Truthseeker3000 ago

And wasn’t Kamala Harris involved in the Jonah Rief case and helped a pedofile traffick the little boy out of the country?

carmencita ago

Yes! I vaguely remember it and look at this!

Cps worker Gina misch is connected to human trafficker kamala Harris and California pedo courts and kamala Harris is connected to jonah rief case where she illegally had jonah rief's case documents sealed up and kamala Harris is in those federal sealed indictments piling up👇

As I have told you I have done years worth of investigative research on pizzagate.

This names her and connects others to her as well.

Truthseeker3000 ago

This is very important and I wish everyone would know and understand that when u send in your DNA to those 23 N Me and Ancestry DNA they look for certain DNA of people connected to those in power centuries back in history. Tammy Reif has such DNA and she stated that she believed they were waiting for before her son was born to take him because of her family ancestry. She even stated that the CIA has a division that tracks these people and they know who and where they are. I do 100% believe this and this is extremely frightening. Jonah Reif lineage is of French royalty spanning back centuries. It sounds as though they want to groom him to become some kind of leader in the future whether political or the likes. This case is corrupt to the very core with even HLN tv network airing a national story that Jonah was kidnaped by his mom to find him when she hid him from that Sullivan pedofile. Unbelievable this case is shocking.

Criticalthinker615 ago

This "lady" is at the center of many things. She was reprimanded because "the secret Masonic police force" was being ran out of her political office but, her staff went down with her somehow being innocent but her staff was arrested.

Turns out no one was convicted even though there was plenty of guilt to go around because their leader faked his own death INSIDE of the courtroom. He supposedly had a heart attack in court so all the charges got dropped.

carmencita ago

I have a feeling they have marked her from early on to run for President and no matter what she does or gets in trouble for, they will ignore it all and cover for her. There has to be a concerted effort to yell out loud about what she has done. She is their future candidate no matter what. They will push her like they did BO and it will have to be up to us to get all the dirt out. Yes, the Female Obama is how she will be sold. I voted for him twice and we both rue the day. But then both choices were horrid. Mitt Romney would have pushed the Mormon Mafia. These are scary times.

septimasexta ago

"As California Attorney General Kamala Harris ordered a raid on the home of David Daledin, who in 2015 exposed Planned Parenthood officials openly discussing buying and selling the body parts and organs from aborted babies for research, through Undercover videos, I reported in 2017. Rather than opening an investigation into Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human body parts, California’s then-Attorney General Kamala Harris, a Democrat, filed charges against the undercover investigators, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress. Harris ordered Daleiden’s home to be raided, and using 11 agents, confiscated video research and evidence, in an attempt to prevent millions of people from seeing what actually goes on inside Planned Parenthood." SHE SHOULD BE ARRESTED AND TRIED FOR OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

carmencita ago

I know. Awful. But it backfired on her

15 Felony Charges Against David Daleiden in California Are Bogus, Former Prosecutors Say

Two former Los Angeles area prosecutors have said that California's attorney general was wrong to charge pro-life activist David Daleiden and his associate with 15 felony charges for their undercover work that exposed Planned Parenthood's illegal aborted baby body parts reimbursement practices.

If she runs for anything again and especially for the office of President of the US, this case and her hiding of the sexual abuse cases for the RCC should be blasted over the airwaves. Seems like she as a hatred for Whistle Blowers.

darkknight111 ago“kamala+harris”&exact_phrase=&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&new_search=True&order_by=most_relevant#results Lots of hits for her in wikileaks

septimasexta ago

"Kamala, comes from the Sanskrit word for lotus. She was extremely close to her maternal grandfather, P. V. Gopalan, an Indian diplomat, and as a child, she frequently visited her family in Besant Nagar, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.]"


"Sir Evelyn de Rothschild gifts wife orphanage in Tamil Nadu on birthday"

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild A birthday gift worth half a million dollars, but no diamonds or cars. Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, member of the Rothschild banking family and the chairman of NM Rothschild & Sons, its London merchant bank, gifted his American wife Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild an orphanage in Tamil Nadu on her 50th birthday. "I have a great feeling of satisfaction," says a joyous Lynn, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Foreign Policy Association." https://www.india

"Sir Evelyn has maintained a lifetime commitment to philanthropy. He is Chairman of the ERANDA Foundation, a family foundation he founded in 1967 to support charities working in the fields of medical research, health and welfare, education and the arts. In this capacity, he funds the Integrated Rural Development Corporation in Tamil Nadu, which supports 26,000 people. He also built and operates the Lady Lynn Joyful Home for Children for 50 orphans in Tamil Nadu. Also in India, he serves as co-Patron with the Rajmata of Jaipur of the Elephant Family." http://atlantic

BILL CLINTON LIKES TAMIL NADU "Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, Nov 30 (UNI) The nondescript village of Thazhanguda in this coastal district is awaiting the arrival of Former US President Bill Clinton tomorrow. This will be his final visit to tsunami-affected regions as the UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. Mr Clinton, who is expected to complete his two-year tenure as Special Envoy this year-end, will arrive here at 1000 hrs during his first leg of the tour to review the progress in tsunami recovery efforts over the last two years. He will drive straight to the worst hit Thazhanguda Village where the 2004 tsunami orphaned 480 children and widowed 787 women are living. He will visit a new housing complex there constructed for affected fisherfolk, and a rehabilitated school."

