truthdemon ago

If u are gonna do a campaign..... Why doesnt the campaign openna treasury direct account with the debt reduction department of the US treasury.. ..i have confirmation by email that they will accept any countrys to reduce debt.. U can email them urself and confirm this.. Once they agree to accept ..inform them as thencampaign is surety..over the US ..that they will carry out any obligation of the campaign while it is being run..and also that they will enforce any charge u create against an organisation or individual for crimes against children... They must accept it there obligation..

I am sorry there is no other way u can bring action on the so called elite..who r merely administrators hiding behind the immunity of public office... That gets trumped when the US becomes ur debtor ajd u can force universal jurisdiction against anyone in public office anywhere across tye planet ..via the machinaery of the US.. This will be the real war on terror declared by the satanist ,in 2001 ..but know u would be co opting it and running it ursleves Wiki : universal jurisdiction Google : universal jurisdiction kissinger

They dont like it up emm...they do not like it up emm

I am sorry but this is the only way u will find remedy..this is the only key given to.u since.birth... But we choose only to the debtor and their banking.and debt administrative system.. ..and r thus debtors under their debt jurisdiction

adaya ago

Wow! Thank you :) will listen

AlanAB ago

I don't trust the media and they played up the pedophilia stuff with Jackson - I know MJ's dad recently died and I figure it might be related actually to MJ not being quite what he appeared.... I wondered if it was out of fear of the truth coming to light that he chemically castrated Micheal Jackson to keep puberty from ruining his voice? Conspiracy theory or soon to be known fact?

When everything becomes public knowledge truths like why Micheal Jackson acted like as if he were a child his whole life might have a tragic and biological answer. Anyway... not discounting his potential victims it's just what I thought about when I read "Micheal Jackson Documentary" And the chemical castration theory sort of changes the context of what MJ was. (if it's true) Most people never heard the theory so I figured I'd mention it.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I have to agree @AlanAB, I think there is something really fishy about the Michael Jackson story. For some reason, I think perhaps there was child molestation, but maybe he had some special MK Ultra arrangement. I'm convinced he was a victim, but sense that if he was victimizing, it had to do with other people controlling it/him. That whole family is under some kind of serious control anyway.

Cheers, and God bless you @AlanAB for joining us here on Voat and all your help exposing parts of this pizzagate puzzle.

carmencita ago

Thanks for mentioning that horrid fb video. I don’t understand the down voats. I thought we were here to protect the children from things like that. EYJP is being seriously threatened and I hope to God for her safety. Prayers 🙏 to her and family. 💗

Cc1914 ago

I didn’t watch it but I believe it and thank you for looking into this and taking one for the team . @EffYouJohnPodesta will appreciate you doing this . She has been called a shill recently and she is the farthest thing from that ! She’s a mom who cares about the world her kids will live in . She has a passion for justice as most of us do .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hi @mjvictims, thanks for the video. I am sorry you had to suffer through watching the video, it's something I never clicked on and only heard about from people who did look.

I just left a comment on your video on YouTube to let you know that I am not the same woman who is pictured at the end of your video and I don't know who that person is (Katie), but my account is here, EffYouJohnPodesta and my name is Amy not Katie.

He was targeting me a while back and I was just trying to figure out where the photos on his account were coming from, hoping I might be able to trace them back to whoever originally started that account because Facebook says that his photos do not violate community standrards. He obviously is either a hacker or works for Facebook / CIA / the government since he was able to add me and force a friend accept, then access to PM me directly without me responding to the request. I would have removed it as soon as I saw it and I don't accept messages from non friends in my main inbox but it was too late by the time I saw the PM. He did it overnight and I saw it first thing in the morning. I went back to check to see if I could download my FB history to find out what time he sent me the friend request but that is the one and only thing I could not find in the download. For some reason FB doesn't keep records of your friend requests and whether you've accepted them, it only keeps records of your friends list and who you unfriend.

Many weird things have happened to me on facebook. I was sent a harassing message from someone else on my friends list and when I finally got the courage to go back and look for it to prove what had happened, they had scrubbed it. Ordinarily, when someone sends me a message if they later block me or I block them or they deactivate the account, the message is still there just not the person's name it just says Facebook User. But this time there was a message that Facebook wouldn't show, and it said "this message cannot currently be viewed" or something to that effect.

Cc1914 ago

Oops I was making a comment before I saw yours

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thank you for the support =)

Cc1914 ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

hey, I sent you an email just now - How do you put a heart on here just paste one in? I'm ignorant to the emoji-abilities of Voat.

Cc1914 ago

I am always on my phone and the emojis are right there handy on my keyboard. I will check mail now .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


gamepwn ago

Whoa! This guy in the YouTube video took my research but did not give me credit.Then again the mods had deleted it. The video shows the snuff film video of the kid being murdered I told you I saw @EffyouJohnPodesta