GeorgeT ago

I saw it on Random Rants of Ryan. UN connections as always. Also ties to UK former foreign Secretary Hague who had ties to alleged pedophile Leon Brittain (David Icke outed him years ago) It's a global network using children's foundations as cover. Utterly depraved!

Nana66 ago

The disgusting court stuff about this guy has been 404'd

Nana66 ago

I have read it. It was in my bookmarks and I was going to share it and found it was gone... this is very suspect and thanks for the link.

Aasb ago

Ranting Ryan made a interesting video about this, (but its not the logo of his own ngo)

and it leads to a campaign called "International campaign to stop rape and gender violence". Joel Davis co-worked with this campaign and if you watch their logo:, it is very similar to the symbol of the goddess Tanit.

and according to wikipedia, she was also a symbol for child sacrifice to baal/moloch:

exposethecriminals ago

Great comment. I would just like to add @YogSoggoth found another symbol that represents Tanit, a crescent moon and star. It could lead to even more leads, all around. I'm not sure if many people got to read his comments on the other Tanit symbol, the comments I saw are linked in my comment, below:

YogSoggoth ago

Thank's, but if you google Yog Soggoth, there is a meaning behind that. When you have time of course.

Number9 ago

I’m new and can’t create a thread- but will someone please make a thread about Suzanne Mubarak? If you read her wiki page, you’ll see she was a trafficking researcher, commandeered a UN bus full of children and then her husband was immediately ousted from power. Weird right?

adethsdfghjdfj ago

Kind of odd that no one in comments is saying anything about a possible patsy.

This guy works for Anti-Child rape, and is 22. VERY possible that he found out info he should not have, or was even offered this TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE FOR A 22 Y.O. position just to be used later as a fall guy.

Please remember to keep an open mind when it comes to sleuthing. More often than not, when someone is labeled guilty initially, majority of people assume that is the case.

I'm not saying he IS innocent, just that it is a possibility.

Blacksmith21 ago

He was groomed for it. That's how it works.

MolochHunter ago

trashy news site i know, but it supports claim with a photo - yournewswire says he worked on the Clinton team in the 2016 election

Blacksmith21 ago

If you believe in Q, then YourNewsWire just got a huge jump in credibility. They've always posted fringe stuff. But most of it fits within the story line.

exposethecriminals ago

Joel Davis's adoptive parents:

Dr. Mark Joel Davis and Eve-Ann Davis

exposethecriminals ago

Not sure if this is related --

Joel Davis's mother Eve-Ann Davis volunteers in Venice, Florida as a dental hygienist at a Catholic brothers run Senior Center:

Also in Venice, Florida, men fishing reported hearing children's screams coming from a Jesuit brother run retreat called Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat and Spirituality Center. High end blacked out vehicles have been seen entering the property, it's almost completely surrounded by alligator infested water, and at the road entrance there is a tall barbed wire-topped fence and security gate.

More on OLPH Retreat in Venice:

Link to two links ( doesn't seem to be working today)



Gate closed:


letsdothis2 ago

Not sure if this is related --

It sure is.

United Way is associated with the Friendship Centers

The Friendship Center of Charlotte County is headquartered in the Rebecca Neal Owens Center, 27420 Voyageur Drive in Harbour Heights/Punta Gorda.

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

United Way and have partnered to introduce a revolutionary new platform that inspires, connects and empowers employees and organizations to maximize their giving power.

exposethecriminals ago

United Way and have partnered to introduce a revolutionary new platform that inspires, connects and empowers employees and organizations to maximize their giving power.

And following in that thread:

Salesforce is CIA

Great connection! This is the first time I'm seeing the and .com sites, wow.

The United Way and the CIA want to maximize the giving power of organizations. Also I didn't know Pelosi is heavily involved in Salesforce:

YogSoggoth ago

I do not mind you quoting me, but I was driving by, and not stopping. It was the only place in the woods that you felt eyes upon you. This was pre 2007. I already explained that this is a place that only certain people would even attempt to go in, even without a simple gate.Barbed wire? Have you looked into the popes wallet lately? I am a Florida Cracker. Cajun coud' do th ribber pard in haff de time. De be done then.

exposethecriminals ago

P.S. let me know if you would like me to delete my comments on this thread about Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat in Venice -- I'll be happy to

YogSoggoth ago

Never. I think you misunderstood. What I was trying to crudely say is that if you had a time motion camera just on the front, you would only have part of the story. Inside, same. What I was saying is that they can change that entire gate plus some vegetation twice in one night. The road/ complex is completely artificial. I was trying to get you to look at the coffers.

