tyfdt ago

I remember obama's hawaii buddy coming to the WH every month or so, supposedly bringing him drugs. Bobby Titcomb, who was arrested for propositioning a teen boy (undercover agent, really) http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/14398306/president-obamas-close-friend-arrested-during-prostitution-sting

migratorypatterns ago

UppadaVoat for you.

Yup, no scandals, but only because the press never picked up on any of this stuff. But they did the same thing with Bush and those boys who used to visit the WH at night.

youbetcha22 ago

Title Here

Are there wikileaks documents missing? I see 3 stratfor e-mails with the title "tomato/basil/garlic pizza on my desk" each e-mail has a different id, but different content.

Title Here

migratorypatterns ago

Nothing's missing. I just posted the one I referred to in the ''Relevancy'' portion of the submission. What comes up is what you search for.

youbetcha22 ago


"fashionfreaque: CNN is not real news. I get my geopolitical intelligence information from stratfor.com. This slice of pizza makes me happy. ^_^


Sunday, May 10th at 21:40:10 . Reply . View Tweet"

Vindicator ago

@MigratoryPatterns, I need to ask you to edit your post for accuracy and rule consistency.

What with memos asking how thinly they wanted the pizza sliced for sharing and the like, a memoir written by a girl who seems not to be able to keep he pants on might just be the first glimpse behind that veiled curtain of illusion.

You need a link to the Wikileak email or a thread including a link to it, and you are implying it was an Obama admin email. It was not. It was a Stratfor email. Please correct that per Rule 2.

Also, I should probably point out that this girl's tell-all is probably another "flooding fake" disinfo campaign designed to bury the Kenyan's true nastiness by fabricating a controlled smear from an easily dismissed, "tainted" source. You may want to state that, so we don't have to put the disinfo warning flair on it.

Sorry to be such a stickler, but if I'm not, Esoteric, who is attempting to get me demodded will claim I'm biased. Thanks for editing.

rarepeeks ago

Vindicator's crap is catching up with him and the cheese is finally sliding off the cracker.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry to be such a stickler, but if I'm not, Esoteric, who is attempting to get me demodded will claim I'm biased.

Not trying to get you demodded. You're a regular little one many self sympathy show. :)

migratorypatterns ago

I never claimed it was his email. I said this submission fit in with the email drop where people were asking for how thin to slice pizza:

It's connected to the world of pizzagate by the emails that emerged. What with memos asking how thinly they wanted the pizza sliced for sharing and the like, a memoir written by a girl who seems not to be able to keep he pants on might just be the first glimpse behind that veiled curtain of illusion. It allows a peek at what was really going on in and the culture that The Kenyan embraced and nurtured while destroying America.

A two-year-old could understand that, but then we're talking about Esoteric.

Why would I put that this is disinfo? You and I and the other pizzagaters know it's more, but this is a peek into that world. How is it disinfo? How do you know it's disinfo? All we know is she wrote a book, had her pants around her ankles for most of the time, and somehow managed to record what The Kenyan was saying. I don't see how this buries anything. In fact, it makes me anxious to know the dirtier secrets.

Vindicator ago

Why would I put that this is disinfo?

Smears and revelations from questionable characters who stand to profit from their tell-all interviews and books don't harm the person they are attacking. They have the opposite effect. They make the target look like the victim. Setting up such attacks to front-run revelations of real crimes and corrupt behavior is a standard disinfo tactic.

Thank you for clarifying the email connection, but I am still not clear on how this woman or her book connects to the emails. Is there something in the book that is similar to the content of the emails? The pizza email was hearsay from Stratfor guys, not a leak of Obama admin insiders. The book is hearsay from a morally questionable profiteer. The only connection I'm seeing is a very very tenuous "there MIGHT be something in the book that sheds light on those pizza parties." That really isn't "directly related to child sex abuse by the elite".

However, were you to frame this as possible evidence of a disinfo campaign to cover up and discredit any forthcoming testimony that IS pizzagate-related, that would fall under Rule 1.

You get where I'm going with this?

I will leave this up for a few more hours in case you want to edit it more to make that case, since it took me so long to reply to your edit. As is, this doesn't satisfy Rule 1.

migratorypatterns ago

You get where I'm going with this?

No, I can honestly say I have no idea where you're going with this. I have no idea where you're going with anything.

An email is hearsay? Since when? If Joe Blow tells someone Jane Blow that he saw an email and then Jane tells someone else that JOE TOLD THEM THAT HE SAW AN EMAIL, if that person repeats what Jane said, it's hearsay. Joe's statement isn't. The person who witnesses/receives an email can testify to what they saw/received. That is not hearsay it's direct evidence. Whether they're believed is another matter. But if a third person can't testify to what Joe said when they heard from someone what he said. So this skank can testify or write about what she saw and witnessed on the plane. She can testify or write about the person she alleges to have had the affair with. That is he right to do. It is not hearsay, it is her assertion/statement as to what happened. Now the other person is free to admit or deny it, UNLESS it's in a court of law. If the matter were brought into a court of law, both parties would have to offer proof of their assertions. Usually, this is beyond what they stated and relies on dna evidence, hotel bills, photos, emails, whatever. But sometimes it does come down to two people's statements, the defendant and plaintiff. That's just for starters.

Have no idea why you're going off like this. If this is the way it's gonna be. take down the fucking submission.

I won't be posting anymore.

Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this forum.

Vindicator ago

An email is hearsay? Since when?

The people at Stratfor were discussing something they did not have direct knowledge of. They were not part of the Obama Administration and did not actually attend the event they reference. At least, no evidence has ever been put forward that they did. They are discussing something they heard about; possibly joking about it.

