Vindicator ago

That was a great letter that guy wrote. We should organize a letter campaign. I didn't see this when it was posted, but I'm giving it the "Share!" flair now.

sunajAeon ago

Hollywood/Disney is a child grooming operation. We have all been raised on tv, the biggest dream of most kids is to go to Hollywood someday, especially girls; when they get there they are conditioned to think the price for fame is to give in to the perversions they are subjected to-THIS goal is worthy of a life and a life's work; most people get their history, ideas, hopes and dreams from that BOOB TUBE all their life-who would have thought people would voluntarily stare at this mind-fucker 2-8 hours a day?

GreenDell144 ago

I took my kids to see it. I just started to notice all of the opposition to this movie just now... I have to be honest.. it was an ok movie. There was virtually no sexuality in the movie, aside from Han having his heart broke by the girl whom he loses to a gangster, basically. They kiss in a scene that is an homage to episode V. That’s it. The rest of the movie was space adventure fun. I found most of the complaints to be silly.

HOWEVER: the sjw cloud that is hanging over disney’s is a little worrisome. They want more sexualized characters, forgetting that this is ostensibly a kids movie. Also, their ignoring people’s legit gripes and just labeling their critics as Nazis. It’s clear that they may want to pedo normalize, along with all of the other diversity engineering in their agenda, but there is little to no evidence of it in the Solo movie, IMO. There was the angry fem-droid.. but she seemed funny to me!

Example: fan says “episode 7 was dumb because Han and Cherie just appear outta nowhere for no reason, and also Poe somehow got back to the rebel base without an explanation...”

SJW Star Wars staff: “Your a bigoted alt-right nazi!!”

MY 2 CENTS: Star Wars would be more diverse if their were less human heroes and more alien main characters, IMO.

Steinmacher ago

Episode VII sucked... I haven't watched a single one since...

Podge512 ago

It did at that! It initially tricks you into liking it by mimicking the look of the old films as much as possible, but when you look past that, you see the appalling writing, acting and direction for what it is. And I too haven't watched any of the subsequent films.

urbanmoving ago

Billy Dee Williams needs to Strike Back.

Podge512 ago

Oh, I'm afraid the boycott will be quite operational when your friends arrive!

rooting4redpillers ago

Important. This thing is bleeding into every aspect of culture. American culture is ripe for picking, so many people want to be the cool kids. Weak adults either ignorant af, or intimidated into feigned acceptance. We are in REAL trouble. Ordinary people have to find a way and place for our voices to be heard.

septimasexta ago

How about some good old fashioned picket lines in front of the theater (Dressed in original "Storm" Troopers costumes of course)


AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Pansexual means attracted to people regardless of GENDER. It doesn't mean attracted to children, just like being gay/straight/bi doesn't mean you're attracted to children, and I don't think Donald Glover or anyone else involved with writing his character is dumb enough to think that.

urbanmoving ago

No it doesn't it means besutality, rape, incest, pedophilia and mruder, Gender is fake word artificially instituted it wasn't even hardly used before the 90's sex is sex, gender is a myth. A false semantic with incorrect attributes...

urbanmoving ago

"Volume 2 of Cavendish's Sex and Society, however, states that "although the term's literal meaning can be interpreted as 'attracted to everything,' people who identify as pansexual do not usually include paraphilias, such as bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia, in their definition" and that they "stress that the .."

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Exactly. Just like women who identify as straight, for example, don't usually consider being attracted to little boys a part of normal heterosexuality. Can some people abuse a term? Yes, of course. Do most people abuse these terms? No, thankfully not. So getting mad about Lando being pansexual is like getting mad about him being gay, or straight, or bi.

urbanmoving ago

BTW just to add your style sounds really Ginsburgish

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago


urbanmoving ago

Nope I disagree, this notion of moral relativism is the problem with apathy, its clearly not understanding the lust factor Pan always mean anything(ANYTHING). Any sane person should be offended by turning the swaggering Lando into a demented freak.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Pan doesn't have any more of a 'lust factor' than straight/gay/bi. I think you should be more worried about the creepy old 'straight' dudes that are attracted to little girls, tbh, or the dudes that think it's OK for them to be attracted to teens, as long as they're over 18. That's a 'lust factor' if I've ever seen one. Look, we don't have to agree on the pansexual thing, but I think people on this sub need to pick their battles better. I don't think complaining about Disney including pansexual characters, whatever you think of that, is going to do any good. Spend your time researching people who are actually abusing others, not people who use a term that you think is nasty (I feel pretty confident saying that I don't think Donald Glover, nor anyone involved with writing Lando as pan EVER thinks of the term as 'being attracted to children').

urbanmoving ago

You are showing your cards here, Pedophilia is intrinsically linked to "gays". This "attractions" bullshit is absurd. Do you no know I deny the demonstrably false premises of this modern garbled tyranny of words? "Attract" implying the will doesn't exist implying motivations of violence abuse and self pleasure at the thought of nasty shit isn't the real reason.

