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kestrel9 ago

I guess the cut open woman isn't hard to stumble across, apparently the correct term is 'Anatomical Venus'

Not real but just in case NSFW: Image: Anatomical Venus, Bologna

Joanna Ebenstein

On her website she sells books, here's one about the 'Anatomical Venus'.

She claims that she is also a descendant of Judah Loew ben Bezalel, legendary creator of The Golem in 16th century Prague.

Here's another descendant of Judah Loew ben Bezalel, interesting find! von Kármán was a Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer and physicist who was active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. He became one of the founders for space research of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and made significant contributions to the development of the Atlas, Minuteman and Titan rockets and the B-36, B-47, B-52 aircrafts. He was also a scientific advisor to the community of scientists and engineers in the field of aerodynamics, space flights, aeronautics, airplane design and astronautics. Von Kármán was awarded the first National Medal of Science by President John F. Kennedy in 1962. The Von Kármán craters on Mars and the moon were named in his honor.

Von Kármán was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Austria-Hungary as Kármán Tódor.

Apprehensive about developments in Europe, in 1930 he accepted the directorship of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) and migrated to the United States. In 1936, along with Frank Malina and Jack Parsons, he founded a company Aerojet to manufacture JATO rocket motors. He later became a naturalized citizen of the United States.

Jack Parsons of course is...


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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@kestrel9 I'm very interested in this topic can you send me what cliffs notes you're referring to?

kestrel9 ago

I will create the cliff notes for you. What I meant was if someone didn't want to sit through the entire video series I would summarize and give away the ending ;)

I didn't hear back from anyone so I didn't put it together.

I'll have to get back to you, hopefully late tonight or tomorrow I estimate. The other option is if you watch the videos.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm actually going through them right now!! Great work!!

kestrel9 ago

I just lost a post for you, it has to do with what I think about the ending relating to old Francis Sheldon / Adam Starchild case and Project Stargate.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm about to leave but if you can pm me... you lost it ?? Your videos were fascinating.

I just lost a post for you, it has to do with what I think about the ending relating to old Francis Sheldon / Adam Starchild case and Project Stargate.

kestrel9 ago

I'm going to post a thread about it. It's a bit a bit of a lengthy topic.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

That 9/11 quote is bang on. No planes and Directed Energy Weapons (microwave) along with the explosives from within the building. Sorry, I could go on....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The Theodore Von Kaman link is broken.

kestrel9 ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

No problem.

carmencita ago

This Eberstein, she seems to be so engrossed with death and the beauty of it. I find that troubling since she is also in creating humans by putting parts together. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Taking a look at that person under glass reminds me of pheasant under glass. Dead. Really really sick. Her book is probably a compilation of that and it's all there. Another piece of art is what she is thinking. It's really frightening that people will be buying this. That means there has been an increase in this macabre stuff. Worrisome.

kestrel9 ago

She claims to be a descendant of Judah Loew ben Bezalel, referred to as Maharal

Meir ben Eleazar Perels (1666-1739) came from 'the' famous dynasty of kabbalists. (who knew?)  His kids were descendants of Maharal, although he himself was not, despite his claims to be. He was a  the sworn scribe of the Jewish Community as well as of the Burial Brotherhood, a rabbinical judge and writer, is considered as the guardian of Maharal’s family tradition. Meir’s father was the ‘Divine kabbalist...

Consider the Golem legends:

Golem originally meant, depending on the source, “embryo” or “imperfect matter,” though now it is a Hebrew and Yiddish slang term for a thick-skulled person.  Stories of a creature of clay by that name appear as early as the twelfth century.  In the Sefer Gezirah, published at that time in Worms, it states that in a magic ritual, gestures are as important as numbers (or letters) in its creation.  In the sixteenth century, an early golem was credited to Rabbi Elijah Ball Shem of Chelm.

The modern stories of the golem are many.  In almost all of them, the golem is summoned in response to Christian attacks precipitated by the blood libel, the once commonly held belief that the blood of Christian children was a main ingredient of matzah.  In almost all of them, the golem goes out of control and the Maharal must turn him back into clay.  A number of smaller stories have also cropped up along with the main legend.  

In some legends, the golem is animated by something written on his forehead, in some a paper placed under his tongue, and in some an amulet.  The fact that the Golem is named Joseph and the idea that it is half demon also commonly occurs within the legends.  The golem belongs to a small sub-genre of Jewish legends of demons and other mystical apparitions such as dybbuks, dead lovers whose souls inhabit the bodies of the women they once loved.

Perhaps the most famous adaptations of the golem legend are the play by Yiddish playwright H. Levick; the German expressionist silent film written and directed by Henrik Galeen and Paul Wegener; the book by Isaac Bashevis Singer; and Michael Chambon’s recent incorporation of the legend into his book Kavalier and Clay.  Of course, many similar creatures to the golem, perhaps inspired by the Jewish legend, have popped up in literature, ranging from Frankenstein to The Incredible Hulk (originally, the Hulk’s skin was gray, like clay, rather than the later green coloring)

carmencita ago

If she is really related as she says, there has to be more to her story and what is behind this "mess" she calls art. Possibly some sick and sad things were done to her or seen by her. In that first picture there is something at the feet of the body, and it looks horrid. Possibly what came from the body. This makes me think of cannibalism. And you mention the blood of Christian Children in matzo, well that too reminds me of something. The blood in cement that we were researching not so long ago.

kestrel9 ago

It's not like they're doing anything lately to make me believe there's no truth in the legend! Not funny but you know what I mean :(

carmencita ago

I tell you, yes I know what you mean and unfortunately I think the sickness is escalating. Some of it though I do think is just copied by numbskulls that think they will look cool standing and staring at this garbage. It's the other ones I worry about too. Ugh.

kestrel9 ago


The other kind of Golem LOL!

carmencita ago
