fogdryer ago

carmencita ago

I am here now. @new4now @millennial_vulcan

swordfish69 ago

I've read all of the documents listed in the "News U Won't Find In The News" and I want to ensure people that some of the info is definitely unverified, but there are some very extraordinary tidbits to take from the docs. Please ask me anything, it's seriously worth a read.

  • The author theorizes that a 'Ripper' cult are the main operatives of a global pedophile and abuse cult. 'Ripper' means generally that they actively cover up murders by coordinating with law enforcement, media etc.
  • The Centers of elite pedophilia in Canada are Orillia, Guelph and the Toronto Medical system. The two towns in questions are about an hour from Toronto, and are generally known as artist/lefty enclaves that would suggest the opposite (I used to live in Guelph). Toronto is likely the fallback city if the global pedophile ring has their Los Angeles, DC or London ops exposed. According to a source at a homeless shelter in Toronto, homeless teens are taken directly from shelters and sold off to important customers at adjacent hotels.
  • Guelph is famous because it's where the Capone's et al used to keep their families while they ran the mob in Chicago. What's interesting/relevant about this is that the rumrunning between Canada and the United States occurred there too, and was mostly facilitated by the Bronfman family, who are as of today embroiled in the NXIVM scandal.
  • Orillia is famous because the Huronia Regional Centre was the subject of a massive abuse scandal that involving pedophilia and torture of mental patients. I have studied this scandal in great detail and it's beginning to look like the same group behind the Stoke Mandeville abuse scandal with Jimmy Savile were involved at Huronia. This is based on evidence that abuse victims were subject to the exact same MK Monarch mind control methods involving trauma splitting and art therapy--exact as in, the art of the abuse victims (called art brut) is the exact same type of art collected Tony Podesta, Alefantis as well as the British arm of the Rothschilds.
  • Jack the Ripper was one of the first modern psyops, and was committed by the Quatuor Coronati, a Venetian-London masonic group founded in part by Samuel David Luzzatto. The coverup--like the McCann kidnapping coverup--is the point, to show an organization is capable of doing that.
  • The author claimed that Bridgeport County (where Sandy Hook occurred) is completely controlled by criminal Freemasons that commit coverups for the 'Ripper Cult'
  • Many important Canadian doctors and even intellectuals secretly work for the British medical establishment as organ traders.

jangles ago

Can you connect any of these key players to any BioPharmaceutical companies?

Devious1 ago

I'd archive that shit straight away......

Bolux ago

David Hawkins is the expert on this he lives in B.C. he reckons it was a big honeypot.up to two thousand people at these events 100plus prostitutes murdered put through woodchippers etc.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent post, going to check it out thanks. **A request ** - Could you please add in your description that it automatically downloads to your computer, just so people are aware? Thank you. Your links: **

  1. it contains files regarding child abduction

  2. it contains files on the topic of organ harvesting

  3. it contains references to a child abducted named Annie** @Vindicator is it okay to request about the download?

Psychanaut ago

You don't ask @Vindicator, you ask me, which you did. Vindicator did not post this. I did. You don't need to ask Vindicator's permission to ask me a question. I'm right here, you can speak directly to me, which you did. OK?

Anyway, I put a note in there. By the way, you can avoid having those files open for you, by simply going to the original WIkileaks email which is clearly posted at the top of this post.

Thanks for your comment.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for that advice, I am not too great with some things computer related and got a fright when it automatically downloaded, my sons scared me about allowing downloads. lol Thanks for not taking offence either :)

Psychanaut ago

You made a great point. Thanks again! (your son is right!)

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding the warning to your post, Psychanaut. @TrishaUK is correct -- though I've never heard of a Wikileaks download being corrupted

TrishaUK ago

Yes me either, but I get an ear roasting from my son for clicking on links that just download lol got to keep him happy since hes the one who has to 'clean up' my laptop for space. lol

Psychanaut ago

It was a great point. I'm not even sure how it linked to do that, to be honest. Thank you @TrishUK for pointing it out. My bad, all.

ESOTERICshade ago

The pig farm and feeding human meat to police officers is Pickton Pig Farm case. Seriously bizarre and sick. This case has been discussed here before, but, it looks like you found some other good treasure in your rabbit hole too.

carmencita ago

That whole thing makes me sick with JP and Pig Farm and this case too. Every time I stand in front of the Butcher Case and see Pork, I think of it. There is NO WAY I will ever eat pork, have not for years. Now I have another reason and a really sick one. When we first discussed it I could not sleep. I am totally convinced this is going on in other places. Barf Worthy.

Are_we__sure ago

There have been a few threads on Voat on this. If you search by the email name you can find them.

This email was sent NON BCC to about 200 people, all listed at the top of the email.

I think this is key.

This looks like one of the chain/group emails that get sent out. They would send it out to whatever emails they could gather if they thought they were emails of important people or people who knew important people.

I think at the the end of this rabbit hole you're going to find a mentally ill person.

Cc1914 ago

Surprise ! The mothers of Annie are lesbians! --- Mary Jocelyn Aviado & Anna-Marie Goralczyk began a common law relationship on Jun. 13, 1998. The defendant had mentioned that she would like to have another child one day. Mary Aviado pushed her to do it right away & the couple then decided to have artificial donors to produce each a child from their own wombs at the same time to create a family & purchase properties together. This occurred on 21 Somers Ave. East York Toronto Ontario.

