Criticalthinker615 ago

Tripoli talks about PG quite often. His podcast is def worth subscribing to.

HennyPenny ago

Ordained in 1978 Father Jon Wehrle mentioned in Rose Maher's podcast

"He was a licensed foster care parent in Michigan from 1983 to 2003, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. A state spokesman said he was unable to provide information as to how many children Wehrle fostered, but Wehrle himself has said he raised three adopted sons."

He adopted 3 teenage boys as a priest? @carmencita

carmencita ago

I have read before that priests were not allowed to adopt children at one point. Had they changed that rule or did they just look the other way where he was concerned? They take care of their own no matter what they are guilty of. Really? Support for Pedos. Now that is a Real Kicker. You know who else adopted boys? Father Flager in Chicago. I looked this up when I did posts on organ harvesting knowing he has a voice in that city. If I remember correctly, one of them died on the steps of the Church. Must have been shot. It's all starting to blur now. I have a bad habit of answering before reading. lol. Will read now.

HennyPenny ago,4534,7-359-82916_81983_47203-473339--,00.html "During the years 2014 to 2017, this unauthorized “compensation” totaled $1.7 million. During a single 5-day period, Ferrara took more than $55,000 from OBS." " The Rev. Jon Wehrle, who is proud of his prowess as a builder, constructed his masterpiece on the rural outskirts of this central Michigan town. The two-story, stone-façade house has eight bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, a library, wine cellar, indoor swimming pool and wood-paneled elevator. The 11,300-square-foot home boasts granite counter tops, limestone fireplaces, walnut hardwood floors, crystal chandeliers and stained-glass windows.' "How could a Catholic priest who earned $42,000 a year afford such opulence? Police officials argue the clergyman had stolen from the Sunday collection plate for at least 19 years. An audit found $5 million missing from church coffers, they said."

"Wehrle was a foster parent who adopted three boys in their early teens in 1986, 1993 and 1998, according to court records."

LexTalionis ago

Nice to see a fellow Tin Foil Hatter here...

UKD ago

Back at you friend. :)

septimasexta ago

Mary is quite articulate and believable. However, if her parents were so messed up, how did she get that way? Schitzo parents would leave a scar. I would need more evidence that what she says is true. If true, she has put herself in a very dangerous situation. She appears to be fearless! GOOD POST!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Archive from 2017 that has more info than current link:

huffpo -

Vindicator ago

Wow. That's quite a difference between the old archived version and the current one. They've scrubbed the stories about the accused, convicted and admitted pedo priests they help.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Kinda like how you scrubbed the documentary about the Catholic church and British Crown committing genocide against the native children of Canada.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

In April 2002, Mr. Maher co-founded Opus Bono Sacerdotii with Pete Ferrara, Paul Barron and Fr. Eduard Perrone. The name is Latin for “work for the good of the priesthood”. Opus Bono is a Catholic charity that in partnership with its benefactors, assist bishops, religious superiors, and Vatican officials in finding solutions for the proper care and treatment of priests who are the most troubled, tempted, discouraged and suffering in their personal lives and priestly ministry. Since its founding Opus Bono has been contacted by thousands of priests and many bishops, including the Holy See.

This is the first paragraph of the first archive I could find. Aug. 26, 2016

Vindicator ago

Thanks, SWMBO. This is disturbing on many levels.

HennyPenny ago

Your good work at archiving is paying dividends

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How so?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Interesting, indeed.

Vindicator ago

The old archive was loaded with "falsely accused" stories. Are they fake and these are pedos justifying themselves? Or are they real and these diocese are throwing innocent priests under the bus to appease public outcry in order to protect the real pedos in positions of power?

Reading that site just made my skin read like some slimy salesman's hard sell. Something is definitely not right there.

Vindicator ago


carmencita ago

Listed under their Princes of the Church are three well known names. Two are extremely well known and they are Cardinal George who has been rumored to have been gay and Cardinal Timothy Dolan who has been covering for abusive priests for years. Then we also have this Stunning remark by Cardinal William Levada

Responding to a visiting Margaret Warner’s questions about the clergy sex abuse scandal, Levada at one point said: “I think the causes we will see go back to changes in society that the church and priests were not prepared for, particularly changes involving how to be a celibate person in a time of the sexual revolution.”

What a Pearl of Wisdom. So this is his view of why priests have raped little children.