exposethecriminals ago

Oh, yes I did not understand the sentence about up stories and back to zero. Well, that's a terrible thing.

exposethecriminals ago

Also, I've had personal experience as a child of escaping my babysitter/child pornographer when he had drugged me up, and it was difficult even without climbing barbed wire. I was disoriented, but I lied to him and told him I was going to the bathroom, and I slipped out the door and ran. Believe it or not, my babysitter's name was John Wayne Gacy. I wasn't the only girl he babysat, it's not well known.

exposethecriminals ago

Oh I know, you didn't hear the children screaming, it was reported to you by others who heard it while they were fishing there. That's what I was trying to express. And the barbed wire and security gate -- what I meant was, if there have been children taken there, the barbed wire may make it more scary and difficult for them to try to climb the fence, no matter which way the barbed wire is angled, if they were drugged and able to make a break for it, and, the gate looks difficult for a child to climb. That's why I referred to the road as only an "entrance," meaning only an entrance, for children, not an exit. I have a bad feeling about that place, as you do.

Blacksmith21 ago

Ah...adoptive. He's the orthopedic surgeon, right?

exposethecriminals ago


From the Google side bar

"Dr. Davis is a board-certified orthopedic joint replacement surgeon who specializes in both surgical and non-surgical orthopedic procedures, including knee and hip replacement. Dr. Davis graduated from the University of Iowa College of Medicine and completed a joint replacement fellowship at Anderson Orthopedic Clinic in Washington, DC. He has trained thousands of surgeons in the U.S. and Europe on the latest techniques in joint replacement. Dr. Davis is the medical director of the Joint & Spine Center at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda. The Joint and Spine Center brings together a team of experienced and skilled surgeons and specially-trained nurses, therapists and technicians."

Blacksmith21 ago

It sounds like the ties are back to DC. (American University) Not surprising.

They'll be able to park a VW in his asshole when genpop is done with him.

new4now ago

What is TEDx?

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxSeattle, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxSeattle event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

Steve Davis

Steve Davis, President and CEO of PATH

several advisory groups, including the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Social Innovation and the Clinton Global Initiative’s Global Health Advisory Board


from FB page...

Joel Davis, student at Columbia University in the City of New York and former UN Special Envoy to the Under-Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, spoke to #NLG chapters on the unique and invaluable power of young people to project their voices in an environment that values age and traditional experience.

United Nations Secretary-General

Amina J. Mohammed

She is also an Adjunct Professor in Development Practice at Columbia University, and served on numerous international advisory boards and panels, including the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda, the Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, the Global Development Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the African Women’s Millennium Initiative, Girl Effect, 2016 African Union Reform and the ActionAid International Right to Education Project.

Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict

to search

Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict

Emblem of the United Nations.svg Emblem of the United Nations

Incumbent Pramila Patten since 2017

United Nations United Nations Secretariat

Seat United Nations Headquarters New York City, New York, U.S.

Constituting instrument United Nations Security Council Resolution 1888

Inaugural holder Margot Wallström

Formation September 30, 2009; 8 years ago


The Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict (OSRSG-SVC), is an office of the United Nations Secretariat tasked with serving as the United Nations' spokesperson and political advocate on conflict-related sexual violence. The Special Representative holds the rank of Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and chairs the UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict.[1] The office was established by Security Council Resolution 1888, introduced by Hillary Clinton,

Think this nasty pervert participated in one big rabbit hole

maybe more can be looked into

Blacksmith21 ago

When Q says "you'll never believe...", I'm thinking it is the UN at the core of it all.

new4now ago

most definitely

they set the stage for all these nasty NGO's we have been finding

maybe this is what I should be concentrating on, everything leads to the UN and Clintons

I know government was dirty, but think Clintons took it to the extreme lowness, and believe it was Hellary Hand that set the pace

Blacksmith21 ago

It's so beyond anything most can comprehend - Legislative-Executive-Judicial-Corporate-UN-NGO. I'm guessing 30% of those entities are corrupt.

new4now ago

not sure on that %

this ugly stuff spreads like fire

my way or the highway

all the good ones will disappear soon

new4now ago

wasn't TED mentioned here at PG?

on FB page for Youth to end Sexual Violence.....

Join us in New York City on April 22nd at Columbia University for a TED talk with Executive Director Joel Davis on the role of trust in ending sexual violence in conflict

new4now ago

Nobel Peace prize nominee also

gonna look at this guy, enough here for me to wonder who the hell he really is

Blacksmith21 ago

Based on potential shared address with Hussein, I think he might be a kept MK boy from the beginning. He was getting his rewards. Now he gonna get all the dick he wants. Just as the receiver.

