darkknight111 ago

This article means they are scared.

Playing that card is one of their last lines of defense in terms of distraction.

tech-adm ago

Typical Leftist strategy: Bring in Identity politics to misdirect attention from kids being molested or worse. Pathetic. Washington Compost doing it's name proud as Jeff Bezos' mouthpiece.

Fateswebb ago

It's because of all the foam at the mouth shills on here that make every single post say niggerfaggot and blame everything on the Jews.

I'm not saying some of their claims about the Jews don't hold water... But a lot of it is clearly shills setting up this exact excuse to discredit us. Funny how I have predicted this for quite some time. And argued with the racists on here that what they're saying will end up being used against us.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yes. It's such a fucking joke...People that actually hate "The Jews"- Wouldn't be Posting retarded shit that only helps, "The Jews"

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yep, lots of it seems so out of context or over the top as to discredit.

madhatter67 ago

Yeh but I read some of the links here....and they are allergic to Christmas trees or something

Does liking Christmas trees make me anti Semitic?

think- ago

'The platform routinely serves videos espousing neo-Nazi propaganda, phony reports portraying dark-skinned people as violent savages and conspiracy theories claiming that large numbers of leading politicians and celebrities molested children.'

Yes, these shitty 'creepy Joe Biden' videos that prove that Biden gropes children should definitely be supressed, considering he is a great man who wants to become POTUS, huh, WaPo?! /s

Also the videos that show that Bill Clinton went to the private island of a convicted pedophile 26 times, the videos that show Tony Podesta collects art depicting tortured and dead children.....and so on and so on.....

Lansing-Michigan ago

There is an element of truth about this article. Voat is the only site I have ever gone to regularly which uses words like nigger and faggot. It has gotten better, but I used to be ashamed to give a link on FB posts from here. although it is very important to me to give credit...........did not want to be affiliated with that kind of language. Odd, the moderators are so strict on content re. pizzagate but allow language that is offensive to many.

ASolo ago

There is an orchestrated effort at play currently that is going to try and corner each and every one of us into the antisemitic argument and there really is something about ALL of our programming that is going to come into play. Regardless if any of you have cultivated an open mind to all races and have even tried to eliminate any prejudices there are still many unrecognizable modes of conditioning that manifest themselves simply because it was ingrained in us since birth through our entertainment, education and family. Really, the only way to combat this is to fully recognize within yourselves that you are a conditioned beast out of control with no real direction, thought or real self, you must realize your worthlessness. To many this is too much of a relinquishment of power that they can not do it alone and must grasp on to a higher power which is why an archetype like Jesus is used alongside his myth for this element of enlightenment. The truth of the matter is that you were an empty vessel before you arrived here on earth and "they" have filled you up with everything imaginable of their design, very little of you is who you really believe you are.

I can see it within myself if I want to be completely honest. I do know and understand that there are "Jews that call themselves Jews but are not" and that there is a persistent cult that has attached itself to various religions throughout time and have used them as human shields throughout various periods in history that are actually pagan cults that venerate a variety of multiple gods and goddesses who just happen to demand human sacrifice to "appease' their nature. The same gods and goddesses that show up in Greek, Roman, Babylonian, Sumerian and Egyptian belief systems are the Annunaki written about by Zecharia Sitchin, a group of rogue space travelers that had an advanced understanding about the elemental combinations of defeating this life over nature and needed a slave race to mine it's precious minerals that were needed for their own survival. This epic saga is also rife with misunderstanding as it is portrayed by the mainstream media and entertainment, primarily in MARVEL movies, AND Freemasonic belief, that these gods and goddesses are somehow venerated and worshiped for having given humanity the 'things' that we do have. Well, part of that may be true but there are other parts, like since we were given up from the seed of Enki, the Devil himself because of the betrayal to his race, that we must immolate ourselves for his sacrifice. No thanks. No one is above the God of gods and although they were responsible for the continuation of biological life they broke the code of universal life by tampering with creations that had already existed here.

