Posted automatically (#22824) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
UN produces fake news to cover for its flagrant sexual deviancy to work at the UN you have to be a pervert to be in control....a jewish talmud thumper. UN/UNESCO/etc. and all orgs are pedophiles, child traffickers, dope smugglers this has long been known.
The Room of Quiet at the UN Headquarters.. instigated by Rev. Weyman Huckabee in 1947, who wanted a place of meditation set aside. .. Who insisted that the Assembly sessions open with a minute of silence… Huckabee and his influential friends in the Laymen’s Association.. became ‘The Friends of the Meditation Room’.. (their HQ being right next to the ‘Friends of the Utily room and ground floor toilets’)
Who then, with the help of Dag Hammarskjold, who undertook MAJOR renovations, that he personnally supervised, with the Architect Wallace K Harrison. Hang on.. Wallace K Harrison, joint architect and directeur of the Rockefeller Center and Director of the New School of Social Research. . . Those Satanic Rockefellers eh?? So much Satanism going on in Little Rock..
((((((((sidenote : The Frankfort School.. A Jewish group of Philosophers associated with Tavistock Inst itute..
became the ‘Institut für Sozialforchung’ — Which, Martin Jay conceded that “a certain degree of Jewish identity nutured the Frankfurt School’s perspectives. Jay additionally concedes that the Kabbalah would have had some influence as well. Following Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, they hightailed it to Geneva, then on to New York and became…the New School of Social Research… then they founded the University in exile with money coming from the Rockefeller Foundation.))))))))))
So the ‘Room of Quiet’ was designed by an Architect who was steeped in Rockefelleritude..and painted and ecorated in absolute secrecy supervised directly by that Dag Hammerhead dude..
Simple “””””co-incidences….””””” (imagine those fingers doing the “” movements.. in a Dr Evil voice..)
“On February 16, 1953, a group known as the Friends of the MeditationRoom, numbering 1500 members” . . . . . didnt they pick up 1500 german scientists from Paperclip..??
One thing the Friends of the Meditation Room did do.. was issue ID cards to 300 people..
Council of 300….???
Tinfoil Time Timothy! Tell The Truth!! Nah. Im probably overstretching.. It would be interesting to know what the cards of the Friends of the United Nations Meditation Room actually let you do.. (otherwise known as.. do they bypass security checks??)
I’d certainly bring your attention to the terminolgy inside this leaflet..
the very .. very…. very sinister wording of their..’hymmns’..
UN Meditation:
UN Meditation a soulful cry
To reach the vastness of oneness sky
United Nations Meditation Group
a simple Truth serving all loving Troup <–( this word Troup doesnt exist other than as a proper noun)
United nations Meditation Room
to stop for good the birth of cosmos doom.
Un Meditation a soulful cry
May I be Offered: (sung 3 times…)
May I be offered to that in the (fine) offering
Which will be offered
God took the form of man in the victim
Who chose to be sacrificed <—-(Choosing to be sacrificied is very important)
The Untied Nations: (sung 3 times…)
The United Nations is the Supreme Law of the world
Gone are the days: (written by U Thant !!!!!!!) (also sung 3 times…)
Gone are the days when each Nation was an island unto itself.
Page 24 . Statement from Mr Meyman Huckabee.
"… Yet one who enters to pray soon finds his attention focussed on LIGHT"
Why….. is LIGHT written in capitals…??
(going to the dark places on the web… looking into a satanic dictionnary, you may find this..
“The Lighthouse Effect: 1. The Process by which an object, person, structure, image, or sound stands apart in an environment, as in the influence a Dominant Mass has on its surroundings.
Objects, images, people, or edifices which inspire either compassion, lust, or fear.
What activates The Command To Look.
… so … that big Lodestone in the Room… it’s a beacon of hope, truth, enlightenment. Im unsure if LIGHT in capital letters refers to a Satanic metaphysical entity or if he's using it in the same sense as YWYH.. )
You see the . . .the same company who used to be called Lucifer Printing… They bring out a Bulletin now and again.. which gets sent to their members list.