Sackajahweeda ago

Titlehere HereApprently according to Reddit today and the wayback they are saying that the guy claimed he was UP FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE AT THE AGE OF 19!!!! Well that article didnt stand the test of time but then again some of the names on the list of laureates didnt really either come to think of it.

Vindicator ago

Nice find!

exposethecriminals ago

I found out who performed at the The Boom Boom Room on February 12, 2017 [officially "The Top of the Standard" apparently]

Onyx collective by Isaiah Barr featuring John Benitez.

Article URL includes "culture/tots-jazz-onyx"

THE STANDARD: You said Onyx is a growing collective of NY artists and musicians. What's your common ground?

ISAIAH BARR: One dollar pizza of Woody Allen movies....Lucien diners....MoMa visits....

Blacksmith21 ago

JFC - Pizza and Woody Allen movies. All that's missing are plushy panda heads. and ping-pong. Oh wait, they already have a ping-pong table in the BBR.

exposethecriminals ago

That's huge

kestrel9 ago some info here too... His UN and World Bank events

Factfinder2 ago

He was just a kid when nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He has connections:

"The Nobel Peace Prize has gone to such names like Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Barack Obama and Kofi Annan. A 2013 Port Charlotte High School graduate could possibly be added to the list.

At 19, Joel Davis has been nominated for the prestigious award.

Davis was recently named to the board of directors for the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Conflict. He was noticed after he started his own group called "Youth to End Sexual Violence."

"I feel like I lead a bit of a double life, college student by day type of thing," Davis said.

As an American University student, he frequently travels from Washington, D.C. to New York to work with the United Nations. He has been to several countries and has even worked alongside well-known activist, Angelina Jolie."

Mad_As_Hell ago

His background seems normal enough, dad an orthopedic surgeon and mom a dental hygienist

Found their names on his Instagram (note Panda)

Looks like he was adopted.

Factfinder2 ago

Can't help but notice that his mom has the left eye anomaly often associated with mind control victims:

From "The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave," Chapter 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM:

"Some alters are tortured in a fashion that the eye area is traumatized and they squint the left eye. "

Narcissism ago

Its called SHORT EYES the eyes are out of alignment on the triangulation with the mouth. Tends to be the left eye has a squint. Not sure the cause, but it could be due to a fractured mind FALSE SELF that occurs in abuse victims.

Factfinder2 ago

Where did you get your definition of short eyes? According to Urban Dictionary, short eyes means pedophile. Confirming this, the movie "Short Eyes" is about a child molester in prison:

"Short Eyes, prison slang for a child molester, was written for a prisoners' writing workshop during Piñero's incarceration for armed robbery."

Narcissism ago

Yes you are correct - know one knows at this time why they often have wonky/ droopy eyes that focus short of the subject matter. Its something that needs more investigating. I asked people here a while back if anyone wanted to do a Youtube video on it to get the ball rolling... Would be interesting to show just how many of them have the Short Eyes thing going on.

Zorrilla ago

There's also pizza on his Instagram:

Zorrilla ago

I found Dr. Davis quite early on yesterday while searching for information on Joel Davis. At first I didn't think I could have found the right person because Dr. Davis looks quite nice and normal and bears no resemblance to Joel. In one Joel's articles for the Columbia Spectator , he states that he was abused at ten years old by men who were not his father. It doesn't seem like his parents had any role in his abuse or creating the monster he became.

Blacksmith21 ago

@vindicator @exposethecriminals @cc1914 @mad_as_hell

Q #1616

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: a8b0ae No.1933629 📁

Jun 27 2018 20:26:29 (EST)


These people are sick!


Cc1914 ago

Thanks for the ping .. just catching up on the comments .. this is huge and seems like there's going to be a constant flow of arrests . The people who like HRC , like her for a reason . She's just as sick as her supporters are !

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Holy smokes! Mile by mile, inch by inch. :)

Thanks for the heads up.

exposethecriminals ago


GeorgeT ago

Is there a pedo/freak in this world who isn't connected to the CF?!!!!

exposethecriminals ago

He was a Clinton campaign official?! Wow

GeorgeT ago


InnocentAngels ago

If he did work for the Clinton campaign it will be hidden by the MSM. We will have to shout it out everywhere once we know it to be true.

Blacksmith21 ago

Real arrests are coming soon.

Zorrilla ago

Davis wrote an article describing the abuse he experienced himself and how it has affected his relationships. Apparently he identifies as homosexual, which seems odd considering his arrest involving young girls.