This is the continual dark legacy that putrefies our existence a millennia after another and there are agents that keep it alive and thriving. We know that they have used very real genetic Jewish people to achieve these goals but we also know that not ALL JEWS ARE RESPONSIBLE. They have chosen a select few to be the representatives of some of this darkness like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, but surely we know there are devout, very religious and kind people that do not deserve the kind of attention labeling all Jews gains, and that is who these people count on to use as shields after the atrocities of the Holocaust, which we all know did not take just Jews, it also took the homeless, transient and dirty, christians, catholics (that presented a danger to the reich), homosexuals and transexuals (that were groomed in a society meant to be licentious as a hegelian dialectical experiment) Blacks, gypsies, freemasons, anyone that did not conform to NWO goals and one of those goals was to institute the State of Israel.

It is an Occult Plan to bring the Roman and Pagan Temple of Baal back to the Land of Moses and usurp and deceive in the name of God and yet we cannot use logical, communicative debate less it be called ANTISEMITISM. ALL discussion is shut down and you are labeled a hate something or other like it's the worst thing in the world, worse than a murder of child molester, and are ostrasized like a child. This has drastic, CLINICALLY PROVEN psychological effects of a bottleneck of frustration that has no choice but to want to vent. This is all very calculated and researched stuff here and this is what they are going to be doing to the population especially with this resent resurgence in antisemitic incidents, many times in history proven to be them themselves creating the dissent. What I'm trying to illustrate here is that this enemy is very elusive and sneaky like a devil which holds true to the mythological saying, it will create a paradigm of confusion to unravel. just saying Y'all be prepared for it to test you to the limits of your understanding.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

It's hard to rationalize posting any damning original information on this sub...Why taint important new information, with everything that comes with the forum?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


The N and F words are strong indicators that the comments are trolls shills or bots.. as @letsdothis3 says

madhatter67 ago

To be fair this is one of the few places on the internet you can say niggerfaggot and not be banned....unless you are a nigger or faggot of course....and it is a great word

Fateswebb ago

It is all shills that did it as part of their plan to do this. It was their an I said it would happen and now that's proven..


Free speech is a double edged sword. Like all weapons it can be used for Good or Bad. Same with guns, and free assembly.

Guns can be used for Murder or Self Defense

Assemblies can be Protesting Injustice or Looting

But to ban the weapon disarms us entirely.

That doesn't mean we can't use our free speech to kindly a civilly tell the Trolls to Fuck themselves with a Rusty Knife.

letsdothis3 ago

Try to remember that many of the accounts using those words may be cyber soldiers and intelligence outfits which are doing that in order to discredit this place. Still has some of the best researchers and commentary anywhere on the internet. That's why it attracts the trolls. Don't let them win.

SchlongKeyhote ago

uh if you were not red-pilled on NWO, Zionism, Jews, etc. and had to come to this nigger-hating site to learn it who the fuck are you to dismiss them like that?

Amazing that in a thread abt TPTB literally denying the pedocracy and dismissing YOU as a crank you will believe their additional lies that our views are baseless hate.

And that's why women and boomers don't belong here. It's never been personal, though your kind inevitably take it that way.

You have a different psychology and can't be fully red-pilled.

You are unwitting gatekeepers who drag things down.

However, before women controlled the education system it was different and you were more sensible: https://i.imgsafe.org/04/0459f0b90a.png

letsdothis3 ago

Have I touched a nerve? Seems you are the one taking things very personally.

SchlongKeyhote ago

Amazing that in a thread abt TPTB literally denying the pedocracy and dismissing YOU as a crank you will believe their additional lies that our views are baseless hate.

Sad, naïve woman.

And you need to look up who actually introduced women to the education system and why. That's a red pill you seem to have missed.

The entire myth of women's rights goes back to occult shills like Mary Wollstonecraft's mother hung out with. And of course all modern feminism is 100% Jewish.

The idea that you could red-pill me on anything is laughable, nigger-lover.

letsdothis3 ago

baseless hate

is a leftist term... I don't do toddlers' speech or thought

Sad, naïve woman.