This is quoted from LODESTONE, article in the World Goodwill Bulletin special edition in July, 1957.
"The visitor will be totally unprepared for what he will see as he steps in the door for a moment of quiet. . . . Because of the converging walls and the dim light, he will experience a peculiar spatial disorientation, and dimension and perspective will seem difficult to establish. In the center of the room, he will see, illuminated by a single point of light from the ceiling, a rectangular mass. . . .
"The ore piece . . . is many millions of years old . . . one feels . . . as though one is in a repository for some natural talisman of significant and noble importance rather than in a chapel in the ordinary sense. . . . Those who are wedded to seeking communion in traditional settings may be somewhat ill at ease here. This is a sudden break with prior experience. One is thrown violently upon his |own] resources.
"The room and the concept do not seem indicative of the supplications or the dualistic concept of the mystic in which illumination is sought as a boon granted by Deity. Rather, seemingly inherent in the decoration of the room, in the pinpoint of light playing on the ore, is the concept of a personal concentration of forces, creating a focus that illumines the field of attention.. . .
"The pinpoint of light, the void of space, the illuminated crystalline ore — one feels projected into a setting of cosmological symbolism rather than one of planetary or even solar intent.
"It is interesting to speculate on what the long-term influence of this 'new departure' will be on current religious thinking. Ensconced here in the highest Hall Of Man, it cannot be inconsiderable. Whatever interpretations one may attribute to the United Nations Meditation Room, it can be said with certainty that the words and the repercussions have only just begun…
The 'new departure' in religion referred to did not occur by chance- Tremendous pressure was brought to bear on Trygve Lie and Dag Hammarskjold to install such a room at the U.N. by such organizations as the World Council of Churches.
This announcement is being sent out to make people think that Our Children are more promiscuous now. NOT. But with all the bad foods and other meds they will be handing them the girls will look like Dolly Parton at 12. Then fun time for pedos. This has got to stop. They are going like gangbusters. This post and then mine with the puberty blockers. What are Children to do? Parents need to talk to their Children.
Talk to your kids, Don't talk down to them. If they get pissed and go stomping off you should follow and don't tune them out. Stranger Danger was fiction to hide the truth. Most kids are molested by someone they know. The rest by opportunity. If you neglect conversation with your child they will go to someone who will. My kids were taught that there were people who get off on the pain and misery of others. Some more than most. (We all know who I am talking about so I wont say it.)
Anyone remember reading about one of the Antifa leaders speaking out a couple of months ago about why he quit? He said he was at a meeting last year and they were speaking about normalizing incest as a goal this year! Tried to find an article on it but apparently it's been scrubbed from the internet.
I'm actually agreeable to this as long as they focus their areas on Africa and Latin America and give birth control pills instead of condoms. Lower dark birth rate, combined with the same good ol aids rate with possibly accelerated cases.
UpVoat for bring this to our attention BUT Lord Help Us and Our Children! When will the Sleeping Sheep Stop Binge Watching and Pay Attention to what is going on and what they are doing to ALL of Our Children on This Planet. Are they not concerned. I feel helpless in trying to Wake Them Up. I want to Shake Them and Scream. But they will probably try to have me committed. Yes they and their sick normalization plans are on the march. We must stop this.
Author/researcher Mike Ruppert used to say at the end of his talks that he wasn't trying to save the world because the world didn't want to be saved, but if he could help the people listening to him, it would be something at least. If we can protect our own children and inform family and friends (those who are willing to listen) of what's going on, that'll be a start.
Ha Ha. I just read my reply and noticed I said I have given up and then I said I won't give up. This is due to my frustration. My heart wants so for them to know but yesterday my husband said he doesn't want to know either. He has no clue what is in store. Others must have this same problem. I know what my Thanksgiving Grace will silently include.
