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carmencita ago

I will never forget that. The Secret Pizza Party Book reading was a Big Tip Off about De Blasio, imo. He needs to be looked at much closer. Yes, the book IS a Grooming Tool. He and his wife should both be researched. She is a former lesbian. Nothing against them, but these people are always using their life styles to further their perverted crimes and propaganda. She now is straight? I don't believe anything these people tell us.

ProfessionalCynic ago

My radar has always been up about De Blasio and his lesbian wife. Something more going on there. They both are dirty as hell.

carmencita ago

They are like the Pedos in Hollywood. One covering for the other. There could be a lot going on with them. I venture to say they could be caught in the NXIVM as well. Or they are protecting those that are. Our State Political Heads I believe have been infiltrated. In all the large cities at least, we have those supported by the Deep State which are both Dems and Rep. so there are many to worry about. At this point I am considering them all guilty until proved innocent. One of the De Blasios is a Beard or maybe they both are.

new4now ago

personally, I think politics have there own NXIVM

first thing Hillary did when she got in the White House was hook up with the FBI

she wanted the dirt, those that didn't have perversions, she set up, those that did she gave them what they wanted in return for what she wanted , not to mention her own sick self

from the Clowns she got the info she needed worldwide and went for it

she had powerful people watching her back since the Mena days

I was given 2 choices in Nov 8, 2016

There was no way in hell I was going to vote Hillary

was already knee deep in Haiti and started going back to Arkansas

that bitch is a black widow

carmencita ago

That's a good name for her. There is no name bad enough for her. She is Evil Personified.

new4now ago

I read when she was young, the teachers loved her, which to me means, she didn't have friends lol

I don't think anyone really liked her

carmencita ago

She already was learning how to charm and GROOM.

new4now ago

The only reason she married Bill was for his name and protection

she knew Bush was backing him

when I hear about her being a wife, mother and grandmother I want to puke

If ever there was a woman without a maternal bone in her body it's her

carmencita ago

Yes and she learned a lot from her father who did small time stuff for Al Capone. She had a Big Push from her father who went to Penn State and she still donates there and roots for the teams. Think she didn't know about Sandusky? She surely is part of that Ring too.

millennial_vulcan ago

Lib f*cktards. You just know that sneaky prick and his rainbow family (I for real don't care about color but its grating with this dumb dumb tribe) is gonna run for POTUS. All signs point to YES.


(Edit: anyone else think that's the agenda here? Fits right?)

carmencita ago

Good God! That's a scary proposal. Frightening actually :(