VFD ago

I still don't understand why people think this "Q" is legitimate. What verified information has this person actually presented?

VFD ago

So, just downvotes and no answer?

Joe10jo ago

I’ve spent a lot of time in that area bc it’s where my dad lived for 30+ years.

exposethecriminals ago

Today I learned Hunter S. Thompson was stationed at Eglin Air Force Base:


I wonder if Eglin AFB provided him training in producing child pornography and snuff films, and if they do that for others, still

Justin_TeroG8 ago

No Coincidences bud...Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

CowWithBeef ago

Think pickle factory was in reply to someone listing different potential interpretations of pickle. I thought he was just saying look at heinz and john kerry. That's the one pickle references.

Q is all about leading us to public information. Conspiracy evidence. It's parallel construction from deep nsa to public. The public evidence should stand on its own without reference to Q. I love the f&f and weiner drops. They're reportable independently.

Are_we_sure ago

This place has three stars on Yelp.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol you dope...that is the average between the honest and multiple ONE STAR ratings and the contrived bullshit the owners likely posted to rescue their reputation..

Did you read the bad reviews? Tell you what.. .go there and spend your own money and get back to us.

neptunium1 ago

Ooh, interesting post! My brain isn't really working today...what's the significance of the Elgin AF base on Reddit? The military is on every alternative forum as far as I'm aware.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It would be totally illegal for government to have access to algorithms on social media platforms where they could manipulate likes, views and delete comments. That is in direct violation of the First Amendment and exactly what they were doing at Elgin AFB in the link provided.


neptunium1 ago

Brigade 77

New British Army unit 'Brigade 77' to use Facebook and Twitter in psychological warfare

The Behavioural Insights Team

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), also known unofficially as the "Nudge Unit", is an organisation that was set up to apply nudge theory (behavioural economics and psychology) to try to improve government policy and services as well as to save the UK government money.[1][2]

Originally set up as a team within the Cabinet Office, it is now a limited company, Behavioural Insights Limited. It is headed by psychologist David Halpern.

The rise of nudge – the unit helping politicians to fathom human behaviour

Who has signed up an extra 100,000 organ donors a year, persuaded 20% more people to consider switching energy provider, doubled the number of army applicants – and will certainly be consulted on the spending review that calls for £20bn cuts to Whitehall budgets?

Step forward David Halpern, chief executive of the behavioural insights team, which has quadrupled in size since it was spun out of government in February 2014. Now a private company jointly owned by the Cabinet Office, Nesta and its employees, the “nudge unit” (nicknamed after the best-selling book by economist Richard H Thaler) permeates almost every area of government policy.

Steve Hilton's 'nudge unit' goes global

In a move which will delight David Cameron's former blue skies guru Steve Hilton, the Government is to contract out the services of its "nudge unit" to foreign countries – starting with Australia. The unit – officially as the Behavioural Insights Team – uses psychological techniques to encourage people to change behaviour.

The Weaponization of Social Media

“In 2008, Cass Sunstein, a law professor who would go on to become Obama’s information “czar,” co-authored a paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” in which he wrote that the “best response” to online “conspiracy theories” is what he calls “cognitive infiltration” of groups spreading these ideas.”

“Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action. In one variant, government agents would openly proclaim, or at least make no effort to conceal, their institutional affiliations. […] In another variant, government officials would participate anonymously or even with false identities.”

“It is perhaps particularly ironic that the idea that government agents are actually and admittedly spreading propaganda online under false identities is, to the less-informed members of the population, itself a “conspiracy theory” rather than an established conspiracy fact.”

**“Unsurprisingly, when confronted about his proposal, Sunstein pretended to not remember having written it and then pointedly refused to answer any questions about it.”

Oh_Well_ian ago

@dooob See what this guy did? See the information in my submission you completely skipped over because you're a lazy bum ?

Tell us how none of that is related to what QANON has been covering. Tell me why a shill would possibly make this obscure information available to this subverse.

You sad fuck.

dooob ago

How does his post relate to the pizzeria joint you posted and to Q?

Oh_Well_ian ago

hey you stupid cunt... that is 100% connected to the LINK on Elgin AFB in my submission

Listen carefully, dipshit... Hit the link on Elgin and then hit the links within that page provided. IT'S A FUCKING GOLDMINE of proof of military intervention into every social media platform of significance. Why did the story not get traction in 2014 and why was it not picked up by the MSM ??? Can you figure it out, moron?

Really.. you're looking like a total fucking idiot right now.

dooob ago

I do not claim it doesnt have lots of info about military intervention on social media, I am claiming your post has nothing to do with Q and you are unable to link it. You found it by googling "Pickle Factory" holy fuck are you that stupid?

neptunium1 ago

Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) PhD Scholarships http://www.ucl.ac.uk/political-science/news/articles/011216

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) is funding two PhD scholarships, which are held at the School of Public Policy at UCL. The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), commonly known as ‘the nudge unit’, is a social purpose company jointly owned by the UK Government, Nesta, and its employees.

