carmencita ago

Let's not forget their Club 33

As of 2011, there is a 14-year waiting list for new memberships. The membership waiting list was re-opened in May 2012 after being closed for five years.[5] Corporate members pay an initiation fee of $40,000, and individual members pay $25,000 in addition to annual dues, which are about $10,000.

Well, the members should get something for all that money. Possibly some Decadence and Debauchery. Club 33 3+3=6

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Isn't 33 supposed to be some sort of freemason thing?

carmencita ago

Yes, It is a level you can reach. 33rd Degree Mason. I have read that there is nothing written about how you reach that or the requirements for that level. You just know when you are. Evidently it is a Big Secret. I have my own ideas. I think it is something different for each one that has achieved it They ask you to do something extremely horrid or heinous. In other words Blackmail Worthy. So far as I know, no one has revealed their Special Request or how they became one.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Aaaaaand he's fired from GG3


Unfortunately the thread originally discussing this was deleted

burnerdrone04 ago

One more and I'm done. The character in Guardians (which he wrote) of Yondu is a former child trafficker that gets redemption in his death. The emotional arch of that character who knew better and reformed himself speaks to the moral compass of the director more than the rape jokes. The message in the movie is clear. "No matter what you've done, it's not too late to turn and do the right thing." I think it's a good message for the time.

burnerdrone04 ago

Well, now that he's been fired off guardians of the galaxy 3 without so much as a hint of hesitation on the part of Disney, I'm calling this a hit job. The jokes were offensive, but the "I was just joking in poor taste" defense holds water. He was either not ingratiated to TPTB at Disney or they wanted him off the project for other reasons. Too bad for him. At least he won't joke about it anymore. Timing is suspicious as well. He was about to appear at ComicCon. Perhaps they didn't want him to be up on stage representing the company as audiences asked questions about the offending tweets.

burnerdrone04 ago

Either a hit job or he's a total Weinstein and everyone everywhere knew and this is the tip of the iceberg. The speed at which the media picked up the story smells a lot like Roseanne/PapaJohn and the on-going Elon musk hammering.

Podge512 ago

I see the piece of filth is trying the Nicholas Nyberg 'I was a teenage edgelord' defence.

tech-adm ago

Walks like a duck, swims like a duck etc.= any connection between this POS and Bryan Singer/Harvey Weinstein?

Sackajahweeda ago

That dude is a PIG and not the animal kid!!

burnerdrone04 ago

I know my voice doesn't have much sway here but I am at least 90% sure this guy is not a pedo. If you have never been in an environment where this "style" of joking goes on, these comments may seem like evidence but I have been in groups of people who like to joke like this. We used to call them "go to hell jokes" because that's where you go when you tell them. The humor is in telling the shock joke and watch your friends gag. Once you are successful at "crossing that line" so hard, the line becomes harder and harder to cross in order to shock, hence the infant cannibalism, rape, pedo jokes. I would not defend the jokes themselves, but this is not evidence of a lifestyle of a pedo but rather evidence of a poor choice of friends and humor style. The tone of the comments are just designed to shock not admit complicit behavior.

Oh_Well_ian ago

MSM take: 'Gunn apologizes for offensive tweets'

Offensive tweets? More like revealing his true character without consequence or suspicion. This guy is around kids every day. Now think for a minute.... Would anyone hire a babysitter that made comments like that?

These are red flag statements. Gunn needs to be investigated and so does Disney.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

making bigger deals out of things, like calling that incident bestiality, is not doing any favors for pizzagate research credibility.

MolochHunter ago


man this shit keeps escalating

carmencita ago

OMG. There are so many hidden pedo signs and codes in the Disney Movies. Yeah Folks, take your kids for pure g rated entertainment. NOT!

bdmthrfkr ago

inb4 not pizzagate related

I'm keeping an eye on the /pol op to take this kike pedo down and occasionally posting updates in my thread:

goytoynamedtroy ago

Troma what the fuck.

carmencita ago

"I remember my first NAMBLA meeting" WHAT? And a pic of Tony P! This guy is not afraid to admit it. Really.

bdmthrfkr ago

Anons are digging up a lot on Kaufman right now which just really sucks. Toxic Avenger is now dead to me. picrelated

Factfinder2 ago

Lloyd Kaufman on Reddit last year:

"I love James Gunn. The minute he started working for Troma I knew he was a great talent, and after he masturbated on my desk I was forever indebted to him."

Podge512 ago

I remember watching Troma's Edge TV as a youngster. Sad, but as big Jim Garrison put it, "Let justice be done though the heavens fall."

MolochHunter ago

even Cassandra Fairbanks just tweeted Kaufman is her hero no more

carmencita ago

I can't believe they are just right out there with it. No Fear. Why is there digging on this. People should be up in arms over this. All of these pedos MUST be exposed. Twitter is a garbage can of pedos.