"Have nothing to do with them" "Those that call good evil and evil good" You need to study some real history and engage in correct reasoning before. The failed psycho kosher bable at attempting to rationalize the evil, profane, and disgusting. Nothing but mealy mouthed Finders "free thought" like derivatives of insanity. Not buying, I never did.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Pedophilia is intrinsically linked to "gays"

Welp, ok then, I can see there's really no point engaging in this further. You keep thinking"gays" are evil, I'll go about my day as usual, and that's that.

urbanmoving ago

Of course not everything I said is historically and factually accurate, your attempt to whitewash and lie ignoring human realities and honesty is pathetic. Lust is core at the issue and such "liberalistic" nonsense you spew is totally fraudulent, it was in 5 BC it was in the 19th Century and it was in 1948 when Kinsey started his jewish rampage. "Muh Rights" get real....its wat right vs wrong....get over yourself and your delusions.

Podge512 ago

That's bisexual you're thinking of.

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Look up the definition of pansexuality. Bisexual and pansexual are often used interchangeably, but they are different terms. NEITHER means attraction to children. Anyone who claims that is skewing the definition beyond belief (and the only people who I've ever seen doing that is actual pedos...and despite what people on this sub think, the majority of LGBT people are not pedos and condemn pedophilia completely).

Podge512 ago

Paedosexual is a normal and healthy sexual orientation according to Cultural Marxist dogma, so the term pansexual necessarily encapsulates child rapists too. Also, homosexuals have a far greater predilection for raping children; they account for one third of all child sexual abuse offences despite comprising 1-2% of the population meaning that, statistically, 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molester as opposed to 1 in 495 heterosexuals. They also support pro paedophile measures such as lowering the age of consent in far greater numbers proportionally than heterosexuals.

mrohm ago

Yeah, but with transgenderism and genderqueer and the like, bisexual isn't enough anymore.

Podge512 ago

And of course, according to Cultural Marxist dogma, paedosexual is a normal and healthy sexual orientation.


You have to wonder about the sheep who consume everything the mainstream media feeds them. How many are being converted into pedos while we fret away in our debunked-as-conspiracy-theory corner of the internet?

13Buddha ago

Sick, sick, sick. We need a revolution.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

If this was an isolated incident, then we could write it off as Disney trying to pander to people. Except it is not. Look at show dogs and how that got pulled fast.

The pansexual thing is bothering me a lot. Them and the cutters are too similar to monarch condition people. Suddenly fringe groups that were restricted to unethical government experiments from 70 years ago are popping up all over society? It is very concerning.

carmencita ago

“There’s a fluidity to Donald and Billy Dee’s [portrayal of Lando’s] sexuality,” Kasdan said. “I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie. I think it’s time, certainly, for that, and I love the fluidity — sort of the spectrum of sexuality that Donald appeals to and that droids are a part of. He doesn’t make any hard and fast rules. I think it’s fun.”

He doesn't make any hard and fast rules. WHAT? Reminds me a little of Do what thou wilst.

septimasexta ago

WE HAVE VICTORY! Box Office: 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Struggling to Hit $100M in U.S., Crashes Overseas

HEY DISNEY: Pansexual fluidity DOESN'T SELL!

carmencita ago

Here's A Thought

Lucas & Howard should stop peddling their Pedo Poison.

carmencita ago

Wow. and yes, I heard that critics did not award their usual high marks. Some gave only a C instead of B+ or A for most Star Wars. This is Great News! I wonder how many of them didn't even know what PanSexual even was. Made Up Freak.


Diggernicks ago

You whiny bitchs never get tired of crying over movies eh? For such "upstanding" "moral" "christians" you sure do obsess about sex 24/7 that occurs in a made up fantasy universe. Its commie niggers like you that think making thought crimes illegal is a great idea.

Podge512 ago

Don't be silly.

DavidsSecretChord ago

When did OP ever mentioning being an "upstanding" "moral" "christian"? The real question is, why are you attacking Christianity when it is completely irrelevant here? It appears that you have your own miseries in life to deal with and choose to troll on these forums where people actually have legitimate concerns. Get out of your mom's basement, stop fapping every day and do something with your sorry excuse of a life.

migratorypatterns ago

They just don't stop!

derram ago :

The Fan Backlash Against Kathleen Kennedy is in Full Force - YouTube

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