new4now ago

Did you know Vito was first cousin of Eva Paul, wife of Winthrop Rockefeller.

ignacious_riley ago

Now this is a lead! Thank you for the quality info.

new4now ago

Because there is, as it turns out, a very dark underbelly to this story. And much of it is centered around that angelic hippie child that the readers of Life magazine met in 1966, and who we now must sadly add to the Laurel Canyon Death List. For young Godot Paulekas, you see, never made it past the age of three (by most accounts). The specifics of the tragedy are all but impossible to determine, unfortunately, as there is little agreement in the various accounts of the event. Left unclear is exactly how the child died, when the tragedy occurred, and what age the boy was.

According to Barry Miles, “Vito and Szou’s three-year-old son Godo had fallen through a trapdoor on the roof of the building and died.” Michael Walker tells of a “two or three” year old Godot “fall[ing] to his death from a scaffold at the studio.” An article in the San Francisco Weekly had it as “a 5-year-old boy” who died when he “fell through a skylight.” Super-groupie and former Freak dancer Pamela DesBarres agreed with the skylight scenario, but not the age: “Vito’s exquisite little puppet child, Godot, fell through a skylight during a wacky photo session on the roof and died at age three-and-a-half.” Alban Pfisterer of the band Love recalled a much darker scenario: “[Vito] got married, had a baby, gave it acid, and it fell off the roof and died.”

The details of the incident that can be ascertained are, to put it mildly, rather disturbing. We know, for example, that a musician and writer named Raphael told writer Michael Walker that, before the child’s death, he had been present one evening at Vito’s place when Godot was brought out: “They passed that little boy around, naked, in a circle with their mouths. That was their thing about ‘introducing him to sensuality.’” We also know that Vito and Szou had a rather odd reaction to the death of their first-born son and only child, as recounted by Ms. DesBarres: “I was beside myself with sorrow, but Vito and Szou insisted on continuing our plans for the evening. We went out dancing, and when people asked where little Godot was, Vito said, ‘He died today.’ It was weird, really weird

And so it was that the soon-to-be convicted murderer replaced the cherubic hippie child as the face of Lucifer. But what was it, one wonders, that drew Anger’s twisted eye to the young boy? And how close a relationship did Anger have with Paulekas and Franzoni? And most importantly, how did Godot Paulekas really die? We will likely never know for sure, but let’s just quickly review some of the factors that might come into play when searching for a solution to this mystery: •The young boy was reportedly subjected to pedophilic treatment by his parents and others. •The boy’s parents displayed a truly chilling indifference to the child’s death. •Kenneth Anger had expressed an interest in filming the boy. •Pamela DesBarres contends that the toddler died during a “wacky photo session.” •Alban Pfisterer has claimed that the child was drugged. •Bobby Beausoleil has said that some of Anger’s film projects were for private collectors: “every once in a while he’d do a little thing that wouldn’t be for distribution.” •Finally, according to biographer Bill Landis, Kenneth Anger was at one time investigated by the police on suspicion that he had been producing snuff flicks.

You all will have to draw your own conclusions on this one. As a responsible journalist, I obviously cannot indulge in any reckless speculation here, and I think we can all agree that I have not tried to lead you in any specific direction, but have merely laid the facts out on the table for your review. Moving on then …

Pamela DesBarres shed further light on the dark edges of the Freak troupe with this description of a scene that Vito had staged one evening in his studio: “two tenderly young girls were tonguing each other … everyone was silently observing the scene as if it were part of their necessary training by the headmaster, Vito … One of the girls on the four-poster was only twelve years old, and a few months later Vito was deported to Tahiti for this very situation, and many more just like it.”

It was actually Haiti that Vito appears to have fled to, and then to Jamaica (which at the time had no extradition treaty with the United States), accompanied by his wife Szou and their new baby daughter Groovee Nipple (or possibly Gruvi Nipple; does anyone really care which is the proper spelling?) According to Miles, this occurred in December of 1968, though other accounts vary. Carl Franzoni, meanwhile, became embroiled in some unspecified legal troubles of his own and went into hiding, resurfacing in Canada by some reports. At around that same time, Frank Zappa moved on to yet another location in Laurel Canyon, a high-security home on Woodrow Wilson Drive.

Also at around that same time, according to author Ed Sanders, the Manson Family came calling at the Log Cabin: “One former Manson family associate claims that a group of four to six family members lived on Laurel Canyon Boulevard in the log cabin house once owned by cowboy-actor Tom Mix. They lived there for a few weeks, in late 1968, in a cave-like hollow in back of the residence.” According to Franzoni, Manson also came calling at the Vito Clay studio on Laurel Avenue: “Applebaum took over Vito’s place when Vito vacated at Beverly and Laurel. So he inherited all the people that came after that … he was the beginning of the Manson clan. Manson came there because he had heard about Vito but Vito was gone.”

