WHAMMO63 ago

Can't say how I know, but the Salvation Army provides logistics for those in the "program".

tact3499 ago

Mark Driscoll? Founded Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA--it was dissolved at the end of 2014. Then founded The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, AZ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Driscoll#The_Trinity_Church_in_Scottsdale,_Arizona

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Arizona is a cess pool

Clinker ago

Freemason stuff all over the place.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Corrupt DAs and cops everywhere. Remember hearing about Daniel Shaver? If not, horrific. Look it up. The jury let the cop off for a blatant murder / excessive force. All I can say is FBI must love it there, with the number of drug traffickers they are protecting vs. the number of innocent actual citizens that they harm.

Xenophobic ago

No Name country.

darkknight111 ago

I think I mentioned it before, but I believe FLDS is the most likely culprit.

Pedophilia and forced marriage are standard practice in that cult and they have strongholds in northern Arizona.

new4now ago

isnt NEXIVM involved somehow?

new4now ago

there's also Prescott and Arrowhead rehabs in Northern Arizonia, very secluded and only men

jhysko01 ago

Could it be Skull Valley? 12 miles NW of Prescott, in Northern AZ, and has a "new" church. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_Valley,_Arizona

jhysko01 ago

Skull Valley is very interesting (approx 500 population) and there is a sex addiction treatment center in Prescott focusing strictly on male clients: https://www.prescotthouse.com/

new4now ago

Kevin Spacey was seen jogging twice at a trail while he's receiving treatment at The Meadows sex rehab clinic in Arizona over the weekend The 58-year-old attempted to hide his face on his runs on Friday and Sunday by wearing dark sunglasses, a hat and a large dark hoodie

•The disgraced actor checked into the $36,000-a-month facility earlier this month - as first revealed by DailyMail.com - where he is believed to be receiving treatment for sex addiction

•Spacey is 'taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment' after an outpouring of sexual abuse and harassment claims were made against him, causing Netflix, his publicist and films to cut ties with him

•Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is also reportedly seeking treatment at the same luxury clinic


bulrush ago

Satanists hide their activity using SJW concepts. Just look for SJW terms and you'll find the place. Civano is a good starting point.

Nana66 ago

I have seen more than one anon calling Tucson the key to solving pizzagate.

bulrush ago

Interesting. Do you have any more details on Tucson?

Nana66 ago

My comment that I replied to you is gone...IDK if you got to see it before it disappeared but I received no notification telling me it would be deleted or anything, it's just gone.

carmencita ago

What was the comment? I missed it. I just read my old thread on this all over again We need to do more research on the Meadows and Gentle Path. There is way too much money they are making. We know there is more than rehab going on there. Who has the power to delete. Didn't know we could do that even.

carmencita ago

Sorry, the link for the Sonoran Corridor info is https://archive.is/SmwFg#selection-792.0-792.3

carmencita ago

Senator McCain originally introduced these measures in the Senate with the Sonoran Corridor Interstate Development Act of 2015 and the Intermountain West Corridor Development Act of 2015, which were ultimately included as part of the FAST Act. These provisions will designate the Sonoran Corridor as a future interstate to connect I-19 to I-10 south of the Tucson International Airport, and the future I-11 from Phoenix north to Las Vegas and I-80, and south to Arizona’s southern border. Congresswoman Martha McSally (R-AZ) also sponsored these measures in the House of Representatives.

“I'm very pleased this project has made it past this hurdle,” said Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild. “The Sonoran Corridor is important to our airport, our major employers, and our regional economy.”

“The Tucson Hispanic Chamber and our affiliated chambers in Nogales, Douglas and Sierra Vista applaud Senator McCain and Congresswoman McSally for their leadership in advancing these major trade route designations for the state of Arizona,” said Lea Márquez Peterson, president of Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “The passage of these measures will enhance the importance of a key trading route from Mexico to the United States.”

Wow It also mentions Doug Ducey so he is the perfect replacement for No Name. Another player.

Nana66 ago

I really believe McCain was put to death and they already know about all of this.

carmencita ago

Oh yes, I do too. I don't think he is on an island somewhere. He was lying in state. Yep, they told him he had to go and so his family knowing their place, had to deal with it. Oh yes, they know all of it. I heard something about No Name being outed in a Fisa Report. Don't know if there is any truth in that.

carmencita ago

Also https://www.bing.com/search?q=distance+from+Marana+Az++to+Tucson+in+Az.&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=distance+from+marana+az+to+tucson+in+az.&sc=0-40&sk=&cvid=956871DDD1FF4FE198317E87424D8100

Marana where Vanderbilt Farms is, well is only about 22 mo. from Tucson. I don't know if it means anything but there could have been trafficking of kids to that area with all the Farms

there and Vanderbilt connection

carmencita ago

In one of those posts I found this comment

I have a question for you - in this video you show a migrant camp with a nearby shack which contains some children's items. This same shack is seen in a Facebook video, and in that video Arthur picks out a flyer from amongst the debris which looks to be from Marana Elementary School. Can you offer any explanation of how that flyer might have got to that location? Was that site south of Tucson? If the camp is being used by migrants coming north from Mexico, how would an item from a children's school north of Tucson make its way to that site? Any ideas?

