Sometimesineedhelp ago

I'm a pizzagate believer all the way, and maybe this is "related" in that there are new stories being circulated about this 550+/- year old event to maybe dilute all the noise people like us are making about pizzagate today, but this is REALLY a stretch. Nearly all superstitious/religious cultures have historically sacrificed children and animals to appease their gods that they believed controlled the weather & harvests. That is a well known and widely accepted FACT so I don't see any reason for op to be so crazy aggressive to the mods about questioning why this is relevant to the work this sub is trying to accomplish. I also don't get the point of it being here other than to maybe once again make pizzagaters look completely unhinged.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hey fuck face... First off, This sub doesn't do work... Do you think you do? Please show me some work you've accomplished Outside of the first 3 months since this sub was started. Again, IF there Is a single Person Whos contributed ANYTHING that was even slightly relevant or Important to this research, I wilL eat my words. ANd Admit I'm retarded For thinking this Article, Is relevant to this sub. ?

Second, I wasn't aggressive to the mods... I didn't address the mods...What the fuck are you talking about? worthless fuck?


What do you mean, this is a stretch? Like If you can explain what the fuck you're talikg about, I might answer... WHat is a stretch? This is MSM News article about child sacrifice... This sub Is about child rape and sacrifice... This article Is being shared today, for a reason...Do you honestly not understand that, Fuck face?

What the fuck are you talking about? Dude. I hate this sub, I hope the mod Deletes it so I don't Have to be remind of the worhtless Fuck the frequent the sub. Do you disagree? Have you done something in life that Can validate worth living?

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Wow, I suggest you go off whatever psych meds your handlers have you on - that shit is poison and it is obviously fucking you up severely. Good luck dude

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago


Vindicator ago

@FuckUredditFuckuSpez, how is this directly related to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite, again? Obviously, historical child sacrifice is indirectly related, but you've presented no evidence this is directly related to Clinton and the rest of the globalist overlords. Also, you need to provide linked support for all major claims in your submission. I see no support linked for your claim that:

Fuck TRUMP! AM I RIGHT GUYS?...You stupid sheeple, when will you wake Up and realize that trump IS THE DEEPSTATE

In fact, you actually refer to evidence that invalidates this claim:

He's accomplished More in a year, Than all of the presidents in my lifetime, combined... Plus He's always drawing attention to Human trafficking, The Deepstate, Fake media etc

This doesn't look like a serious research submission. It looks like an attempt to either discourage pizzagate investigators or bait them into arguing with you. Please edit your thread to meet our first and second submission requirements, or we will need to remove this post in 24 hours. Thanks.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Edited it for you

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. You can delete now for All I Care... But you should kill yourself as well, IF you can't understand why this is relevant to the research...

Again, I don't take this sub seriously...But this article is about as relevant to this sub as you can get...

.But delete it fuck face. Add It to the list Of times you fucked up.

Quicktor ago


My tears are shared for all...

Even the blessed ignorant who is still my brother in arms...

with the Great Spirit, WE RIDE!

Quicktor ago

You are one ignorant cunt Mr. Vindicator...

Until the masses stop acting/thinking like goyim, you are gonna keep getting treated like goyim...

How many blue-eyed, blonde-haired women have to be desecrated before understand the roots of Bolshevism?

How many blacks worldwide deserve to be foder for the Communist left (Democrats/NeoCons...same shit) before you investigate the City of London, the Vatican, Washington D.C. and the fucking Ms. Merkel/Hitlers sodomite haven that is Berlin (Weimar Republic dip shit)?

You better step the fuck up or shut the fuck up...YOU GOT IT!

You haven't a fucking clue on what the big boy game is being played you moderating cunt... WAKE UP!




and until I see that Heinz ketchup eating pig make ANY public arrests/ hangings...FUCK THE TRUMPS!

no more games...with the Great Spirit I RIDE!!!

get board you horses' ass...

Vindicator ago

How many blue-eyed, blonde-haired women have to be desecrated before understand the roots of Bolshevism?

WTH does a bunch of ancient dead kids in Peru have to do with Bolshevism and the Communist Left (which I despise, btw)? You've made no case. This belongs in v/conspiracy or v/pizzagatewhatever. It's not research as written right now.

Quicktor ago

Jesus Christ...

You are either a:

1) CIA or MOSSAD shill/blowhard on the take helping guide the goy to the kennel while feeding them sunshine and lollipops about Q and Trump "making a difference"....please....


2) you are an ignorant gentile Christian (God bless you) who ain't got a fucking clue about what people/entities/forces/technology are at work against you and everything you THINK you stand for...

I make these comments as a Jew coming down maternally on the Newman/Neumann bloodline (fellas named Paul or John Von...or the Coen brothers on their paternal side mean anything to you?)



but you are now on my eternal shit list smart ass...

and I promise can not out jibber jabber this Jew...

What's my name?....What's my name?....

with the Great Spirit I RIDE!

Quicktor ago READ THIS SHIT FOLKS "...Johann Heinrich Heinz, a son of Charlotte Louisa Trump, who became the father of Henry J. Heinz, the founder of the Heinz company." ...hmmm....what's that funny joke from 'Pulp Fiction'? Keepin' it in the family... Curious...even the CIA posted this the day before the election...Bezos/Spielberg/Blah Blah Blah

Oh you know...Skull and Cross Bones...married to the witch who inherited the Heinz fortune after her old man got knocked off...remember? Genuine South African Occultist Witch...but Trump went with the Kosher Konnection... One of my favorites witches quotes... "Ladies you have to be strong and independent. And remember: don't get mad, get everything."

Crypto Jewess Ivanka marries Jared "Don't Call Me Jerry" Kushner and before you know it...Oy to the mother fuckin' Vey...Zionist Scum

"It's a big Klub....and YOU AIN'T KOSHER!!!"

with the Great Spirit WE RIDE!!!

p.s. everyone needs to watch the 1990 film "The Witches" and seriously reconsider the premises of reality...I'll leave it there...

Omnicopy ago

Kanye just said him and Trump had dragon power, like they are dragon buds. Sorry I don’t trust Trump or anyone in government. I look around at the Clinton orphanage that was built in Haiti. Grand opening probably this month or next if the project came in on time. It is an orphanage. It resembles a prison. It is going to be runny a Catholic groupcalled Fondation Enfant Jesus. That is a great combination the Clintons and Catholic!!! We know what Catholic-priests do to children. HOK was the architect for the building. I dig into them and they are the largest architect in the USA. They have build lots of things for the Arab kings intge Mideast, mosques, and they are building Apple’s new headquarters that they call the California spaceship. HOK did the project in Haiti for free.