Vito appears to have spent a good portion of his younger years in prisons and reform schools, as did, as we all know, Charles Milles Manson. •Vito considered himself to be a gifted artist and poet, as did our old friend Charlie Manson. •Vito, according to Miles, “was something of a guru,” as was, quite obviously, Chuck Manson. •Vito surrounded himself with a flock of very young (often underage) women, as did Manson. •Vito was considerably older than his followers, and so too was Charlie. •When Vito addressed his flock, they listened with rapt attention as though they were being delivered the word of God, as was true with Charlie as well. •Carl Franzoni was known to wear a black cape and refer to himself as “Captain Fuck,” while Manson was also partial to black capes and declared himself to be “the God of Fuck.” •Vito is said to have had a virtually insatiable libido, as did, of course, Chuck Manson. •Vito’s flock adopted nicknames to aid in the depersonalization process, as did Charlie’s. •Vito’s troupe included a Beverly Hills hairstylist named Sheldon Jaman, while Charlie’s included a Beverly Hills hairpiece stylist named Charles Watson. •Vito believed in introducing children to sexuality at a very young age, while in the Manson Family, as Sanders has noted, “Infant sexuality was encouraged.” •Vito apparently liked to stage live sex shows for his followers, usually involving underage participants, which was also a specialty of Charles Milles Manson. •Finally, Vito encouraged his followers to drug themselves while he himself largely abstained, thus enabling him to at all times maintain control, while Manson limited his own drug intake for the very same reason.

theres a lot more in this article

noone222 ago

Relevant and Genius !

ReddittRefugee ago

Frank Zappa was the son of a chemical warfare specialist, and he grew up at the Edgewood Arsenal (famous for its research on chemical weapons, and infamous for it's location of abusive MK-Ultra experimentation by the CIA.) He would move to Laurel Canyon, and go on to found several bands and become a major record producer:

Here's a link to a huge article that includes a lot of info on Frank Zappa:

Relevant quote from page 3:

'as Barry Miles noted in his Zappa biography, Frank’s daughter Moon “recalls men with straggling beards, body odour and bad posture who crouched naked near her playthings

*Also, the Zappa children watched porn with their parents and were encouraged in their own sexuality as soon as they reached puberty. When they became teenagers, Gail insisted they shower with their overnight guests in order to conserve water.” '

barbaralamar ago

U fanboys are pathetic. Zappa was a complete scumbag and about the biggest asset for u know who there was in southern California at that time. Not to mention created some of the ugliest, most soulless music of that time period. U want to subject yrself to his putrid "musical stylings" go ahead but quit trying to sell him as some kind of good guy who spoke truth to power. He wasn't. Don't hero worship mere human beings. The man was as ugly on the inside as he was on the outside. He was part of the machine

Lansing-Michigan ago

If you keep in mind what Frank Zappa's father did, watch the Kay Griggs series about making rank in the Marines, perhaps you will have more understanding who is really at fault. It is the system which promotes pedophelia . It is done through DC and Hollywood.Most people copy their parent's behavior. ...mostly on a subconscious level.

ignacious_riley ago

WOW!! The shills! I'm outta here, you guys are so brave! I've been receiving strange phone calls constantly for a while now, without doxing myself, I am semi-high profile (or as much as you can be at my age) as a developer and artist. I don't know why (((they))) would fuck with me, but here we are. HI @frinkzipper!!! YOU'RE GLOWING IN THE DARK!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE GOD DAMN IT, I JUST WANT TO WRITE MUSIC AND BUILD COMPUTERS, I'M NOT HURTING ANYONE! I just want my life back.

Keep an eye out for an odd death of a college student in the midwest if I disappear for too long. Never posting here again, you guys are the good kind of brave crazy.

frinkzipper ago

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa

@penisse @spacepopcoast2coast @ignatious_riley @carmencita

NEW 2017 The Simpsons - Kidnapping Lisa Simpson!! - YouTube Video for kidnapping another location simpsons▶ 4:48

@NiggadermCQ @3141592653 @Tinagra @Attheendofmyrpoe @Blue333

frinkzipper ago

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa

@penisse @spacepopcoast2coast @ignatious_riley @carmencita

NEW 2017 The Simpsons - Kidnapping Lisa Simpson!! - YouTube Video for kidnapping another location simpsons▶ 4:48

Blue333 ago

Here's the link to a rather lengthy article about Zappa I read years ago - can't of course vouch for its accuracy but it's chock-full of information: Link about Zappa and Laurel Canyon

think- ago

Hi @ignacious_riley: Interesting post. I'd like to ask you to please edit, and add sources:

However, what separates Frank from other CIA assets

We'd need a reliable source (not mere speculation) that Zappa was indeed working for the CIA.

he not only unmasked and despised CIA assets such as the Grateful Dead

Same as above: please provide a source that the Grateful Dead were CIA assets.