My relatives are tone deaf. They have their hands over their ears and scream La La La. They don't want to know. The really old ones I don't want to disturb. They are in their 90s. Why ruin what few years they have left. The others, I have given up. This forum is my refuge. I hope for that fresh face whose eyes we can open even though we are pummeled by shills day after day. I am still working on my friends and family. I won't give up. Although it seems they have. I believe their lives have been made so crazy they have not time or stomach for this.
It keeps me sane after talking to crazies. WE ARE THE NORMIES. I have to keep repeating that to myself after trying to discuss these subjects with others. My friend just told me she does not believe in the devil. This place keeps me sane.
The most affordable contraceptive is a loving and stern father in the home as they grow up.
The second they want sex, he will be right there with the appropriate asswoop'n to stifle that shit till marriage. Otherwise, his amazing example will remind the of the decades of dedicated and miserable servitude that can result from a 1 minute pump and dump with the high school
Why? Do you think the kids wouldn't figure it out eventually? They always figure it out. Female narcissism is the cause of most child abuse. Holding women accountable for their narcissism is the difference between this generation and the last century.
Shame and holding women accountable for their own actions, beliefs, and vanity is kryptonite to feminism. It is a weapon we will use like a constant bludgeon going forward because its fucking funny and long overdue.
yo - I just thought it was funny calling her a high school floozy, but you 100 percent assume it and that's funny as well, I agree theres a shit load difference between women today and 100 years ago. some good some bad Feminism definetly needs to be kneecapped, its just social guilt as a weaponised meme, but its all part of the 'thought crime' mentality that's been flooding society these last decades thanks to tavistock.
Feminism is an enemy of civilization and a weapon of our extermination. We give zero fucks for the morality of individuals when faced with an enemy whose ideology is exterminating us. They all must die at that point. The only good feminist is a dead feminist. Women must choose.
We will gleefully use every weapon our enemies give to us in our fight for survival.
Sex is meant for reproduction, it requires responsible mindset, and oriented towards unconditional love. It belongs in a husband and wife family setting, anything outside of that regardless of the propaganda buzzword "consent" is based on false reasoning and lying. These freaks who pushed the sex degeneracy "culture" are lust filled parasites with zero compunction for the damage, horrors, and immorality they have caused and seriously have no room to speak. We have gone from a morally responsible culture to one that permits all kinds of degradation, filth, real unjust hatred and much so the most people today are engaged in nastiness and vulgarity of mind and heart and actions on a daily basis. Its all about "fuckin and suckin" and "muh cumin" based on a using and abusing mindset. Enter inter this careful crafted pushed and legalized activity....the primary agenda the complete satanization of the world under whose influence control and directive? WHO? Guess name THEM. The moral structure of the West has been inverted and subverted by the Talmud and the Kabbalah, and the whole notion of "sex education" is repugnant, children are not sexual and should be kept far away from it until they are of age to understand the correct belief. Truly that is mid teens and it means explaining by their parents of the right and moral belief structure of what sex is all about minus the carnal shit. Then when of mature age and an adult marriage comes into play and a new family comes about based on real love not some fake titted, silicon penis, fake crap that the "media" spews as attractive. The obsession with sex and the word lies and game and demoralization strategy is to be rejected....Making the crude acts of psychopathic abusive lust your "God" and center of everyday life is a horrendous evil that literally is a plague of "modern" society" the promotion, implementation, and artificial subjection of the whole populace to this non-thought totally sick "culture" is well documented and attested too. Yes abstaining should be taught, aka preserving one's self and doing the right thing no shit....but the source of this is not any of the symptoms...its the swamp from which all of this floods.
Bonus for actually communicating with your kids, Not simply say. Sex bad, don't do.
The facts about pregnancy child rearing, child birth and diseases. Should be standard. You would hope that they are not exposed to that stuff until they are able to understand that they should avoid exchanging bodily fluids. Or that the anus is not a sexual organ. Degenerates.
The problem is that 8-11 year old are getting exposed to porn. What age do you talk about this stuff ? At what age should the degenerates have easy access to Contraceptives ?
