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Vindicator ago

@Nomochomo, this is missing a couple of key pieces of information. First, where is the source that supports this statement?

Now, parents are even encouraged to carry their children to term so they can be harvested.

Second, you say this is related to PG because "the biomedical industry is legally abusing and harvesting the organs of living children" yet the supporting link you provide for the AMA statement on this is decades old and also refutes the claim, stating:

Courts have said that anencephalic babies fall under the purview of the Americans With Disabilities Act, deserving all the medical care that society can provide.

You're missing any information at all about the current position of the AMA or what the current legal situation is, and your three last links of actual tissue donations all emphasize how difficult and rare it was for parents to attempt to donate their children's organs.

Pizzagate as defined for this sub is an organized attempt by a corrupt group of wealthy, globalist powermongers who use the abuse of kids to keep their chokehold on power. You've demonstrated no connection between that and parents who want their terminally ill kids' lives to help other terminally ill kids. It's certainly likely that biomed profiteers would try to take advantage of such parents, but that is speculative. This thread needs to be posted in v/pizzagatewhatever.

However, I'll give this the 24 Hour Grace flair in case you have more evidence that actually establishes a connection to PG.


  1. Where is the source that supports this statement: "Now, parents are even encouraged to carry their children to term so they can be harvested."


Fetal Harvest: Anencephalic Babies Are Now “Wanted”—For Their Organs

For although about 4,000 babies with anencephaly are born in the US each year,[9] in the UK, only about a dozen are born every year. The rest—at least 230 annually—are aborted. Yet British transplant surgeons anticipate that, under their proposal, at least 100 anencephalic babies annually will become organ donors. This means that all ten or twelve women who will carry their babies to term regardless would need to consent to donation, while another 90 or so women who would otherwise abort must be persuaded to carry their babies to term for transplant purposes.

But how can the latter goal be reached if a woman cannot be approached about donation until after she’s decided against abortion? No need to worry: the surgeons are already discussing whether to amend their proposal to allow them to offer the woman the option of organ donation at the time the diagnosis of anencephaly is made. If this is done, and if it motivates a woman to carry her child to term and give birth, would she be doing so because she loves her child, or only for the sake of some other family’s child? Wouldn’t the latter amount to treating the anencephalic baby merely as a medical resource, an object to serve “the greater good”?

It is no secret that under the current regime in both Britain and America, women who are carrying a child with a disability are often pressured to terminate their pregnancy. I have been told about more than one pregnant woman being taken aside and quizzed by the nurse, “Is your husband forcing you to continue this pregnancy?” Frequently, the only option she is offered is abortion. It is ironic, to say the least, that these brave women’s refusals to abort are now being lauded rather than scorned—but only because the utilitarian goal posts have shifted toward “using” their babies’ organs

The term "proposal" is a weasel word, as it is an active policy being implemented.

"A committee has been set up by NHS Blood and Transplant, tasked with boosting organ donation from newborns and very young babies. A lead nurse has also been appointed to co-ordinate efforts to educate NHS staff about talking to parents about such a sensitive issue. Under the proposals, midwives and other NHS workers are to be educated about the possibility of using babies’ organs in transplants."