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carmencita ago

Almost all my comments got down voated. That should tell you we are hitting a nerve.


All of my posts/my threads have been downvoated to the negative -1/+1

Vindicator ago

You'll want to use a double carriage-return to get some paragraphs going here.

Dumping six posts on the board, back to back, with shitty formatting, is going to make a lot of people here dismiss this as another shill forum slide.


Thank you, attempting to reformat now

Vindicator ago

NC, another thing that may be effecting this thread is that we just had a major shill takedown. You can read about most of it in the stickied thread at the top. We have no way of knowing if the individuals involved in the astroturfing and vote brigading are creating new alts now that their main accounts have been exposed. Since you showed up just after they were busted, and began posting about some of the same topics they've pushed (vampires, Masons, etc), your threads are not getting a lot of traction. It would have been better if you built a trustworthy reputation here before dumping all your research, especially given the timing.

I am erring on the side of giving you the benefit of the doubt and explaining the situation, since you may actually be a legit user with valuable information to impart who happened to walk into a firefight.