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letsdothis3 ago

Article by: Craig Timberg , Elizabeth Dwoskin , Tony Romm and Andrew Ba Tran

Craign Timberg

Craig Timberg is the name of a journalist who has written for The Washington Post. As of December 2016, he was cited over 80 times by the English Wikipedia, but did not have his own page.[1] Many of these were about technology, including an article he co-wrote in December 2013 headlined "By cracking cellphone code, NSA has ability to decode private conversations".[2]

Paul Craig Roberts referred to Timberg as a CIA agent in a response to the "Fake News" campaign.[3] Shortlisting Timberg for their 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist, 21st Century Wire remarked about the PropOrNot site which named them as an outlet of "Fake News" that "More than likely, this was a CIA put-up"

Tony Romm

Tony Romm is the senior editor for policy and politics at Recode, where he covers the intersection of Washington and Silicon Valley.

The Vox family of publications has been among the loudest defending the pedophile "jokes" and the "comedians" who made them. Vox, The Verge, Polygon, ReCode. One of the founders of Vox is Markos Moulitsas, the guy who owns Daily Kos.

Andrew Ba Tran : has worked with the Soros backed Poynter Institiute .. 'nuff said.

Elizabeth Dwoskin - only claim to fame seems to be 'big hair'.

septimasexta ago

UPVOAT! Great info. Let's not forget Jeff Bezos owns the WAPO. LET'S DO FORGET ABOUT USING AMAZON!

septimasexta ago

Let's look at semite Rep. Jamie Raskin who is the one questioning Google head about "Frazzledrip" and comments on Edgar Maddison Welch incident at Comet Ping Pong as well as claims of child sacrifice and cannibalism mentioned by researchers. His video exchange is covered currently at He wants Google to sensor this research without any investigation as to its authenticity. What is his background?

Washington Jewish Week Editorial Board: Jamie Raskin for Maryland District 8:

"Raskin rises above this year’s crowded slate of candidates, and does so in an impressive fashion. Since being elected to Maryland’s upper house in 2006, he has built a solid, verifiable progressive record. He has been the floor leader on bills to establish the right to same-sex marriage and to repeal the death penalty. He supported expansion of Maryland’s ignition interlock device program. He has worked to protect women’s reproductive rights, and has a solid record on the environment, including backing legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. His work in immigration reform has been practical, and he’s kept his sights on comprehensive reform."

"As a constitutional law scholar, author and law professor Raskin has a deep understanding of government and the legislative processes."

"Raskin also has a strong, deeply rooted support for the State of Israel, and a clearly expressed commitment to work toward the achievement of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians."

"Add to all that Raskin’s strong ties to our Jewish community..."

"New Jewish congressman from Maryland talks with ToI about anti-Semitism, Trump’s presidency, Israel’s predicament and the meaning of politics"

"Raskin said he wanted the Trump administration to authorize an investigation into the ongoing trend of anti-Semitic episodes, which he argued was far more necessary than the new office within the Department of Homeland Security that Trump was establishing to investigate crimes committed by people in the country illegally."

"Raskin is emphatic to note that while he received support from J Street, he also had backers as a candidate more aligned with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, also known as AIPAC."

"Israel, Raskin insisted, needed to prioritize disentangling itself from the millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank, something he argued was necessary for the sustainability of the Zionist ideal."


If Tony Podesta can hang a nude decapitated body sculpture cast in bronze (The Arch of Hysteria) in the open staircase in his Falls Church D.C. home, what's a "frazzledrip" video among friends?