I looked up Marana School and here is the map Look what is right near there. Vanderbilt Farms and Actually a lot of Farms. Don't know, but this really stood out for me.

carmencita ago

Btw, did you hear that the woman that was arrested along with the man that supposedly kidnapped Elizabeth Smart, well she was released. Just like that. I have never believed that story. Maybe she just played a part. They man I believe is in solitary. Shut him up. I believe the father and the brother were involved and sold her off for some business deal or just out and out Huge Cash. Like Jon Benet without the snuff. Ugh. I have to stop this. It's making me sick.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow u really think the dad and brother played a part? I’m interested in this case but could never figure it out as it’s all so odd. Elizabeth was made spokesperson for the Missing Children network which is a huge red flag. Where do u think she went when she was taken for those months? What about the photos of her in the white garb? Do u think Elizabeth is lying about her captors? So many questions.....

carmencita ago

He left the window open. No one heard anything. I can't remember all the particulars of the case now, but remember that after a while I had feelings about him and his brother because of certain things. Also I read something about it being a possibility. Can't remember where I read it. There was something about it when she was interviewed on tv just recently. She could possibly be lying. Look what happened to her. She now knows she has to be a good girl or else. Her father and uncle are powerful and in the position to facilitate this. I have never looked into their business dealings and connections. Would be an interesting prospect. The old adage of so many men and so little time. I saw a picture of her with her new husband and baby and she reminded me of a Good Little Wife, a Stepford Wife.


Startling details of Smart’s captivity emerged following her rescue in early 2003. She testified in 2009 to how she was drugged, tied to a tree and raped as often as four times a day.

She may not be lying about that part. I remember finding this during my months researching St. Louis and area. The case of Angie Houseman and Unsolved Mystery still.

http://unsolvedmysteries.wikia.com/wiki/Angie_Housman After 9 days her frail body was found tied to a tree. Her abductor had kept her alive for a full week torturing and raping her and then tying her to a tree. I propose that she may have also been raped tied to the tree. I have heard of this before. He could even have made CP for distribution. That would have been a Snuff Video. There could also very well be CP created for High Levels of Elizabeth Smart. Anything is possible with these Sickos.

carmencita ago

new4now ago

a lot of the Pizzagate troop did work on this subject

when I get a chance, will go back and see what I can find

seems so long ago, but don't think it really that far back. will see, I could be wrong

carmencita ago

It thought it was not that long ago, but wow. 9 mos.

new4now ago

9 months ago?

wow, we've been at it for a long time

we never did get to the bottom of this

a lot of guesses though

carmencita ago

I think we all agreed the FLDS is involved and probably David G. Colorado City seems to be the place.

new4now ago

have to look back in my notebooks, but think he has relatives in Arizona

carmencita ago

I agree. Most definitely he does. Also mayor of Tucson is Rothschild.

gamepwn ago

Haha nice Carm! Reading into your thread and it's comments now. This needs to be revisited since a whole town that is doing this is huge and insanely disturbing.

carmencita ago

Colorado City. Yes, they appoint Churchmen that go as Religious Pastors to Slavic countries and they bring back the children. The average age of the town is 15. I have never forgotten that. Shudder.

gamepwn ago

Horrific world we live in. I saw in the comments many good comments that were buried so I hope the conversation can restart here and we get new looks into it. A whole town meant for child sex slavery...it needs to be raided and burned to ashes.

carmencita ago

Burned to the ground yes. FLDS/Mormons are involved and I think also Mitt Romney.

maggiethatcher ago

Nice catch @Madwack. Why on earth would a town have a paedo-triangle-spiral in its name? We all know the answer.

jhysko01 ago

Civano is located near Tucson, which is near the border. CDAN states Northern AZ. But the pedo symbols re: Civano are alarming.

Madwack ago

Samson134 ago

The 1st pic is really off Large-scale sustainable neighbourhood development, what does that even mean sounds really off and wierd, like boasting how big this is to the people that know. Is this a gated community or could anyone go a drive down there?

Madwack ago

No gates, looks like a normal community https://i.imgur.com/PLlXfpZ.jpg

gamepwn ago

This could be it. I just looked up a video of it. Doesn't this place give you very disturbing vibes?


Nunyobizness ago

I watched the video, where are all the people? And that's a bold pedophile logo right in the town's name. Also, we should look into any drug treatment programs that are close to this, or also any celebrities that go to rehab in Arizona, I remember that's what the original "crazy days and nights " post talked about.

Baichu ago

Creepy actually. Hardly any people in the photos. Notice the tune that is playing. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

GranimalSnake ago

Well, the pedo symbol hidden in the logo seems a bit suspicious.

These spirals represent a trap to these fucks.

bulrush ago

That sure looks like a pedo symbol to me.

Madwack ago

If I didn't know what that logo(s) meant I probably not be able to tell anything is odd.

Just another place like any other......just like that pizzeria in DC.