When Mayor DeBlasio of New York City Read a Pedophile Grooming Book to 3rd and 4th Graders / 'Secret Pizza Party' Shhhhhhhhh.. don't tell anyone! (pizzagate)
submitted 6.8 years ago by Oh_Well_ian
In perhaps the most blatant, in your face, high level involvement of a known Politician accessing children for pedophile propaganda, Mayor DeBlasio of New York City went on a tour of NY schools and read 'Secret Pizza Party' to kids across the city in 2015.
This has been known to v/Pizzagate for quite some time, but it's important to remind newbies that Pedophile Elite's will stop at nothing and know no boundaries when it comes to brainwashing our children. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1499158
Great breakdown of the themes of this sick pedophile grooming book here
The MSM attempted to SPIN Secret Pizza Party as an irresponsible but innocuous book about dishonesty, connecting it to DeBlasio's shady fundraising practices in a classic limited hangout. No mention of the fact it's a Pedo grooming book.
Additionally, the book's childless author Adam Rubin has a very shady biography and body of work, including other Pedo grooming books including: 'Dragons Love Tacos'. 0_0
Parents are hip to the book's façade and reviews on Amazon indicate Rubin isn't fooling anyone. Note: The reviews on Amazon have been severely edited over the last 2 years and most of the unfavorable ones have been removed
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Darl_Von_Kibble 6.8 years ago
Is this the kind of pizza that I think it is?
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Darl_Von_Kibble ago
Is this the kind of pizza that I think it is?