it immediately will be posted in v/QRV because I trust free agents and respect their abilities to assess if info is legit and aren't too concerned as to who is bringing the info forward because the presenter isn't as important as the material. It's a shame that v/Pizzagate seems to be all about the who rather than the what.