carmencita ago

Part of the Gay Manifesto

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

All churches who condemn us will be closed.

We know they are making inroads on this. They either are being closed or taken over with gay priests. You know this to be true from all the postings we have had from Church Militant. Father Paul Kalchick was replaced at Resurrection Parish in Chicago by Blase Cupich. We know what the agenda of the pope is. A Gay Hierarchy. They are in the process of fulfilling the manifesto.

More of the Gay Manifesto

The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

indulgence in the Greek passion.

Who do we know that we are constantly posting about and owns a pizza restaurant in DC and is Greek?

Friends, the Gay Manifesto was published by Michael Swift in the Gay Community News on Feb. 15-21, 1987. It was also interjected into the Congressional Record (omitting the preface, which I have added below), showing that Congress is well aware of this content.

interjected into the Congressional Record - showing that Congress is well aware of this content.


Omnicopy ago

All churches are demon possessed. It is the falling away. People post about churches and pastors. Churches are demon possessed and pastors are demon possessed and have been for years. I was shown it 35 years ago. I think the restrainer is just being taken out of the way now and you can see it now.

carmencita ago

I also would recommend finding a parish or church near you or house of worship that is not saying the new mass. If they are saying Latin Mass the priest is not part of this Evilness. Yes, keep your Children Close and monitor their education.

con77 ago

Wheres Vlad The Impaler when you need him?

northportage ago

I'm a law abiding, peacable individual, pretty much a pacifist. But I would report for a draft or civil service to defend children from molesters and satanic grooming gangs.

fuckingmockies ago

Gays and such belong in death camps.

optionalfrank ago

I don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms, but I do care that children are being groomed, indoctrinated and sexualised.

@Piscina you have to be fucking kidding me. That is the coldest take yet. You say that you don't care what they do in their bedroom, but you do. Homosexuals are disgusting and you know this. This mentality allowed them access to children in the first place. Hell, they themselves held this position before they shifted for more public acceptance campaigns. Now they are sodomizing eachother and children on the street.

It is an easy position to hold because it is defensive. People with balls actually go on the offensive. Anti sodomy laws sound ridiculous at first until you realise that they were used to bully homosexuals who did nothing else wrong. They have to be afraid to even let other degenerates know their preferences. This is the only way society can fix this gay plague.

Maybe if two consentingadults were locked in a room, and that room buried never to be seen again by anyone, it would be ok. These people however interact with society every day. They will, and have been changing it every day.

In closing, please stop being a coward, and ask for anti sodomy laws. The child trafficking problem will fix itself if all homosexuals are legally put behind bars for life.

auralsects ago

You're making a fool of yourself trying to convince a woman to not be a pathetically naive wrecker of societies.

Tranny kids is just the most recent of the destructive social ills provoked by allowing them to raise kids without even the worst man's supervision.

Not so long ago we would confiscate their kids and force them into convents rather than risk inflicting such a travesty.

optionalfrank ago

You are definitely correct in that trying to convince a woman of anything is a waste of time, especially when they will conform their views to those of their love interest. Keep in mind that these public discussions are 30% about talking to people and 70% about convincing readers and lurkers.

Also I had no idea that this was a woman, I guess I don't come here often enough.

auralsects ago

Also I had no idea that this was a woman

who else would say such things, especially on voat?

the pizzagate investigation is just the latest thing to demonstrate that no societal reform is possible without first ridding them of the ability to fuck it up.

this is why I recently made a post explaining how the rapefugee crisis in Europe is a blessing in disguise

sn00tyfr00T ago

Fuck this shit. That is so not on.

YamaMaya ago

If any of these faggots come near my kid they are dead. Any school or public library pulling this kind of shit needs to be shamed out of existence.

mydadbeatupyourdad ago

Put these fucks on an island far away from society please

Kahlypso79 ago

If that doesnt alarm you then you have something seriously wrong with you and you have no instinct to protect children. our species has no need for these people to exist. They dont reproduce and ergo offer nothing to the betterment of the species. normal......)

SandHog ago

I'm getting real tired of these sick fucks and their agendas.

Imnotshocked ago

Right smack our face with it , loud and proud just like their sick manifesto says !

auralsects ago


You people deserve this for tolerating Jews.

The Nazi student groups ransacked the Jew-run Institute for Sexual Research where the first sex-change surgeries were performed, and burned their outrageous "library."

But you hate Nazis because Jew media tells you to.

You deserve this.

Piscina ago

The majority of Jews follow the Torah and are good people. They too have been highjacked from the inside by the luciferians.

auralsects ago


draaaak ago

You people deserve this for tolerating Jews.

You deserve this.

Who are you talking to?

Factfinder2 ago

Excellent find.

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?

I Have Come to Indoctrinate Your Children Into My LGBTQ Agenda (And I’m Not a Bit Sorry)

Documentation of the Homosexual Agenda

ClairesDeLuney ago

They were just at one of public libraries in our city for the second time this year. My pastor was one of many people who protested against them (at both visits). The local news would not cover anything regarding their second visit &/or citizens protesting. However, my pastor said he was confident they would not be back. We have to put pressure on people like this when they try to infiltrate our communities, EsPeCiAlLy where our children are concerned! Everyone has rights, and children have the right to traditional male & female role models in their lives. I will not stand by & have innocent children be groomed into a perverse new normal. This is abhorrent, putting it mildly!

Piscina ago

That is the only thing that works: people power putting constant pressure on these public institutions like the libraries willing to foist these transvestites on the unsuspecting public. Yes, children are innocent and should not be subjected to this perversity.

sn00tyfr00T ago

Correct! We can no longer allow the benefit of the doubt and tolerate this behaviour. It is high time to stand up and call out the subversion of our society with immorality. The attack on the family is an insidious assault on western civ, and can no longer be allowed to continue.

carmencita ago

This should alarm all of you.

Homosexual activist Michael Swift wrote in 1987 in the Gay Community News that school children would become explicit targets for homosexual indoctrination. “We shall seduce them in your schools…They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us,” he wrote at the time.

We shall seduce them............

benjitsu ago

Look at these insidious "Gay, Straight Alliance" groups that are popping up.

carmencita ago

Oh I know. Everyone wants to be inclusive now. It is the "kind thing to do" now. I don't like being mean to people or bully them. There is and was a way to fight back on this without being totally cruel. That is how we must prevail.

KillerKap ago

uhh, gas the faggots

carmencita ago

There are homosexuals that are completely devoid of these horrible takeovers of our Children. It is the attention seeking hounds and money grabbing ones that are also sick in the head which I truthfully feel causes their sexual choice. It's really sad and sick. But in the meantime they are after Our Children. Laws must be enacted and fast. We are going to lose this fight is something isn't done really quick.

carmencita ago

"This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation,"

That's about as incriminating as it gets. Take a close look at Dylan, because that's what he wants to do to every Child that he gets his hands on. Sick Freak.