Address: Department of Political Science, The School of Public Policy, The Rubin Building, 29/31 Tavistock Square, London

Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science (JDI) http://www.ucl.ac.uk/jill-dando-institute/secret

UCL SECReT is the £17m international centre for PhD training in security and crime science at University College London, the first centre of its kind in Europe. We offer the most comprehensive integrated PhD programme for students wishing to pursue multidisciplinary security or crime-related research degrees. We recruit our doctoral students from a range of scientific backgrounds to pursue research in crime or security domains across the engineering and social sciences.

Address: UCL SECReT, 35 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9EZ

Tavistock Square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavistock_Square

In 1920 the Tavistock Clinic was founded in the square, a pioneering psychiatric clinic whose patients included shell-shock victims of the First World War. In 1946 the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations separated from the Tavistock Clinic. The Tavistock Clinic has since moved to Hampstead and the Tavistock Institute to Islington.

dooob ago

And how does this tie back to Q?

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's the first link in the post, doobius

skipped right down to the comments, eh?

dooob ago

Personal attacks, nice.

The first link is a link to Q's post where he says Pickle and you claim that the pizza joint is somehow related. Elaborate how it is connected.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Funny.. because I just took you off block like 2 days ago because you're such a fucking faggot.

Read the post, assface. Or are there too many words for your tiny little mind?

How about this >> you take the LEADS I PROVIDED and expand on them rather than playing coy?

or are you just a concern troll and not an investigator ?

Lordbananafist ago

who came up with the idea of knee-jerk ad hominem attacks? is there like a manager there that you could talk to about very very basic public relations techniques?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol you fake fuck..

everybody on Voat knows you're a shill faggot

I don't play game with you shill cunts, I shit on y'all.

( who doesn't know this about me lol )

Lordbananafist ago

ok but there isn't ever like an "after action report" meeting where you guys discuss things that work versus things that don't?

Oh_Well_ian ago


ZERO submissions to v/Pizzagate

ZERO submissions to v/GreatAwakening

We know who the shills are here, you dope. Take that ALINSKY play book the fuck out of here.

Lordbananafist ago

Do you actually think you're doing anything that works or provides a benefit to your mission here?

dooob ago

More personal attacks...

Nowhere in your post do you elaborate on how does the pizza joint connect to Q other then you entering it in a search engine and getting the result of a suspicious joint. Prove me wrong.

NoPatience4UrShit ago

Q specifically says "think pickle factory" which is a fuckin pizza joint. Are you that dense!?

NoPatience4UrShit ago

And what does the CIA also take part in? Child trafficking. Ex CIA agents have admitted to using children for sex to snare everyone from politicians to foreign diplomats to low level police for blackmail. What are being used as child trafficking fronts? Don't you think it's awful convenient that in CIA/intellegence thick areas there's conveniently pizza places called The Pickle Factory? 2+2 usually equal (Unless you're using common core dipshittery)?

Always with the whining about "personal attacks", take that crybaby shit somewhere else if you can't handle it shill

Syndicalism ago

Okay, that is very interesting and really helps to bring the term 'pickle' out of the abstract. This seems highly plausible.

dooob ago

OP is a shill who spreads disinfo, just look at this post. Sure, the company he linked to is suspicious and they may be some truth in it but I do not think it is what Q was referencing. OP is a higher level shill, a disinformation shill. You can spot them by their massive leaps to conclusions.

For example: Q said "Pickle Factory", I put the phrase into goolag and got this suspicious looking pizza joint, this is what Q wanted to point us at!

Also, if you call out shills, they start insulting you and deflecting your questions, trying to shift to regain control of the conversation.

Syndicalism ago

I agree on his rebuttal tactics being shill-like. I thanked him for adding a lot to the conversation, but i dont accept anything as fact on its face. I wish I had more time to research and contribute, but im glad people are tossing out ideas. We'll see what sticks. I will add that the most simple solution is often the correct one and I would lend more credibility to your definition of 'pickle' than another tangent that requires more scrutiny.

dooob ago


Yeah. he is sometimes on point with submissions. So is Corsi.

dooob ago

You are the one who is giving bad explanations, how am I a shill?

You listed a bunch of stuff everyone here knows, how are you MONTHS ahead?

You have dropped your mask!

@srayzie what did I tell you about @Oh_Well_ian?

Syndicalism ago

Fuckin A man. You drop nearly daily investigation leads. Much appreciation.

Oh_Well_ian ago

thank you

watch the shills attack this post hard over the next few hours

Are_we_sure ago

watch the shills attack this post hard over the next few hours

like when the tell you that Q is most assuredly not talking about a random place in Florida?

like when they say Pickle Factory is a very clear and specific reference to a government agency?