bibigirl_ ago

Doesn't Tom hanks take pix of random shoes and gloves

siegnagel ago

Interesting with regards to karma. I'm a former Zen priest with a heavy interest in rebirth and karmic cause and effect. Lots of theories about one simple little word. If these 'elites' think they can somehow escape their own personal 'karma' they're deluded. Some shaman folk in Taiwan will 'take your karma' for money, it is possible for a short time, the Zen transmission of dust ritual is essentially a fundamental shift of karma. You wouldn't find out about that in books or the internet, only certain orders know how to do it. But it's temporal. What you do, you pay for. It's that simple.

permindex ago

Is it a coincidence that there was a WIZARD OF OZ theme park just to the north-east of Asheville?? For those unaware, Wizard of Oz programming was/is probably the most prevalent programming script for mind controlling children in the MK-ULTRA/Monarch programs. Fritz Springmeier has written extensively about this in his books.

exposethecriminals ago

Very interesting, archive.

Website -

Wikipedia -

Also for those unaware Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor exposed this programming script too:

Cathy O'Brien: Trance Formation of America

Brice Taylor: PDF: Thanks for the Memories

(For anyone who doesn't yet know: how to find words )

Daily Mail:

the park was forced to close in 1980. However, in the 1990s, the owners started opening it every so often for a few days or for private events, such as weddings.

The Land of Oz is part of Beech Mountain Resort which offers skiing, mountain biking, yoga, concerts, and more. The history of The Land of Oz happens to be connected to a dentist, the Caribbean, and Hollywood. Hmm.

Jamescrow117 ago

If programming and subliminal messaging interest you I encourage you to read extensively on the subject- specifically how little of an effect it is shown to have....

this_somuchthis ago

karma doesn't work like that but nice try sickos! lol

21yearsofdigging ago

Holy cow!!! Gold mine here!!

exposethecriminals ago

For clarification, although I do think this pool appears to be located at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, what I actually meant to write in the OP was that it:

...may represent the pool located at the Vanderbilt Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina.


...appears to be located at the Vanderbilt Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina.

My apologies.

(Not sure if editing an OP is still causing views and voting to freeze, so I'm just leaving this here)

Pizzalawyer ago

One final comment. There are extensive bridle trails on the Biltmore estate open to the public. Hmmm, might there have been some hunting parties back in the day???

My father was an aircraft mechanic for the small fleet of executive aircraft for a major oil company. When I told him what I was researching he responded by telling me how one of the pilots told him (back in the 1960s) that part of his job was to fly bigwigs to North Carolina for sexual encounters with 12 year old children. He is 90yo now and couldnt remember where other than N.C.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow, unreal. Any chance he would recall who some of the men were? Absolutely sick these people are. Virginia and the Carolinas seem to have always been hotbeds for this kind of stuff.

exposethecriminals ago

Also, these are the bridle trails that you mentioned -- wow, very extensive: :

East Side Horse Trails - north section

East Side Horse Trails - south section

West Range Trails

exposethecriminals ago

Oh my gosh, I have a hunch there were as well. I just looked up how large the estate is today: almost 11 square miles!

This page has a trail map, huge place.

That's awful what your dad told you. I believe it.

Pizzalawyer ago

Q has started posting Pizzagate findings which he is attributing to the Anons and the swimming pool was featured last week. While we should get credit at times , Q might be avoiding association with us to avoid further criticism from MSM, which is wise. Q has already been lumped with Pjzzagate in general by MSM.

Q has a much, much larger audience than us so we shouldnt care, whats important is the public being educated.

Pizzalawyer ago

I came across an article (cant remember where) describing very unpleasant paranormal experiences at the Biltmore especially at the swimming pool. First time visitors to the pool not knowing what we know found themselves so stricken with anxiety, they would vomit and flee the place.

think- ago

Great post, @exposethecriminals! Thank you! :-)

think- ago

buried alive in a coffin

Well, remember the art piece above the bed of Gloria Vanderbilt? A dark demonic goddess, and under her is a man buried in a coffin.

Werewolf35b ago

It's not so much the law of karma as it is Masonic "fair game" doctrine.

It's considered dishonorable to cheapshot someone.

If you tell someone what your going to do to them before you do it, giving them fair warning, and the opportunity to stop you, you have done your due diligence and it's a fair fight.

You have rendered them. "fair game" and can do whatever you warned them about, even kill them.

This comes from freemasonry

Jamescrow117 ago


Piscina ago

The author, Robert Beatty, is also an artist. This is his website. Notice all the freemasonry and illuminati symbolism. He's done a lot of album covers, Kesha's Rainbow included (remember all the illuminati symbolism in her video)

exposethecriminals ago

That art is a great find in terms of symbolism! Actually the author Robert Beatty is not that man. The author is from North Carolina and in 1995 founded an information management company that contracts to military, aerospace, and others, Plex Systems, Inc.:

Robert Beatty, the artist, is from Kentucky:

Criticalthinker615 ago

Here's an awesome thread from reddit about this subject and the recent posts that Q made

And someone in the thread reminded everyone of the email about "kids being in the pool for entertainment" think differently about that email yet? Realize the full gravity now? We can't let these evil bastards keep doing this.

