letsdothis2 ago

UNESCO Report: Sex Guidelines for Kids From Birth

One curriculum asks parents to refrain from teaching children about morality, as there are no right and wrong values, while another model curriculum asks parents to address contradictions in “religious approaches and rights based approaches.”

Perhaps the most disturbing of the curricula asks parents to foster early sexual development by encouraging children to “experience genital pleasure” from birth until age 2 and by age 3, to encourage “sex play.”

letsdothis2 ago

Robert Muller, founder of the “World Core Curriculum”* The goal is to bring all educational standards under one common roof of compliance and global academic, philosophical and religious sameness. ... In order to do that, certain compromises must be made, and this is the essence of the Common Core curriculum.*

11-11 ago

letsdothis2 thank you for linking this site. much appreciated

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

TED talks just appeared out of nowhere and all they are is liberals trying to self glorify. Annoying.

letsdothis2 ago

Pizzagate Researchers: CSE | Ted Talks 2012 | Al Vernacchio | UNESCO | 4-Point Plan

Links from the video:


In 2009 the Canadian state of Ontario introduced its version of ‘Safe Schools’ as part of a broader education program called the “Inclusive Education Strategy“. Two of the primary architects of this program were the then Ontario Education Minister Kathleen Wynne (herself a lesbian) and the Deputy Education Minister Benjamin Levin.

This program had students as young as six learning about “consent”, and 12-year-olds introduced to homosexual relations.

In July 2013, Levin was arrested and charged on several counts, including counselling a ‘mother’ (who was really an undercover police officer) to rape her child, creating child pornography, and possessing child pornography. In 2015 he pled guilty to these charges, and was sentenced to three years prison.

fuckmyreddit ago

Wow that article about Kinsey is mind-blowing. I knew a little about his studies but I had no idea that ratfucker payed pedos like that. What a ghastly demon.

letsdothis2 ago

SIECUS, UNESCO and Lucis Trust:

The World Core Curriculum and your children

Robert Mueller, for 40 years was the UN guru [google him] and he received, in 1989, the UNESCO Peace Education Prize. He and others mentioned later were involved in the UNESCO led World Core Curriculum.

Alice Bailey claimed to have had her ideas channelled to her by someone called The Tibetan, later called DK, known as Djwahl Kuhl whom any scholar knows is a variant of the devil. The point is – it is her philosophy which is underpinning Robert Mueller and it is Robert Mueller who is underpinning the WCC.

Bailey attempted suicide three times before the age of 15. She was married to an Episcopalean minister, broke with him, was channelled through the Theosophy Society and formed the Lucifer Trust, later to be renamed the Lucis Trust

..“Harmony through conflict”. Two opposed views, funded by the money, leading to war and out of it come synthesis and harmony. Perpetual war.

And there are others of the same mindset, the same aim. Dr. Brock Chisholm, former director of WHO, held these views of how things were to be

Lord Bertrand Russell joined with the Frankfurt School in their effort at mass social engineering and spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote: ‘Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development.’ The importance of mass psychology ‘has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at.

First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray . When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

The judge held that the girl’s Christian views were “too sincerely held” and needed to be “mixed among other world views”. And what views did the parents object to?

To the UNESCO undersigned SIECUS agreement, which stated:

Mary Calderone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Calderone

During this time she interned at hospitals and clinics, one belonging to Dr. Frank A. Calderone, whom she married in 1941.[1] Frank Calderone was then a district health officer in New York and eventually became the chief administrative officer of the World Health Organization.


exposethecriminals ago

I didn't get the ping, but thank you. Very interesting and concerning!

TheAntiZealot ago

Al Vernacchio:

Just me and my pizza hat!

Conor Corcoran:

Oh you. Always with the sex on the brain.

^Conor's comment is the only one that got more than 0 likes; 5 "thumbs up."


FakeNewzIsFake ago

There isn't a fire that is hot enough to satisfy how much this guy needs to burn.

Factfinder2 ago

Vernacchio's pizza sex language was first published in a textbook in 2000. The linked TED Talk is from 2012 and was likely his first presentation of the pizza model to the general public. Enthusiastically adopted by educators and people who like to talk about sex, it was apparently evolved by pedos into the code words in use today.

In this Q & A from his webpage, he tells how and when he got the idea: https://alvernacchio.com/qa/ Archive: https://archive.fo/3rvA1

"Q: How did you think up the pizza model? What inspired you?

A: The idea for making up a new model started when I began to realize how damaging the baseball model was. Thinking up a new model took several years. Each time I taught a human sexuality class, I would try to think of a different way to explain sexual activity that got away from the baseball model. I don’t remember the exact year that I thought of the pizza model, but it was when I was teaching high school at St. Joe’s Prep (somewhere between 1986 and 1993). In 2000 I was asked to write an article for a human sexuality college text book called Readings in Contemporary Sexuality. This was where the pizza model was first published, although I’d been teaching it in classes for several years before that). Since then it’s also been published as a lesson plan by the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) and will soon be added on the Scarleteen website."

letsdothis2 ago

So this is the origin of using pizza sex language amongst pedos. And there are actually lesson plans about pizza as a metaphor for sex.

