justiceforever ago

Okay what do we know about deblasio?

quantokitty ago

de Blasio is a natural born freak. I've long suspected that that marriage of his is as real as The Obamas. It's a political alliance and done for convenience and common interest. He's a disgusting man and as a mayor a catastrophe. Drugs have exploded under his non-leadership as has crime. A pathetic, dishonorable, putrid man.

MolochHunter ago

"“The book was neither fun nor cute,” mom Jen Bee wrote on Amazon. “Yeah, that’s not what I want to teach my child. It sounds like something a pedophile would say to their victim.” YeeeeeOUCH!!!!

pizzagape ago

There's a movie called "Automatic at Sea" where a character ends up with Secret Pizza.

Before the reddit pizzagate sub got banned, someone found the connections between this and some people in DC.

fartyshorts ago

I know. My point is that IF this book was made as an introductory thing, it's working.

B_dog ago

I had a kid's book about the Glomar Explorer which explained how it mined mineral nodules off the ocean floor.

Except it was actually raising a Soviet submarine off the ocean floor. That was a CIA operation complete with disinformation for kids. Interesting.


interested ago

bet he enjoyed his little inside joke.

fartyshorts ago

The follow-up book is called "robo sauce" and doesn't make ANY sense to me unless it's about mind control.

fartyshorts ago

Here's the type of thing kids do after reading Secret Pizza Party: https://i.sli.mg/6OXNOG.jpg

dogeminho ago

The book literally is telling kids thats it's good to keep secrets from your parents(basically). Pizza parties, have 'em in the dark! Pizza screams like wtf.

BugSmasher2016 ago

That book is loaded with creepy innuendos, clearly written by a smug deviant. And an Illuminati mafioso De Blasio reading it to little kids is a par for the course. I am sick to my stomach with these people, they are beyond horrible...

Godwillwin ago

That was a weird little book. Why am I not surprised? These people are freaks and I can't wait to see them go down

remedy4reality ago

Author has another book named 'Dragon's Love Tacos'

I'm sure it means nothing.