And, you still have spelled out no specific connection between what this woman is claiming and what Wikileaks revealed. This is all just a big maybe. So, I will unfortunately have to remove the thread now.

migratorypatterns ago

And yet you make the Q submission a sticky with not a shred of evidence to prove anything. The title clearly says PROOF and there is none.

Biased much?

You know what? You're a mod. There's nothing I can do except getting into a shouting match which I'm not going to do because it's pointless. If this is the direction you want this forum to go, so be it. Since mods are in charge of the rules, and this is how you're enforcing them. I'm gone! Bye!

twistedmac11 ago

Woooow, I just got on and this is the 3rd post you've commented on about @ESOTERICshade trying to get you demodded, which isn't even proved by the link you posted. Are you that desperate for people to feel badly for you? What's so wrong with asking for unbiased moderation?

sunajAeon ago

Wow what a goldmine, looking forward to reading this-how long until she is suicided?

migratorypatterns ago

That depends on what she remembers ...

Probably what happened to her when unconscious is the really important part, so as long as she keeps thinking they're dreams, she'll be fine ...

GreenDell144 ago

Thanks for posting this. I will give it a read.

Are_we_sure ago

Sonata, Xanax or Ambien

This is incredibly weak sauce. The scandal is they took sleeping aids for long flights? Where's my fainting couch?

Shillaxe ago

on a private jet dubbed "the party plane" where you fuck your collegues ✈+💊 =🐦 🐝

EricKaliberhall ago

The scandal is they took sleeping aids for long flights?

The disgusting talking heads called Dr. Jackson a drug dealer, for prescribing sleeping aids for long flights... They called it illegal activities.


Where's my fainting couch?

Very gay!

think- ago

But then he is gay. LOL.

Are_we_sure ago

migratorypatterns ago

It's amazing how normalized the shills have become.


Addiction to Ambien


Ambien is in a class of drugs known as sedative-hypnotics. This non-benzodiazepine “z-drug” has the same medical effectiveness as benzodiazepines like Xanax without the same hazardous and habit-forming properties those drugs are known for.

Other signs of an Ambien addiction include:

Refilling prescriptions unusually often Repeatedly taking larger doses than prescribed Experiencing cravings for Ambien Engaging in dangerous situations without any memory of them later Spending large amounts of money on the drug Isolating oneself from family and friends

Most Ambien addictions begin with a simple case of short-term insomnia. Some users underestimate the addictive potential of Ambien because it’s prescribed by a doctor and they only use it to help them sleep.

Ambien becomes less and less effective after taking it for more than a couple weeks. At this point, some users can’t stop taking the drug because their insomnia is even worse — they are incapable of sleeping without Ambien.

Before long I needed to take a pill every night. If I tried to fall asleep naturally, I would have what’s called “rebound insomnia,” meaning I would be up all night as a result of taking the drug the night before.

Are_we_sure ago

It's amazing how normalized the shills have become.

Does that gibberish make sense to you?

Do you understand you posted about ABUSE of these drugs and not use?

It's like posting information about delirium tremens because folks like to drink after work. You are exhibiting zero sense of proportion here.

Blacksmith21 ago

I can speak from personal experience Ambien is fucked up. Especially the XR/CR version. We used to use them while deploying. Very easily, someone could double dose another on Ambien, do what they want to them, and have no recollection of the previous night's activities.

new4now ago

When we spoke after the show, I noticed he was slurring his words; he was different. When he told me he may have taken an extra Ativan or two, I contacted security and asked that they check on him.”

Chris Cornell


Sackajahweeda ago

I saw an interesting connection theory to Ambien and Kate Spade And Anthony Bourdain...Ok so here goes...They saw the "horrific" ambien tweeting that Rosanne did and decided to quit cold turkey as to not take chances tweeting something horrific themselves and well you know the ending so no need for spoiler alert. NOW THIS IS JUST A THEORY I READ but in my opinion an interesting one to say the least. KS was about to divorce so she need not have those dare I say "Ambient moments" and AB was about to start a new season and already had a tendency to "tell it like he sees it" and may have been warned by CNN already....just saying..

Blacksmith21 ago

Ambien doesn't make a 6'4" 190 lb physically fit man hang himself with a bathrobe from a doorknob.

Sackajahweeda ago

Yeah the doorknob thing keeps coming up too. I honestly dont think he offed himself but it COULD make a guy that was a blue belt in JJ trained by the best I am told unable to defend himself. A perfect storm for murder if you will. They must have brought their best along. Or drugged him ...maybe WITH AMBIEN haha! Sorry I dont mean to make light of very dark situation.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's more than a one-man hit job, unless you are planning on shooting him. I'd be curious what the toxicology shows, but that can be faked as well. I'm pretty sure the DS has some pretty nasty ways of incapacitating someone. Dr. Gottleib stuff...

Sackajahweeda ago

I just read....Cremated NO AUTOPSY against family request!! Well isnt that interesting....

Blacksmith21 ago

Of course. Though I would suspect any incapacitant would likely be untraceable.

Sackajahweeda ago

Yes expecting to get the truth from the media is like asking a cheating girlfriend caught in the act ...There is already a script written and even if there is a last minute change in the script (re ENTY BI and his saying there were supposed to be two) then they will have a back up plan. Its disgusting and sadly up to us "tin foil hat nutters" to figure out the real story. We will never fully know though.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

I think the other problem is that they were abused. By that I mean, nobody should be popping these on a regular basis. It's why there's an opioid crisis. And people normalizing this behavior is another part of the problem.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/6hYsL :

Obama's former stenographer lifts the lid on the party culture among staffers

https://archive.fo/6hYsL :

Obama's former stenographer lifts the lid on the party culture among staffers

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram!