GreenDell144 ago

Crazy. It’s funny pages for the elite.

AngB23 ago

resurgence ago


Sophrosyne42 ago

If you're chan-culture sensitive maybe avoid

I am very 'chan-culture sensitive', but I thought it was a great thread.

Thank you very much for posting this!

think- ago

Here's a thread in the David Icke forum about the book:

think- ago

Yves Saint Laurent (who was a French fashion designer) died about ten years ago, but the House Yves Saint Laurent still exists, with different owners.

Two or three years ago, they appointed (((Marilyn Mason))) as their 'new male face'. Yep that Marilyn Mason....

swordfish69 ago

So interesting how hundreds of so-called "cultural critics" can pinpoint Taylor Swift as some kind of crypto-fascist based on no actual indication that she is one, yet are completely blind to depictions of torture and child abuse made in front of their eyes.

think- ago

Well, take the art critic of The Guardian - he defended the painter Balthus, who created pedophile art, and also Marina Abramovic....

exposethecriminals ago

Yves St. Laurent's boyfriend Pierre Bergé was a powerful "elite" who also part-owned a major French newspaper, Le Monde:


The former partner of Yves Saint Laurent, a key figure in French culture and politics....Bergé’s influence was felt in every sphere of French public life....

Matt_Helm ago

They love to flaunt their evil so their friends can see it but most people don't know how real this evil all is. Great find.

Micheal84 ago

I did see this before, i believe somewhere in the comments section a while ago.

But can't find it right now.

think- ago

It might have been a comment made by me (I made one about this book and YSL), I will see whether I can find it tomorrow and crosspost it here.

exposethecriminals ago

A priest reported there was a pedophilia ring at Yves St. Laurent's home in Marrakech, Morocco:

Questioned by the police officers of the Paris Juvenile Protection Brigade in charge of the file finally classified, a priest reported to VSD having collected the testimony of "parents of young victims" in Marrakech during his tourist stays in 2003 and 2007. According to ecclesiastes, the facts of "prostitution of minors" would have occurred in the lush villa Majorelle, property ( since 1980 ) of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé.

think- ago

Thanks, I hadn't seen the swirl logo before. Morocco, and especially Marrakech, seems to be a hot spot for pedophiles.

exposethecriminals ago

For sure

exposethecriminals ago

Thank goodness someone finally posted this. Someone mentioned it on Voat a while back, but maybe it was just a comment. I was looking around for an English translation of Lulu (name is an homage to Lucifer,) but never found one. Do you know of one, or is anyone able to translate?

vYuNvmRUk8yn ago

Amazon archive

carmencita ago

Holy Mackerel. Lulu is lying on a table with a man holding a knife above her. To the side a pot with 2 cooking away hinting at cannibalism? Hinting I say, but what else could it be. Glorioski! YSL has been mentioned before, but this is surely an eye opener.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

And it's available on amazon

Vindicator ago

>>169933632 (OP)
Yves Saint Laurent put à disclaimer in his novel.
> any resemblance with people who live or have lived is perfectly wanted
> all of these adventures have been taken from true stories

think- ago

Yves Saint Laurent (he died ten years ago) claimed that a fellow fashion designer he worked with at the Christian Dior fashion house when young, was the inspiration for Lulu:

'Often, after six o'clock, one of the designers at Christian Dior would get dressed up in the clothes. One evening, he pulled his trousers right up to his knees. … In the models’ changing rooms, he found a red tulle petticoat and a gondolier’s hat. A tiny but wilful and crafty guy, who was almost disturbing, but he really made an impression on me, and I said to him: ‘You are the vilaine Lulu.’

from the book's preface, cited and translated in this book review:

What is odd though, is that YSL's partner/boyfriend Pierre Bergé seems to have been a pedophile...and they might have run a pedophile ring on their property in Marrakech (Morrocco) together (see @exposethecriminal's comment).

Vindicator ago

LightlyToasted ago

Loulou & Yves: The Untold Story of Loulou de La Falaise and the House of Saint Laurent

From Wikipedia on Loulou de La Falaise: muse and designer of fashion, accessories and jewellery associated with Yves Saint Laurent.[2][3] Author Judith Thurman, writing in The New Yorker magazine, called La Falaise "the quintessential Rive Gauche haute bohémienne".[4] The daughter of an Anglo-Irish fashion model and a French marquis...


La Falaise's maternal grandfather was portrait painter Sir Oswald Birley, and an uncle was Mark Birley (1930–2007), restaurateur and founder of the London nightclub, "Annabel's". Another uncle, her father's elder brother, was Henri de La Falaise, Marquis de La Coudraye, (1898–1972), film director and third husband of American actress Gloria Swanson (1899–1983). Her paternal grandfather was a three-time French Olympic gold medallist in fencing, Louis Gabriel de La Falaise (1866–1910).[16]

Loulou de La Falaise had one sibling, Alexis Richard Dion Oswald Le Bailly de La Falaise,(1948-2004), a furniture designer, who appeared in the Andy Warhol film Tub Girls.[10][13] After the death of her uncle in 1972, her father became the Marquis de La Coudraye, as he died without issue. After her father's death in 1977, her brother assumed the title, Marquis de La Coudraye (until his death in 2004).

Her niece, Lucie Le Bailly de La Falaise (born 19 February 1973), a model, is the wife of Marlon Richards, son of Keith Richards and Anita Pallenberg. Her nephew, Daniel Le Bailly de La Falaise (born 6 September 1970), is a professional chef and food writer and the current Marquis de La Coudraye.[17][18][19]


On 6 October 1966, she married Desmond FitzGerald, 29th Knight of Glin (1937-2011), an Irish nobleman. They separated the following year and divorced in 1970. Her title upon marrying the knight was Madam FitzGerald.[30]

On 11 June 1977, she married Thadée Klossowski de Rola, a French writer, who is the younger son of the painter Balthus in Paris, France. She wore a harem-and-turban ensemble from Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche. They had one child:[31]

Anna Klossowski de Rola, co-founder of the contemporary art collection called "MGM."[32]

think- ago

On 11 June 1977, she married Thadée Klossowski de Rola, a French writer, who is the younger son of the painter Balthus in Paris, France. She wore a harem-and-turban ensemble from Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche.

They had one child: Anna Klossowski de Rola, co-founder of the contemporary art collection called "MGM.

Wow. Great catch. I had no idea there was a connection between these two families (de la Falaise and Klossowski/Balthus).

Balthus other son, Stash, was a big player in the 1960's 'Swinging London', a musician, and heavily into the occult - he wrote several books about alchemy. His father created pedophile art, was into esoteric as well, and was friends with Madonna, Bono, the Dalai Lama - and created a pedophile drawing for a wine label for Phillippine de Rothschild's vineyard.

LightlyToasted ago

Ok! More connections & those pesky Rothschilds!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Can you archive the amazon link - I can't do it on my computer at work for some reason...


Vindicator ago

Yup. Here you go:

Vindicator ago

@LeHappyMerchant, nice submission. I've never seen this before, and it's a great thread. I am giving this the "Share!" flair.

LeHappyMerchant ago

As others have said; it might have been here before. I can only take credit for the repost! It certainly is quite the artefact.

dspfoisdafodsi ago

yall need to learn about based king of french dissidents Alain Soral