Frank grew up in the Laurel Canyon area

Please correct this statement.

Thank you. I will give you our 24 hours 'Grace' flair, so that you'll have some time to edit.

ignacious_riley ago

Thank you, sir! Glad to spread the knowledge. I do believe that I have corrected everything that you have requested, please let me know if there's anything else that needs adjusted.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Don't you mean include a link with the accusation that the Grateful Dead were CIA assets? You expect the CIA to confirm this? Do you ask the Q post to prove that what Q says is going on behind the scenes is actually happening? Do you label it "possibnle disinfo"? Nope, you promote it. Get thee gone pedo mod.

truthdemon ago

We have to idol worship...why dont u understand the game ? We debt slaves dont want to take responnsibility ...we just want to circumambulate the idols pushed before us... ..they r blaspheming that Frank is Cia , ..then Q is Cia, ...and god forbid..our messiah is CIA... ..what is it turns out that the CiA is actually whole existence is here at stake... Idol worship is all we debt slaves have as a past time.. Get thee hence , spoilsport

think- ago

Get thee gone pedo mod.

You're the pedo here, not me. :-)

Remember that you called the cp photographs in Tony Podesta's collection 'tasteful nudes'? And defended Woody Allen against pedophilia allegations? And that you wanted to have a beer with a guy that played down child rape, and advocates raping women?

You're not only a troll, you're a stupid troll. A more clever troll wouldn't slip up like this.

EricKaliberhall ago


Sackajahweeda ago

Didnt he watch porn with his young children that he encouraged to have sex in his house at young ages? I dont want to know what this generational abuser knows...

spacemanspliph ago

Posts like these is why I still prefer Voat to r/conspiracy. I remember reading David Mcgowans book(who died suddenly btw, not long after his book was published) a while back, and it leaving a lasting impression. Frank Zappa especially being an anamoly i was having trouble coming to terms with. He was far ahead of his time, and really did seem to have good intentions in many respects. I think he did have some personal inight into these matters. Thanks for delving deeper into this

Podge512 ago

David McGowan in Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon notes of Zappa that, "Frank’s daughter Moon “recalls men with straggling beards, body odour and bad posture who crouched naked near her playthings …” Also, the “Zappa children watched porn with their parents and were encouraged in their own sexuality as soon as they reached puberty. When they became teenagers, Gail insisted they shower with their overnight guests in order to conserve water.”"

And of course, Zappa's female dance troupe, the GTOs (Girls Together Outrageously) frequently included underage girls, similar to Kim Fowley's Runaways, whom he 'tastefully' dressed in leather and lingerie. McGowan also mentions at least one instance where Paulekas had girls (one of whom was 12) put on a lesbian sex show for his leering acolytes and it is extremely likely that Vito & Sue Paulekas were pimping their young son Godot/Godo out, "We know, for example, that a musician and writer named Raphael told writer Michael Walker that, before the child’s death, he had been present one evening at Vito’s place when Godot was brought out: “They passed that little boy around, naked, in a circle with their mouths. That was their thing about ‘introducing him to sensuality.’”

truthdemon ago

Why do u mess up my lazing around hero worshipping routine...? Now all i have now is Trump and his cue.. ..dont pollute the temple of idol worship..thats all we debt slaves have left..

ignacious_riley ago

All very true, however the porn watching has never crossed my path with a credible source. All of the family speaks so highly of Frank, the only negative stories were along the lines of "Dad didn't come to many of my ball games because he was too busy recording and touring." The man did love his groupies, which also did not win him any favors with his family and may have been a contributing factor to his fatal prostate cancer.

As for the GTO's, Frank dumped them and almost everything 60's free love-ish when a crazed fan broke his neck and nearly killed him in 1971. This was the first time, and maybe the worst, that Frank hit peak degeneracy. The Flo and Eddie years. FUCKING GARBAGE. The first dark age in his career, which culminated in the fire that inspired Smoke on the Water (where he lost all of his gear) and the Rainbow Theater incident that nearly ended his life and hospitalized him for a year. After that, Frank went into a heavy duty big-band phase, some of my favorite music of his! I think he knew it was time for a big change...

