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Vindicator ago

@MigratoryPatterns, I need to ask you to edit your post for accuracy and rule consistency.

What with memos asking how thinly they wanted the pizza sliced for sharing and the like, a memoir written by a girl who seems not to be able to keep he pants on might just be the first glimpse behind that veiled curtain of illusion.

You need a link to the Wikileak email or a thread including a link to it, and you are implying it was an Obama admin email. It was not. It was a Stratfor email. Please correct that per Rule 2.

Also, I should probably point out that this girl's tell-all is probably another "flooding fake" disinfo campaign designed to bury the Kenyan's true nastiness by fabricating a controlled smear from an easily dismissed, "tainted" source. You may want to state that, so we don't have to put the disinfo warning flair on it.

Sorry to be such a stickler, but if I'm not, Esoteric, who is attempting to get me demodded will claim I'm biased. Thanks for editing.

twistedmac11 ago

Woooow, I just got on and this is the 3rd post you've commented on about @ESOTERICshade trying to get you demodded, which isn't even proved by the link you posted. Are you that desperate for people to feel badly for you? What's so wrong with asking for unbiased moderation?