Astrotheologist ago

it's also magik ritual to create a story of yourself and bring it to life. You are suppose to be creative and go into detail and really immerse yourself in its reality. It's about programming your subconscious mind to direct your life in the way you want it to go.

This movie sounds like a great childrens flick huh? So strange they can get away with all this.

Criticalthinker615 ago

In my opinion, these cult members are having artists paint renditions of photographs that they have in their private collection as to allow their "artistic tastes" to be displayed and discussed. Perhaps even in some cases these are paintings that are documenting activities that the owners wish to remember on a regular basis. What better way to relive a private secret without risk of incrimination than having a painting of it in your dining room? After all, it's just art right?
Edit Maybe we should track down the owners of the art. Like the piece that appears to have taken place in the Vanderbilt estate pool. Is that one owned by someone with a connection to the property?

Jamescrow117 ago

Or you know pedos like looking at pictures of naked kids at all times and this is the best he can do openly.

I am not a pedo but I am a sex addict and check a fappening blog that posts pictures at least 4-5 times a day from my phone....I don't think podesta can keep actual child porn on his phone....

Did you all ever consider that deeply religious people with limited sexual experience and virtually no cultural awareness might not be the best at getting inside the mind of a child molester?

Like I've never done graffiti or committed random acts of vandalism so if there was a group of people secretly causing havoc like project mayhem I would recognize I am not the guy figure out who they are.

I am wired completely differently than they are and wouldn't begin to understand the compulsions and behaviors associated with such a habbit....

Criticalthinker615 ago

The problem with your theory is the detail put into the painting. How often do you create faces from imagination? This "art" is a reflection from the eyes the artist. The painter has an entire series of these torture based pedo paintings. I'm sure she imagined all of those violent scenes. The practice of having an artist paint a moment in time you would like to freeze forever isn't a new practice. Have you taken a look to see what kind of visual reference an artist might use while painting scenes like these that include subjects with detailed faces? Also, your fappening logic kinda proves my point. You have an addiction so you feed your addiction. If a person is addicted to raping and hurting kids they are going to be fighting the itch all day every day as well. It's harder to scratch such an exotic itch whenever it calls. Which is why these weirdos need a gallery full of murder trophies. It holds them over until the next fix.

think- ago

Excellent comment - that's what I thought about the painting that seems to show Anderson Cooper at a child - the artist is about his age (I think) - at least he was an adult when the painting was done, not the same age as the child in the painting.

Factfinder2 ago

The girl has nonhuman vertical pupils, and they make sure to show that up close several times, for example:

In video #1:

In video #2:

With missing bones and only four toes plus the eyes, are they making her out to be some kind of hybrid human?

The whole thing is blatant in-your-face programming/triggering, like an "Eyes Wide Shut" for kids.

Of course this is a Disney project.

exposethecriminals ago

The whole thing is blatant in-your-face programming/triggering, like an "Eyes Wide Shut" for kids.

I agree.

Serafina's mother's character is a "human/catamount" person. From the study guide in the OP:

There is a woman who seems to need help. Serafina goes to assist her and when she does, she finds out that this is her mother. She is a catamount and when the Man in the Black Cloak took her, he only took the human part. The lioness was her cat part, and the cubs are Serafina’s half-siblings.

As the story ends, everyone goes back to the estate. However, Leandra, Serafina’s mother, chooses to stay in her cat form. She goes back to take care of her cubs. Serafina tells Braeden about her identity, and the Vanderbilts make plans to make the basement more comfortable for Serafina and her father. They accept her and her father as part of the household.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Wow, so many mind programming characteristics in just the descriptions: the "splintered heart" immediately made me think of disassociating, or "splintering" of the mind via trauma. These people are so blatantly evil!!

exposethecriminals ago

Archives, thank you to @derram on the GA thread : :

The Soulless Shoes Of Death – with Special Guest Ole Dammegard - YouTube :

Disney Books (@DisneyHyperion) | Twitter :

Serafina and the Black Cloak (Official Book Trailer) - YouTube :

Serafina and the Twisted Staff (Official Book Trailer) - YouTube :

Serafina and the Splintered Heart (Official Book Trailer) - YouTube

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

a few more archives:

facesbyren -

eyeondesign -

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Most certainly.

exposethecriminals ago

Serafina has never had a reason to...venture beyond the grounds of Biltmore Estate...she and her pa have lived in the basement for as long as Serafina can remember.

Clarification: The characters live in the basement of the Biltmore Estate