EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Several years ago someone at Genentech purchased a domain called mothersact.com

I have heard John Podesta is somehow invested in Genentech.

The MOTHERS Act was a bill to drug and screen mothers for mental illness during and after pregnancy. It first passed as mandatory screening and therefore by default, state enforced drugging of any suspect women who might come up as depressed.

I fought off this bill with a bunch of other people and I had a website, mothersact.org. I was really pissed that they took the .com

They never used the site, they were just trying to stop me from using it.

The bill ultimately passed in Obamacare.

The bill's sponsors were Obama, Clinton, Menendez, and a few others.

The celebrity sponsor was Brooke Shields, who starred in a film in a role as a child prostitute.

Along with user @Pringle, we documented some of the money that was being spent to fund the promotion of the bill and it was going through so-called victims who were actually working for front groups such as (no joke) PSI (Postpartum Support International).

The namesake was someone who had been drugged with 5 separate cocktails of antidepressants and antipsychotics and subjected to electroshock therapy before jumping off the 12th story of a Chicago hotel. She was a pharmaceutical rep who had just had a baby.

I wrote a mock brief on this law in my Civil Rights Litigation course during law school and found that screening is unconstitutional without informed consent as it is considered a medical diagnostic procedure. The entire psy-op program of the military is similarly unconstitutional since none of the subjects are being experimented on with informed consent. Not that the CIA or military is concerned about our constitutional rights.

I realize now that this all links back to increasing the profits for CPS and Adoption agencies. The more funding they can get from the federal government in adoption incentives the more they will want to take kids away from "mentally ill" mothers. Not to mention it's a boon to the NICU doctors and surgeons and any drug makers who profit off of treating really sick birth defect stricken children.

The lawsuits are the only way to fight back but that has its own drawback, as victims are inevitably silenced and separated from friends when they settle and the only people allowed to speak out are those who don't sue, or the front group spokesperson or the shrinks getting government funding to deceive medical journals and the public.

I checked on USAspending.gov and found that there was a weird small business with a really fishy looking website that had gotten some huge grant to study PPD somewhere near the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.

Truthfully women would be better off just taking megadoses of Vitamins B, C, and Omega 369 if they are severely depressed rather than risking the psychotic side effects of psychotropic drugs. And for saying all this, my YouTube channel just got cancelled after 12 years.

Now, come to find out, Christine Blasey Ford was invested in Corcept, the company that wanted to turn RU 486 into a treatment for depression. That's RU 486, the abortion pill. I think they "decided to go another direction."

Vindicator ago

@fogdryer, I get that this is a work in progress, and it looks like you may have stuck gold, but this post is a bit of shitshow. I need a source for this:

DynCorp V P is going to trial for rape and their role in sex traffifcking children in Bosnia

Giving you the 24 Hour Grace flair per Rule 2. Looking forward to the details. :-)

fogdryer ago

Hit it

Vindicator ago

Flair removed. :-)

Vindicator ago

MUCH better source:


This sick shit started when the kid was 3. Check it out:

U.S. Army Circuit Judge Col. Daniel Brookhart noted in his March 23 ruling that at the time of the alleged offense there was “no unique UCMJ article criminalizing the rape of a child.”

“…the age of the victim was not an element of the offense and bore no impact on the punishment authorized in the statute,” Brookhart wrote.

That wouldn’t have stopped Grazioplene from being charged on this allegation, though, because the broader crime of rape under UCMJ at the time could have result in a death penalty. And with the death penalty as a punishment, there was no statute of limitations after 1986.

At the time of some of the offenses, there was no statute of limitations under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. However, a February ruling by the military’s highest court set the statute of limitations on rape cases at five years.


carmencita ago

Thank you for finding that.

carmencita ago

I will never be able to get it through my head how these people sleep nights. How they function and go through life. Amazing. So Sick. How they get away with these things.

carmencita ago

5.)CONNECTION - Mayo Clinic - Clinton Foundation - a number of hospitals include Mayo Clinic and St Vincent's, co-sponsered a launch event in Northeast florida in connection with the Clinton Health Matters Initiative

gamepwn ago

Ever since WIC I always think of Racine. Something evil going on in Wisconsin.

maurice ago

People tied to Bioflorida Inc.(West Palm Beach)
McDevitt Valerie Bioflorida, Inc. Nancy K. Bryan Gregory A. Nelson Piser Phil J. Scott Mohrland M. Camila Cote Thomas Stevens C. Russell Allen David Day Bioflorida Institute, Inc. Leslie Croland Stacey Silver Leslie J. Croland, P.A. Angell Corporate Services, Inc. Walter S. Robbins Associates, Inc. Association of Public Corporations, Inc. The Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship, Inc. Transformational Technology Innovations, Inc. Florida Technology Seed Capital Fund, LLC Institute for Commercialization of Public Research, Inc.

People tied to Bioflorida Corp. (Gainesville) Vincent C. Schoemehl Bioflorida Corp. Quadrex Corporation Quadrex Energy Services Corporation Quadrex Environmental Company Quadrex Brighton, Inc. Bioenergy International, L.C. Alternative Energy Development, Inc. Quadrex International Corporation Robert W J Foster

People tied to Bioflorida Foundation Inc. (West Palm Beach) Tom McLain C. Russell Allen Diana Robinson Gary Margules Stacey Silver Maggie Dias

People tied to Bioflorida Institute, Inc. (West Palm Beach) Nancy K. Bryan Bioflorida Institute, Inc. Leslie Croland Bioflorida, Inc. Stacey Silver Leslie J. Croland, P.A. Transformational Technology Innovations, Inc. Association of Public Corporations, Inc. The Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship, Inc. Angell Corporate Services, Inc. Walter S. Robbins Associates, Inc.

All public info gathered from https://www.corporationwiki.com/search/results?term=bioflorida

maurice ago

Sorry for any repeats. I copied and pasted names.

carmencita ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/4qTur :

IRS pursues $1.4B tax case against Medtronic - MassDevice

This has been an automated message.

fogdryer ago