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maurice ago

Don't know who this agent smith is or why he wants to implicate me in his psychosis.

Here is all I said on that thread.

[–] maurice 0 points (+1|-1) 2 days ago

Southpark has been doing this kind of stuff for many years. If someone didn't allow them to, do you think they would still be on air?


That being said, why does have the flag of Vlad the Impaler as his profile pic? Mosue over the profile image and right click, do a google search of the profile image, you're see it is Vlad's standard.

Why does this agent smith quote old ass greek stories, like so many of the alphagetti agencies that protect these elite families?

“ The eyes of Argus are always watching... ”

Why does this agent smith use the user name argosciv This came up on a google search of his user name.

Here is another connection to his name, this site

Is this user the author named, merrick?

If these google searches are accurate and this is this user, he is A)masonic, B) an agent for some alphagetti agency, C) possibly works for Spacecraft Interactions Branch, Phillips Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731, U.S.A. ∗∗ Radex Inc., Bedford, MA 01730, U.S.A.

I'm likely wrong on most accounts of this, no one would be this stupid to use such a user name directly connecting them to their own work...........would they?

I'm nobody and do not wish to be drawn into this persons psychosis.

argosciv ago

An interesting response. Here's the only one I need to give you:

  • Attempting to enforce the idea that I'm psychotic, through repetition of the terms "psychotic" and "agent smith". Incidentally a tactic used by disinfo pushers, clandestine agencies(which you're also trying to imply that I'm connected to) and MSM, when trying to attack someone they deem a threat to their narrative.
  • Trying to associate my username/bio with Greek stories and the elite, ignoring or otherwise totally unaware of why I actually chose it.
  • Trying to suggest that my username is connected to mentions of it outside of Voat, which I can assure you is a complete misfire. Of course, it's hard to prove this and that's surely something being counted upon.
  • Trying to suggest, using the above, that I'm "masonic" and trying to use my profile avatar to paint both myself and Vlad III Dracula as a boogeyman.

Pretty much the exact same MO as the likes of corrupt clandestine agencies, TtT, EYJP and alt-reliant, proven larper, manipulator and birgader, ES.

Also doesn't address the Elephant in the room RE: SouthPark, uses deflection/projection to avoid doing so.

maurice ago

Yea, Well, I've been annoyed by clandestine pricks most my life. I learned to think like them.

Nice way to not acknowledge why you want to drag me into this crap. You seen all I said about Southpark. If people didn't want them saying what they do, they wouldn't be on the air still. So, why try to tie me into the rest of this nonsense?

argosciv ago

Oh look, they edited their reply to remove all of their accusations. Funny that.

@Vindicator, @Crensch, @srayzie, @kevdude, @MolochHunter

maurice ago

Yeah, they did. I figured it was bad taste, I knew you could still see the crap. Want me to repost it all?