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HennyPenny ago

Ordained in 1978 Father Jon Wehrle mentioned in Rose Maher's podcast

"He was a licensed foster care parent in Michigan from 1983 to 2003, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. A state spokesman said he was unable to provide information as to how many children Wehrle fostered, but Wehrle himself has said he raised three adopted sons."

He adopted 3 teenage boys as a priest? @carmencita

carmencita ago

I have read before that priests were not allowed to adopt children at one point. Had they changed that rule or did they just look the other way where he was concerned? They take care of their own no matter what they are guilty of. Really? Support for Pedos. Now that is a Real Kicker. You know who else adopted boys? Father Flager in Chicago. I looked this up when I did posts on organ harvesting knowing he has a voice in that city. If I remember correctly, one of them died on the steps of the Church. Must have been shot. It's all starting to blur now. I have a bad habit of answering before reading. lol. Will read now.