You would hope that its only teens that feel the urge to hump each other. Even then you would hope they have the scenes to only dry hump.
The problem here is not curious kids its pedophiles. So how do you protect your kids from pedophiles. It cant be that far from the standard "stranger danger". Its a shame that you have to give 8-11 year old a talk about pedophiles.
It seems like it would be idea to avoid civilization as much as possible.
What is a pedo afraid of?
What fills him or her with fear?
Why do seek to abuse children..?
How then does that morph into killing them?..
..and sharing that footage brownie.points with their pedobuddies...
What causes thjs high libido..? ..that will have them searching for any kind of sex...
Is it he food...i know thr milk served in the west is heavily charged with hormones..that incresses testosterones and dht ..
Couple that with constant sexual imagery...
Plus a need to stress relieve after the they spend 9 to 5 increasing their debt an uncreative manner...
Is it also the drugs that are easily available by the intelligence services...
Is.this all an intelligent design of the debt game players..
Its all debt ...most of the high drive and social.programming towards hypersexualisation is fo do with debt matrix...
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.
Posted automatically (#22824) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
urbanmoving ago
UN produces fake news to cover for its flagrant sexual deviancy to work at the UN you have to be a pervert to be in control....a jewish talmud thumper. UN/UNESCO/etc. and all orgs are pedophiles, child traffickers, dope smugglers this has long been known.
Kahlypso79 ago
Relevant and similiar news articles : 2014 - 2014 : 2016
Kahlypso79 ago
The UN is a cancer. The Room of Quiet at the UN Headquarters.. instigated by Rev. Weyman Huckabee in 1947, who wanted a place of meditation set aside. .. Who insisted that the Assembly sessions open with a minute of silence… Huckabee and his influential friends in the Laymen’s Association.. became ‘The Friends of the Meditation Room’.. (their HQ being right next to the ‘Friends of the Utily room and ground floor toilets’)
Who then, with the help of Dag Hammarskjold, who undertook MAJOR renovations, that he personnally supervised, with the Architect Wallace K Harrison. Hang on.. Wallace K Harrison, joint architect and directeur of the Rockefeller Center and Director of the New School of Social Research. . . Those Satanic Rockefellers eh?? So much Satanism going on in Little Rock.. ((((((((sidenote : The Frankfort School.. A Jewish group of Philosophers associated with Tavistock Inst itute.. became the ‘Institut für Sozialforchung’ — Which, Martin Jay conceded that “a certain degree of Jewish identity nutured the Frankfurt School’s perspectives. Jay additionally concedes that the Kabbalah would have had some influence as well. Following Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, they hightailed it to Geneva, then on to New York and became…the New School of Social Research… then they founded the University in exile with money coming from the Rockefeller Foundation.))))))))))
So the ‘Room of Quiet’ was designed by an Architect who was steeped in Rockefelleritude..and painted and ecorated in absolute secrecy supervised directly by that Dag Hammerhead dude..
Simple “””””co-incidences….””””” (imagine those fingers doing the “” movements.. in a Dr Evil voice..) “On February 16, 1953, a group known as the Friends of the MeditationRoom, numbering 1500 members” . . . . . didnt they pick up 1500 german scientists from Paperclip..?? One thing the Friends of the Meditation Room did do.. was issue ID cards to 300 people.. Council of 300….???
Tinfoil Time Timothy! Tell The Truth!! Nah. Im probably overstretching.. It would be interesting to know what the cards of the Friends of the United Nations Meditation Room actually let you do.. (otherwise known as.. do they bypass security checks??) (please download this and archive)
I’d certainly bring your attention to the terminolgy inside this leaflet.. the very .. very…. very sinister wording of their..’hymmns’..