Blacksmith21 ago

All I know is I'm moving to Montana soon. Yup, gonna be a dental floss tycoon.

VandalayIndustries ago

Frank did not grow up in Laurel Canyon, he was born and raised I think in Lancaster. Think of basically the middle of no where a little north of LA.

(BTW, the ugliest part of your body, is your mind.) have owned every Zappa album ever at one point or another in my life. Owned two books of his, one signed by him, dweezil, and Steve Vai.

Am somewhat knowledgeable about his life. And he did move to Laurel Canyon, he did not grow up there.

Blacksmith21 ago

Just say Vandalay!

ClairesDeLuney ago

Way off subject, but must give props to your username. 😁

ignacious_riley ago

Yes good correction! He grew up in Lancaster, and eventually settled in Cucamonga (hence the song on Bongo Fury) where he opened his first studio, Studio Z, using the same facilities that the song Wipe Out was recorded in! He was arrested for pornography through a sting (LONG STORY you probably already know) and moved on from there. I will change my original post when I'm awake during a more common time, thanks for straightening me out!!

carmencita ago

Frank knew a lot. We should have paid attention. It's not too late.

bibigirl_ ago

What is up with the freaking weirdo that keeps tagging.. What is the point?

carmencita ago

I don't really know. Guess they have a lot to say.

bibigirl_ ago


carmencita ago

Flapping the Jaws.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

They have a lot to ctrl + v

carmencita ago

Wow. What bombarding. Yes. Correct.

SaveTheChildren ago

Its about the trannies

Attheendofmyrpoe ago

sung by the whorehouse quartet...

spacepopecoast2coast ago

I really need to take some time and properly get into Zappa

always got the impression he was one of the good guys - didn't know he hated The Beatles haha that takes some serious balls, but he sure as shit had the skills to back up whatever shit he wanted to talk

ReddittRefugee ago


he "hated The Beatles"

I had always thought that, while McCartney and Lennon could write catchy tunes, their playing was really bad. Just couldn't get into listening to them because of all the mistakes in their playing.

Then I found out that the famous record producer Quincy Jones thought they were “the worst musicians in the world” (talking about their lack of ability to actually play their instruments:)

spacepopecoast2coast ago

hmm I kinda like that about them... growing up I always wrote The Beatles off as music for fuddy-duddys, a bunch of twits wearing suits and ties singing "I wannnaa hlddd ur haaannnnnddd :(" ...when I really sat down and listened to more and more of their stuff, I was surprised (aka "schooled") by just how raw they were

not too much flash, just legitimately cool guitar parts, chord progressions, melodies, harmonies, structuring, etc etc etc... it didn't even seem like Lennon cared what he was singing about, just wrote arbitrary songs about nothing [e.g. "I'm So Tired" (possibly the coolest song of all time...?)]

IMO whatever they lacked technically they made up for 1000% with sheer creative brilliance - they put together so many songwriting masterpieces that no single band will ever be able to come close to what they achieved... and it's not like they did it writing a bunch of bullshit, pedestrian Eagles songs - they did it playing shit that makes you wanna grit your teeth and say GODDAMN

in summation, I like The Beatles... so f-ck Quincy Jones

Lansing-Michigan ago

Dave McGowan in his book about Laurel Canyon says most of the popular singing groups of the 70s couldn't play instruments. That was faked.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

I was just about to post this as well. Most (if not all) of the bands that came out of Laurel Canyon, in the 60’s, were psy-ops. Ever wonder why so many committed “suicide” or died from “drug overdoses”? Perhaps there was no more need for those specific characters.

ignacious_riley ago

In the months after Revolver, Paul McCartney stated in an interview that "...the next album will be our 'Freak Out!'" Paul, in other interviews, mentioned wanting to make a mix between the Beach Boy's "Pet Sounds" and Zappa's "Freak Out!"

The first songs recorded were for an autobiographical album. "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "Penny Lane" were to be crucial tracks, outlining respectively John and Paul;s childhood. The songs were kept, but not included, for the final album which abandoned the childhood theme for one about a fictitious band reuniting. This was Sgt. Pepper. "We're Only in it for the Money" and "Lumpy Gravy" were Frank's response. Check out the album art, that's actually Jimi Hendrix in person on the cover.

Both him and Clapton ("GOD god oh god, I can see god!!") we're included on the album in samples of real life conversations Frank recorded while they were tripping ("Ah... ah... are you hung up? Out of sight, man, but are... uh... are you hung up?"), though Jimi's involvement is legendary and possibly non-existent.