You have no idea :-)

The entire myth of women's rights

That has nothing whatsoever to do with why women were introduced to the education system and I'm looking at this from a UK and European perspective, just to clarify. As I said.. go do some research on that..

The idea that you could red-pill me on anything is laughable, nigger-lover.

I wouldn't even try sweetheart.

Fateswebb ago

I've been saying that the whole time. Shills

lordv1ldemort ago

Doesn't that mean that they're claiming that the Jews are behind the rape, torture and murder of children?

letsdothis3 ago

Article by: Craig Timberg , Elizabeth Dwoskin , Tony Romm and Andrew Ba Tran

Craign Timberg https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Craig_Timberg

Craig Timberg is the name of a journalist who has written for The Washington Post. As of December 2016, he was cited over 80 times by the English Wikipedia, but did not have his own page.[1] Many of these were about technology, including an article he co-wrote in December 2013 headlined "By cracking cellphone code, NSA has ability to decode private conversations".[2]

Paul Craig Roberts referred to Timberg as a CIA agent in a response to the "Fake News" campaign.[3] Shortlisting Timberg for their 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist, 21st Century Wire remarked about the PropOrNot site which named them as an outlet of "Fake News" that "More than likely, this was a CIA put-up"

Tony Romm https://www.recode.net/authors/tony-romm

Tony Romm is the senior editor for policy and politics at Recode, where he covers the intersection of Washington and Silicon Valley.


The Vox family of publications has been among the loudest defending the pedophile "jokes" and the "comedians" who made them. Vox, The Verge, Polygon, ReCode. One of the founders of Vox is Markos Moulitsas, the guy who owns Daily Kos.

Andrew Ba Tran : has worked with the Soros backed Poynter Institiute .. 'nuff said.

Elizabeth Dwoskin - only claim to fame seems to be 'big hair'.

septimasexta ago

UPVOAT! Great info. Let's not forget Jeff Bezos owns the WAPO. LET'S DO FORGET ABOUT USING AMAZON!

septimasexta ago

Is Trump planning to plant fir trees along our southern border WALL? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-christmas-tree-at-israeli-mall-sparks-uproar-designed-to-harm-jews-1.6740488

OCASIO-CORTEZ DID WARN US..... http://www.aish.com/jw/s/Surprising-Facts-about-the-Jews-of-Mexico.html "When Hernan Cortés first conquered Mexico for Spain in 1521, he did so with a number of secret Jews amongst his men. Judaism was banned at the time in Spain, and soon many secret Spanish Jews departed for “Nueve Espana” in the New World to try and live a more Jewish life. In fact, Spain’s first Viceroy in Mexico, Antonio de Mendoza, possessed a Jewish surname, and historians suggest he was possibly one of the secret Jews who moved to the new territory."

septimasexta ago


"That video included images of a body on a table before restrained children and also of Clinton with a bloodied mouth and fangs, claiming that she and Abedin drank the blood of their victim."

"Clinton and Abedin declined to comment through a spokesman."


That is how freedom of the press/free speech works: WHERE IS THE CLINTON/ABEDIN LAWSUIT? If something this hideous was being displayed on a video and was FAKE, I would surely find the original producer and TAKE THEM TO COURT. So Hillary and Uma just get their friend Jeff to do their dirty work? Of course, they would have to prove the video is FAKE if they went to court.

"Frazzeldrip" is being used by the Clinton cabal to further erode free speech.

HOWEVER, Clinton's and Abadin's SILENCE would make one think there is a possibility that the video is real.

septimasexta ago

Let's look at semite Rep. Jamie Raskin who is the one questioning Google head about "Frazzledrip" and comments on Edgar Maddison Welch incident at Comet Ping Pong as well as claims of child sacrifice and cannibalism mentioned by researchers. His video exchange is covered currently at https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2905933 He wants Google to sensor this research without any investigation as to its authenticity. What is his background?