Psychanaut ago

Found, but obviously NOT researched or investigated.

Cc1914 ago


Cc1914 ago

OMG! Look at this tweet from 2015 from Annie's Mom!

Psychanaut ago

Holy shit, I have no idea, but wow

Psychanaut ago

Tweets & replies Media Likes

Anna-Marie Goralczyk's Tweets Anna-Marie Goralczyk Anna-Marie Goralczyk @AnnieIvyLee1 · Feb 12, 2015 Children's Aid Operating Human Trafficking with Ont. police on Facebook Marie Oralczyk The following media may contain sensitive material. Anna-Marie Goralczyk Anna-Marie Goralczyk @AnnieIvyLee1 · Feb 12, 2015 Facebook Marie Oralczyk Human Traffick child under adult account, [email protected] and pass code is momslove2help, Anna-Marie Goralczyk Anna-Marie Goralczyk @AnnieIvyLee1 · Feb 12, 2015 Ont. Child Trafficking: [email protected] and pass code is momslove2help Anna-Marie Goralczyk Anna-Marie Goralczyk @AnnieIvyLee1 · Feb 12, 2015 Annie Ivy-Lee Aviado: Ont. Gov't Human Triffick my child under guise of law, court prep. in process, find me lawyer The following media may contain sensitive material.

Cc1914 ago

This [email protected] and pass code is momslove2help, Anna-Marie Goralczyk Anna-Marie Goralczyk @AnnieIvyLee1 · Feb 12, 2015 Ont. Child Trafficking.... did you try logging into that email with that passcode yet?

Sum-of-Nun ago

Tried. It asked to email another account for verification. It gave the entire alternate email address.

[email protected]

Cc1914 ago

Did you try the same password on that account ?

Sum-of-Nun ago

No. Got distracted. Good idea though.

Cc1914 ago

Whoa ! Did you Read this ? If you have seen this child do not contact the abductors or persons appearing as family or friends as they, in organization, are likely very dangerous and in connection with certain officers and officials overseeing her continued confinement that are secretly a part of the pedophile ring in exchange for benefit, allowances or gain in some obscure way. They, in co-operation with these officials that may be a part of the ring, may commit crimes and alter the appearance of the apparent cause or origination of the crime. This means that there would likely be particular officers always in position where she is being held so that when reporting in her area a predator in position of authority would be assigned to the case to shut matters down in favor of the ring.

Keep in mind that “the pedophile ring of Ontario” could not function or continue to exist over long term without the agreement of the police chiefs and Attorney General’s of Ontario in particular. These positions in Ontario, are apparently always held by the types of persons willing to turn a blind eye in favor of the pedophile ring and their methods of operation and is how Ontario got the reputation “world wide” of harboring a pedophile ring or Ontario being the safe haven for pedophiles. Ontarians can only break this pattern by voluntarily investigating persons who hold these positions and follow the connections throughout the ring that connects them to the crimes and openly reporting their findings to other true Canadians whereas the information found can be put together like a puzzle until the picture of evidence becomes whole. We, the people, need to investigate the pedophiles and who are handling the pedophile cases to a much deeper extent then what the authorities are willing to do.

About Annie from age 4 that may carry on through time:

Annie is a sensitive child who loves fashion and loves to change her clothing and sport her wears more then once a day. She is white, has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Members of the pedophile ring had attacked her a number of times before she was actually abducted and this caused her to develop some depression and expressions in ideology to harm her self although she had not acted on it. I, Anna-Marie Goralczyk, b. Aug. 28, 1964 am Annie’s biological mother and true legal guardian. Douglas Dobson b. Aug. 29, 1976 was Annie’s paternal donor without parental responsibility as per agreement.

  Mary Jocelyn Aviado b. Apr. 04, 1967, sister of Mary Jennifer, Elizabeth, Michael, Phillip & Carlos, daughter of Danilo & Tess Aviado of Toronto and formerly of Philippines is Annie’s legal 2nd parent whom apparently maliciously traded Annie into the pedophile ring in exchange for extra beneficial allowances to commit crime and extortion by particular police officers, doctors, social workers, judges and officials that operate the pedophile ring and are Mary’s customers, have connections world wide and remain silent and uncaring concerning the well being of Annie.

 Mary was later discovered to be a common prostitute under the self proclaimed professional title of a “relationship con” and also goes by the names of “Joy” and “Midwest Gal”. Mary worked for Acklands Granger Inc. & at a newspaper doing inbound calls of customer service. She was known to be associated with Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, Dr. Donald E. Payne, Dr. Choi, Herman Jan Wilton-Siegel of Toronto and a doctor in New York as well as a former lawyer named Mara Greene of Toronto who then became a judge after assisting as a lawyer in the forced confinement of Annie by handling false criminal allegations causing forced confinements against Annie’s mother while in conflict of interest of following the will of Mary, a legal opponent. Mary’s many educational courses do not seem to grant a particular legitimate area of expertise but grant more insight on how to fool people.

Psychanaut ago

this is extremely disturbing. who compiles a list of this and sends it out with a cutesy title like, News U won't find on the news. all of pgate is disturbing, but for some reason this is really bothering me tremendously. I think the from @gmail is also likewise creep factor one million.

Cc1914 ago

Never ending rabbit hole for sure .

Cc1914 ago

Wow ! I'm gonna check it out .

derram ago :

Serial killer fed victims’ bodies to pigs | Gladstone Observer

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