fogdryer ago

soros saudia arabia

kestrel9 ago

Yup, and the corrupt maggots in D.C. want to make him a political saint. Oh wait, maybe their globalist mob bosses insist upon it! /s

bwarren2010 ago

That’s basically what he was...dyed in wool globalist! He was NOT America’s friend.

darkknight111 ago Relevant series. I believe part 2 goes into McCain's mob ties.

LOLhumanbeings ago

@blacksmith21 What's cracking reptile?

carmencita ago


Disturbing recordings of what is being called "Tokyo Rose" style propaganda from Senator John McCain have recently surfaced. Like a scene from the Manchurian Candidate or a real-life example of the type of brainwashing supposedly inflicted on GI's during the Korean conflict, McCain praises his Vietnamese captors while apologizing for the crimes of the USA See Video.

This would make McCain just another presidential hopeful who has been accused of potential war crimes and treason (see also: John Kerry). In comparison to the treatment of Iva Ikuko "Tokyo Rose" Toguri, one of a handful of Japanese-American women caught behind enemy lines and offered a job as an English language radio announcer, McCain got off scot-free. Could it be connections that helped save McCain from a fall from grace that could possibly make his name synonymous with Benedict Arnold or "Tokyo Rose."

McCain or "McNasty" as he was referred by several fellow alumni of the US Naval Academy has managed to remain nearly untouchable over his career. Despite the weight or supporting evidence, the wealth of scandals seems to scurry away like water from a duck's back.

McCain's father was an enforcer for the Arizona branch of a nationally organized crime syndicate. The senior McCain worked for Kemper Marley, a mob chief for Meyer Lansky. Lansky was immortalized as Hyman Roth in the film the Godfather and worked for hand in hand with the Bronfman family of Montreal. The Bronfman clan, incidentally, would eventually become the Seagrams fortune. Marley, a major hitter in the Lansky/Bronfman Jewish mafia, was also very chummy with the Republican and Democratic parties in Arizona.

McCain is also a frequenter of Rothschild fund-raisers. It is perhaps these close ties to the Lanskys, Bronfmans, and Rothschilds that prompted his apology for a speech in which he noted that "America is a nation founded on Christian values." McCain was also involved in the not so friendly fire from Israeli bombers that led to the sinking of the USS Liberty. Is this perhaps part of the reason for McCain's obsession with nuking Iran, as well?

McCain is known as a politician who doesn't like to play dirty at least as far as attack ads go. From allegations of war crimes, connections to the Mafia on up to the Keating Five financial scandal of the 80's. The Keating Five were connected to the BCCI savings and loan scandals. BCCI, colloquially termed "Bank of Crooks and Criminals" by those in the know, was involved in the funneling and laundering of money that connected the Bush family and the bin Laden's as far back as the 80's.

Counterpunch Reports

McCain’s escape from the Keating debacle was nothing short of miraculous, probably the activity for which he most deserves a medal. After all, he took more than $100,000 in campaign contributions from the swindler Keating between 1982 and 1988, while simultaneously log-rolling for Keating on Capitol Hill. In the same period, McCain took nine trips to Keating’s place in the Bahamas. When the muck began to rise, McCain threw Keating over the side, hastily reimbursed him for the trips and suddenly developed a profound interest in campaign finance reform.

With crime families like the McCains, Bushes and the Clintons at the forefront of American politics, is it any wonder we're told organized crime is dead?

fogdryer ago

Didn’t noname break the legs of his constituent and then kill him ??

carmencita ago

WHAT? Who?

bwarren2010 ago

It is extremely disheartening to learn America basically has been run by the mafia. It is all one big lie that these are patriotic, law abiding men...nothing could be farther from the and how they can get more at any price is their legacy!

fogdryer ago

The gov does not want us to know this stuff. They want us " to believe"...…..

Lansing-Michigan ago

The mafia...which is the military arm of the Vatican....controlling finance through the city of london.Don't think it was a coincidence that Speaker of the House John Boehner resigned the day the pope visited DC. Letting DC know who was really in charge. Why would the priests go unprosecuted for decades of pedophelia in America?

carmencita ago

This is why they have been telling the lie. The lie that the mafia is dead. Only now they are not fighting each other they have banded together and are even stronger. Turkey Kosovo Saudis Israel (using a lg number of organs harvested) aided by Emanuel here with his Mossad connections. Look up his last name with Irgan.

auralsects ago

Whoa. "Jewish mafia"? That's outrageous. You are a Nazi and an antisemite.

fogdryer ago

maybe you ought to read more

HumanBeingsLOL ago

Jews aren't Shit. Don't own or control shit.