Blacksmith21 ago

Another source:

Blacksmith21 ago

"I learned about grief quite early, from men who weren’t my father but insisted I call them daddy. Whenever they touched me, I would close my eyes and try to burrow deep and far away from the present, but if I had left them open, perhaps I would be better equipped to understand what happened to me. Maybe then I could explain it better.

In therapy, they tell you what to expect from love after rape. Like how the trajectory of your relationships will pass through a series of uncomfortable milestones—the men you date will treat your past with the kind of reverence usually reserved for death before inevitably careening into the territory of awkward silences and tight hugs. But you ignore that, because the elusive concept of love is redemptive for survivors and it draws you in with its horizonless appeal. You take it and imagine waking up one day to find the past is no longer gnawing at you. And then there is just you and your boyfriend, lying next to each other with the question of how not to leave the bed."

Blacksmith21 ago

"Every kiss or fuck was at risk of being undermined by the thoughts of men breathing cigarette smoke into my mouth or cutting notches on my thighs. And I was struggling to repair my relationship to my body—a seemingly impossible feat when you’re introduced to sex through violence."

Mad_As_Hell ago

This makes me sad, another victim who couldn't break the chain. He's a monster for a reason, but a monster nonetheless.

Blacksmith21 ago


Registry Domain ID: 2149335717_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN

Registrar WHOIS Server:

Registrar URL:

Updated Date: 2017-08-02T16:56:25Z

Creation Date: 2017-08-02T16:56:24Z

Blacksmith21 ago

@vindicator @oh_well_ian @cc1914 @enigmatic_continuum @zorilla

Something is wrong here. I'm not sure this "NGO" is even a 501(c)3. It doesn't appear in any variation that I can find on Charity Navigator.

Nor is there anything on the website with any type of DUNS, business ID, tax exempt #, etc.

This doesn't smell right. Thoughts?

Zorrilla ago

Sorry, I'm not getting the pings as my username has a double R. I know it looks like gorilla with a Z but it's not.

Blacksmith21 ago

Do you have the license plate that says I1II1I1? Serifs are barely notice in DMV print. Looks the same as an I.

Vindicator ago

This doesn't smell right. Thoughts?

It seems a bit too good to be true, but I figured the fastest way to pop the bubble if it actually is fake news is to get the maximum number of folks digging in it, hence the sticky. Plenty of news outlets do seem to be picking it up. Could be a limited hangout set up to spread chaff. Time will tell. Keep digging. :-)

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for the ping, and it seems like you've scoured everything searching for credentials, so I can't think of anywhere else to verify if they're a real charity or not. Probably not by the looks of it. CIA

Vindicator ago

Notable resignations spreadsheet in case anyone wants to look for executives of organizations associated with this dollop of feces:


Blacksmith21 ago

Mr. Vindicator, please move to the front of the class! I really regret not implementing a better method of taxonomy and organization for sorting this info when I dove in Oct16.

Vindicator ago

Giving this a "New Evidence" flair. Great digging happening here. I think I'll sticky it for a bit.

exposethecriminals ago

This is so disgusting, I don't even know what to say

SweetChicken ago

These arrests are speeding up over the past several months. Please let it go even faster and all of these vermin be put down like the animals that they are.

Zorrilla ago

This from 2015: "As an American University student, he frequently travels from Washington, D.C. to New York to work with the United Nations. He has been to several countries and has even worked alongside well-known activist, Angelina Jolie."

GeorgeT ago

We know that Jolie like Madonna is obsessed with adopting children from 3rd world countries.

exposethecriminals ago

He was noticed after he started his own group called "Youth to End Sexual Violence."

Meaning, he was given an honor, the prestige of his own org, for not ending his sexual violence against youth:

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice add. Was this guy one of Hussein's playthings?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Some photos of him in that apartment on his Instagram

He appears to have been passing himself off as gay and had a tonne of female friends, I'd imagine a lot of people are in shock right now about this. He was posting until a couple of days ago.

Shizy ago

Someone should check that poor dog for signs of rape.

exposethecriminals ago

@Blacksmith21 I added new info at the bottom of this comment:

exposethecriminals ago

@Blacksmith21 I updated my comment just above

Zorrilla ago

Why was the corporation dissolved May 1st 2018?

exposethecriminals ago

I'd like to know too. I can't do any more digging now as I'm scanning my computer

Zorrilla ago

ZeroHedge published an article today saying that the corporation was dissolved because they never filed the correct paperwork to be registered as a charity organization.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you!