No wonder there are references to pizza everywhere. So that's the association for children. This thing just gets sicker the more one digs.

Zorrilla ago

I don't like Mr. Vernacchio or his ideas, but how can we know that this is the origin of "pizza" as a pedophilic code word? We don't (at least I don't) know when "Cheese Pizza" became code for Child Pornography, so Vernacchio's use of "pizza" may have become before or after that.

Either way, how can you prove a direct connection between the two uses of the word "pizza"? It still seems possible to me that this is a strange coincidence, although it is very suspicious and should not be ignored.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't think this is the origin of the pizza code. I think it has been around longer than that and it was invented by pedos, and made its way into popular culture via celebrities. The guy is trying to cover up his own involvement by pretending he made it up to teach sex ed.

Zorrilla ago

That seems quite possible.

letsdothis2 ago

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/08jEDzE7fKU

FakeNewzIsFake ago

100% pedo, look at that smile

exposethecriminals ago

From a comment I made on another thread:



Pizza-sex teacher Al Vernacchio -- revealed the Quaker Friends schools' connection to Pedogate -- via Mary Calderone, Planned Parenthood, and The Kinsey Institute:

Al Vernacchio wrote in 2013:

many outstanding sexuality educators among Friends, the work of Mary Calderone, Eric Johnson, and Peggy Brick deserves special note.

He noted Mary Calderone was:

  • Medical director at Planned Parenthood Federation of America

  • Founder of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)


Today, SIECUS’s website directs people to the Kinsey Institute for more information on children's sexuality education ! :

SIECUS: "For more information on comprehensive sexuality education, try these websites"

For those unfamiliar, The Kinsey Institute and pedophilia:




Third grade sex ed, guided by SIECUS at Friends School of Minnesota, sounds like grooming:

"understand that touch can be pleasurable but is uncomfortable when forced"


From one 1968 anti-SIECUS/anti-Mary Calderone pamphlet that was widely distributed:

However, the thrust of SIECUS is to get the most sex information to the child as early as possible to ostensibly counteract what Dr. Calderone describes as misinformation children learn from parents….(p. 2)....Her answer to the 'question, "How can I judge if our sex-education courses are good?" is an amazing, "I'm afraid that parents cannot exercise judgments as to quality in terms of content because most parents are not qualified. Even many doctors are not qualified," she declares, "except to judge the accuracy of the biological and physiological content. But the emotional and behavior content requires a different kind of judgment" (p. 3)

Source - PDF: "Sex Education in the Schools" by Gordon Drake

letsdothis2 ago

That's very interesting. Thank you.

Here's a retweet from Al's twitter account: https://twitter.com/ungewissen/status/1026627770258939904

And if you don’t know how to talk to your kids about sex or nudes or blowjobs, ask for ideas! For Goodness Sex by @AlVsexed is fantastic, or ask people like @kristinbhodson what do say.

Here's another one: https://twitter.com/DrSprankle/status/1010261055736598528

Your weekend reminder that sex doesn’t have to be: • penis-centered • orgasm-focused • goal-oriented • hetero-scripted • gender-conforming • pastor-approved

So, does the 'sex educator' have anything positive to say about 'heteronormative sex', or is that a complete no no now in schools?

This one is his: https://twitter.com/AlVsexed/status/979154208065802240

Blister from excessive masturbation?

exposethecriminals ago

Oh God. Those are awful.

letsdothis2 ago

Those 'parents' who think this man is suitable material to teach their children about their sexual natures need their heads examined.

exposethecriminals ago


exposethecriminals ago

Vice President Joe Biden to lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement

The Penn Biden Center will have a significant impact on Penn’s teaching and research missions...

Haldelos ago

Vernacchio teaches at friends central. Its just outside Philly near St. Joe's (Jesuit) University. I played lacrosse against them in hish school. We used to joke about how weird all their players/students were...most acted super emotional or gay. Not surprised this sicko could thrive there.

exposethecriminals ago

Quote from the OP:

Dr. Philip Tromovitch...is a UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA grad who coauthored a journal article advocating – you guessed it: trivializes the impact of child sexual abuse and condones pedophilia.

Whoa, I did not know that, nor that Joe Biden is currently a University of Pennsylvania professor -- the combination is pretty impactful.

From the first link in the OP:


Biden has been named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor for the University.

exposethecriminals ago

Great post, thank you!

think- ago

@letsdothis2: Would you consider putting a space between these two links? Then they'll become clickable. ;-)



letsdothis2 ago

Done :-)

think- ago

Ty! :-)

letsdothis2 ago

Connections between Dialogue Institute and the UN: http://www.thedialoginstitute.org/event/empowering-women-refugees-for-successful-integration-into-the-united-states-society-through-quality-education/

On March 17, 2016, at 8:30 am Commission of Women for Humanity (CWH) under the Dialogue Institute of Southwest will organize a panel “Empowering women refugees for Successful integration into the American Society through Quality Education” at the sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=xF-CX9mAHPo :

Al Vernacchio: Sex needs a new metaphor. Here's one ... - YouTube

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letsdothis2 ago