Washington Jewish Week Editorial Board: Jamie Raskin for Maryland District 8:

"Raskin rises above this year’s crowded slate of candidates, and does so in an impressive fashion. Since being elected to Maryland’s upper house in 2006, he has built a solid, verifiable progressive record. He has been the floor leader on bills to establish the right to same-sex marriage and to repeal the death penalty. He supported expansion of Maryland’s ignition interlock device program. He has worked to protect women’s reproductive rights, and has a solid record on the environment, including backing legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. His work in immigration reform has been practical, and he’s kept his sights on comprehensive reform."

"As a constitutional law scholar, author and law professor Raskin has a deep understanding of government and the legislative processes."

"Raskin also has a strong, deeply rooted support for the State of Israel, and a clearly expressed commitment to work toward the achievement of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians."

"Add to all that Raskin’s strong ties to our Jewish community..." https://jamieraskin.com/news/washington-jewish-week-jamie-raskin-maryland-district-8

"New Jewish congressman from Maryland talks with ToI about anti-Semitism, Trump’s presidency, Israel’s predicament and the meaning of politics"

"Raskin said he wanted the Trump administration to authorize an investigation into the ongoing trend of anti-Semitic episodes, which he argued was far more necessary than the new office within the Department of Homeland Security that Trump was establishing to investigate crimes committed by people in the country illegally."

"Raskin is emphatic to note that while he received support from J Street, he also had backers as a candidate more aligned with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, also known as AIPAC."

"Israel, Raskin insisted, needed to prioritize disentangling itself from the millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank, something he argued was necessary for the sustainability of the Zionist ideal." https://www.timesofisrael.com/jamie-raskin-promotes-his-brand-of-progressivism-to-counter-trump/


If Tony Podesta can hang a nude decapitated body sculpture cast in bronze (The Arch of Hysteria) in the open staircase in his Falls Church D.C. home, what's a "frazzledrip" video among friends? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A43480-2004Sep22_3.html

septimasexta ago

Let's take a look at semite Barney Frank. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/barney-frank What would he think of Pizzagate researchers?

Male Prostitute Takes Private Affairs Public February 11, 1990 "Beginning in late August, through much of September, it was difficult to pick up a newspaper without finding disclosures about Steve Gobie and his relationships with (Barney) Frank and Montgomery County, Md., elementary school principal Gabriel Massaro.

Frank has acknowledged paying Gobie $80 for an initial sexual encounter, but says they quickly became friends and that he offered Gobie, who was on probation, a job as a personal aide, housekeeper and driver. Frank says he knew that Gobie continued to work as a prostitute, but that he hoped to reform him. Gobie contends that Frank was not only aware of his activities but knew he was entertaining clients in the congressman's Capitol Hill home.

Frank's difficulties overshadowed the professional demise of Massaro, the popular former principal of Chevy Chase Elementary School who resigned after a school district investigation concluded he had allowed Gobie after-hours access to a guidance counselor's office from which Gobie ran his escort service. Gobie said that on one occasion one of his "associates" had sex with a client at the school.

It is easy enough to dismiss Gobie as a small-time hustler, but his revelations have rekindled the debate about the role of gays in public life. In May 1987, when Frank publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, he became a standard-bearer for the gay rights movement as well as a target for right-wing moralists. The continued support of his constituents and respect of his colleagues indicated that Frank had won a battle in the fight for gay rights. Gobie's revelations jeopardize not only Frank's career, they jeopardize his victory." http://articles.latimes.com/1990-02-11/news/vw-1119_1_male-prostitute

Frank was also BFF with David Brock at Camp Rehoboth...before Alefantis. (see 8th pic down) https://www.camprehoboth.com/letters/2000/july-28-2000-campshots

Brock has an interesting connection to Rehoboth Beach that is connected to James:

"Media Matters boss paid former partner $850G 'blackmail' settlement" "...In an acrimonious lawsuit settled at the end of last year, Brock accused William Grey of making repeated threats to expose him to the "scorn or ridicule of his employees, donors and the press in demanding money and property." Brock claimed in legal papers that he sold a Rehoboth Beach, Del., home he once shared with Grey in order to meet Grey’s demands, which he called "blackmail" in the lawsuit..."