Blacksmith21 ago

I saw that. A-Jew, as it is often called (should be Hadji U now), is a liberal cesspool. He's from Port Charlotte, FL. No shocker. Makes you wonder about Jolie and all those [insert choice slur here] they adopted [Haiti & Africa].....Then again, Laura Ingraham has a basketball team too, I think.

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston too. Shit....all of Hollywood.

Conspiracyqueen ago

So I checked out his twitter and interestingly enough he was involved with TedTalks. #TEDOGATE crazy how deeply rooted this all is. ALSO I love how they have a picture of him with the equality sign backdrop. Didn’t the founder of that get arrested for similar pedo stuff ?????!!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

I saw the TEDx stuff as well. I'd be curious to see a list of the resigned CEOs and if they participated in TED expos.

Pedophila - It's not just for Politicians and Hollywood anymore!

Blacksmith21 ago

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"Every single .org like this should be investigated." By who, the FBI? Lmao.

Blacksmith21 ago

Give it time.

rickman ago

Another DemoRAT

auralsects ago

reset the "days without a filthy kike pedo posted to v/pizzagate" to 0, from 0

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh look, Hillary is here ^^^

3141592653 ago

"Prominent international charity" with a 22 year old as chairman? Very odd

kestrel9 ago

He went to a "UN Model" participating HS.

I guess that puts young pedophiles on the fast track for global leadership. It's no wonder Team Hillary scooped him up, they're With Him.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've been trying when I have a minute here and there and can't find much of anything on this guy. Very odd.

Mad_As_Hell ago

And his alt

He's not a Trump fan, shockingly enough

Mad_As_Hell ago

Vindicator ago

Someone needs to archive that.

gamepwn ago

I used to think I was doing a good thing helping the world by donating 10 percent of every other paycheck I made to charity organizations and doing alot of volunteer work throughout High School. I thank god I learned about Pizzagate years and ago and stopped that shit. It's all a sham. Fraud. Ponzi Scheme to rape the world's children. Sick animals.

Blacksmith21 ago

I chose who I donate to very, very carefully.

gamepwn ago

I use to think I was doing a good thing helping the world by donating 10 percent of my paychecks to charity organizations and doing alot of volunteer work throughout High School.. I thank god I learned about Pizzagate years and ago and stopped this shit. It's all a sham. Fraud. Ponzy Scheme to rape the worlds children. Sick animals.

Shizy ago

Uggggg! This is so revolting!!!!

Cc1914 ago

Pretty sick when you automatically know what follows " arrested for..." when it has to do with anyone claiming they are protecting children !

derram ago :

Anti-child abuse advocate arrested for trying to have sex with kids | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

Blacksmith21 ago

And how the hell did a 22 year old become head of a NGO?

rickman ago

Gay and POC go a long way

GeorgeT ago

I am from former soviet union, and we never used the word gay or homosexual - the word we used was - Pederast.

Narcissism ago

Because he is a PEDO

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm wondering who his daddy is, so I went on FamilyTreeNow(dot)com, but couldn't find him at all, which is very strange. He must live with someone who has law enforcement ties or has never resided in New York.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Awesome! Thanks for digging.

Mad_As_Hell ago

His (adoptive?) daddy is an orthopedic surgeon (found via his Instagram

Sackajahweeda ago

Yes and interestingly enough he went to not only Columbia but Oxford AND in the heck does anyone without money ties pull that off?!

3141592653 ago

And at 22 years old?!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Haha, they don't.

Sackajahweeda ago

Honestly at the age of 22 thats quite a list. It sounds either like total bullshit or someone that is mentally ill and cant finish things but wants to have that prestige of a good school attached to his name. Strange..

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah, true, and this needs to be looked into further. I don't see him getting nearly as far as he has with that many people not noticing his fake applications/resumes/CVs, so maybe he is mentally ill and gets into these colleges, then drops out or gets kicked out, but I don't see an Ivy League taking in anyone who dropped out or got kicked out of another Ivy League school. What if he started going to one, then transferred to another? This is the only thing that makes sense unless he is a CIA plant.

Sackajahweeda ago

Ahhh theres a thought you know how those alphabet people are freaking pervs and that would explain the school history too. Good call!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago


Vindicator ago

Nice find. This is ridiculous!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Wha?!?!! Who the fuck is this guy? He's got to be seriously connected. Nice find!

Zorrilla ago

Joel A Davis Age 22

Current Address: Available

Also Known As (AKAs): Joel A Davis Joel Davis

Addresses: Punta Gorda, FL New York, NY

Relatives/Associates: Bobbie Lalonde Sandra Davis Ann Davis

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Hey, thanks for digging on that guy! Valuable info indeed!