Read more at: https://www.bold


Commitment by The Eranda Rothschild Foundation By providing direct financial support, the ERANDA foundation commits to improve the well-being of and increase opportunity for 23,000 people in 26 villages in the Gandharvakottai District in Tamil Nadu, India, focusing in particular on women and children." https://www.clinton

septimasexta ago

Proposed J.A. - Rothschild link: A secret Greek wife/partner? He was wounded in battle of Gallipoli.....near Greece. A Greek nurse? See updated family tree. Would connect with Lynn and Evelyn.

carmencita ago

She is listed in the Podesta emails 54 times

In the Offshore leaks she is listed as Kamala Blue Sea Limited

thewebofslime ago

Is Xavier Blue Sea possibly Becerra?

carmencita ago

That certainly sounds plausible. Very close to his name. We should not be surprised that they were connected to the Panama Papers either. I really did not think of them as quite High Level as John P or his brother Tony. Evidently they are and now we know how evil she really is Holding back the information that could lead to the justice that so many Victims and Survivors have been waiting for. Greedy Wench.

thewebofslime ago

Well, I hope to see a lot of the dirt come out on her.

She protects pedophiles.

She keeps innocent black man in jail and allows them to be framed.

She operated with a bizarre secret police department.

She is inextricably tied to the laundering of money by the Clinton cabal via Maya Harris, Alefantis, the Podestas, etc.

She is deserving of research because they are going to put her at the forefront of the Democratic party and it is best for everyone if that incriminating information gets out as fast as possible.

carmencita ago

Yes, well Hillary is too tainted and too old so they must find a new Cc. She is already following in her footsteps and she also has BO's skin color. Money laundering. Yes. They have trained her well to take over for Hillary. The rest of them are all proficient in it as well. Biden seems to be taking charge right now, but I will not be surprised if he is just a dark horse for the moment. A type of Smoke Screen until they unveil her possibly. If not this time around she will definitely get her turn. These facts have really woken my up.

thewebofslime ago

Biden is too old to run and the second anyone catches a whiff of it we are going to see an explosion of this meme...

Since Harris is almost certain to end up on the ticket, raising awareness about her foul connections early will yield an appropriate response.

carmencita ago

Thanks for that! 54 mentions in the Podesta emails alone!

think- ago

Thanks for posting, @Carmencita.

We should take a closer look at Kamela Harris.

@Vindicator @Factfinder2 @EricKaliberhall @letsdothis2

septimasexta ago

"We should take a closer look at Kamela Harris" Articles to research: Kamala's mother worked here: Partners in Cancer Research:UCSF and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Ironically, she died of cancer.)

"It’s a matter of public record, though not loudly trumpeted, that she cheated to win the job as Attorney General. The Saturday papers reported, casually enough, that her campaign “paid a fine” for illegal campaign spending, specifically violating a city-mandated spending cap. It is not questionable if an election in which one side wins after spending more money than is legally allowed is, indeed, a valid election? Though, seeing as how she was now the Attorney General, she evidently elected not to prosecute herself. … Deep, deep, deep pockets. There’s a specifically San Francisco irony in knowingly breaking the law in order to become the city’s top prosecutor." Comment from 2014

think- ago

Interesting, thank you.

carmencita ago

Believe it or not, I have some Dem friends that are on to her. I don't think they know about this hiding of abuse records, but they are not into her So she is going to have to do a lot of work and if they pound this into people over and over, well I think she is dead in the water. Hoping so, anyway.

carmencita ago

In the paragraph beneath Max Smith reported, there is a statement

who police alleged had sexual relations with at least 24 children, Now I didn't catch it the first time around, but adults and children don't have sexual relations. Adults have sexual relations. When it concerns a priest and a child it is called Rape. A Freudian Slip?

@fogdryer @Cc1914 @EffYouJohnPodesta @new4now @think-

new4now ago

acclimating of pedos in society

they started that agenda awhile ago

age of consent is different worldwide

The lowest Age of Consent in the world is 11, in Nigeria. The age of consent is 12 in the Philippines and Angola, and 13 in Burkina Faso, Comoros, Niger, and Japan.

The highest Age of Consent in the world is 21 in Bahrain. The second-highest age of consent is 20 in South Korea

several Middle Eastern and African countries have no legal age of consent, but ban all sexual relations outside of marriage. This has raised concerns by many international organizations, especially in some countries where girls are married at as young as 9 or 10 years old.

they want to change our consent rules


3141592653 ago

Very interesting about Bahrain

carmencita ago

Good God, 21? Maybe that is too old, but I would definitely pick it over the younger ages. I think 18 is a pretty good decision, if it is enforced. I think something like that should be the same all over the country not different in each state. Yeah, we still have some young ages here too. Many have gotten married here to at 13 still. I think NJ had a problem with that and they tried to vote it out but Christy would not sign it. Yeah I am SMH too.

new4now ago

marriage with parents ok, brings that age lower then consent in a lot of states

carmencita ago

marriage with parents? Wow. Well, this country really is going to HE77 in a hand basket. We must start pushing for changes. We must start taking it the other way and that is a great way to start.

3141592653 ago

With the parents' consent