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GeorgeT ago

Last year, Deblasio's top aide Jacob Schwartz was arrested for child porn. They found 6month old baby being raped on his laptop. He was set on $7500 bail.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oy vey I see a (((pattern))) here

millennial_vulcan ago

I knew you would show up! Isn't like "New York" called "Jew York"? Trump has always hated them. How did his father ever make it past the Jews and Italians that live in the New York boroughs and make a success of himself?

TrishaUK ago

You would think that these pedo supporters cheesebogie and is-he-sure would give up, they certainly know a lot about these pedos and still try to defend them......hmmmm.....I wonder why that is!

VoatisCIA ago

Look at the cases: Schneidean, Klein,Weiner,and soon DeBlasio!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You knew I would show up? Wha? Trump is most likely jew.

millennial_vulcan ago

Get lost Fucknut. what part of CATHOLIC PRIESTS and THE VATICAN don't you understand? Or Mohammed

Filthy disgusting pedos come in all colors and creeds, you stupid c*nt.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

a large portion of pizzagate is jewish. Then, considering that they are less than 2% of the US populace....its a fucking mathematical anomaly of the most epic kind. You keep on shillin for jews witcha bad self. Gatekeeper

millennial_vulcan ago

weve banned this dangerous anti semite and filth spreading vomit bucket once, and we can do it again, right?

@vindicator @think- I mean, unless you'd rather he stayed, continuing to bring the whole V/Pizzagate subverse into disrepute....

RumpRangerRick ago

Dear Jewkeeper.

Get out.

AOU ago

Nice try, Shlomo.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I pointed out a pattern how most of the Pizzagate thing is jewish and it offends you to the point that you want me silenced and banned. If THAT doesn't open peoples eyes to YOU then nothing will.

"anti-Semite" = telling the truth about YOUR kind

millennial_vulcan ago

folk who use the term "faggot" are projecting and just dying to lie down and take it up the butt by a big manly stud.

Do you like that, boy?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh looky!! A gate keeping pedo kike who wants to silence and ban me from pizzagate for pointing out a jewish pattern. reddit jew