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TrishaUK ago

Adam Rubin also has a book called Robo-Sauce. I don't know what it is about but maybe a hidden meaning too? - Also ........Daniel Salmieri the illustrator has some dodgy drawings, just weird imo... - WELL after looking at his 'artwork' I have come to the conclusion that he is one of the most non-talented artists I have ever looked at! How do these people get work? Check his Instagram and you will see what I mean hahaha ....

Oh_Well_ian ago

exactly... they get work because Pedo's are in high places and are pushing an agenda 24/7/365

No group has more loyalty to each other than the kid rapers.

Pattern_Blind ago

Kiddy diddlers and kikes stick together. No matter how horrible the crime.

TrishaUK ago

Well this is the only explanation for this artist to be recognised in any way, shape or form. An 8 year old could produce better drawings. I think artist is too loosely used these days, these yukky people have hijacked the word!