Frank appears on the Hendrix track "Stars that Play with Laughing Sam's Dice" (STP with LSD) on sound manipulation. Frank traded Jimi a wah pedal (Jimi's first ever) for Jimi's guitar that he sacrificed (played on Zoot Allures).

Happy to answer any questions! I am a Zappa nerd.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

HOLY FUCK that album cover haha no idea how I've never seen that before now

"Stars that Play with Laughing Sam's Dice" damn dude if that's not a loaded song title, shots ffffireeedd

ignacious_riley ago

Fun fact: that album art matched Sgt. Pepper's so well that the printing company used to print both of them on the same sheet of paper to save on colored ink. Great quote from Frank in a 1975 interview with Captain Beefheart (his childhood friend) and George Duke, "Man, that'd make for some great wallpaper!"

spacepopecoast2coast ago

haha you're just shooting from the hip, respect the trivia for sure - if I go for one album, where should I start?

glad McCartney was listening to Zappa tho... Rubber Soul and Revolver had some great songs, but Sgt. Pepper's and onward is where The Beatles really come alive for me

ignacious_riley ago

Absolutely, and when Frank and John hooked up (, Frank apparnetly knew enough Beatles tunes to jam over "She's Loves You" and "Help" backstage before the show.

Sorry for the cavalier writing, it isn't often I can talk to people about this stuff! Recommend one album? He made 100 before he died! For me though, it's "Hot Rats." Ever hear a modern album where it sounds like 40 people, but it's three musicians doing overdubs? Hot Rats was commissioned by Sony in 1969 as a test record for their world first 16-track tape recorder. They wanted someone who would possibly break their prototype in use as beta-testing, and Frank delivered a complete masterpiece that constitutes a strong candidate for the first jazz fusion and experimental prog album.

Pro-tip: Frank butchered his albums when he released them on CD in the 80s, the original mixes have entirely different instruments and sections. Search out the original mix for everything.

Here is a track called "Peaches en Regalia." Frank plays all strings, most drums. Ian Underwood plays all keys and all wind instruments. Shuggie Otis on bass, I forget the main drummer. The guitar solo is actually played on bass, recorded with the tape moving at half speed so it shifts up an octave when played back normally, layered 9 times with a wah pedal and doubled by a flute. The entire piece is in sonata form. No songs about poop and pee here, just high art. One of maybe 7 albums of his that I believe you cannot even come close to.

iswallow ago

Someone please develop a Yoko-filter. 24 min of great music, ruined by Ono

spacepopecoast2coast ago

damn listening to "Who Are The Brain Police?" now, I think I found my starting point

ignacious_riley ago

serious MK/ULTRA triggers in that song. i haven't listened to it hard ever before I made the connection I wrote about in my initial post, I always wrote the song off. What happened to Frank to make him write a song like that? Not normal. In the liner notes for "Freak Out!", he claims that the brain police song was "...the only one (he) was afraid to record on that album."

spacepopecoast2coast ago

I could see that, very specific phrases and jarring musical changes

something about those apathetic sounding aaaahs in the beginning I really like

spacepopecoast2coast ago

no apology necessary, I think it's super rad

ignacious_riley ago

Man, as a composer/artist (gotta be careful not to dox myself), I feel you. That's just Frank, man, you could make a very serious and heavy argument for him being America's Mozart/Bach/Varese/whatever. He's a motherfucker, and the further down the rabbit hole you go, the more you get! There are plenty of other guys who are worthy of that title in America, but the only Americans who come close for me off the top of my head are John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Eric Dolphy, and Albert Ayler. Of course, mentioning black artists on a racially conscious board such as this will catch flack, but I am of the firm belief that aside from freaks (Zappa/The Stooges/Velvet Underground), music stopped evolving harmonically around 1964-1967, when the FBI murdered all of the black artists/leaders. Oh boy, what could have been, and what is happening now, just makes me so fucking sad...

spacepopecoast2coast ago

who could argue tho for real, the best and most honest art always seems to come from the underdogs... when that tune is all you have, but it's yours and no one can take it from you

excited to listen thru some of these Zappa records, predicting I'm gonna find out where some of my favorite artists really got a lot of their sound from

penisse ago

Upvoated because Zappa will always be relevant.

Joe10jo ago

Agree! Zappa’s always relevant and always thought provoking. Thanks for sharing!

Tinagra ago

I knew how to trick chicks into fucking a weirdo.

3141592653 ago

How rapey of you to say

NiggadermCQ ago

A $40 bill?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Are $40 Bills a fake denomination or are you referring to William Jefferson Clinton