UN Meditation: UN Meditation a soulful cry To reach the vastness of oneness sky United Nations Meditation Group a simple Truth serving all loving Troup <–( this word Troup doesnt exist other than as a proper noun)
United nations Meditation Room to stop for good the birth of cosmos doom. Un Meditation a soulful cry
May I be Offered: (sung 3 times…) May I be offered to that in the (fine) offering Which will be offered God took the form of man in the victim Who chose to be sacrificed <—-(Choosing to be sacrificied is very important)
The Untied Nations: (sung 3 times…) The United Nations is the Supreme Law of the world
Gone are the days: (written by U Thant !!!!!!!) (also sung 3 times…) Gone are the days when each Nation was an island unto itself.
Page 24 . Statement from Mr Meyman Huckabee. "… Yet one who enters to pray soon finds his attention focussed on LIGHT"
Why….. is LIGHT written in capitals…??
(going to the dark places on the web… looking into a satanic dictionnary, you may find this..
“The Lighthouse Effect: 1. The Process by which an object, person, structure, image, or sound stands apart in an environment, as in the influence a Dominant Mass has on its surroundings.
Objects, images, people, or edifices which inspire either compassion, lust, or fear.
What activates The Command To Look.
… so … that big Lodestone in the Room… it’s a beacon of hope, truth, enlightenment. Im unsure if LIGHT in capital letters refers to a Satanic metaphysical entity or if he's using it in the same sense as YWYH.. )
You see the . . .the same company who used to be called Lucifer Printing… They bring out a Bulletin now and again.. which gets sent to their members list.
This is quoted from LODESTONE, article in the World Goodwill Bulletin special edition in July, 1957.
"The visitor will be totally unprepared for what he will see as he steps in the door for a moment of quiet. . . . Because of the converging walls and the dim light, he will experience a peculiar spatial disorientation, and dimension and perspective will seem difficult to establish. In the center of the room, he will see, illuminated by a single point of light from the ceiling, a rectangular mass. . . .
"The ore piece . . . is many millions of years old . . . one feels . . . as though one is in a repository for some natural talisman of significant and noble importance rather than in a chapel in the ordinary sense. . . . Those who are wedded to seeking communion in traditional settings may be somewhat ill at ease here. This is a sudden break with prior experience. One is thrown violently upon his |own] resources.
"The room and the concept do not seem indicative of the supplications or the dualistic concept of the mystic in which illumination is sought as a boon granted by Deity. Rather, seemingly inherent in the decoration of the room, in the pinpoint of light playing on the ore, is the concept of a personal concentration of forces, creating a focus that illumines the field of attention.. . .
"The pinpoint of light, the void of space, the illuminated crystalline ore — one feels projected into a setting of cosmological symbolism rather than one of planetary or even solar intent.
"It is interesting to speculate on what the long-term influence of this 'new departure' will be on current religious thinking. Ensconced here in the highest Hall Of Man, it cannot be inconsiderable. Whatever interpretations one may attribute to the United Nations Meditation Room, it can be said with certainty that the words and the repercussions have only just begun…
The 'new departure' in religion referred to did not occur by chance- Tremendous pressure was brought to bear on Trygve Lie and Dag Hammarskjold to install such a room at the U.N. by such organizations as the World Council of Churches.
Kahlypso79 ago
carmencita ago
This announcement is being sent out to make people think that Our Children are more promiscuous now. NOT. But with all the bad foods and other meds they will be handing them the girls will look like Dolly Parton at 12. Then fun time for pedos. This has got to stop. They are going like gangbusters. This post and then mine with the puberty blockers. What are Children to do? Parents need to talk to their Children.
Kekalicious ago
Talk to your kids, Don't talk down to them. If they get pissed and go stomping off you should follow and don't tune them out. Stranger Danger was fiction to hide the truth. Most kids are molested by someone they know. The rest by opportunity. If you neglect conversation with your child they will go to someone who will. My kids were taught that there were people who get off on the pain and misery of others. Some more than most. (We all know who I am talking about so I wont say it.)