Reptilians on the other hand, playing multiple characters. That's where the power is. Of course you know that. You're a BSDM cuck. We know, we all know. It's the joke of the SLP.

Azzipdoe ago

lol... i want to believe but definitely not seeing it.

HumanBeingsLOL ago

Maybe that's because you're a human being and we aren't.

Blacksmith21 ago

I see a shipment of fresh crack has made it to La-La land.

HumanBeingsLOL ago

Is David Icke a nutcase in your opinion?

Blacksmith21 ago

Never heard of him.

LOLhumanbeings ago

Never heard of David Icke? lmao

Shizy ago

David Icke sells me meth! Love that guy!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

bigleaguepolitics -

hiddenmysteries -

newsone -

Blacksmith21 ago

So McCain's family was connected to Lansky. Cindy is a junkie (thief). And McCain was tied to NXIVM. I think it's a wrap, folks.

fogdryer ago

how is cindy a thief?

SandHog ago

NXIVM is quite the rabbit hole. You should check out the Arizona Mafia stuff on FrankReport if you haven't already. Jeffrey Peterson's twitter is another good resource. I'm not sure how closely it ties into pizzagate on some level but it likely does. So far the closest thing thing I have seen (outside of Raniere's previous activities) is Emiliano Salinas' boyfriend, Alejandro Betancourt, seems to have some weird shit going on at his house in Albany. Anchor baby farm or something worse?

I also think Jeff Flake could use some more scrutiny. He's been flying under the radar so far but there is no way he isn't involved in a lot of the shady shit that is going on in AZ. Not sure if this is the right place for that though.

bwarren2010 ago

He absolutely is...that’s why Trump gave him the choice in Congress...retire or prison...he chose former

fogdryer ago

well if nothing else Flake will not be in DC next yr. he got the golden handshake from Trump

auralsects ago



HumanBeingsLOL ago

Israel doesn't exist you fucking idiot

Blacksmith21 ago

Better check your caps lock. It's foaming.

Neko_Weis ago

You wish "BLOODandHONOR"

7th Floor have played a very big trick on the CIA

Blacksmith21 ago

Who are you saying is "BLOODandHONOR"? Which 7th floor?

Neko_Weis ago

You are, don't even begin to attempt to pull any bullshit.

Blacksmith21 ago

You may want to compare and contrast our comments. Not him. Sorry dude.

HumanBeingsLOL ago

Hmmmm might want to check your station, you appear to be attempting to rise above it.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Station". Spoken like a true NaziCommie.

carmencita ago

While we're at it, let's just pile it on. Cindy McCain was Investigated by DEA proof of John McCain's Hypocrisy.

From 1989 to 1992, Cindy McCain was a drug addict. She was addicted to Percoset and Vicodin. Rather than go to a street dealer or doctor shop like Rush Limbaugh, McCain stole pills from the charity she founded. McCain had founded The American Voluntary Medical Team, a relief organization whose purpose was to aid Third World countries.

The DEA audited her charity and found irregularities which prompted an investigation. A former employee, Tom Gosinski, was the one who tipped off the DEA to check out her organization. Gosinski said he was fired from the organization because he knew too much about Cindy McCain’s drug habit. Gosinski claims McCain would illegally obtain these drugs by using the names of her employees and the charity she founded. So Cindy McCain used pills meant to ease the suffering of starving African children for her own personal drug use.

This is actually not hard to believe. The elites steal from the poor and give to themselves AND their friends. AND Children.

fogdryer ago

Just great ! And nothing done

carmencita ago

They are well protected by LE.

HumanBeingsLOL ago

Does McGIlls pay well or do you do it for the shits and giggles carmencita?

fogdryer ago

excuse you...……….

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting! This does not get mentioned often enough. His father was connected to Meyer Lansky as well. Here is my favorite link

SandHog ago

Here's some more info on the Bronfman crime family from a book called 'Dope Inc.'

carmencita ago


Neko_Weis ago

How is your remote viewing project going?

carmencita ago

1.5 hrs. Hmm. I bet yours is pretty narrow minded.

Neko_Weis ago

Is that what you think sweetheart?

FireMarshallBill ago

You're going to die alone and unloved.

HumanBeingsLOL ago


Sure they are ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

Unloading a wad of dick flavored downvoats on @neko_weis

Watch this fuckstick....check yhour numbers.

HumanBeingsLOL ago

Sure thing gamepwn

Suck my dick you weak minded faggot

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh look, new guy is on shift.

Shizy ago

And this one seems angry for some reason! Having a shitty job will do that to you!

rapedbyanape ago

Obama 4 jails