"Brock’s bitter legal battle with Grey, who is described in a Sept. 14, 2010, police report obtained by FoxNews.com as his domestic partner of more than 10 years, began after Brock began dating Washington, D.C., restaurant impresario James Alefantis about five years ago. For the next three years, Brock and Grey traded angry accusations, which were documented in the police report and were the foundation of a pitched legal battle replete with charges of blackmail, theft and financial malfeasance." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/media-matters-boss-paid-former-partner-850g-blackmail-settlement


Well, I guess Barney Frank wouldn't give us researchers THIS kind of support.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwLLH9EZiqc

septimasexta ago


"Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, 29, who danced and helped light the menorah on Sunday, has in her own life identified as Catholic. She wrote a piece in America, a Jesuit publication, over the summer titled, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Her Catholic Faith and the Urgency of Criminal Justice Reform.”" https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/10/nyregion/ocasio-cortez-jewish.html

"Ocasio-Cortez reveals her Jewish heritage: 'I knew it! I sensed it!' The progressive Democrat said that generations ago her family consisted of Sephardic Jews." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna946041

SELF-LOATHING JEW "The term has a long history in debates over the role of Israel in Jewish identity, where it is used against Jewish critics of Israeli government policy." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating_Jew

"All socialists support a secular state of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. However, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is a member of an outfit called the Democratic Socialists of America (ignoring the fact that socialism is democratic by definition)ran for Congress on a platform that does not address the war machine and when questioned on Firing Line TV show, said on Israel, she supports the mythical 2 state solution." https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/07/15/18816465.php

septimasexta ago

Let's take a look at semite Tom Steyer. What does he have to say about researchers like us? "Democratic megadonor and possible 2020 presidential candidate, Tom Steyer, is adding his name to the roster of progressives using violent language to inspire anger against conservative voters. " DEM MEGADONOR CALLS FOR ANTI-GOP VIOLENCE: ‘KICK THEIR ASS,’ ‘CRUSH THESE PEOPLE’ ‘The time for politeness is over’ https://news.grabien.com/story-dem-megadonor-calls-anti-gop-violence-kick-their-ass-crush-t

"List of Jewish American businesspeople" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_American_businesspeople


Billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer says that Thursday’s much-anticipated encyclical from Pope Francis on climate change could be the single “most important” and impactful statement made on the issue — ever.

“I view him as an absolutely inspirational world leader … someone who has done an incredible job of staking out moral leadership,” said Steyer, the founder of the advocacy group NextGen Climate, in an interview with The Chronicle this week. “And I think this could be the most important (statement) in the history of confronting climate change.”

“He is somebody who has won over more people in the world than anybody … and what he has to say on this could have an absolutely dramatic impact on how this issue is viewed,” Steyer said." http://www.voiceinione.com/2015/newmanridge2015.html


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Well they are not wrong.

Kill all jews.

Send the niggers back to afrika.

Fateswebb ago

Ian's right you're not very good at shilling, you make it way too obvious..... They should ask for a refund.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

you guys are more Qtarded than qrv fags

Fateswebb ago

Hahaha I'm not even a q-tard jack ass, I just am on voat... Although with shills like you maybe I should reconsider that.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

found the kike

Fateswebb ago

You're such an idiot... I'm not religious at all jack ass. I'm agnostic, and was born into Catholic then Lutheran Christianity. You prove yourself more an idiot every time you reply. Proving my point...

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Don't feed the troll.

Fateswebb ago

Sorry man.. and love the name .. :)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

How is Tel Aviv treating you this Morning?

Fateswebb ago

The grand dragon called and said he needed his hood back...

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're not a Pizzagate researcher, faggot

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You don't know shit kiddo

Oh_Well_ian ago

I know you, so therefor I know shit.