Factfinder2 ago
English translation of the 1999 UNICEF pamphlet for Mexico featured in the documentary: PDF
JopharVorin ago
Oy vey jews want to be able to be open pedophiles.
jodieann ago
Anyone remember reading about one of the Antifa leaders speaking out a couple of months ago about why he quit? He said he was at a meeting last year and they were speaking about normalizing incest as a goal this year! Tried to find an article on it but apparently it's been scrubbed from the internet.
Crackrocknigga ago
I'm actually agreeable to this as long as they focus their areas on Africa and Latin America and give birth control pills instead of condoms. Lower dark birth rate, combined with the same good ol aids rate with possibly accelerated cases.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
voiceofthefamily -
fellowshipoftheminds -
Fetalpig ago
UN is the biggest slave trader child trafficking needs to be dismantled.
carmencita ago
UpVoat for bring this to our attention BUT Lord Help Us and Our Children! When will the Sleeping Sheep Stop Binge Watching and Pay Attention to what is going on and what they are doing to ALL of Our Children on This Planet. Are they not concerned. I feel helpless in trying to Wake Them Up. I want to Shake Them and Scream. But they will probably try to have me committed. Yes they and their sick normalization plans are on the march. We must stop this.
Podge512 ago
Author/researcher Mike Ruppert used to say at the end of his talks that he wasn't trying to save the world because the world didn't want to be saved, but if he could help the people listening to him, it would be something at least. If we can protect our own children and inform family and friends (those who are willing to listen) of what's going on, that'll be a start.
carmencita ago
Ha Ha. I just read my reply and noticed I said I have given up and then I said I won't give up. This is due to my frustration. My heart wants so for them to know but yesterday my husband said he doesn't want to know either. He has no clue what is in store. Others must have this same problem. I know what my Thanksgiving Grace will silently include.
carmencita ago
My relatives are tone deaf. They have their hands over their ears and scream La La La. They don't want to know. The really old ones I don't want to disturb. They are in their 90s. Why ruin what few years they have left. The others, I have given up. This forum is my refuge. I hope for that fresh face whose eyes we can open even though we are pummeled by shills day after day. I am still working on my friends and family. I won't give up. Although it seems they have. I believe their lives have been made so crazy they have not time or stomach for this.
dundundunnnnn ago
I feel the same way.
carmencita ago
Get Ready. I am about to post something disturbing. I am worked up over it. But we will get through it.
dundundunnnnn ago
I think I'm ready... :/
carmencita ago
carmencita ago
It's sick. Stand by.
carmencita ago
It keeps me sane after talking to crazies. WE ARE THE NORMIES. I have to keep repeating that to myself after trying to discuss these subjects with others. My friend just told me she does not believe in the devil. This place keeps me sane.
Pwning4Ever ago
Children fucking happens all over the MENA. Now in Europe.
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Soon kids will learn this in kindergarten.YouTube
goatboy ago
The most affordable contraceptive is a loving and stern father in the home as they grow up.
The second they want sex, he will be right there with the appropriate asswoop'n to stifle that shit till marriage. Otherwise, his amazing example will remind the of the decades of dedicated and miserable servitude that can result from a 1 minute pump and dump with the high school Floozy.
Kahlypso79 ago
that's a terrible thing to say about the mother of your kids..
goatboy ago
Why? Do you think the kids wouldn't figure it out eventually? They always figure it out. Female narcissism is the cause of most child abuse. Holding women accountable for their narcissism is the difference between this generation and the last century.
Shame and holding women accountable for their own actions, beliefs, and vanity is kryptonite to feminism. It is a weapon we will use like a constant bludgeon going forward because its fucking funny and long overdue.
Kahlypso79 ago
yo - I just thought it was funny calling her a high school floozy, but you 100 percent assume it and that's funny as well, I agree theres a shit load difference between women today and 100 years ago. some good some bad Feminism definetly needs to be kneecapped, its just social guilt as a weaponised meme, but its all part of the 'thought crime' mentality that's been flooding society these last decades thanks to tavistock.
goatboy ago
Feminism is an enemy of civilization and a weapon of our extermination. We give zero fucks for the morality of individuals when faced with an enemy whose ideology is exterminating us. They all must die at that point. The only good feminist is a dead feminist. Women must choose.
