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Doglegwarrior ago

It is low brow humor but they are known to have the oppisite beliefs they mock these fucking psyco hollywood faggot pedophiles and preist they are calling it out in joke form but we know the truth. South park guyz are good jews.

maurice ago

Southpark has been doing this kind of stuff for many years. If someone didn't allow them to, do you think they would still be on air?

joey4track ago

Trey and Matt are the good guys, they are comedians and this is how comedians expose this stuff. Spreading information isn't always about "normalizing" something. To anyone who is a true fan of the show, it's obvious where their allegiances lie. South Park has always been about exposing that the emperor has no clothes on and the reason why they have been on for so long is that they are very sly in how they do it. Honestly, I thank God that there are guys out there still able to do what they do.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Explain this then:

It's more of like another attempt to expose pedophilia within the Catholic Church as they've done numerous times in the past


That's my first link, I'm aware of it.

There is a fine line between exposing and normalizing.

They clearly are joking about it.

Kids getting raped isn't funny. I find the love boat sketch clever, but this most recent episode was less clever and more distasteful

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

There are like three entire episodes devoted to calling out the Vatican and Catholic priests on molesting children

In the South Park video games you even fight Catholic priests who tried to molest and rape you!

carmencita ago

I agree. Especially about there being a fine line.

3141592653 ago

Perhaps they are trying to expose it/keep it in the public's awareness? I havent watched the episode yet.

carmencita ago

If it's even tongue and cheek, it's wrong. Since they are owned by the same co. that owns Nick well I have to be suspicious. Sometimes their shows seem to allow us to view it one way or the other, which I find suspicious. Neither here nor there only confuses the message.

3141592653 ago

You make a good point

carmencita ago

Yeah, I never really watched them until we started posting here, and I too thought they were informing us, and maybe sometimes that's what they wanted us to think, but I started thinking that maybe they were thumbing up their noses at us. You know, like na na na na na. In other words, this is what we are doing still. All the hoopla over Nick and they are still at it. Buggers.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Pope tells priests in his Christmas address to hand themselves in..He didn't seem to happy making the announcement. This reads to me, Vatican is going down. Who better to improve kid's and adult public awareness.?


I really really hope so.

The question is how much do Matt and Trey know? And who are they protecting w/in the Hollywood Pedo industry?

I once interviewed a Hollywood Limo Driver who picked up Matt & Trey after a visit to South America

They had just returned from Cuba and explained many Hollywood Peeps visit Cuba (this was when travel to Cuba was illegal).

They explained it's easy to drive or fly into Mexico then fly to Cuba without getting your passport stamped. Seemed a bit shady. He also explained that many Hollywood guys go to Cuba and Mexico for child prostitution availability.

P.s. I hate to use the term child prostitute as these kids aren't in this industry voluntarily, but it's the easiest way to communicate the concept

carmencita ago

Getting into Cuba was really shady and as you say illegal AND there was a woman that was caught. From Canada to Cuba and she got fined $12K!!! Not worth it. If I remember correctly she forgot and left a baseball cap on her head. Now I believe that you still have to have proof of some kind that you are in the art field. Correct me if I am wrong. But that's just up their alley, easily verified for them and they have a pass to little Cuban Boys. They always seem to set things up just right.

15725907? ago

You're reading to much into this, it's just low brow humor

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Agreed. Matt and Trey rip on anything they can find. Theyve also been the most repill dropping show around since the Simpsons pre-9/11

Hydrocephalus ago

The Catholic League makes a good point. Calling this pedophilia confuses the issue, this should be addressed as typical homosexual behavior. It is typical homosexual behavior to abuse postpubescent teens. Getting this fact out to the public at large would definitely help people understand the nature of the problem. The problem is that "celibate" homosexuals are allowed to serve in the church. Also the boy scouts, and as high school teachers. Homosexuals should be kept away from teenage boys and children.

Lansing-Michigan ago

It is not typical homosexual behavior. Many more heterosexuals prefer girls . "Homosexuals should be kept away from teenage boys and children." How about the heterosexual pedophiles? Or maybe not be allowed to even have children. My father was a pedophile.

carmencita ago

Wow. I didn't know about your father. I am sorry and hope you were not abused. You make a very good point and explain it simply. It sounds to me as though they are trying to blur the lines on pedophilia. We can't let them.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Thank you. I was abused starting in infancy.My father's good friend was Joe Ryan, who started the parapsychology dept. at Duke University.Had long suspected he was Duke is implicated in MKUltra. My son told me he was CIA right before he was killed by a drunk driver last Sept.My dad and Joe were such good friends they each knew when the other was going to call them.Dad's family were of my ancestors helped to start the KKK and founded the Dallas Daily News.

carmencita ago

OMG. I am so sorry. Thank you for your courage for even being able to read this stuff. @StcarlesSeminary is an SRA Victim. A family cult. Someone I know almost sent their Child to Duke and I sent her some info and she mixed it. You sure have some background to deal with You are a Saint really. God Bless You +

Lansing-Michigan ago

Dad's family was German....hate when I make these kind of errors..much more frequent now that my son was killed...also my dog died around the same time.

derram ago :

South Park The Catholic Boat - YouTube :

Super adventure club - YouTube :

South Park The Stick of Truth The Pedophile - YouTube :

The Real Reason Why Stan’s Family Loves Church - South Park - YouTube :

Catholic League South Park Response - Bill Donohue Has a Batshit Response to South Park's Episode About Priest Abuse

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