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optionalfrank ago

I don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms, but I do care that children are being groomed, indoctrinated and sexualised.

@Piscina you have to be fucking kidding me. That is the coldest take yet. You say that you don't care what they do in their bedroom, but you do. Homosexuals are disgusting and you know this. This mentality allowed them access to children in the first place. Hell, they themselves held this position before they shifted for more public acceptance campaigns. Now they are sodomizing eachother and children on the street.

It is an easy position to hold because it is defensive. People with balls actually go on the offensive. Anti sodomy laws sound ridiculous at first until you realise that they were used to bully homosexuals who did nothing else wrong. They have to be afraid to even let other degenerates know their preferences. This is the only way society can fix this gay plague.

Maybe if two consentingadults were locked in a room, and that room buried never to be seen again by anyone, it would be ok. These people however interact with society every day. They will, and have been changing it every day.

In closing, please stop being a coward, and ask for anti sodomy laws. The child trafficking problem will fix itself if all homosexuals are legally put behind bars for life.

auralsects ago

You're making a fool of yourself trying to convince a woman to not be a pathetically naive wrecker of societies.

Tranny kids is just the most recent of the destructive social ills provoked by allowing them to raise kids without even the worst man's supervision.

Not so long ago we would confiscate their kids and force them into convents rather than risk inflicting such a travesty.

optionalfrank ago

You are definitely correct in that trying to convince a woman of anything is a waste of time, especially when they will conform their views to those of their love interest. Keep in mind that these public discussions are 30% about talking to people and 70% about convincing readers and lurkers.

Also I had no idea that this was a woman, I guess I don't come here often enough.

auralsects ago

Also I had no idea that this was a woman

who else would say such things, especially on voat?

the pizzagate investigation is just the latest thing to demonstrate that no societal reform is possible without first ridding them of the ability to fuck it up.

this is why I recently made a post explaining how the rapefugee crisis in Europe is a blessing in disguise