We will gleefully use every weapon our enemies give to us in our fight for survival.
dundundunnnnn ago
urbanmoving ago
Sex is meant for reproduction, it requires responsible mindset, and oriented towards unconditional love. It belongs in a husband and wife family setting, anything outside of that regardless of the propaganda buzzword "consent" is based on false reasoning and lying. These freaks who pushed the sex degeneracy "culture" are lust filled parasites with zero compunction for the damage, horrors, and immorality they have caused and seriously have no room to speak. We have gone from a morally responsible culture to one that permits all kinds of degradation, filth, real unjust hatred and much so the most people today are engaged in nastiness and vulgarity of mind and heart and actions on a daily basis. Its all about "fuckin and suckin" and "muh cumin" based on a using and abusing mindset. Enter inter this careful crafted pushed and legalized activity....the primary agenda the complete satanization of the world under whose influence control and directive? WHO? Guess name THEM. The moral structure of the West has been inverted and subverted by the Talmud and the Kabbalah, and the whole notion of "sex education" is repugnant, children are not sexual and should be kept far away from it until they are of age to understand the correct belief. Truly that is mid teens and it means explaining by their parents of the right and moral belief structure of what sex is all about minus the carnal shit. Then when of mature age and an adult marriage comes into play and a new family comes about based on real love not some fake titted, silicon penis, fake crap that the "media" spews as attractive. The obsession with sex and the word lies and game and demoralization strategy is to be rejected....Making the crude acts of psychopathic abusive lust your "God" and center of everyday life is a horrendous evil that literally is a plague of "modern" society" the promotion, implementation, and artificial subjection of the whole populace to this non-thought totally sick "culture" is well documented and attested too. Yes abstaining should be taught, aka preserving one's self and doing the right thing no shit....but the source of this is not any of the symptoms...its the swamp from which all of this floods.
dundundunnnnn ago
Why does the swamp promote all things that are in opposition to the Christian Bible? They have flipped what is sacred and what is considered profane.
22trilionAsecond ago
Bonus for actually communicating with your kids, Not simply say. Sex bad, don't do.
The facts about pregnancy child rearing, child birth and diseases. Should be standard. You would hope that they are not exposed to that stuff until they are able to understand that they should avoid exchanging bodily fluids. Or that the anus is not a sexual organ. Degenerates.
The problem is that 8-11 year old are getting exposed to porn. What age do you talk about this stuff ? At what age should the degenerates have easy access to Contraceptives ?
You would hope that its only teens that feel the urge to hump each other. Even then you would hope they have the scenes to only dry hump.
The problem here is not curious kids its pedophiles. So how do you protect your kids from pedophiles. It cant be that far from the standard "stranger danger". Its a shame that you have to give 8-11 year old a talk about pedophiles.
It seems like it would be idea to avoid civilization as much as possible.
truthdemon ago
What is a pedo afraid of? What fills him or her with fear?
Why do seek to abuse children..? How then does that morph into killing them?.. ..and sharing that footage brownie.points with their pedobuddies...
What causes thjs high libido..? ..that will have them searching for any kind of sex...
Is it he food...i know thr milk served in the west is heavily charged with hormones..that incresses testosterones and dht .. Couple that with constant sexual imagery... Plus a need to stress relieve after the they spend 9 to 5 increasing their debt an uncreative manner... Is it also the drugs that are easily available by the intelligence services... Is.this all an intelligent design of the debt game players..
Its all debt ...most of the high drive and social.programming towards hypersexualisation is fo do with debt matrix...
Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago
Discrimination against age and gender is illegal
Shizy ago
So is sexual abuse and raping kids you sick filth!
letsdothis2 ago
Upvoat for you. Your post ties in with mine. THINK Global School is one of those which are pushing that 'Comprehensive Sex Education Programme'
HenryCabotLodge ago
The Luciferian Cabal